Sorry I didn't want to ask this, I'm not asking this to normalise mortal sin, encourage it, or give anyone the impression to ever do it. But I noticed a lot of people have had an increase in grace in the last couple of years . Has anyone commited any mortal sin in theast couple of years or is it just me? Again, not asking it to encourage or normalise , I just want to feel less alone , as I'm panicking that we are no longer in a time of grace and mercy and if you felt a good strong absolution after confession?
Its not about " feeling" a good strong absolution. Its about having faith in the Sacrament and believing in a good strong absolution, whether you feel it or not. Pray for an increase in Faith. The devil sows doubt in the mind and accuses day and night. Dont let the devil steal your joy from you.
We know through the law of the Church that every absolution is valid if the priest follows the rubric and intends what the Church intends and if the penitent has told his=her sins sincerely and with sorrow for offending God. Feelings have nothing to do with it. Truly.
Padrepiofan.. Please, never ever to feel alone for all of us are sinners in varying degrees.. And God's Grace supersedes our not uncommon negative opinions re: the state of our Soul PLUS? ... IF it be the case w/you? Please Stop thinking of anything that you may be doing which winds up given you and/or connects with -> 'Despair' IF you need help with that - Ask God for Strength in Jesus' Name. If it's of any solace to you and IF you truly feel Sorrow for whatever .. here's three thoughts for consideration.. 1) A full-blown Mortal Sin? Contains 3 Conditions for it to be so. 1. The Act is Grave 2. One has Knowledge that such an act is grave ... and the very important 3rd condition - of which in actuality, is IMO least understood and IMO is probably rare 3. FULL CONSENT OF THE WILL! (As in perhaps realizing how Satan who Knows God and Sin and is PURPOSELY Disobeying God to His Face!) 2) God is Merciful.. Mercy overlooks those who overlook others. Dost thou think that He doesn't Know your Mind and Heart, and if it be - thy Sorrow & Desire for Forgiveness? 3) Imagine being in jail.. No way to see a priest. Yet, recall Jesus' instructions on the manner of which we should Pray to God the Father. For within it we can confess our sins directly to God the Father in Heaven! Our Father ... Who art in Heaven ... Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Yep I met those conditions, I'm horrible I know .. I have been to confession but dear Jesus is here and there's no hope anyway
God alone is Judge. So as long as you keep trying, there is always hope!!! Ask St. Therese for help, she understands what you are going thru.
There IS hope! We are not at the end. We are not at the beginning of the end. Jesus is here in the Holy Eucharist. Get to confession!!!!
Padrepiofan. Please stop saying "there's no hope." Of course there is hope for you. You seem to have true sorrow for you sins (mortal or not). That is the most important thing. Many people have addictions that take some time to fully break. Cooperate with grace. Cut yourself off from near occasions of sin. Increase your prayer time and spiritual reading. Eliminate influences (people or media) that cause temptation. Meet with a good priest and ask him to give you other suggestions. But most importantly, you must trust that Jesus loves you and He wants you to be with Him. If you fall, get back up and keep trying.
I myself have had to fight off bouts of despair, esp. with my current unemployment. I have found great comfort in the "Surrender Novena". This is a novena that was given by Jesus to Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo, who was (for a time) the spiritual director of Padre Pio -- you may have heard of him. The heart of this novena is a different meditation each day on the Mercy and Love of Jesus, how He longs to hold us through our worries and fears, followed by a prayer that is prayed 10 times. I find I use the prayer itself multiple times each day when I feel myself growing worried about things: O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything! With this prayer, we say explicitly what is contained in the Our Father - "Thy Will Be Done" - and in the Divine Mercy image - "Jesus, I Trust in You!" There is no beating about the bush. Through an act of our will, we place our concerns - ALL of our concerns - into the hands of Jesus, and wait for Him to take care of them, in His way and His time. You can find the novena here - The Surrender Novena: Let Jesus Take Care of Everything It's also available from "Full Of Grace USA" in a tri-fold card.
