Garanbandal - Why i think

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by EasygoingPatrick, Jun 20, 2016.

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  1. EasygoingPatrick

    EasygoingPatrick New Member

    May 26, 2016
    Ye might think i'm mad right but i think about the Garanbandal is that i wont be around when it happens and then it will happen . I have a funny feeling about that and actually i dont fear it if im totally honest cause i'm experincing a lot if im honest . I believe all evil comes from fear and the percentage of the evil various the outcome of fear . and also i believe personally that all fear comes from Co Dependancy at its most , Its due too the Ye might think i'm mad right but i think about the Garanbandal is that i wont be around when it happens and then it will happen . I have a funny feeling about that and actually i dont fear it if im totally honest cause i'm experincing a lot if im honest . I believe all evil comes from fear and the percentage of the evil various the outcome of fear . and also i believe personally that all fear comes from Co Dependancy at its most , Its due too the level and depth that your in with Co Dependacy . It's like how far your mind is clouded from it or how your mind is numb from it but people are usually thought wrong and thats how there in the mess they are and i put that down to the system and the goverment cause with all of that then it's a money scam cause then your thought into the thinking that you need those places (Co Dependancy) Do you get me now and if anyone then that comes into contact with around the information they end up trying destroy especially if your not trained around those qualifications . They'll end up saying your the messed up one and what happens then is that your divided into brackets so your kept down . Like the upper class and the lower class and all of that crap and that's then how people are ending up homeless and drug problems cause i actually believe myself some people on the inside are responsible for it like getting back hander cheques thats real done for a favour for anyone who gets in contact or threatened by an outside source so the question behind all of that is Where does God come into that and i reckon what happens is that they cant handle there jobs (powermad ) and what happens is that responsiblity gets to there head . You see it as well with a lot of actors and they usually play the role they act in real life and they go from one to another to feel good cause every obsession they have wears away and there left with impending doom or gloom or fear . And that fear then is very draining which then refers back too the system once again . Alcohol over doses Drug over doses cause over the reality what they were told in life to make them think it reality but it was a false belief on what they were told from the educational system and if you dont succeed in that crap your a failure , so then people then through advertisments on what i noticed about all of that is if get this you be happy but it's not about being happy at all it's about money is there God which another false belief of happiness inside that you feel good about but that wears away also so where i coming from with all that is money and possesions to take ythingou away from God and i reckon most of all that stems from why the Garanbandal will occur cause most people these days in modern society i reckon are very unhappy the way i see it today and i think all of that is based on black gossip another advertisment from the television so that over fame so that they act they way they act or otherwise if you dont your out of it and that's the other money scam and the other reason why i reckon unhappiness occurs cause over some elses belief that ingrained into others based on fear cause otherwise your not the part then and the question through all of that and i thought of it . In your head you be thinking your missing out but the illusion what your missing is yourself and that goes back to the system . It's society teachs you how to be sick which usually the is driven by ego and a false idea so that your not free so that's why i reckon why is all about to happen cause over that cause i find society drastically changes in the past few years and depth that your in with Co Dependacy . It's like how far your mind is clouded from it or how your mind is numb from it but people are usually thought wrong and thats how there in the mess they are and i put that down to the system and the goverment cause with all of that then it's a money scam cause then your thought into the thinking that you need those places (Co Dependancy) Do you get me now and if anyone then that comes into contact with around the information they end up trying destroy especially if your not trained around those qualifications . They'll end up saying your the messed up one and what happens then is that your divided into brackets so your kept down . Like the upper class and the lower class and all of that crap and that's then how people are ending up homeless and drug problems cause i actually believe myself some people on the inside are responsible for it like getting back hander cheques thats real done for a favour for anyone who gets in contact or threatened by an outside source so the question behind all of that is Where does God come into that and i reckon what happens is that they cant handle there jobs (powermad ) and what happens is that responsiblity gets to there head . You see it as well with a lot of actors and they usually play the role they act in real life and they go from one to another to feel good cause every obsession they have wears away and there left with impending doom or gloom or fear . And that fear then is very draining which then refers back too the system once again . Alcohol over doses Drug over doses cause over the reality what they were told in life to make them think it reality but it was a false belief on what they were told from the educational system and if you dont succeed in that crap your a failure , so then people then through advertisments on what i noticed about all of that is if get this you be happy but it's not about being happy at all it's about money is there God which another false belief of happiness inside that you feel good about but that wears away also so where i coming from with all that is money and possesions to take you away from God and i reckon most of all that stems from why the Garanbandal will occur cause most people these days in modern society i reckon are very unhappy the way i see it today and i think all of that is based on black gossip another advertisment from the television so that over fame so that they act they way they act or otherwise if you dont your out of it and that's the other money scam and the other reason why i reckon unhappiness occurs cause over some elses belief that ingrained into others based on fear cause otherwise your not the part then and the question through all of that and i thought of it . In your head you be thinking your missing out but the illusion what your missing is yourself and that goes back to the system . It's society teachs you how to be sick which usually the is driven by ego and a false idea so that your not free so that's why i reckon why is all about to happen cause over that cause i find society drastically changes in the past few years
  2. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Hi EasygoingPat,
    You've asked a lot of deep questions and yes I too believe that we are about to see God intervene in a spectacular way because there is so much evil in the world that is causing such pain to God with the loss of so many souls!

    This is how I see it.
    God is Love!

    Jesus said I have come that you may have life and have it to the full!
    So the question is...... what is this life, and what does it entail when He says I have come that you may have it to the full?
    Jesus gives us a clue when He says I am the Way, the truth and the Life.

    So when we look at those three things that Jesus identifies Himself with, we can deduce that they revolve around and lead to Love, because God is Love.

    When Jesus says I am the way, He is saying I am the way to Love.
    Jesus was a Man of prayer, Jesus' way is prayer. The way to God is prayer, recognising our littleness and our need.

    When Jesus says I am the truth, He is saying I am the truth of Love.
    Love is truth and being Love incarnate, truth demands that Love proves itself with the cross with suffering. This is what Jesus did and He teaches us to do the same

    When Jesus says I am the life, He is saying I am life, that is Love.
    Nothing exists that is outside of love! Only life exists in love! all else is a terrible painful, burning void. The paradox of life is that we must lose it for His sake to gain real life and therefore gain Love

    In our mortal life here on earth we are all Co dependent on the things of this world to survive; the air we breath and the food we eat, are all necessary for our life here, but co-dependence is not to be feared the worst that co-dependence on necessities can do to us, is take away this mortal life. If a person becomes addicted to other things for life, such as drugs or alcohol etc, it does not mean that they are lost, as you say they may have become addicted to other things and therefore co-dependent because of the evil of others such as greed, but it does not matter, the world and its maxims do not matter, we are called to greater things, we are called to live the way, the truth, and the life, we are called to love.

    We often fall short but have recourse to Love itself! for forgiveness.

    Do not give up, even in this unfair and evil world we are called to live with Our Hearts thirsting for God, for love! while remembering that our hearts are made for God alone and we will not have rest until our hearts rests in God!

    God Bless You, Me and Everyone here.
    sterph, Sanctus and Carol55 like this.
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