I think Carol´s find is important enough to merit its own thread. WORLD TRENDS – 6 JAN. – NOV. 1967 GARABANDAL by Yves Dupont Concerning the Appearances of Our Blessed Mother and St. Michael at Garabandal in Spain from June 18, 1961 to June 18, 1965 [Publisher's note: The following article is republished with permission from the World Trends issues of January and November, 1967. All rights are reserved. World Trends is a Catholic quarterly from Australia.] INTRODUCTION It is a few years since I first learned of apparitions at Garabandal, but until now I have not written on the subject. Now, however, I think the time has come to inform those of my readers who are not acquainted with the extraordinary events that took place in this Spanish village between 1961 and 1965. By the grace of God (it is indeed a grace) I have always had faith in the various messages given to our confused modern world by our Saviour and His Holy Mother in these latter days. More than ever, the knowledge of these messages is necessary because, more than ever, man is laboring under the delusion that he can build a better world through his own efforts alone. In communist countries as well as in the so-called Free World, this delusion is widespread, and it has now gained ground even in the Church, through the dreams of some modern writers. The heavenly messages I have just referred to tell us, however, that the world is getting worse and worse and that an apocalyptic disaster is imminent unless man returns to sanity. People will argue "This is something new because it is not in the Gospel. Nowhere in the Gospel is there to be found any specific reference to the state of the world in the 20th century, and this being so, it is not an article of faith." But it is just not good enough to put forward this kind of argument as an excuse for our unbelief. "It is not in the Gospel" has become a cliche that may help the skeptic to rationalize his attitude for his own peace of mind, but it does not justify him in theeyes of God. When the Blessed Virgin takes the trouble to appear on earth to warn us of dangers, she surely should receive something better than indifference. If we turn a deaf ear to her warnings, we are worse than the child who disobeys his mother; we are despicably ungrateful and supremely foolish, because Our Lady is the most admirable of all mothers and her counsels are supremely wise. Not a few cardinals, bishops, and priests are aware of the importance of charisms in the Church, but too many of them ignore or try to belittle the charismatic aspect. In doing so they assume a tremendous responsibility; all apparitions in recent times have been accompanied by a warning, the announcement of a world-wide punishment if people do not change their lives. But people will not change their lives if the clergy do not convey the message to them, or even obstruct its dissemination. The punishment, therefore, will not be averted. This is the heavy responsibility they are taking upon themselves. Their unbelief, or indifference, will cause hundreds of millions of people to die, just as it caused 50 million dead in World War II. This is no exaggeration; Our Lady of Fatima said quite explicitly in 1917 that another world war would come unless people did penance, but her warning was virtually unknown before 1942. If I say to the wicked: "O wicked man, you shall surely die," and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I shall require at your hand. (Ezechiel. 33:8) To be sure, Fatima was not "an article of faith." Only scriptural truths are articles of faith, but when the sun is seen spinning in the sky, when rose petals fall from the heavens, and when, after a heavy downpour of rain, the ground is found to be thoroughly dry, one does not need to refer to the Scriptures in order to find out whether he should believe what he has seen. To continue download from the link Carol has provided.
