My newly confirmed son has become enamored with a gentleman who belongs to the Free Masons and he had lots of questions to which I had no answers. :? All I know is that the free masons have wanted to unravel the church for centuries. Is there a thumbnail sketch you could give that would enlighten me.
I think Gail the Church was always opposed to Free Masonary for two main reasons. Firstly in that it is secret. For instance they tke solemn oaths of secrecy on initiation. Scriptures points out that: 1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. The Church has always been opposed to Secret Organisations. There is as well a lot of bad blood between Fre Masonary and the Church. It should be pointed out that Masonary splits between two origins. The Scottish /Britsh source } which historically has the British Royal family as its head and from which I suspect Amrican Masonary has its roots and COntinental or European Masonary which historiaclly was venomously opposed to the Catholic Church and associated closely to bitterly secularist and Liberal political grouping which sought to extripate the Catholic Church. It is the teachings of Masonary however which poses the greatest harm. Masonary seeks to be a 'Catch all' sysem of beliefs being all things to all men talking vaguely about an ultimate architect and so on. But if all religions are true no religions are true. As we move towards One World Government, the time of the Anti Christ and the Great Persecution of the Faithful foretold in the Book of Revelation there is no doubt that belief sytems that espouse one world Relgion move towards us at great speed. There have been continuing rumours as well that Masons about the rank of 33rd are in fact inducted into Satanism .I strongly suspect this is true. I don;t know if you ever read the remarkable book , 'The Miracle Detective'. Anyway the author visited Medugorje and spoke with a young female English daughter of a high Aristocrat Mason. Her father was of very high Masonic Rank and she said Masons of the Rank of 33rd and above are inducted into Stanism. She herself from childhood was handed out to her fathers friends for sexual gratification. I have read story after story indicating this is ture. In either case the Church forbids a Catholic to become Masons under extreme penalities. Not by Canon Law but as you can read here: My own personal opinion is that Masonary is a Satanic seduction and is anti Christ. Those who belong to it are marked already with the Mark of the Beast. The problem with Masonary with many temptations of our age is that it highly seductive. For my own part, prayerfully I have watched vidoes of thier main buildings and get very, very bad feelings when I see them. A feeling of the strongest presence of demons gathering. In order to see this watch a video tour of the interior of a Masonic Temple, amywhere and as you look at it keep praying the, @Hail Mary' having asked the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of you heart. I can only say, that from what I have seen, it is horriffying..for instance in this clip watch the great wooden throne of the High Mason in charge and you can clearly see two eyes, large demonic staring from over the throne ast though from beams of light...well at least I can: ]
Randal Sullivan's experience of Medjugorje -
That was Masonic Lodge was pretty creepy, I didn't like that at all. Thank you for your input on the Masons, I was really unaware of who or what they are.
There is some very strange stuff going on with my computer right now, I really had to fight to get to those posts.
Powerful stuff. I sent this thread on to my son. He wrote a text this morning saying he was no longer interested in the masons...he thought it was a cult! Thank you both here and in spirit!
A mothers prayer's. St Ambrose says our faith must have three qualities..he was referring particularly to those who face martrydom; but they are so true today: St Ambrose 1. It must be firm admitting no doubt or wavering; ready to brave all dangers , torments and death; thus it filled the martrys with joy under the most affrighting trials, and made them triumph over fires and the sword. 2. It must be entire; for the least wilful obstinate error concerning one article destroys the whole fabric of faith by rejecting its motive which is everywhere the same testimony of Divine Revelation 'You who believe what you please, and reject what you please, believe yourselves in your own fancy, rather than the Gospel' St Augustine 3. Faith must be active, animated by charity, fruitful in good works. A dead or barren faith is compared by St James to a carcase without a soul, and to the faith of the devils who believe and tremble. I met a lady today who made me angry. She said there was no need to pray in Church we could just pray on our own. She said we did not need the Church. I asked her why then Jesus had bothered founding His Church since people could do it all on there own? THis lady firmly believes herself to be a Catholic in good standing. Her views are not the least bit unusual or uncommon today. As I listened to her I thought of St Ambrose...would he have become angry too? I wonder. Psalm 69:9 for zeal for your house consumes me, and the insults of those who insult you fall on me. Its just so sad. There is no way by any manner of means I would describe her as a 'Catholic' . There is I believe no way in a billion years St Ambrose would either. :lol: :lol: I am getting hot under the collar again. I must go and pray for the poor lady..and all like her and calm down. I will be sounding like Michael Voris. :wink: ....and that's maybe not a bad thing.
That was my thinking as well...there are plenty who you could choose and be far worse off to sound like. I think it's the devotional love for the church and seeing people go blindly against it that is so upsetting (and talking to a brick-head as well). :? I had a similar event on Sunday evening with my youngest son( not the newly confirmed). He is so filled with anger that he's lashing out at those things I love and hold so closely to my heart, the church, Eucharist, Our Lady, the pope, and our Lord. He wants none of it and wants to tear it all down. He's in such denial and is blaspheming - oh now I see that's what made me physically ill on Monday. Hmmm anger- amazingly potent stuff.
Not a bad thing at all when defending the gospel. Sainthood is something to strive for isn't it? What a challenge: to lay everything down for the Lord. It's hard when you are a parent to think about laying everything down for God, regardless of the effect on your children whom you are supposed to protect. Dearest Lee: I'll keep you and your son in my prayers. The world of the PC is so seductive. Pray, pray, pray Kath
Lee, I will also hold your son in prayer. Anger acted upon only alienates. It is so sad. Knowing the pain of separation I've caused in the past, I'll pray that Jesus console your bruised heart and bring remorse to your son's conscience. Please don't harden your heart toward him. May Mercy reign and reconciliation come quickly! Welcomed home in the Father's Arms.
Mario, this is key. I am working at remembering that he's 20, hurting from the death of his father and a relationship that was at best- broken. The guilt and lost opportunities are tormenting him. My Sam has a lot of healing in front of him and I know only the Master can heal those gaping wounds. At times I think it's best to create a little distance, but at other times I want him around me as uncomfortable as that is. He resents terribly my love for the Church, but this is just a heart that's turned the wrong way. I know God, I know what He does, I know how He wants me to live, I know His love and how He wants that shared, anything less is just not acceptable. In my weakness I can't possibly be who He wants me to be. Fortunately, He is providing time for me to be in Adoration. I come away a better person always.