High Schooler not allowed to enter the Church?

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by RosaryWielder, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I know an 18 year-old from a Muslim family who wants to enter the Church. When he approached the local priest to ask to join, he was told he had to wait until he finished high school, and get his parents' permission to join. (Which of course they won't give, because they're Muslim)

    Is there anything that can be done? (He already contacted his diocese's bishop, who said the same thing)

    Do pray for him.
    Sam and DesertStar7 like this.
  2. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest


    In the States, he'd be allowed to convert without parental approval at age 18 (but this young man is still in high school, so must still be living in the parental home).
    RosaryWielder likes this.

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