Because I will not have any access to internet, I'd like to let you know beforehand that I will be praying for this forum community as I enter and join a contemplative congregation next month, July 25. If it is not too much to ask, please pray one Hail Mary for me that I may persevere to the end, all for the greater glory of the Holy Trinity and the salvation of souls. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the prayers! I will tell the fellow hermits about this forum. If you are feeling down and depressed, there will be a small bunch of men interceding on your behalf.
You're in my beads, Er.Cam! Thank you for being attentive to the Lord. May Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, watch over you during this time of discernment.
Thank you. Being attentive and prompt to the inspirations of grace is definitely key. Thank you. Elbert is my first name.
Dear Elbert… thank you very much for praying for all of us here. And absolutely will keep you and your community in my morning daily office intentions and prayers. Peace
How wonderful. Praying now. It's a pity you cannot access the internet, I think it would be a great source of good if you could. Maybe you could suggest this to your Superior at some later date when you have your feet under the table, so to speak?