Locutions.org It will not be a quick election. 1. This election will be unique, different from the others. 2. Those who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit will be used in a mighty way and be filled with awe. 3. A priest-son who has been deliberately been hidden from the limelight. 4. With the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI comes the Great War. 5. It is the hour of conflict when the armies of Satan rise up to destroy the Church. 6. This war was started by our Lady and it was a surprise move. 7. Satan must adjust to the reality that this new Pope will usher in the AGE OF MARY. 8. The new Pope knows what needs to be done and will not allow any obstacle in his way. 9. The new Pope knows that the world can only be saved by the intervention of Mary the Mother of God. 10. Our Lady says, “This Pope is a light to the Nations and the glory to my people Israel.” 11. None will defeat him, even though he has no power. 12. Now Satan must move up his timetable and we will see a demonic response on the world’s stage. His forces are not as strong as they would have been. 13. My children must be prepared. Events will happen quickly. 14. Even though they happen all over the world, there will still be the same pattern. 15. Some area of darkness has resulted from sinful actions over a long period of time. There will be a great weakness, an inability to withstand a great force. This great force will suddenly break through or bring a crisis to a head. The results will be like a fire that overflows and pours out, damaging what is closest. None of these events will be earth-shaking but taken together they will constitute a grave problem, stretching the world’s resources to the breaking point. Then, the break will come, the last of a long line of events and circumstances. This event will truly change the picture. All will begin to see what is so evident to those who know my words. 16. All the events are tied together. Nothing happens in an isolated way. All are part of the story, the constant story of good and evil, the clash of kingdoms in which man is caught up. This is his place, his role, and only by revelation can he understand. If anyone rejects this revelation then they are bound to darkness, totally unaware of the forces of good and evil that interplay in the course of history. 17. Happy the person who hears, understand and believes these words. They are light in the darkness, explaining all of the events and even speaking ahead of time of events that have not yet happened. 18. A great destructive power has been set in the soil of history. It has not yet been released. Because of the prayers of many, it has been pushed back, moved off course and made less destructive. However, this destructive power has been planted. The soil was made receptive by the sins of mankind. This destructive seed was protected by mankind’s refusal to repent when so many opportunities and so much time was granted. Now, the destructive power must come forth so that I can once more claim the soil of earth. 19. . I will keep my children safe if they listen to me. 20. . I must give the Church a new role, a surprising role, so that the whole world will see that the Church does not follow the world but is far ahead of the world. This can happen only by the intervening power of God in world events. 21. When these divine interventions happen (and there will be more than a few) the world will say “In this darkness, we must look for light to the Church because everywhere else there is no power and no wisdom”. 22. So soon and so quickly will come the destructive breakthroughs. The walls can no longer hold back the floods. The surface of the earth can no longer contain the fires that burn beneath. I use these figures to describe human history. The floods of evil and selfishness have eroded the foundations. These floods will soon break through the walls that support society. What was ordered and tranquil will become filled with confusion and turmoil. The fires burning beneath the surface are the angers of men that will break through in physical destruction of parts of the universe. Yes, man now possesses weapons of mass destruction that have never been used. CONTINUED
