On prayer and suffering, Quotes from the book "He and I"

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by Mark Dohle, May 14, 2023.

  1. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Jan 9, 2017

    On prayer and suffering,
    quotes from the book "He and I"

    I received a letter from one of the prisoners I am writing and as usual, he talked some about prayer. One book that I love is called "He and I", a great book to use for prayer. While not scripture, its content can only lead the one reading to a deeper trust in God. So is a good source to share with those in prison. Gregory probably writes me the most, and I see that he is growing in wisdom.


    I am happy that you have become Catholic, and yes, many go to prison so the Lord can heal them and bring them close to His heart. Many people make bad choices, often not knowing what they are doing. Many are in prison who are not criminal types, but were on a bad road. Like you, I hope that they will return to God’s embrace.

    Even those who have had many run-ins with the law, are beloved by God and loved equally and uniquely. Many of our sufferings are self-induced because we want to do things apart from God’s will in our lives. The commandments are there for our protection, not to keep us from being happy. Many of the sufferings in prison are there because old habits become normal, so the violence, attacks, and yes, sad to say, some deaths occur that would not if we would only seek out God’s will….which is to love all.

    Prayer is important, for in prayer you touch many souls, often unknown to you. The Lord uses all of us to bring souls to him. Prayer goes to the heart of the matter. Our sufferings as well, unite your sufferings to Jesus for the salvation of the world. It is love that is the increment that calls us to pray for others, especially for our enemies. Below is a chapter from the book “He and I”.

    March 18—On the street in the morning among the laborers going to work, I said, “I too am going to my day’s work living for You.” “Do you realize how many sinners you can save in a single day? Think of My dazzling power, riches, and generosity. Who could hinder Me from giving you souls if I wish to do so? “For the earth, My justice is shackled by My mercy, moved to pity by the prayers of those I love. So count more on My generosity both for you and for all those you commit to Me. Dare to hope more than you have ever hoped before, as you come to believe in the divine openhandedness. We aren’t on the same plane: then expect the extraordinary. You have already experienced it. It will strengthen your faith and hope in a way that you don’t suspect. For it is I Myself who come, and can I come other than as God? “My love is the source of everything. Did you think it was My pity? My pity, yes, but moved by this love of Mine that is greater than all other loves. I can only teach you about it little by little because you are so fragile. For you would faint like the beloved in the Song of Solomon if more vehement words from My heart fell upon your ear, and if, as in beautiful books, I added pictures. You’re thinking, ‘He’s talking to me again about love.’ And I’m thinking, ‘When can I begin to talk to her about it?’ ” . . .

    Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (Kindle Locations 3237-3247). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition.

    So pray with trust, hope, and joy. Emotions do not matter, they come and go, but to pray for others out of love comes from a deep grace-filled place in your heart.

    Here is another chapter from the same book on suffering:

    November 9—I was thinking fearfully about suffering. “You may be sure that human nature cannot love suffering for itself. My human nature didn’t love it either. But supernature uses it as an instrument to serve God, either for His own purposes—and this is most perfect—or for the grace that we want to obtain if it is the Father’s will to give it. “And always, My little child, you must be one with Me in My sufferings. To quicken your love-will you may choose some of My sufferings—those of My childhood, My adolescence, My public life, those caused by people’s words and acts, and by the ingratitude of those I loved. And My suffering for the anguish I caused My mother and My friends during the ordeal of My passion. “Don’t waste one of your precious sufferings. Steep them in supernatural joy.

    Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (Kindle Locations 1186-1190). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition.

    Keep on your journey, never give up, and when you feel at your worst, it is then that you are called most assuredly to trust in God’s love for you.-Br.MD
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    You have cited one of my favorite books!! I used to take it to aforation hours frequently.
    djmoforegon and HeavenlyHosts like this.

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