Name: Ace Subject: Who are the highest angels? Question: Who are the seven highest angels who stand in the presence of God? Are they the seven spirits of God? Who is the highest angel? Is it Michael or Gabriel? What are the ranks and choirs of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael? Did Saint Francis become the angel Rahmiel? Can humans be transformed into angels by angelification? Enoch became Metatron Elijah became Sandalphon? Is the book of Enoch accurate and credible? Answer: There are nine choirs of angels. The three highest the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones reflecting the Blessed Trinity. The Highest, the Seraphim reflecting the Holy Spirit and the Cherubim represented on the Ark of the Covenant , the Cherubim are the angels on whom God rests. Cf. The best Catholic guy to read about on angels is Saint Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica: Cf There's a lot of speculation about the angels and their specific roles, but I wouldn't get too carried away with them. Just cultivate a devotion to them, they are great friends. I have no idea who the seven spirits of God are. If I had to make a wild guess, I'd chance Michael and Gabriel for starters. Michael is the principal Angel , he who led the forces of Heaven against Satan during the great rebellion. In Church tradition he is known as the, 'Minister of God', Guardian of the Church and greeter of souls that wish to enter heaven. Franciscan tradition has it that Saint Francis took the throne of Satan as He was the most Christ like of saints. For what its worth I'd guess Our Lady took Lucifer's throne rather than Francis. When we die we become like angels, but in many ways here on Earth we have things the angels envy, such as to suffer for God and receive the Eucharist. I am not familiar with Enoch. Be careful not to be caught up in a lot of New Age stuff. God Bless, Ace nice hearing from you again. Pray, pray the rosary, fast and try to get to mass every day, don't get too hung up on angelic mysteries, you'll understand it all in heaven. As my mother used to say, 'If you believe all you read , you'll eat all you see'. ... tify=login