23. The pope whom I will seat on the Chair of Peter will be my sign to the world that I have foreseen all of these events and have prepared for them. 24. During these days, he will speak my word and all will listen. Proud hearts will be broken by these events. Mankind will be humbled in the face of its new problems and it will seek light. They will find this light on the Chair of Peter. 25. As I placed a great light of learning in Benedict, so I have placed the great light of my mother in the new pope. His heart is filled with Mary. He lives in her and, literally, breathes in her. Her name is always on his lips. She is the one who has prepared and chosen him from the beginning. Like Benedict, he will bring to the Chair of Peter exactly what I have placed in his heart. He will not see himself bringing his own talents. He knows they are too little. 26. He carries Fatima in his heart. That will be his first gift. 27. He also carries Jerusalem in his heart. That is his second gift. 28. When he has given those two gifts to the Church, his papacy will be completed, just as Benedict’s is now complete. 29. I am about to raise to the Chair of Peter the pope of Fatima, the pope who will consecrate Russia but will do so much more. He will bathe the Church in devotion to me. My name will always be on his lips. I will be lifted up as never before in the history of the Church. Through the pope, the Church will breathe in me. Every breath will give new life. He will not bring his own gifts because the gifts I have given him are so much greater. All will see the changes and blessings that occur. 30. I am coming closer to the world than ever before. The more the world rejects me, the closer I will come. (Jesus) 31. However, the results of my coming will vary according to the dispositions of the world. When a father comes to a rebellious child, he must confront, and sometimes even chastise. When he comes to a loving child, he can pick the child up in a loving embrace. Mankind must decide whether it will be a rebellious or a loving child. 32. The conclave is integral to history, just as the Chair of Peter, for all these centuries, has shared in and has formed human history. That role of the pope will continue. 33. . The whole conclave must think supernaturally. I will come. I will find the cardinals to be either rebellious children who want to put forward their candidate, or loving children who seek only the candidate of the heavenly Father. 34. What is important is not all the knowledge that you can acquire in these days, but the spirituality in your heart. Time and again, look to that life of devotion. Plunge yourself into the solitude of prayer. Come aside often, giving far more time to the Blessed Sacrament than you have ever done in your life. I will meet you there. Your heavenly mother will prepare you for her task. 35. The highest chair in the world will soon be vacant. It is not a position created by man or sustained by natural powers. This office has endured for centuries and will be present even when I return in glory. It is sustained by my promise that the gates of hell would not prevail against my Church. The papacy, like other institutions, has seen high points and low moments. Yet, this boat of Peter has navigated the tides and has never been shipwrecked. Now, this chair of Peter has been brought to this special moment by a pope who obeyed my inner word that he should hand over the keys of the kingdom to another. 36. What a solemn and unique moment in modern history. A living pope surrenders his powers so another pope can gain them. A living pope removes himself from the chair of Peter so another could take his place. Only I could have brought this about as my Holy Spirit stirred so forcibly in the heart of Benedict. He would have served as long as I wanted him to. Understand the greatness of this act. Even more, understand the uniqueness of what I have done. 37. See it as a sign that I have only begun to act. 38. All the eyes of earth will see someday what has taken place in these extraordinary meetings. The events will be recounted down through the ages. I know there is secrecy but secrecy does not pertain to heavenly actions and divine interventions. These must not be kept secret. 39. I will work in the hearts of my special cardinals by an illumination. 40. The events will unfold, all led by the Holy Spirit. He will raise up voices that will speak the truth and confront the issues. This is a conclave of the greatest darkness. 41. . The world will soon be overcome by events that are far beyond its resources to respond. The turmoil that will follow will be greater than the world has ever seen. This is what I mean by “the hour”. It is the hour, the hour of the great clash between the two kingdoms, the hour when what lies hidden becomes clear to all. The hour is not just a short time but an extended period of great warfare. 42. No one knows the candidate hidden so well, so deeply, in my heart. I have deliberately kept him buried in my love. He will not stir. He will not cry out. He will be covered over in great darkness, just as the cloud covered and protected the Israelites in the desert. 43. Only when I part the sea of confusion and show the cardinals where to walk, will this cloud lift. They will see clearly to walk where they thought they would never walk. I must assure them, just as God assured the Israelites, that it is safe to walk between the parted waves. 44. Because I open my heart to all nations, to all cultures and to all peoples, I will raise up a pope for all the nations.
