Someone mentioned this to me recently and I didn't have the answer. I don't think it is specifically referenced anywhere in the Bible. Does anyone have an answer to this question? Thanks.
Undoubtedly the apostles were baptised since Christ mandated that they were to go out to all nations and baptise them in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. It simply isn't recorded in the New Testament when the apostles were baptised but we can presume so.
Well, John and Andrew were followers of John the Baptist so they were probably Baptised by John, but Jesus gives a specific formula so we are not sure if they are baptised again. We can assume that they are as John the Baptist says Jesus will give a new baptism. Many many many things were not recorded in the New Testament simply because Jesus established a Church and did not order the Apostles to write a book. In fact if He had told them to write a book, they did a very poor job of it, with only two of the actual apostles writing an account of the life of Jesus. Just as we pretty much know that Jesus instructed the Apostles extensively on how to administer the Sacraments like Confession, Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, etc... we know that this knowledge was passed down to the Bishops of the Church, and not taught to the general congregation. There was no reason to imbibe the believers with all of the details of this and there were other things to be taught to new believers who were newly baptised. This did not pose any issue until the Protestant Reformation, when suddenly people decided to be their own "church" and had to figure out a way to conduct the order of things when they met with others. As you can see, most of them just basically threw out the Sacraments altogether, and focused on preaching. So I think even Catholics have to get out of this mindset of " Solo Scriptura" and again look to the Church Elders and the passed down Tradition when it comes to our salvation. Jesus DID say we needed these three things from the Church for Salvation: Baptism, Confession (the Church was given authority to forgive and retain sins, NOT individuals) , and then the Eucharist. If I were a Protestant, I certainly would be looking to find a way to receive these three things that Jesus Himself said I needed for eternal life......