I recommend you get your hands on the book, the Diary of St. Faustina. It will show you God's deep mercy for souls. This is a temptation. One drop of His blood could cleanse the whole earth of sin, if they repented. His mercy is drawn to our misery. It hurts Jesus more to refuse His mercy in Confession. He longs to pour it out upon souls
Sometimes , I think this is the Devil Tempting me. I am inclined to think I am going very much backwards rather than forwards in the Spiritual Life. That I lie to myself and everyone else about how I stand with God. That instead of having a conversion it is quite the reverse. This is a catch 22 situation for if it were true if I was living a life of deep sin, as sinner I would be the very last to know. These temptations to despair are, I believe very similiar to those folks get on their death beds. For the soul that despairs is the soul that is lost. Despair in God's Mercy being the greatest and final sin. The very doorway to Hell. But then I turn and understand through the grace of God that it is not all about what I do for God, my own efforts , but all about what God does for me. God Grace. Then I turn to God and say to Him. Very well then, if I am now event eh very greatest sinner who ever lived; well then I am sorry and determined to do better. Pardon me. Help me . Let us Lord begin together. Then I have a smile on my face and Hand in Hand myself and the Lord stroll together out into the storms of life again.
I was listening to an interview today with Fr Ripperger. He said that any self loathing or hate is a direct attack by the devil. The devil wants you to hate yourself and despair of God’s Mercy. If you truly believe that God does not love or want you, you need to see a priest. You could be under diabolical oppression or possession. Fr Ripperger said that it is few cases that show the “ movie like” appearances of possession. A good priest will help you. You need to ask for a meeting to discuss what you are experiencing. But what others said is true - forgiveness is not a feeling it is a grace that is not withheld unless a person is not truly sorry for their sins. Sorry does not mean despairing for to despair is to lose Hope in God and that is a sin because you are saying to God what he can and cannot do. God can do and does do everything! Oh bless the Lord my soul! His grace to thee proclaim! And let all within me Rejoice and bless his name!
The Demons are rather like a pack of wolves that wander the World seeking who they can devour. However even the Demons are God's slaves since Christ, as St Paul informs us, 'Has placed all things under His Feet'. They are permitted by God to tempt different souls to different degrees in accord with His Divine Providence. The Degree and Type of Temptations that come our way are then , in accord with Divine Providence , the very Temptations we most need to make us grow in the way we most need. If I most need to grow in Faith then the Temptations we most need. If we need to grow in Faith then the opposite Temptation will come our way, the temptation to despair. For those who love God all things work together unto the Good. Us even the very demons who come howling and rending against us. However if we choose not to love God..and yes this is always our choice. The Spiritual Landscape changes very greatly and we enter new uncharted territory...
Oh, yes. This is the book to have and to read. I have heard Jesus' voice many times through this book.
Padrepiofan, The anguish in your heart is real, but God is Mercy. In sharing with us, it is obvious you are self-absorbed. I suggest, besides your focus on the sacraments, that you find a local ministry like a soup kitchen or Pregnancy Center. This will help bring balance into your life and imitate the Good Samaritan. You must reject the the evil one's temptation to despair, and reaching out to help those less fortunate than yourself is a great weapon.
The first Saint was Dismas, on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus told Faustina he asks the soul three times if they are sorry for their sins at judgement. Three times. How merciful is our God?
1) A full-blown Mortal Sin? Contains 3 Conditions for it to be so. 1. The Act is Grave 2. One has Knowledge that such an act is grave ... and the very important 3rd condition - of which in actuality, is IMO least understood and IMO is probably rare 3. FULL CONSENT OF THE WILL! (As in perhaps realizing how Satan who Knows God and Sin and is PURPOSELY Disobeying God to His Face!) Just so that we're clear: Are you saying to us that you've met the 3 conditions - for a sin to be fully mortal?