45. All will see in him a hope for salvation and a deliverance from the worldwide darkness that will soon envelope the earth, a darkness of confusion, doubt and, at times, even of hysteria and self-destruction. These will be the forces that will soon be unleashed. 46. Before that happens, I will set in place a pope who will speak my word and release the powers of the kingdom. He will not teach in his own name nor bring forth human wisdom. He will speak my word, exactly as I have trained him to do. 47. . Upon him shall be the anointing of Jerusalem, because that is where he will go and there he will end his days in the papacy. 48. He will discern all the world events, for himself and for the Church. He will raise his voice like no other pope because the Spirit of the Lord is upon him. 49. . When the years of his short papacy are completed, the seeds of new life will be planted. 50. His papacy will prepare the Church for all that will follow in this third millennium. 51. How much time has been lost. The gifts of God set aside. So many times I have spoken to my servants, the prophets. I have given them heavenly messages for all the world to hear. I entrusted these messages to my Church, my bride. To whom else would I given them? She has come forth from my side. She is the new Eve. I would not give these messages to another. I want my bride to be exalted. Yet, how haltingly she accepts my words. Years go by and she does not see the treasure lying in her very bosom. She delays and delays. She keeps hidden what should be proclaimed on the housetops. No more. The time is too short. The need for my prophetic word is too pressing. I can no longer just send messengers. 52. . I must send a pope who himself is the messenger. To him I will speak, directly, heart to heart, even face to face. All the world will know that this pope is a prophet to the nations. 53. For so long I have kept this future pope in my bosom, hidden from the nations, yet called to be their light. 54. I have trained him in my word and he has frequently brought it forth. He is no stranger to prophecy. He understands the gift. He is familiar with my voice. 55. Know that I am raising up much more than just a pope. I am lifting up a prophet to the nations. All the world will listen because he will not just speak a word of wisdom but a clear prophetic word. He is not shy or bashful. He will not hide the gift. He will not be lifted up to place the lamp under a bushel basket. He knows where my word belongs. 56. Suddenly, a new light will shine forth, a surprise, a new help for my children who are so confused by the darkness of the world. I will raise up this pope and prophet for my little ones who believe that I can speak directly to them. 57. The end comes to the pontificate of Pope Benedict. The Church salutes him for all that he has done. He retires with great dignity, a true blessing for all. I take him aside into a new and deeper solitude. Yet, he is at hand, ready to guide and help the one whom I will raise up. His role is not finished, just changed. 58. Even he cannot see all that I have in store for him as he embraces his successor for the first time. 59. Someone whom he helped in his younger days by his writings, he will help in his final years by his presence and wisdom. 60. . I will lead Pope Benedict into his place of solitude. I will be present to him as never before. I will fill him with the greatest wisdom. His value will increase and grow. He will come to understand the new role that I have for him. He will live in the shadows of retirement but will dwell in the light. He will be a guiding light to the new pope who will constantly seek out his wisdom. I relieve him of his other duties so his advice can come forth like a flowing stream. 61. The field is not limited to Italians, or to Europeans. 62. Many will question the wisdom of a non-European. Is not the papacy located in Europe? Is not the pope the bishop of Rome? So, there will be a great resistance on the part of many to accept, even the premise that a non-European should be elected. 63. When all begins to become clear to the cardinals, they will see the greatness of their call and the overwhelming responsibility that has fallen to them. They will see the state of the world, so ready to rip apart at the seams. They will see a Church, bringing in a full harvest in some continents and having little to show in others. They will see the Muslim threat, ever growing and always menacing. 64. No one should sit upon the Chair of Peter unless he is close to my heart. I have not called an intellectual. I have not called a charming personality. I want one kind of pope – a pope whose heart burns with mine, whose wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, and whose papacy will follow my direction. Anyone else is not acceptable at this moment in the history of the world and the Church. 65. I have foreseen this conclave. I have inspired Pope Benedict concerning those whom he selected as cardinals. 66. Consecrating Russia must be the pope’s first dream, not his afterthought or something that he might get to. 67. The conclave that is about to begin will bring forth a startling pope, one that no one would ever have thought of because he is so hidden in my heart. He walks in my Spirit and he knows my desires. He follows a light that has been with him for years and years. 68. The same light that guided him to the papacy will continue to guide him. Because he follows my light, both the world and the Church will be blessed.
