Will our current jobs be viable after the financial crash?

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by josephite, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    I'm in two minds.
    Something inside of me, call it my gut feeling or whatever, is telling me that I should finish/quit work and spend the next few months preparing for the aftermath of the financial crash. And then get another job after in a few months, if possible.

    I have prayed about this but no real answer. In fact I seem to be swaying one way and then the other.

    My question is........'in the aftermath of the crash when the dollar is devalued and infrastructure also takes a dive and our money will be near worthless and many businesses will close, should a person keep there job?

    Is a job going to be secure and will it pay for living expenses and the mortgage especially as interests rates will sky rocket?

    Does anyone have any thoughts?

    I would love to quit my job and seriously prep both spiritually and materially and do more for my family.

    Would leaving my government job, I'm a nurse at a public hospital, be a silly thing to do?

    I have visions of the whole government infrastructure collapsing and hospitals closing down due to many factors, such as no food to feed the patients in them. As food will be scarce.

    Is any of this likely to happen or have I just gone overboard?
    Thank you all
  2. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    If I were you, I would not quit. God may want to use you in the hospital setting, even if everything falls apart and there may no longer be a pay cheque. Use all of your spare time to prepare your home, by all means. Have an alternative way of getting to the hospital if it becomes impossible to drive. e.g a bike. Imagine all of the people who will not be able to leave the hospital due to illness, who will still need some comfort and care, even if staff are not being paid.
    Mario, josephite and Mac like this.
  3. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I suspect there have been Catholics in every century quitting jobs and quitting the World to prepare for the worst.
    That is not our vocation unless called to the Religious life.
    Welcome any Storm fulfilling our duty of state in life.
  4. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Are their any authentic prophecies recommending serious prepping?
    I know this has been used as a trick by the devil in the past.
    Bayside comes to mind. And still has followers. They were told to store food in the 70s.
    josephite likes this.
  5. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Mac, what comes to my mind are preparations for the Three Days of Darkness. I also am constantly aware of tsunami danger because I have had dreams about those for 40 years. So I always am conscious of where I am located / living/ working in relation to the sea.
    josephite likes this.
  6. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Nice to see you back Lumena(y)(y)
    I suppose I just have ''issues ''. I know people throughout my own life who took prepping seriously ,and have been long in the grave. How many have wasted their time and effort fretting over tomorrow.
    As a husband and father of seven I have some plans for food. But nothing stocked.Perhaps I will regret this .
    josephite likes this.
  7. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Thanks Mac, (LOL, love the emoticons!!)About 18 months ago, I owned my own home, was reasonably settled and had my self somewhat prepared for coming difficulties. E.g. I had water stored, Milk powder, canned goods, alternative heating and cooking sources, a "camping" toilet, the house had been blessed, I had blessed candles, proper window coverings, a tiny crucifix super-glued over every lintel, a table I could use as an altar, I was feeling reasonably prepared. But then something unexpected happened in my personal/ romantic life and I sold up in 24 hours and left town. Since then, I haven't really had a fixed abode. I've been wandering around like a lost soul. But I am trying hard to get settled again now, and quickly!I would advise you be a good planner and provider, (like Joseph of the Old Testament), and to make sure you can stave off hunger for your family in a time of famine. That is prudent, even in the best of times, because we can be struck, for example, by an earthquake, out of the blue.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2015
    Verne dagenais and josephite like this.
  8. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Ive never been a good planner. And thats the truth. I am also a terrible procrastinator.
    Manna from Heaven for this slacker:).

