From In Sinu Jesu, p. 79, July 24, 2008 "Let the little invocation* inhabit your heart like a soft murmur by day and by night. My Heart is touched by every expression of confidence in My merciful love. As soon as something causes you anxiety or fear, give it to Me. Present all your cares to My Immaculate Mother. She is your mother, and there is nothing that she will not do for you, to bring you to holiness and to glorify Me in the Sacrament of My love. Continue to ask for the help of the saints whom I have given you as friends and companions for the journey. Do not fear about tomorrow. Trust Me in all things great and small." *the invocation of Mother Yvonne-Aimee de Jesus: "Oh Jesus, King of Love, I put my trust in Your merciful goodness."