(cont´d from above) This was also the opinion of Pius XII, because in October 1942, he consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as she had requested twenty-five years before. Strangely enough (or was it?) a reversal in the military operations in favor of the Allies took place almost immediately. In Europe, it might also be pointed out, the armistice was signed on May 8, 1945, the feast of the apparitions of St. Michael, the Angel of Fatima. In the Pacific, it was signed on August 15, the feast of the Assumption. Coincidence? Perhaps. After all, it is not an article of faith. After Pius XII came Pope John; he sent his pectoral cross to Fatima and proclaimed Our Lady of Fatima Patroness of the diocese of Leirin with a special feast in her honor on May 13, thus introducing her officially into the liturgy of the Church. Then came Pope Paul; he sent the Golden Rose to Fatima and mentioned Fatima both in his coronation address and before the Assembly of the Vatican Council. You see, we are in good company. Almost invariably you will find that those who reject the message of Fatima on the coming punishment, or of St. Louis Grignion de Montfort on the latter days, are all too eager to accept at their face value (or at least to consider favorably) the ideas of Teilhard de Chardin, Hans Kung, and other false prophets. This, I think, is peculiar to the Christians of our modern age. Although not formally denying the supernatural, they attach no importance to the inspired messages of holy persons, yet they accept with enthusiasm any new ideas or "interpretations" put forward by intellectuals. Yet Christ had some very hard things to say in regard to those who are puffed up with their own knowledge, and who delight in their own counsels. Many things, Christ said, will be hidden from the proud and mighty and revealed to the humble and the lowly. Jesus has kept his word: at La Salette, Lourdes, Beauraing, Banneux, Fatima, Konnersreuth, Garabandal (and the list is far from complete) Jesus has bestowed His graces on the humble and the lowly. But the modern pharisee wants to hear nothing of this. Do not disturb him. He is studying Teilhard de Chardin. He wants to "update" himself, to compromise with the world, unmindful that the devil is the "Prince of the World." He wants to build a better world without God, unaware that the world, as it is, is about to collapse. His pathetic figure is that of a carpenter putting the finishing touches to the roof of a house when the foundations have caught fire. But he does not know it and cannot see it; his transistor is playing a tune called "Evolution"; he listens intently to the sweet music of "Socialization"; he is enraptured by the strains of "Progress and Freedom". Catholics today have to make a choice: the teachings of those who worship their own intellect and enjoy popularity, or the message of those who surrendered their entire selves to God and lived in obscurity; a choice between the modern philosophers and theologians, and the mystics. My choice is the mystics. Their language, their teachings, their revelations, and their sayings are more in accord with the Gospel, The Imitation of Christ, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the Summa, and the whole Catholic hagiography, than are the Phenomenon of Man and the new Existential Catechism. That is why I propose, in this issue, to write of the apparitions of Garabandal — to date little known in Australia.
Can you put the link in this thread too Blizzard? It would be good to have it for future use and I have no idea where Carol posted it. Thank you!
Don, Here it is, https://documents.tips/documents/yves-duponts-commentaries-on-private-prophecy.html . Thank you Blizzard for helping to bring this to everyone's attention! I really hope that everyone reads the whole piece that Yves Dupont wrote about Garabandal (pages 68-80) on the above link because there is more than what Blizzard posted above. The following is also from the article, For five years four ignorant little girls would have to have succeeded in deceiving psychologists, theologians, practitioners with their "innocent game." Added to which, they endured endless interrogations, pressures of all sorts, sleepless nights, and other sufferings and trials, just for the sake of an "innocent game." How absurd! And the girls' monumental prank was so beneficial to their souls that a gradual and steady improvement was noted in their behavior. They grew in wisdom and Christian virtues; they began to make sacrifices for the sins of the world. All this for the sake of a "game". How doubly absurd! (WORLD TRENDS 6, JAN. – NOV. 1967, GARABANDAL by Yves Dupont) I think that you will be surprised how Dupont's article still very much applies to today and includes so many things that we have recently discussed on the forum including of course, timeless things. Anyone that was recently involved in the discussion of Teilhard de Chardin on the forum can see from Blizzard's post above that he mentions him in this article also. In my opinion, the article is both captivating and thorough. Enjoy!
Here´s what I consider a moving little story from Yves Dupont´s article: During some apparitions the girls were seen by eye-witnesses to appear as if they were handing something over to one another. After their ecstacy they explained that the Blessed Mother had allowed them to hold the Infant Jesus in their arms. "But if you held the Infant Jesus, it means that you actually touched Him?" they were asked. "No, you cannot touch either the Blessed Mother or the Infant." "But how can this be?" "Well, you see what you hold, but you feel nothing; you feel no weight. If you stretch your hand to touch Our Lady, your hand can go no further because Our Lady is there, but you feel nothing." Dupont´s comment: (It must be admitted that a twelve year old girl would hardly make up such a story if she were only pretending to see things. On the contrary, she would make it as credible as possible.)
