Thoughts on the Passion.

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by padraig, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I suffered a little hurt at work last week when someone said something a little harsh to me. I tend to be hyper sensitive anyway and take things to much to heart things I should just brush off. But the thought came to me, 'If little things hurt me, what way did hurts effect Jesus ? Did His huge love make Him very sensitive?? Anyway I prayed to Jeus about this and asked Him this question and this ,I believe is how He explained things.

    He said that the way He looked a things was not all the way I tend to take things. That His interest was and is not just in little things but all mankind. In other words His heart is huge with love whereas people live myself tends to be very small.

    I think you see this in the path of prayer and in life itself. Take marriage for example. When a person is single they have only themselves to take care of. However, when a person falls in love, there heart embraces to take in the hurts, the joys, the full life of the other. When a person goes on to get married their hearts swell even bigger so that the two can become one. So that even when one person is heart the spouse, the other self gets hurt too. Their hearts go on to get even bigger again when they have children, to embrace even more. So that many mothers would even wish to bear the pain rather than see their child hurt and would even much prefer to see themselves die rather than their child...and I think we see this so much when we see Mary standing at the foot of the Cross. Then the couples heart grow even more when they receive the gift of God of grandchildren.

    So our path of prayer, our path of life is for our little hearts to grow bigger and bigger, like the hearts of Jesus so that it might be able to contain the vast world around us.

    I think you see this in the hearts of people of great prayer. Padre Pio , for instance was very much a Father. His Franciscan heart had grown to take on the care of may others of his spiritual children thus making him a true Spiritual Father.

    I am always amazed and stunned when I pray about the Passion, especially during Holy Week. I am like a small moth in front of a blazing sun, it is a mystery and I cannot take it in. My mind simply cannot stretch so far. But like Mary I can at least stand at the foot of the Cross and cry. My mind cannot be there, it is too much.. a huge mystery. But my heart so little can be there..and my eyes fill with tears as they do now as I write this...and perhaps, well at least I can hope...these tears that fill my eyes may serve to wash away a little of my sins.

  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY

    You make me reflect on and pray the following hymn:

    O sacred head, surrounded
    by crown of piercing thorn!
    O bleeding head, so wounded,
    reviled and put to scorn!
    Our sins have marred the glory
    of thy most holy face,
    yet angel hosts adore thee
    and tremble as they gaze

    I see thy strength and vigor
    all fading in the strife,
    and death with cruel rigor,
    bereaving thee of life;
    O agony and dying!
    O love to sinners free!
    Jesus, all grace supplying,
    O turn thy face on me.

    In this thy bitter passion,
    Good Shepherd, think of me
    with thy most sweet compassion,
    unworthy though I be:
    beneath thy cross abiding
    for ever would I rest,
    in thy dear love confiding,
    and with thy presence blest.

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    A thoht came to me this morning while saying the rosart that today would have been the last day when Jesus and Mary were together before his passion. It must be a very special day in the heart of Our lady.

  4. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007

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