Ive just had very shocking news a good friend of my family Ciaran passed away in his sleep this morning, He was only 36 and died of heart failure, May God have mercy on his soul, saints and angels come to his aid. May he rest in peace.
Oh my goodness, so young! I'm sorry about this shocking and sad news and will certainly pray for him.
Eternal rest grant to Ciaran, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for Ciaran and cover him with your mantle!
Thank you all... Hard to take in so young and full of life, fit as a fiddle, didn't drink or smoke and never ill the mind boggles.
Sorry for your loss. Prayers for Ciaran’s soul and for his family’s grief. The death of a healthy young person serves as a reminder that we all never know when God will call us home. Peace.
Thank you again.... Continued prayers needed, my wife had a dream of him last night which confirms to me that he needs help and much prayer, please continue to implore heaven. The dream was he was in a small boat on a lake desperately trying to paddle to shore.