I have always thought that America has taken a different Spiritual Path than Europe, just as Russia has from the rest of Europe. That is not to say that America is in a good Spiritual State, it is in a terrible state but still I think a far, far better one than say Europe or Canada or Australia were things have hit total rock bottom. I am not quite sure why the USA is so different, so resistant to all that is going down in the World. Perhaps it is that Nations or countries are like people and make choices. Some people make good choices, some make bad choices , some countries make good choices, some, bad. Perhaps it has a little to do with the US Constitution? They are real freedom lovers and this they have enshrined in law which is a big help. But I think as well as that they have kind of Freedom enshrined in their hearts too. I have noticed how they are prepared to think about things and discuss them.They are open to ideas. They also love God, their country and family. Not all of course. But a pretty sizeable wedge were this is all disappearing of gone in Europe. It is something of a Mystery why people choose either good or evil and I think it is the same with Nations. Saint Faustina comments that every city and Nation like people have their own Guardian Angel. So the USA has its own particular Great Guardian Angel and Patron Saints. St Thomas Aquinas and other saints have mentioned this. It is a mark of the difference between this in people as individuals. Each of them walks their own path. We see this is the Book of the Apocalypse were the Good Lord addresses the different Churches and it is so clear each of them treads their own paths. Also in the Book of Daniel were each Nation has its own Guardian Angel all doing their own thing. My own take on it would be in the USA Communism has made really giant strides. However it could be compared to the virus Coronavirus. Europe , or Canada or Australia has come down with the Virus of Communism and is now comatose in an ICU ready to die of it. But the USA has shown itself to be very resistant to the virus. An awful lot of people their have a spirit of Freedom of Individualism which wars against Big Government and of course to have Communism you need Big Government otherwise it will not really work. Another thing about many Americans is that they are prepared still to suffer , to shed their blood and even die for what they believe in .Something which on the whole is no longer true in Europe. In many ways Russia, a lot of Eastern Europe and the USA are alike in this. They are deeply Patriotic. Some countries because they have already been under the yoke of Communism are immunised from this virus. So I don't think that Prophesy indicates that the USA will follow the exact Prophetic Path of other places such as Europe. Just as a lot of Eastern Europe and Russia will have a different destiny. My own feeling is that the USA is about to break up into groups of individual or groups of States and will soon be at war with itself. I also think , like the rest of the world it will suffer huge physical calamities but I don't believe that like Europe it will be occupied by Foreign powers. There is still a certain goodness and greatness in America and the Great Trials and Testings ahead will light this up.
I think for all countries and Nations in the Tribulation a good question to ask is , 'How many amongst your peoples have kept the Faith?' It is a bit like the time when the Lord was about to punish Sodom and Gommorah and Abraham bargained with the Lord to save the cites. Abraham kept arguing if there were so many good people would He spare them? The Lord kept agreeing He would spare them if only there were so many good people. But at the end Abraham had to give up. There just weren't any good people to bargain with. The question any person could ask is, how many good people are left in my country? I don't mean nice people. I don't mean people who are law abiding and pay their taxes. I don;t mean good neighbours and people who treat their pets well. I don;t even mean people who tick boxes by going to Church every Sunday. I mean truly Faithful Remnant people who love the Lord and walk the ways of prayer and holiness. People whom if an angel were to visit their City or farm would spot them at once as God Fearing. People whom if you yourself were to meet them as strangers would know at once as set apart by walking the path of Light and Love and Holiness.
We are all living under a form of marxism since it is an ideological tool of control that ultimately leads to destruction of the social order through moral coercion. The strategy is to convince people they are being oppressed whilst at the same time enslaving them within the ideology and perversions. The ultimate attack is on the nuclear family which is representative of the triune God. Hence patriarchy is attacked as oppressive, perversion encouraged in order for self identited groups to claim discrimination and oppression so we have these groups being used and controlled to divide and conquer. The alphabet groups are mere pawns to be played in the game of dictatorial control. Propaganda and censorship are systematically used as tools of indoctrination and suppression for those who oppose the narrative with the diabolical aim of enslaving the masses. If they succeed in implementing a digital ID and digital currency system then they will have ultimate masonic control and the new world order will be brought into fruition and communism will have conquered the world. Those who oppose will pay a very heavy price even martyrdom. But ultimately our Lady will triumph and crush this demonic plan striking the enemy of man with her heel and rendering him impotent. The triumph of the immaculate heart is guaranteed.
The patron saint of America is Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Did you know the Immaculate Conception is patroness of the United States? | Catholic News Agency
I believe the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will happen AFTER the the NWO implemented has implemented the Mark of the Beast...
One of our first bishops (if I remember correctly) consecrated our country to the Immaculate Conception. And then it was done again some years later--a solemn consecration. . I know Our Lady honors such consecrations. She will act at some point as the Father permits.
AED and Sam, thank you for bringing up the consecration of the United States to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was done by Archbishop John Carroll, the first bishop of the United Sates, which is known as the Premier See. He was a Maryland native. The first diocese in the US was the Baltimore Diocese. Our Lady as Patroness of the United States under her title of the Immaculate Conception, has had a special presence in the Americas for over five hundred years. ... Father John Carroll was named its first bishop and was consecrated on August 15, 1791, the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Lady. Below is the prayer of consecration was prayed by our first bishop: Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore. Most Holy Trinity: Our Father in heaven who chose Mary as the fairest of Your daughters; Holy Spirit who chose Mary as Your spouse; God the Son who chose Mary as Your Mother, in union with Mary, we adore Your majesty and acknowledge Your supreme eternal dominion and authority. Most Holy Trinity we place the United States of America into the hands of Mary Immaculate in order that she may present the country to you. Through her, we wish to thank you for the great resources of this land and for the freedom which has been its heritage. Through the intercession of Mary, have mercy on the Catholic Church of America. Grant us peace. Have mercy on our President and on all the officers of our government. Grant us a fruitful economy born of justice and labor. Protect the family life of the nation. Guard the precious gift of many religious vocations. Through the intercession of Mary our mother, have mercy on the sick, the tempted, sinners, on all who are in need. Mary, Immaculate Virgin, our Mother. Patroness of our land, we praise and honor you and give ourselves to you. Protect us from every harm. Pray for us that acting always according to your will and the will of your Divine Son we may live and die pleasing to God. Amen
does communism have a sort of ontological existence as part of God's plan (as a sort of whip to punish the sinners?) or maybe satans plot to destroy the world? or did some guy ,marx, create a movement which snow-balled way out of hand?
Thank you HH!! I thought it was Bishop John Carroll but I wasn't absolutely certain. Bravo for Maryland and Bishop Carroll. The prayer is powerfully beautiful.
All of the above I think. IMO Communism/Marx/Russia is a creation of the enemy but God has allowed it the way he allowed the Hittites and Assyria and Babylonia to ravage Isreal. So much in the OT is played out again and again --Israelites as a template of the Church. When Israel fell into idolatry the punishment was severe but it brought the people back. I think we are seeing the same pattern in our day perhaps.
from what I read by Marx, communism was actually (Id say) 40% of his ideas. his main and whole ideology was historical materialism as a kind of tool to analyze history. communism was just the result of applying the tool to a specific area (means of production, distribution of wealth, etc). I really think even trivial stuff like believing in ghosts, bad omens, or throwing salt behind your back is enough to destroy communism; no dialectic materialism can thrive in a world of extra-natural \paranormal rules . thats why stalin hated rural peasants, they were very spiritual and thus didnt align to the naturalistic-materialist world-view. even the FARC in colombia is well-known to have shamas with them and they seriously believe the shamans can turn into animals