Window of opportunity

Discussion in 'Prayer requests' started by RosaryWielder, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I believe what’s happening in the world now is a brief window of opportunity before things get worse. I want to seize this window of opportunity to fulfill my plans of gaining employment, getting married, having a family and becoming a homesteader. Please pray that I can get all this accomplished, I’m going to double my efforts and be off this site until further notice.

    Please pray also for poor sinners, during Divine Mercy Hour I considered the possibility that time might be running out for them in regards to having access to ordinary means of repentance and Salvation.
    Ananchal, cornhusker, Byron and 8 others like this.
  2. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    Agreed. Praying for you!! Stay focused and "strike while the iron is hot." :)
  3. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Feb 24, 2019
    God bless you RW. I agree, time is short. :(
  4. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015

    Please pray also for poor sinners, during Divine Mercy Hour I considered the possibility that time might be running out for them in regards to having access to ordinary means of repentance and Salvation.”
    These are wise words RW!
    Good luck to you…and more importantly, God bless you and help you succeed in all of your endeavors! You’re a good and faithful servant. Mother Mary watch over RW and give your angels guard over him.
  5. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I’m wondering if I should just pray for a homestead and hope for a miracle or the like. I’ve been praying for employment and every time I pray, I get this urge or the like that what I really want is the homestead. Ultimately the only reason why I want employment is to afford a homestead; I mean I also want employment so that I can meet my future wife and meet and make connections with like-minded people, but I can just as easily achieve those two things by becoming a homesteader.

    I’ll be talking with my dad about this later on this morning and see if he can help me in any way. In the meantime keep praying that I can achieve one or the other.

    Beth B, cornhusker, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  6. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    More prayers.
    cornhusker and RosaryWielder like this.
  7. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Yes, RW, one step at a time. Our Lord was a carpenter and understood sequential ordering: plan, secure the right tools, buy the materials, build, finishing touches. Praying the Lord opens the right doors!
    cornhusker, Sam and DesertStar7 like this.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am not sure if getting of the home of Mary is a good first step. :)

    Prayer before you decide what to do.

    Prayer at the start of what you do.

    Prayer as you do it.

    Prayer of thanks when it is done.

    Blown on the Wings of Prayer.

  9. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I’m saying that when I pray, I get a prompting to “skip the steps” and just pray for a homestead.
    Mario, cornhusker and DesertStar7 like this.
  10. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I spoke with my dad yesterday and in our conversation, he mentioned that our family does own a lot of farmland back in Chile; he said that of course I would prefer to have farmland here and, yes it is true that I do think it’s best to get farmland here in the area where I’ve spent most of my childhood and the like, but I still wonder. I do have more of a right to these lands as they belong to my family, and while I do love being in some sense a part of Our Lady’s dowry, I just have a really hard time feeling connected to my country and British heritage, I feel more connected to La Raza de Santiago than to Canada and the British Crown. I have gotten better at managing my anger (though I still struggle) so I think I can handle any apostate garbage that may be down there, but that really leads me to the reason why I’m making this post; what is it like down there in Chile, spiritually, culturally, socially etc.? What would I expect to find?

    There’s still a lot of other things I need to consider and work on, but I want to keep this open as an option just in case.
    Mario and DesertStar7 like this.
  11. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    I have no idea, other than to say it seems Chileans are migrating to the USA. How many I don't know / haven't heard. But some. Definitely do some research. And I personally would keep it less about heritage and much more about what's (likely) -- or WHERE -- most easily do-able. :)
    Byron and RosaryWielder like this.
  12. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    Going back to what I've said about the conversion of poor sinners and time growing short, here's what Fr. Chad Ripperger said on the recent episode of US Grace Force: (You may have seen this episode already):

    I've found some job offerings available that might work for me, I'm going to apply for them today, once I've finished editing my resumé, please pray for my success provided that this is what the Lord wants of me. (I'm still keeping Chile and my family's farmland in mind)
    DesertStar7 likes this.
  13. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I'm becoming very much in favour of moving to Chile and claiming my family's land. Considering how hard it is to raise a Faithful Catholic up here in Canada, I think it may be better for me to move there and raise my future family there. There's still a lot I need to do and be mindful of, including the fact that there might be a vaccine mandate to enter the country. Please pray that, if it's the Lord's will that I move there, that I obtain all I need, and the obstacles to me getting there are removed.
  14. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    More prayers. No need to answer me, but to ask yourself:

    Do you have a fluency in Spanish?

    Are you taking into account moving to the Southern Hemisphere where the seasons are reversed?

    Is the farmland in the northern subtropical zone or in the cold of southern Chile?

    I moved from the Upper Midwest of USA to the Desert Southwest in 1992. I'd formerly resided in the subtropics of SE Texas in the mid-1980s. I came to THIS area (a bit younger than you are now) presuming THIS area would be very similar to SE Texas (racial makeup ratios, being in the warm and sunny south). It is NOT. o_O I'm generally a very adaptable person who likes challenges, but THIS small city proved to be almost unbearably difficult to adjust to (marriage meant I had to stay here). :( I've encountered regional differences and strange attitudes which sometimes still baffle me 30 years later. :coffee:

    Pray, and look before you leap. :)
    RosaryWielder, Byron and Sam like this.
  15. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    It's in a small town called Rere, in Chile's Bí0 Bío region, it's fairly warmer there than in my current climate. I spoke with my dad more, it appears that the biggest obstacle to moving there are of course the Covid restrictions, right now you need to be triple-vaxxed in order to enter the country. Lord-willing, the way things are now this may change in the near future.

    As for Spanish, I'm still working on it, I am starting to pick up on things more though. I'm still overall leaning in favour of this, both because again, it's my family's land, and because I believe that my future kids will have a better chance surviving in Chile, rather than up here in Canada.

    But only the Lord knows.
    DesertStar7 likes this.
  16. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    May 4, 2018
    The Diocese of Nelson
    I kind’ve would really like to move to Rere now… :eek:
    DesertStar7 likes this.

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