Is it sinful for me to attend Mass if I am ill? If I take precautions (staying well-distanced from others, wearing a mask, etc.), is it ok for me to still attend and receive the Holy Eucharist? I mean not risk anyone at all, nor do I want to allow my own selfishness (i.e. desire to attend in person) to be at play. But I also understood the Holy Eucharist is especially necessary for those who are ill. I don't know what to do .... thoughts?
I don't think this is a sin considering that you want to reconcile the desire to receive the Eucharist with protecting the health of the most vulnerable people; I even think that you can take advantage of this distance to focus better on prayers before Holy Mass; for there are often parallel conversations that affect our concentration on prayers and contemplation of the liturgy.
thank you for your response... i've been hurting inside, trying to reconcile this for today & this upcoming weekend .... and greatly appreciate the guidance
While I do not agree with shutting churches down To me it depends upon your illness. I would never think of going to church while I had Strep Throat before the antibiotics “kicked in” I would stay home and watch the mass on tv/ computer and do spiritual communions. now if your talking you have the sniffles, yes I don’t see a problem attending mass and staying away from others. My thought is though how do you manage to stay away from people when you go down the line to receive. I don’t think it’s a sin per se but I wouldn’t think it prudent.
Yeah it depends what you are talking about. Common sense was once abroad in many parts but now is scarce. If you are actually ill and can cause others to be ill why would you even think about it? Make a spiritual Communion and God will see to the rest.