On October 2nd, Mirjana shared the following message after the apparition: "Dear children, I call you to accompany me in my mission of God with an open heart and complete trust. The way on which I lead you, to God, is difficult but persevering and in the end we will all rejoice in God. Therefore, my children, do not stop praying for the gift of faith. Only through faith will the Word of God be light in this darkness which desires to envelop us. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Thank you!"
Lee, This reminds me of the passage from Scripture: "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet." On a recent Friday night, my family used oil lamps around the house. Carrying a chamber lamp will get you where you want to go, but you feel as if you are walking through darkness because the amount of light emitted is minimal. And so, there is great darkness coming against the world at this time. We must trust God to never let it overpower us. I believe one reason he allows its spread is that each of us quickly learns to depend on God and to cleave only to Him. Our precious Mother walks with us and points the way. It will be our confidence and fearlessness in the face of darkness that will be a light to those who feel overwhelmed. So let us light our lamps of faith and make our way always forward. We may stumble at times, But as Christ did for Peter, he will reach out and lift us up. Praise His merciful and holy Name!