    But more likely if I survive, ''The living will envy the dead',''
    miker likes this.
  9. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I think it was St Theresa of the Child Jesus that used to be greatful at the end of every day that she was closer to her death.
    After all ,Heaven is our true home.
    Andy3, Julie J and josephite like this.
  10. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    Who knows the mind of God?
    I would definitely not quit my job. The financial crash could come tomorrow or it could come in ten years. We should not assume God will do what seems to us as apparent. Over a year ago I was sure Russia was going to attack Ukraine setting the time-clock ticking for a war with NATO. All of the experts have been saying it will happen any time now, but here we are over a year later and nothing big has happened. The wheels of God's justice can wind exceedingly slow. He wants to give us every opportunity for His mercy before he lets loose His justice. You may wind up regretting your decision if you quit.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
    Verne dagenais, Heidi and josephite like this.
  11. Aviso

    Aviso Guest

    This is my opinion, I don't think it's a good idea to quit your Job Josephite, regarding any preparation and personaly, I moved my own Mother to Portugal this summer so wife and children will be able to join her whenever I will tell them, this is the only preparation I made myself, thank you.

    josephite likes this.
  12. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Hi Lumena,
    I live about 25 miles from the hospital and it takes around 25 minutes for me to drive to work , if travelling by bike it would take little old me at least a good hour to get there and possibly 3 hours to get back home, as it is mostly uphill and that's if I didn't collapse on the way.
    There is also a host of other reasons why I have been thinking of quitting my Job.

    I have been feeling the need to finish/quit working at the hospital now for a good few months, for a number of reasons.
    The main reason is the fact that I work almost every weekend and even if I am not working I am so tried I can't attend mass as I find I need at least 2 days to recoup from the physical and emotional exhaustion that I am in and I spend this time just trying to get my family duties done. I leave the hospital utterly exhausted everyday and I find I miss Sunday mass far tooo many times and my prayer life has suffered

    I have worked at the hospital for the past 6 years, as a registered nurse and besides the unbelievable and stifling politics of the whole organisation and the worldly attitude of most workers, the physical aspects and expectations of the workload is horrendous, we do not get time to have breaks, in an 8 or 10 hour shift. We may get a 10 minute break and possibly another 20 minutes if we are lucky and we do not sit down during work, as there is no time because we are so busy and the public hospital system on our floor, is now making things even worse, trying to make us work even harder. In the last 6 years I can count on my two hands the toilet breaks I have taken.

    Maybe it is my age but I know a lot of younger nurses feel the same way and many have left in the past 2 months.

    The pay is the reason I have remained, my salary pays for our mortgage and all our living expenses, my husband has a part time job driving a school bus and this just covers his car loan and occasional amounts to the mortgage.

    We are both in our late fifties and the reason we are still paying off our mortgage is due to the fact that my husband became redundant in his job in 1990 and then we started a partnership in primary industry and this took lots of finance and it became a money pit, we were unable to finance our mortgage and had to sell assets to remain on our small property, we had no other choice but to sell up at the end of 2005 but the Lord stepped in and in January 2006 we both found jobs off the farm through God's mercy and we were still raising the last 3 of our 9 children at that time.

    I don't know how we will survive if I leave work but maybe the Lord has used the untenable situation at work as a sign to leave as well.

    There are ways to survive this situation if I act now.

    1) I could try to get my small superannuation out at this time and there is not much time apparently, this would give us the means to put some money in the bank to cover our home loan for say 2 years and we would have to switch to a fixed interest rate loan now, as our loan is on a variable rate and will go up when the market collapses.

    2) I get to mass, when I can which is not as often as I want, I want to be a daily communicant and spend more time with our Lord. I want to get to confession weekly. All this is impossible with work.

    3) I believe my children will need my husband and I and possibly need to stay with us when things go pear shaped and of course none of them are preparing, therefore I need time to prepare which I don't have with work. I have 5 grandchildren and 2 on the way and if things get as bad as what we have been lead to believe, I will need to stock up on more than just food and shelter.

    I am in a conundrum and don't know what to do, I believe many on the forum are in the same boat.

    I have increased my prayer life and I am offering the pain and confusion I feel to Our Lord.

    Oh Lord Jesus this is for Love of you, for the conversion of sinners, for Our Holy Father Pope Francis and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary'.

    I trust in His mercy and I am confident that His Divine Will, will be accomplished.

    I just need to know what He is asking of me at this moment.

