Which Cross will you carry?

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by Mark Dohle, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Jan 9, 2017
    View attachment 23730

    Which Cross will you carry?

    “The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self;
    there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the price of pain”
    Padre Pio

    People often balk when they read comments like the above; or when Jesus talks about dying to self and taking up ones cross in order to follow him in life. What is often forgotten is that anything we give our hearts and mind to, demands the same thing. People give up everything for their careers. They lose their family, their health and peace of mind in order to get to the top of their field. Or if they give themselves over to some form of addiction, that does demand everything, body, mind, soul and health. We give our hearts to something. We all have a pearl of great price that we will give everything up for. Many of the things we can ‘worship’ will in the end drain us and leave us with nothing. That is because they cannot touch that deep longing that drives us all towards some good than in the end can lead to death.

    So yes, to follow Jesus also demands everything. Yet in following him, he gives us new life. When we die to ourselves his love brings us deeper into true being. Jesus is not a false god, which gives promises that can’t be kept. The Spirit of God works in all hearts who seek truth. It is a mistake many Christians make, when they limit the work of God’s grace to a particular understanding of scripture. God’s work in the world, in the hearts of all is something we are not meant to understand. We are however called to live out our faith in Christ Jesus and to proclaim it in a gentle manner. For all who seek will find and all who knock the door will be open.

    Padre Pio is a great Catholic saint, and tomorrow we celebrate his feast day. He gave his life for others. He spent his days hearing confessions and leading many to a deeper love of Christ Jesus and he spoke the truth about the cost. So in the end, we choose what is most important to us, if we don’t choose, well that will also demand everything as well. We are not meant to stagnate, but to dive into the living waters that Christ promises us.

    Take up your cross….that’s right. Which one do you want to carry? A cross that will grind you down and eventually take everything and in the end leaving you empty and bereft of hope, or the Cross of Christ which also demands everything but gives deeper life and healing.—Br.MD
    josephite, gracia and Don_D like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Good to hear from you, Mark. I just got off the phone with a young couple I'm very close to. The gentleman is suffering from a sleep disorder that no doctor has been able to diagnose. This young man has experienced increasing headaches, lack of energy, and has sincerely sought employment in his field of expertise to no avail. The couple are very strong Catholics, but are at the point where they feel God is ignoring them. Where is He? Is this Love? This dilemma has persevered for a year.

    So they come to me with their questions hoping for answers. To them this Cross is from Christ. It demands everything, so where is the deeper life and healing?

    I told them that the psalms are full of occasions where David and others do not sugarcoat their feelings but are honest with the Lord:

    Ps 69:1 Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. 2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. 3 I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.

    My advice rings hollow: Continue to be honest with Jesus in prayer even lifting up your bitterness when it buds forth. Let it be an act trust; but what good is that when the Lord never comes through? They see no sense in the grinding and suffering.

    I marvel that they have thus far persevered, but are unable in their present faith journey to say, "I thank you for this suffering and offer it up to you to do with as you please. We trust You! We wait."

    Could I pray such a prayer?

    Safe Under Mary's Mantle!
    josephite, Mark Dohle and gracia like this.
  3. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Jan 9, 2017
    Yes, our answers can appear hollow int the midst of deep suffering. The Father did not take away Christ passion, even when he asked for it. All we can do, is to get through each day, then the next, in that deep silence and yes 'grind' of life, Christ is a t work. Still I will never understand.

    gracia and josephite like this.
  4. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    In the midst of my own suffering ..... I don't comprehend!

    I pray at these times....... and even though I pray the rosary and other prayers, my inner most prayers of my soul are very simple.

    At these times my inner most prayers can also be very selfish, and so I rationalise that I deserve the suffering....which is true!

    At other times these prayers can be groans of pain and anguish from a part of me that is imperceptible to my conscious self and I acknowledge at these times a hint of acceptance from what seems to be coming from the bowels of my being!

    In this mystery I acknowledge that I am nothing because I see it as it really is, hence I know I need My Lord Jesus and His most precious gift of His Mother for I am but prideful lump of dust!

    This is a good realization but hard to take at times!

    Lord have Mercy.
    gracia and Sam like this.

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