The Moynihan Letters - on Garabandal today

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by BrianK, Jul 8, 2022.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021

    Above, the four seers of Garabandal. They received visions of the Virgin Mary in the early 1960s in Garabandal, Spain. In one of the visions, the Blessed Mother spoke of events that would occur "after the Pope visits Russia." Below, an interview in which Pope Francis reveals that he is currrently attempting to organize a visit to Moscow

    American Philip Pullella, respected long-time correspondent for Reuters news agency on Vatican affairs, interviewing Pope Francis, 85, in the large Salone of the Domus Santa Marta, where the Pope lives, on July 2, 2022.

    The interview touched on the Pope's desire to travel to Moscow, Russia, and to Ukraine, on his hope to renew the present agreement between the Vatican and China, and on his possible resignation from the papacy. The Pope said he had no intention to resign

    Pullella with Pope Francis, who is walking with the aid of a cane, in the Domus Santa Marta where the Pope lives

    "I thought that if the president of Russia gave me a tiny window, I would go there to serve the cause of peace.” —Pope Francis, confirming to American Reuters correspondent Phil Pullella in a July 2 interview in Rome that he is seeking to make a trip to Moscow in the near future

    Letter #83, 2022, Thursday, July 7: Pullella

    Five days ago, on July 2, Phil Pullella of Reuters sat down for a long, wide-ranging interview with Pope Francis in the Domus Santa Marta, touching on a number of important issues, from rumors that he may soon resign the papacy (he said he had no intention of doing so), to reports that he suffers from cancer (he denied such reports), to his desire to renew the current agreement with the Chinese government, which expires in October.

    But perhaps the most important point in this long interview was the Pope's confirmation that he is making plans to travel to Moscow... if he can. (See bottom of the letter for several quotations from the interview).

    Trip to Russia?

    Pullella asked Pope Francis about the likelihood of a papal trip to Russia in the near future.

    Francis said yes, he would like to make the trip, in order to help "the cause of peace."

    Here is how Pullella reported the Pope's words:

    "As for other trips, Pope Francis said he would like to go to Kyiv, Ukraine, and could go after his trip to Canada in late July, but he would like “to go to Moscow first. We exchanged messages about this because I thought that if the president of Russia gave me a tiny window, I would go there to serve the cause of peace.”

    So from these words of Francis we gather that "we" (evidently the Vatican and the government in Moscow) have "exchanged messages" about a possible papal trip to Moscow, but, as of today, there is no further information on the real possibility of such a trip.


    However, a spokesman for the Russian government quickly denied there were such contacts.

    On July 6, yesterday, this was the headline and communique on the website of Interfax in Russia:

    No substantive contacts on possible Putin-Pontiff meeting – Kremlin (link)

    Moscow, July 6, Interfax - A possible visit of the Pope of Rome to Russia and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin are not being discussed for now, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

    Journalists asked Peskov at a press briefing on Wednesday whether Putin was ready to meet with Pope Francis who expressed such a wish on Tuesday.

    "Such a summit visit needs to discussed, it needs to be prepared but, to my knowledge, there are no substantive contacts to that effect for now," Peskov said.

    [End Interfax communique]


    So the possibility of a papal trip to Moscow does seem to be "under study," at least in the Vatican, but the matter is not yet at a point where anything can be confirmed officially.

    If such a trip would occur, it is thought that it might come quite soon, perhaps in September.


    A connection with Garabandal?

    Meanwhile, such talk of a possible visit of the Roman pontiff to Moscow has raised eyebrows in those circles of Catholics who have studied the apparitions of Garabandal, Spain.

    In Garabandal — which is in northern Spain, not far from Lourdes, France, on the other side of the Spanish-French border — the Virgin Mary is said to have revealed to four young women, in 1962, in one of numerous apparitions during the early 1960s, that, after a future papal trip to Russia — until now, of course, no such trip has ever been made. there is no precedent for it —"hostilities will break out" in "different parts of Europe."

    In other words, turmoil, perhaps war, is said to be what will come after a papal trip to Moscow.

