Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy

Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by Dave Fagan, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

    I recently heard of this book, which I'm reading at the moment and enjoying very much. The authors extensive research connects the ancient indigenous songs and poems about a Flower World paradise and the appearance and image of the Blessed Mother in Guadalupe, which they believe was the fulfilment of these stories. They show that this was fully understood by the native people, leading to the conversion of between 9 and 10 million people. A fascinating work and an important addition to research on the miraculous events at Guadalupe.
    Michael_Pio, Sam, Mmary and 2 others like this.
  2. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
    Michael_Pio and Sam like this.
  3. Mmary

    Mmary Principalities

    Here is another interview with the same authors, on Catholic vlogger Joe McClane's podcast:

    Joe McClane also has a youtube clip in which he reads from Warren Carroll's book, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, about Cortez's heroic involvement in fighting, as a Catholic, against the human sacrifices that he found in Mexico. It is evident that Satanism was at the base of that gruesome rite. (Warning, not easy to hear):
    Dave Fagan and Sam like this.
  4. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    That actually helped Cortez win the war, in a way. aztecs were used to fighting each other to procure prisoners (for sacrifice, the Flower Wars) ,but this meant they had to take captives alive. Thus all their main weapons and strategies were non-lethal. They weren't used to waging a war of annihilation the enemy.
    Mmary likes this.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I received this book recently for my birthday!:)(y)
    Sam and AED like this.

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