"My choice is the mystics. Their language, their teachings, their revelations, and their sayings are more in accord with the Gospel, The Imitation of Christ, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the Summa, and the whole Catholic hagiography, than are the Phenomenon of Man and the new Existential Catechism." Absolutely love Dupont´s firm, no-nonsense attitude towards Modernism. Perhaps it´s just as well that the Lord took him home to his reward in 1979. He thought that the world had deteriorated so much in the 60´s and 70´s that all the chastisements he read about were "imminent" and would arrive at the latest in a couple of decades.
Comparing our sense of time to God's sense of time is probably like comparing a drop of water to all of the oceans. We just have no conception of it. When you've watched 13.8 billion years go by, "imminent" probably has a different meaning
Blizzard, The following is in response to your question on another thread about why Yves Dupont did not include Garabandal in his book on Catholic prophecy. I think it may have been because he originally planned on writing additional books, possibly four additional books. This is the last line from the "About the Author" from his book "Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement", In presenting the present volume, Mr. Dupont states that he has enough material for four such books. The response this one receives will determine his authoring others. I suppose that the response that the book received did not warrant him writing the additional books that he planned to write or possibly some other reason(s) came up. Also, in this section of this book it mentions that he wrote about Garabandal and when I first read this 15 months ago I looked for the article(s) but I was unsuccessful and then, miraculously, I found them this week within a few minutes of my searching. The following paragraph from this book contains the clue to his writings on Garabandal. It is interesting that what he was concerned about occurring in the 1960's and 1970's may have been successfully fought back at that time but very unfortunately is having a resurgence in the Church currently. The following may provide some additional clarity for Praetorian about this. We know from listening to Pope Francis and others that they are attempting to use Vatican II as their reason for their actions. Imho, I think that we are witnessing God's timing for these events as Praetorian has stated also. At Melbourne in 1962 he also began publishing World Trends, a Catholic quarterly of comment on events in the Church and in the political and social arenas (his popular article "Garabandal" has been republished from World Trends by TAN Books and Publishers). "My observations of the proceedings of Vatican II prompted me to express fears and misgivings for the future of the Church." Rereading those early issues of World Trends, one is profoundly impressed by the accuracy of Mr. Dupont's analyses at that time. Indeed, his prognostications of 1962 to 1965 are as fresh and vigorous today as they were then. At a time of "surface calm" in the Church, many of his readers were incredulous at his predictions of trouble and dissention soon to come. He believes the fears of that time have now been vindicated and the Church is split. He believes also that we are entering the period predicted by the prophecies in this book. Dupont does mention Garabandal in two other places in the book, for example, Many other messages have been given to the world since 1917: Beauraing, Banneux, OsnabrUck, Girkalnis, Bonate, Caderosa, Heede, Pfaffenhofen, Montichiari, Espis, Gimigliano, Sisov, Sicily, Necedah, Garabandal, San Damiano, Mexico, Quebec, New Norcia, and many others. Some have been already approved by the Church, some are still being investigated, others have been the object of a negative judgment, and still others have been condemned. All these recent messages, however, confirm what the other prophecies say. Imho, this is the same way that most of us discern unapproved prophecies, "Do they confirm what other prophecies say?" As Dupont confirms here, Garabandal does. I also believe that Dupont's book is very much like Rev. Culleton's book which was written almost 30 years before it. Dupont discusses almost all of the same prophecies in his book, so this may have been the foundation for his book. Desmond Birch's book, "Trial, Tribulation and Triumph: Before During and After the Antichrist" which was written in 1996 has been highly recommended on the forum, considered by some to be the new encyclopedia for Catholic Prophecy but the only private revelations Birch included in this book were those that were approved by the Church. Imho, if Birch had included Garabandal in his book these apparitions of Our Lady would be far more well known today but I suppose like Dupont mentions in his article it is all part of the prophecy, that many will not believe in the apparitions of Our Lady of Garabandal at the time of the Miracle.