    Here is what one observer of these matters wrote in December, after Pope Francis, in different circumstance (it was before the start of the war in Ukraine) on the homebound papal plane from his visit to Greece, announced that he hoped to visit Moscow, the capital of Russia, in the near future.

    "Shivers ran down my spine as I read it," wrote Ding Cervantes, on December 12, 2021 in the Philippines (link). "All the prophecies... are coming together, especially those told years ago by the Blessed Mother during her Garabandal, Spain apparitions (1961-65). These apparitions were confirmed as authentic by St. Padre Pio, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and, albeit indirectly, St. Pope Paul VI who were contemporaries.

    "As far as I know, never has Heaven given us so many hints on when a major prophecy is to occur...

    "In his book Garabandal, Finger of God, author Albrecht Weber, a German who was involved with Garabandal since the early years (he is now deceased and buried in Garabandal), quoted visionary Conchita as having said: 'The Pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe.'

    "On June 19, 1962, the seers of Garabandal were given a vision of the tribulations to follow, making them scream in fear for several minutes.

    "When asked the Blessed Mother about it, she replied that communism, led by Russia, would unexpectedly take over many parts of democratic countries where Christians would be persecuted.

    "At the height of such an event, God would send to the whole world the Great Warning which will simultaneously penetrate, in the manner of the Holy Spirit, the consciences of each living person on earth, both believers and unbelievers." (link)

    Carol55 and sparrow like this.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021

    Now, a Personal Note

    I did not know a great deal about the apparitions at Garabandal, although I had of course heard of them over the years.

    But at the end of 2020, after my book Finding Viganò (link and link) appeared, I received a telephone call from a man in California who told me had the same last name as me: Moynihan.

    "And my father's name was the same as yours: Dr. Robert Moynihan," Jeffrey Moynihan told me. "He was a dentist."

    We talked for a while, and then he told me the reason for his call: to reveal to me something about his own life.

    As a young U.S. Navy sailor, he told me, he had traveled to Spain — this was in the 1960s, —and, when he heard about the apparitions, he decided to go to Garabandal to see for himself what was happening.

    And, he told me, he did go to Garabandal, and there he met the four girls, and he fell in love with one of them, and married her. It was Jacinta, and her name is now Jacinta Moynihan.

    "And I have been wondering if there is something in the work that you have been doing, perhaps with this book about Archbishop Viganò, that connects in some way with the message of Garabandal," he said.

    And we discussed that briefly.

    Then he told me one more thing: that another of the four girls, Mari Loli, had married an American from Massachusetts, from Haverhill.

    And I said, with a certain surprise: "Haverhill was where my own father, William Moynihan, was born and raised."

    And he told me that that the visionary Mari Loli had died in Haverhill, and had been buried in Haverhill, in the cemetery of St. James Church, where her body still rests, and that Jacinta and Conchita had gone together to her funeral in 2009.

    And I told him that St. James Church was... the parish church of my father, and that my father was baptized there, made his first communion there, and was confirmed there, along with all his brothers and sisters.


    And after that conversation, I began to make a study of the events and prophecies connected with Garabandal, just to see what they might involve, and I have not yet completed that investigation...

    However, as far as I have come to understand, the central question involved in "the warning" (see here for a summary of what it is thought to mean) is that an appeal will be made to the consciences of men and women everywhere, at a certain precise moment, when the world will seem to stand still for a moment.

    At that time, the Holy Spirit will, as it were, pose a question to each soul, and ask each person to consider what might be the good and evil things they have done over a lifetime, then offer the chance to turn — to convert — away from any path that is evil to embrace a better path that leads toward what is good.


    The Visionaries of Garabandal (link)

    There were four children who received apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Garabandal.

    Note that although three of the girls have the same last name (Gonzalez), they were not related to one another.

    After the apparitions ended and they became adults they went on to lead ordinary lives.

    Three of them ended up marrying Americans and moving to the U.S.A. and one of them married and moved to another city in Spain.

