A marvelous discussion (heady but thoroughly true) that took place last month: I want to know Christ, the power of his resurrection, to share in his suffering, becoming like him in his death... I love especially the image in this talk of my Mom coming to hold and love me after a fall that scrapes and bloodies my knee- she doesn't take the scrape away, but mothers me, treats the wound, and tells me it will get better... Mother me Mary here below that I may rejoice with you in heaven forever!
Psalm 143:8 Let me hear in the morning of thy steadfast love, for in thee I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to thee I lift up my soul. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies! I have fled to thee for refuge! 10 Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God! Let thy good spirit lead me on a level path!
Such a poignant exposé on suffering from both the Catholic truth perspective and from one who is still aspiring to and aiming for truth! I will continue to pray for Dr Jordan Peterson. He makes sense and I see God working in his life, Praise be Jesus Thank you Mario for this video! Please note that now, I will be unable to comment on Session 9 of St Elizabeth final retreat tonight. Even though I have listened to it once and must listen again before I comment, which I planned to do tonight! However, I am unable to do this tonight, because you have provided the above video, which is one of the most extraordinary and edifying talks on suffering that I have ever heard and I must listen again, now! So I can blame my tardiness in the St Elizabeth retreat on you, because of your wonderful constant presentations of truth! Thank you and God Bless
I'll take it as a compliment, Josephite! Rarely am I blamed for throwing one's timetable off. St. Joseph, pray for us!