Many people have speculated that the word in Spanish is "Aurora" or something similar I firmly believe that the word is "Advenimiento." The opening of time with the Warning & Miracle brings about a direct action of God upon humanity. In light of this, references from JPII regarding the New Advent (such as in Veritatis Splendor) give a new understanding of this coming action of the Holy Spirit upon mankind.
Interesting. I've been convinced for a while that the Warning will be on 18 Oct. 2016. This will be on the 2nd day of Sukkot, or the Festival of Tents. The word for tent in Hebrew is "tabernacle", and in Hebrew, the line of scripture reads, "The Word was made flesh and tabernacled among us."
I wish Conchita would just come out and tell us what this event beginning with the letter A is. I don't think she was ever prohibited from mentioning it. If she were to be more transparent and less secretive, it would go a long way towards strenghtening my belief in Garanbadal.
Conchita has been silenced by the church. She is under obedience and has thing she can do is stay silent.
I don't think it could be an asteroid. The event is global and will be seen everywhere at the same time. An aurora borealis is more likely. Although the tidal wave refered by Antonio Yague (Alignement) is the best fit with the description of Sister Lucy in her recently published diary and also apparently Conchita words in Santander.
I do not mean the season. The definition of the word sheds more insight. The illumination of the soul is an act of the Holy Spirit and may be the 2nd Pentecost hoped for by JPII, which is also tied into the Triumph of Mary
Has she? I was unaware of this fact. When did her local bishop write a letter silencing her? I was under the impression that she did not want to divluge the name "beginning with the letter A" because she "felt" she shouldn't, not because she was "silenced." Which raises another question: why even tease by hinting at the event "beginning with the letter A" if one felt they shouldnt' divluge the name in the first place?
I always took it that teh Warning was itself the Illumination of Conscience which itself is preceded and directly announced by the crashing of two, 'Stars'. Though I know people use these terms interchangeably which is fine, but confusing.
Conchita explains in this interview the Aviso and illumination are the same event. I wonder if this interview in 1980 broke her oath to silence ,or had that not been made yet?
The Warning has been described as a CORRECTION of conscience. This helps avoid confusion with illumination. It is specific. It will be immediately preceded by what LOOKS LIKE two stars crashing. This is best Conchita could do. It is good enough for me. It will obviously be supernatural; directly from God. Its all one, the crash runs into the warning.
The warning is a preparation for the miracle. The miracle is for the conversion of the world. The warning is a correction of the conscience of the world. What is this correction: " He was in the world that had come into being through Him and the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own and his own people did not accept Him." This is the sin of the world. And this warning is the work of God " that they may believe in the One sent by God." In the warning we will each be shown specifically how we have failed in cooperating with this work: the wrong we have done and the good we should have done.
Yes, this is it here:
She has had meetings with church authorities...interviews. Is it a official But she has been asked to not promote Garabandal. You can ask Glenn if she has been interviewed by church authorities. Its not a bad thing...but there is no formal decree.
It is an asteroid. The asteroid strikes the sun and some type of moderate sized super nova occurs. It literally strips the cover off of the atmosphere and the sky turns white as Jacinta of Fatima described it.
Wikipedia has an interesting article entitled Stellar Collision. Conchita has said it will be like two stars crashing, she did not say it will be two stars crashing but that it will be like two stars crashing. From what she was shown this is how it appeared to her. This is what it looked like to her.