One question that is asked again and again is about protection from folks, often witches and enchanters who try to do harm to others. I loved the quote from one well known Italian atheist/ Professor, 'Of course I do not believe in the evil eye {mal occhio}, how could I with my scientific training? But it exists!'. There are several ways such a thing is implemented. One of the commonest is through ill wishing or hating someone. Think of the Spiritual world ad being like a great lake. When we think positive thoughts, when we like or love someone or when we pray for them we send out positive energy to all around especially in the direction of the one we love or wish to help. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe and heals and helps and causes growth. On the other hand we are warned in our faith about the dangers of negative energy whch we can throw into the sea of life too. So we think to ourselves when we indulge in negative conversation about someone else. 'Oh well what can it hurt , It is a private conversation. After all we are alone and my comments will never be repeated'. Oh but it DOES MATTER'. Negative conversations and comments have effects that spread like the stone tossed into the lake and its effects go everywhere. Again when we have negative thoughts about another person we think to ourselves, 'Oh well it does not matter my thoughts are private to myself who will ever know? What harm can it do for it is in private.' Oh but IT DOES MATTER. Even negative thoughts can have great effects again like stones thrown into the great lake. This steps up a gear when such thoughts and words are over a period of time. It steps up a gear again when the person concerned gives the thoughts and words great intensity through the force of their hate. Or, to put it another way some folks are very , very good at hating and so are effectively indulging in a light form of witchcraft . How witchcraft. Well when we pray God has willed it that the angels are the means that our prayers are answered. The angels are Gods messengers and carry our prayers to heaven. Then God in answering our prayers does so again through the angels who are tasked to come down from heaven and carry out His will. Now when we go the other way and indulge in the negative we draw demons as horse droppings draw flies. Some folk know how to accelerate this by using great hate and ill wishing, by casting spells (formal invocations of demons} demonic sacrifice and by just being very,very good and hating. Some even know to conduct fasts for spiritual power. In either case this is much. much more common that people realise especially in parts of the world were such things are traditionally pracitsed...such as say Southern Italy, Africa, Haiti, Louisiana..and so on...but thanks too New Age its been taught all over the world now, with some folks very,very good at it. I'll write on how to protect against it in my next post.
Their are two cases possible here, firstly in that you are subject of Dark Attack yourself or else a relative or someone you know is subject to attack themselves. What to do? Firstly don't get into a panic. For the faithful, praying Catholic such attacks pose as much danger as those from a rabid ant. Christ has won the victory. The faithful Catholic, particularly has a whole range of remedies at her disposal some of them effective some of them very, very effective indeed. But fear is itself harmful for in a sense through fear you are kind of handing a certain amount of victory to the Enemy before the Battle is even engaged. As Saint Padre Pio said, 'Pray and trust' Second , on no circumstance wish those who wish to hurt you any kind of harm, do not attempt in any way to hurt them, return love for hate, forgiveness for harm, pray for them, pray for them all..and MEAN IT. Third, if its possible go to a wise and holy priest, who takes such things seriously. Even if you have to travel quite some distance to dig one up. A sceptical priest or a doubting one is, let's face it, is pretty useless. Thats if you can find a good wise one who will take things seriously; not always easy, I know.. Assuming you can do as he tells you. Mention to him you would like mass{es} said for protection. NOTHING IS SO EFFECTIVE. Fourth attend the sacraments, try to stay in a state of grace. Pray especially the rosary. If your house has not been blessed get it done so. If you know a friendly priest have the mass said in your home. Few things beat this. Use sacramentals and use them frequently. I recommend the use of Holy Water sprinkled round the home especially before going to bed at night. Blessed salt, I have found particularly effective. If you can get a Saint Benedict's Cross and for goodness sake to be ashamed or embarrassed to hang it round your neck , don't leave it hanging on the wall or lying in a cupboard somewhere, its meant to be worn. Three prayers I particularly recommend. The rosary and use the beads to hang on to, keep them near. Then these two prayers: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. To Our Lady, Queen of Angels A Bernardine Sister was shown in spirit the vast desolation caused by the devil throughout the world, and at the same time she heard the Blessed Virgin telling her that it was true, hell had been let loose upon the earth; and that the time had come to pray to her as Queen of the Angels and to ask of her the assistance of the heavenly legions to fight against these deadly foes of God and of men. "But my good Mother," she replied, "you who are so kind, could you not send them without our asking?" "No," Our Lady answered, "because prayer is one of the conditions required by God Himself in obtaining favors." Then the Blessed Virgin communicated the following prayer, bidding the Sister to have it printed and distributed: August Queen of Heaven! Sovereign Mistress of the angels! Thou who from the beginning hast received from God the power and mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly beseech thee to send thy holy Legions, that, under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks and drive them hence into the abyss of eternal woe. Amen. Lastly fasting is really , really excellent. Its quite possible the evil person who is doing this is fasting herself, Or at least offering sacrifice, your own fasting will more than make up for this. A last word of advice. Not all such attacks are equally serious just as all witches are not of equal power. Both for those afflicted and for those who pray for the afflicted there might be a little come back before this is stopped. But at the end of the day if you see a few funny goings on around you such as bad dreams and maybe things moving or funny noises don't fly into a swoon. Its not the end of the world. If you don't get into a big panic ,what harm , really? They are only little black old flies sent to pester you. The good praying Catholic has nothing, nothing at all to fear. Though they may get their eyes a little open. Still , what harm in that? We all need our eyes opened, a little. As a matter of interest the harm, perhaps the demons that have been raised against you , when they cannot harm you..and they won't if you only pray will return to harm the person who sent them. Such demons will not leave this buisness without satisfaction for their trouble, they are very malicious and so the demons will take the price out of the one{s} who sent them. Folks who practice Black Magic turn of the power of their Guardians Angels to protect them, just like throwing a light switch. So, when the demons, who don't know the meaning of words like, 'mercy' and 'forgiveness', return in bad temper having failed in their mission they have a real ball taking their spite out on the witch who sent them, one who is wide open to them Frankly if folks only prayed sorcerers and witches would be long since out of buisness, but folks who don't pray are prey. Trust in your guardian angels. They guard the door. Thats what they're there for. Always love you Guardian angels. Pray to him every day as you were taught as a little child. Be obedient to his instructions. Cultivate a great love and devotion to him, he's earned it and deserves it. Pray and trust.