Something that I have wondered about for a long time, is the passage of time for the Holy souls of Purgatory. Do you/we think that time works the same for those in Purgatory, or is it different for them vs our terrestrial world....? Inquiring minds want to know.
I had a very distinct dream last year that I was walking in a gray barren landscape. The sky and ground were gray, and even the few trees were gray. I felt peaceful, and I felt my guardian angel and the Blessed Virgin Mary keeping me company although we weren't talking. She told me I was in purgatory for 40 years, and I really didn't seem to mind it, and I seemed to understand it and why I needed to be purified. Mary gave me to realize that all the years as I walked, worked, drove, while praying the Rosary every day she was there to keep me company as I had kept her company on earth. It wasn't until I woke up that I was really afraid of that purgatory! I have a very active curious mind and the thought of walking for 40 years in a gray landscape with nothing else to do made me really ramp up on doing my purgatory on earth and offering up all my suffering! LOL
Yes I get that. I am hoping all the pain I am in can be used for redemptive suffering. The pain can be from 7 to 8 until the meds kick in. We had an interesting discussion about redemptive suffering the other night at my Carmelite meeting. ❤️
Our Lady said of Amelia, the friend of the Fatima visionaries who had died that 'she will be in purgatory until the end of time'. This indicates to me that time does exist in purgatory. The visionaries of Medj. have said that Purgatory is 'all grey'. One of my friends told me that his mother was having a recurring dream about answering the door to her dead father who was grey and appeared to be covered in ash. When I said that he was probably in purgatory and appealing for prayers he wasn't inclined to believe me - like many people he was confident that his grandfather was in heaven. How many souls suffer more deeply and longer because their relatives have canonised them!