I love Maximillian Kolbe the saint of Auschwitz - feast day 14 August -- Saints never cease to amaze me. I think a saint is more amazing than the creation of the universe. Saints are amazing, really, really amazing. I think I will spend a lot of time in heaven looking at the saints hopefully talking to them and getting to know them intimately and understanding what made them a saint. Saints are truly astonishing, they take my breath away.
Also my wife sineads 50th Birthday today..the priests cermon just now was on st padraigs vision on the light in ulster..direct speech to my dearest..Gods love for sure
Garabandal, thanks for the reminder about St Maximilian. Quis, Happy and blessed birthday to your lovely wife.
Yes. Agree agree agree. When I first re-verted to the faith I came upon a book of St Maximilian Kolbe. He had not yet been canonized. I was blown away by his story. So many aspects of his life touched our current world. His understanding of the power of the media. His deep unwavering devotion to Our Lady. His brilliant thesis about just who the Immaculata is--he wrangled with that for years. "I am the Immaculate Conception." Finally he understood that the Holy Spirit is the Immaculate Conception and Our holy Mother is His spouse. So simple yet so profound. I think Our Lady made sure he came to heaven on the eve of the Great feast of the Assumption. I remember reading in that biography that after St Maximilian had brought all the other condemned prisoners safely through to holy deaths and he alone was still alive the German guards were terrified of him because he gazed upon them with pure love and luminous holiness. So they immediately gave him an injection of poison. Powerful powerful story. St Maximilian pray for us on thise evil days.
I can remember my Mother telling me in 1982 that Maximilian Kolbe was being canonised. At the time, in my early 20s, I wasn't very interested but over the years as I read more and became more familiar with his life and with the treasures of the Faith, I was very inspired by him and his love for the Immaculata. "Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. However, assumed into Heaven, the Mother of God now requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spreading of God's kingdom upon earth." Maximilian Kolbe. Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.
Thanks AED, as you know there are many 'wonderful quotes' and inspiring episodes in this Saints life and work.
Yes. Absolutely. But this one(for me at least) inspires hope and a recollection of St Louis de Montfort about Our Mother's army in the latter days.
True, I saw this quote online and I don't know the source or when it was said but his prediction about future times (our time?) being dominated even more by Evil is, sadly, very true. His ardent love for the Blessed Mother and his reminder of the Graces and Protection which come to us through her give us hope in these dark days.
Birthday wishes for your wife. August 14 is also my son Mike's birthday, but not so happy for him this year. I was praying to St.Maxmillian this morning to help Mike through some difficult trials. Such a wonderful saint.