Well, we're finally moving into our house in the country today! Please pray all goes smoothly and my husband returns from the 4-hour return trip to drop off the U-Haul by bedtime, as it's going to be a mess of boxes and small children everywhere! Also we could use prayers that the well water is up to par, as a new tank and filtration has been put in place but we haven't had a chance to test it yet. Thank you!
Praying PF. This exciting. Try to feel the joy in spite of all the mess and struggle. God has done this for you!
I'm sure there will be many hiccups but go with the flow. It will all work out well. Today's feast is Presentation of Our Lady in the temple so I'm sure that augers well. I bet your children are very excited. Start of a great adventure
O Lord, Jacob's well provides water until this day. Bless PF's family's well for generations to come! (thinking BIG!)
I live in the country. We are on a well with horrible sulfur water, we have a sulfur filtration system which does a great job. That doesn't fix the hard water problems though. We have major calcium buildup, rust, and whatever else around wherever water is used. Yes, we have a water softener but it doesn't help if a certain someone rarely bothers to put salt in it. Our sinks, tubs, and faucets are nasty. We do have a reverse osmosis system for the drinking water and it's really excellent quality after that.
We live with highly mineralized water too. Ugh. It affects everything. But its been this way 36 years so we are used to it.
Yeah this water has a high iron level and is very hard. After I wash my hands, it feels like I've been playing in sand!
Sorry I'm only replying to this now PF but I've been very busy..all I can say is what a journey and a big big whoop whoop your there alleluia
Our dear friends, the Cunninghams, had a similar problem in their previous home while raising their children.
Will be praying..I’ll remember you at adoration tomorrow. We are in a mess as well as our basement had water and lots of boxes had to be put in the garage. Weeping tiles to be replaced . Ugh. I’ll also remember you to Mother Mary at our Flame of love in the pm.