Be more like children

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by sponsa Christi, May 17, 2017.

  1. sponsa Christi

    sponsa Christi Sponsa Christi Desire of Baptism to be Catholic

    Dec 25, 2016
    As adults and even some children act all grown up they can be.
    ST Therese says she must be a little flower a little child. We also must be spiritualy
    Mature. The children at Fatima qoutes

    "Dont eat That Jacinta it's not ripe!" "I'm doing it for the conversion of Sinners". Our lady of Fatima.

    FRancisco are you praying with me we need to pray so many people will die in the war we must make sacrifices for sinners.

    These children accepted death and suffering at the age of 9 and 10 even being threatened to be boiled in oil. I heard once from a saint that if you accept your death right away you will go straight to heaven and suffering no purgatory.

    So the next time you are threatened or hurt accept at and offer it up to God for souls in purgatory and salvation of souls. Even if you have to die for your faith. Many do in middle eastern countries. Remember also to pray for our separated brethren Protestant orthodox even other religions and non religious. Remember Jesus is in the Eucharist and that is the only place you'll find him in the Eucharist is from a Catholic priest.

    Please remember to pray the rosary.
    Now imagine when you sin again, the Virgin Mary appears with with a tear at you and she ask why do you do that it offends my son do not you wanna go to heaven with me and The Lord Jesus? That probably what the virgin thinks when we do.
    I can not judge anyone I only ask you all to remember to spread this and to pray.
    Do penance make saferfice

    After hearing the Lady of Fatima story I completely changed now a year later. I am no longer suicidal or even severely depressed. After praying the divine mercy chaplet my depression disappeared. ST Bernadette incourupt body moved me to convert. Therefore ST Faustina and ST Bernadette helped me to convert.

    Our lady gave me hope and our Lord for salvation of my family friends and sinners. God Bless you!
    Fatima, sparrow and Mac like this.
  2. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Jan 4, 2015
    South-Western Ontario, Canada
    Wish I could get my son to recite the Divine Mercy chaplet... I say it for him :cry:
    Fatima likes this.
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    We all wish that family would chime in with us in our faith journey and prayer. However, sometimes we have to march on with our own example and one day, perhaps, others will be given the grace to see the beauty in what they saw in our prayer life. My wife and I have been blessed to have been at the foot of the bed saying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for my wife's mother and father who lost their faith many years before they died and at the foot of my own mother a couple years ago, who led a very holy life. Now I am at the bedside of my 89 year old father and once again we were able to pray the Chaplet with him. He is fully conscience, but pulmonary fibrousis barely allows him to speak, as it suffocates his lungs. It is a joy knowing someone led a holy life as my parents have done, but it is exceptionally pleasing to know the promises of the Divine Mercy in praying at the bedside for those who are dying.
    sparrow likes this.
  4. sponsa Christi

    sponsa Christi Sponsa Christi Desire of Baptism to be Catholic

    Dec 25, 2016
    I will pray Amen God bless everyone.
    Carol55 likes this.

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