69. I will not allow anyone to block his ascendency to the Chair of Peter. Although many will be totally surprised, I will not allow them to stand in the way. I will clear away all the obstacles and will present him to the cardinals as the one whom I have chosen. Even with these clear signs, some will not accept my choice, but they will be in the minority. Most will say, “The Lord has clearly shown us his choice”. 70. He will wait very calmly, knowing that there is nothing he can do or should do. He is the chosen one and upon him I have set my seal. 71. . His has been a life of prayer and devotion, of activity and solitude. He waits, not anxiously, but expectantly. He has no idea of how I will bring about his election, even though he knows that I have chosen him. He holds my secrets in his heart and carefully guards them. 72. He is seen by many and yet remains unknown. He waits for that moment when I call him onto the center of the stage. When the lights go on, he will be totally prepared, better than any other pope in history because he has dwelt so long in my Immaculate Heart. He knows exactly what I will expect from him and he will give this to me as a faithful son. He will give me everything. He will hold back nothing. He will follow only my plan, setting aside all of his own ideas. He is the one of whom I say, “He will bring my light to the nations”. 73. I do not burden those whom I call. I prepare them and give them all the inner graces needed for their task. 74. . The future pope I have also prepared, immersing him in many types of pastoral experiences and leading him to search out every action of God. He has been an explorer, looking into all that is new and accepting into his heart all that could bless the Church. These are the fresh blessings that he will bring to the Chair of Peter. 75. There is more, so much more. It will not just be a sum total of his experiences that he will share, but all that I have told him, all that I have explained to him. For so many, many years I have been speaking to his heart. Even he does not realize all that I have stored up within him. He only knows that I will lift him to the papacy and all that he has received, all the wisdom I have placed in his heart and all the directions for the future of the Church must pour out. There will be new treasures and new directions, all given quickly in a short period of time that will mark this papacy 76. Immediately, his papacy will be immersed in the greatest darkness. 77. The forces of hell will realize what I have done. They will see, better than others, the full gift. They will realize what I have accomplished. These forces were poised to destroy the Church. They were lurking along the path, ready to steal and even to destroy. Suddenly, the Church is no longer on that path. All of their plans will come to nothing. 78. My pope will lead the Church on a new path. He will say to all, “This is the way we must walk”. Even though he is the pope, many will not agree. 79. Many, and I stress this, many will oppose him and even threaten him. However, this new pope is like a little child who knows only the voice of his mother. He will respond to all of his critics, “This is the way my heavenly mother wants me to lead the Church. Is she not the mother of the Church?” 80. The hour is at hand when all the love that I have in my heart will pour out over all the Church. 81. . I will give the Church more than a new pope. This is the moment of an extraordinary action of my Spirit. All will see, whether they are Catholics or not, that I have done what was never expected. 82. This will open my Church to a new expectancy. If I have taken this surprise action at the highest level of my Church, will I not do the same at every level? 83. All will see that the Holy Spirit has acted in a unique manner. Everyone’s eyes will be open. 84. . A new era will begin when every Catholic will once more be open to the actions of the Holy Spirit. 85. Soon, so very soon, the powers of hell will tremble at what I have done. 86. In so many ways, the Evil One has tried to destroy the new pope. In so many ways, he has blocked his ascendency. In so many ways, he had him set aside. Then, came what the Evil One thought was his final blow, but I miraculously preserved what was essential. Much was torn away, but I did not let the papacy be stolen from him. These are the deep secrets that are buried in his heart. 87. What a path I have led him on. It was not the usual path at all. It was a hidden path. Often, I explained to him why I led him this way. In his heart, I would tell him to believe and, in his life, I led him further and further away. Oh, I explained everything and he believed my word. Then, I plunged him into the greatest darkness. He knew that this was a great gift but it seemed too great for him to handle. 88. How I remember those days when he saw so clearly my protective hand. All was shattered. All was broken. His years of believing and trusting – how could he ever have believed? But his eyes saw the miraculous protection I placed around him. On every side, I kept him safe. No one pierced the dark cloud of protection that surrounded those days. He sees those days for what they are – the final stage of his journey to the papacy, a stage in which he remains until I lift him high. When I do this, my mighty works can begin.