    As Crew dog says God bless all here Amen.
    Beth B and kathy k like this.
  13. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Sorry to hear Josephite . A mother of 9 in her 50s should not have to work so hard.You deserve some rest.:)
    Beth B and josephite like this.
  14. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Thank you Mac.
    My Husband, as wonderful as he is, is so much against me quitting work and I know I will stay working until he is in agreement with me.

    But then it may be too late to do what is needed to be done.

    Give me strength Lord Jesus in every area of my life and hide me in Thy wounds. Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth you are my Lord and my God. Amen.

    Mary mother of Jesus be a mother to all on the forum and me, now and always Amen.
    Jeanne likes this.
  15. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Josephite, I also have felt the call to leave work but have kept at it as I have to keep earning to pay the bills. We don't know for certain what God's timing is so we have to be prudent.

    Maybe there is a happy medium for you. Can you talk to your supervisor to adjust work hours so you can attend to the most important thing which is your spiritual life? Then you may also have more time to begin to prepare physically as well.
    jnice :) and josephite like this.
  16. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    I have already applied to work in oncology at the hospital, it is a part time job with only 2 days a fortnight and it looks like I have this job, Praise God, but the rest of my hours will be on level 2, which is the floor from hell, and where I currently work, so hopefully my hours will change for the better and I wont be as worn out as I currently am.

    But, Oh how I would love not to work at all and be able to attend to everything that my heart desires.
  17. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    "But, Oh how I would love not to work at all and be able to attend to everything that my heart desires."

    Amen. I have volunteered with St. Vincent Paul for 16 years and have long said that I wish I could earn a basic living wage doing that as that is what feeds my heart. But the day job is what feeds the family so I keep at that.

    I have come to understand that there is a certain Grace in obediently working at our duties and obligations. And it's hard but try to remember that our reward is not here on earth but is yet to come.

    It helps me to know that I'm not alone in feeling like this so thank you for sharing, Josephite :)
    jnice :), kathy k and josephite like this.
  18. Chiara

    Chiara Archangels

    Jul 26, 2015

    I know what you are going through. It can be hard to discern what we want and what God wants sometimes. I struggle with similar thoughts and try to empty myself of what I 'think' God wants for me so He can fill me with what He wants.

    Obedience is what He wants of us.

    I believe we are all where we are meant to be right now and when the time comes, Our Lord will let us know what He wants of us next. Everyone's situation in life is different, stay in prayer and communion with God as much as your life permits at the present time and the Lord will bless you.
    Jeanne and josephite like this.
  19. little me

    little me Archangels

    Jun 20, 2014
    "I leave the hospital utterly exhausted everyday and I find I miss Sunday mass far tooo many times and my prayer life has suffered"
    Josephite, this above quote says it all. Choose the world or choose Jesus. Some may say it's not that easy but I would have to disagree. Going to mass is more important than going to work. Your vocation is motherhood, live it well.
    josephite likes this.
  20. Malachi

    Malachi Archangels

    Oct 22, 2014
    My own observations on this one for what they are worth is just keep plodding along. Bills need paid, bodies need fed, clothed, and mended etc...

    If the bottom falls out of the political, economic, and social structures of this current era then I don't think you need be worried about pensions, mortgages etc for a significant period of time. Of course it is prudent to put buy what you can but we must also be mindful of the fact that things can change for all of us in the blink of an eye (like a thief in the night). Look at it from the perspective of your own personal life. Some family tragedy say can have immediate life changing consequences. It's not so much about what may happen it is about how will I act, how will I hold myself come what may. I have to say this is precisely why I appreciate the heart of Charlie Johnston's message: "Trust, do, love".

    None here has a crystal ball and I have read through these forums, going back a few years, and have lost count of the amount of times people thought the end is nigh and yet here we are. We must avoid the temptation to get fixated on events, times, dates etc. Prepare prudently, trust God, be a sign of hope, and let's not drag our knuckles with sullen faces :(:(:(:):D
    josephite, jnice :) and Indy like this.

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