After reading this tonight, this is the man I have on my heart. Jean-Baptiste Phạm Minh Mẫn (Vietnamese: Gioan Baotixia Phạm Minh Mẫn) (born 5 March 1934[1]) is a cardinal priest and archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City in the Roman Catholic Church. After studying in the United States, Man taught in Vietnam for a number of years. In 1993, he was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Mỹ Tho and promoted to Archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City in 1998. He officiated at a mass in La Vang in 1998 for the 200th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, the largest Vietnamese Catholic event up to that time.[2]Man was elevated to cardinal in the consistory of 21 October 2003 by Pope John Paul II, and was one of the cardinal electors who participated in the 2005 papal conclave that selected Pope Benedict XVI.[citation needed] On 7 March 2013, Man was the last cardinal to arrive to attend the 2013 papal conclave to select the successor to Pope Benedict XVI.[3] Jean-Baptiste Cardinal Pham of Vietnam English: As I have loved; Vietnamese: Như thầy yêu thương)
Well at 79 years old, he will truely be a surprise! Only the Holy Spirit and his bride, Mary, could pull this off.
PROPHECIES GIVEN AT ST. PETER’S BASILICA D URING THE CLOSING EUCHARIST ON PENTECOST MONDAY—MAY 1975 "B ecause I love you, I want to show you what I am doing in the world today. I want to prepare you for what is to come. Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation….Buildings that are now standing will not be standing. Supports that are there for my people now will not be there. I want you to be prepared, my people, to know only me and to cleave to me and to have me in a way deeper than ever before. I will lead you into the desert…I will strip you of everything that you are depending on now, so you depend just on me. A time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for my church, a time of glory is coming for my people. I will pour out on you all the gifts of my spirit. I will prepare you for spiritual combat; I will prepare you for a time of evangelism that the world has never seen…. And when you have nothing but me, you will have everything: land, fields, homes, and brothers and sisters and love and joy and peace more than ever before. Be ready, my people, I want to prepare you…" (given by Ralph Martin) "I speak to you of the dawn of a ‘new age’ for my church. I speak to you of a day that has not been seen before….Prepare yourselves for the action that I begin now, because things that you see around you will change; the combat that you must enter now is different; it is new. You need wisdom from me that you do not yet have. You need the power of my Holy Spirit in a way that you nave not possessed it; you need an understanding of my will and of the ways that I work that you do not yet have. Open your eyes, open your hearts to prepare yourselves for me and for the day that I have now begun. My church will be different; my people will be different; difficulties and trials will come upon you. The comfort that you know now will be far from you, but the comfort that you will have is the comfort of my Holy Spirit. They will send for you, to take your life, but I will support you. Come to me. Band yourselves together, around me. Prepare, for I proclaim a new day, a day of victory and of triumph for your God. Behold, it is begun." (given by Bruce Yocum) "…I will renew my church. I will renew my people. I will make my people one. I am calling you to turn away from the pleasures of the world. I am calling you to turn away from the desires of the world. I am calling you to turn away from seeking the approval of the world in your lives. I want to transform your lives….I have a word for my church. I am sounding my call. I am forming a mighty army….My power is upon them. They will follow my chosen shepherd(s)…. Be the shepherds I have called you to be….I am renewing my people. I will renew my church. I will free the world." now
I know. Thats what I thought...but as I was going through this writing the specifics about the each message, it seemed to me that our Lord and our Lady were really saying-this is not going to be a European or Italian, he will appear weak, but he will have great courage, and he will have been hidden. In my heart I felt like why not an Asian? Vietnam is one of the most Marian countries on the planet. When I saw that he was the last one to show up for the conclave AND he had been at JPII's and Benedict's conclave (that was one of the messages). He had to be old. Then I did searches for this man, and literally there isn't very much out there at all (maybe in Vietnamese there is...) so he has been hidden. His predecessor is up for beatification for being tortured and put into solitary confinement...He doesn't seem to be an intellectual although he studied in the U.S. at Loyola. This is a humble man. Have you seen this? The man is audibly upset and is yelling, "Her hands are on fire! There is light coming out of her hands!" This event was witnessed by my daughter-in-law's aunt. She wrote all the family about it. Its really something! Our Lady came alive for all those people! Many miracles are happening there. Who knows? I was just looking around and I saw this Cardinal's picture and he moved my heart.