    1) Conchita González: Born on February 7th, 1949. She was the youngest child and only daughter of Aniceta González, whose husband had died early in their marriage. She had three older brothers, one of whom was Serafín. He died in 2000. It was Conchita who visited Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo, and by all accounts, Padre Pio was a great believer in Garabandal. There are reports of him sending a letter to Conchita encouraging her. It was also Conchita who went to Rome to visit the Pope. On May 26th, 1973, Conchita married Patrick J. Keena from Long Island, New York, where she currently lives. They have four children.

    2) Maria Cruz Gonzalez: born June 21, 1950 to Escolástico and Pilar. She married Ignacio Caballero in May of 1970. They have 4 children and she currently live in Avilés, Asturias (Spain).

    3) Jacinta Gonzalez: born on April 27, 1949, one of 8 children. Jacinta married Jeffrey Moynihan, from California, on February 21, 1976. They have one daughter, María, and currently live on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

    4) Mari Loli Mazón: María Dolores Mazón González was born on May 1st, 1949. She went by the name “Loli” and was the second of Ceferino and Julia’s six children. Ceferino was the village mayor, and, in addition to working in the fields, the family owned a small shop and bar. Loli married Francis Lafleur in Massachusetts, U.S.A., in 1974, and they had 3 children: Francis, María Melanie and María Dolores. For 7 years, she suffered from “lupus erythematosus” in her respiratory system, which eventually caused her death on April 20th, 2009, at age 59. She died in her home in Plaistow, Massachusetts (U.S.A.).


    All communications. including suggestions, from readers on these matters is welcome. (I receive emails simply from a return email to this letter.)

    Jo M, Sam, sparrow and 4 others like this.
  3. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    Thanks for posting this Brian. It’s a lot to absorb. I hope Glen might share his thoughts too.

    But, with all that said, after reading this and just other observations, it’s more than a sense- I believe the Holy Spirit is positioning everything for a momentous time. I don’t know when… I think soon… but as we know with God a day is a 1000 years and a 1000 years a day.

    what can I (we) do…. Listen to Our Lady …. Pray, fast, Eucharist, confession. Peace.
    Jo M, Sam, BrianK and 5 others like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The Devil has been doing his very,very best to bury Garabandal right from the beginning.

    But it still shines like a diamond in the darkness.

    Dusica, Ang, Jo M and 8 others like this.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Jeffrey's contact with Robert Moynihan and the realized personal connections is a sign of the Holy Spirit working to bring on board good Catholic men to what I believe are the truths of Garabandal. It was a subtle, loving way to say, "Yes, Robert, these are the times.

    We often grieve over Pope Francis. What human instrument of God is ever perfect? If Pope Francis does travel to Moscow it won't be due to his belief in Our Lady of Garabandal, but because he does have a sincere desire for peace. God accepts an inch of goodwill to create a milestone. If it all works out to fulfill the children's claims, then it may prove to be a key stepping stone for the salvation of our Pope. Let it be so, Dear Lord, let it be so!

    Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

    34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord,
    or who has been his counselor?”
    35 “Or who has given a gift to him
    that he might be repaid?”

    36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory for ever. Amen.
    Dusica, Carol55, Jo M and 7 others like this.
  6. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    if the visit is this year; the explosion of hostilities (foreseen when the pope returns from Moscow) will be a civil revolt over the cut off of Russian gas (with German industry going bankrupt and breakrouth the German economy and the European Union)?.
    MetAn likes this.
  7. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    I remember reading that it is supposed to be in the form of violent persecutions of the Church possibily committed by Russia or the result of communists( I find this part to be the most confusing) , so it could be related to the synod too which was maybe also mentioned as a sign, not certain if this is the synod mentioned but it seems highly likely right now.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2022
  8. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    I wonder if there will be a revolt against European interventionism in the war and the rising cost of living on the continent; and communist movements will take advantage of it.
    in chile, the 2019 protests were against the neoliberal government and ended up leading to attacks against the churches.
  9. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Cultural Marxism is already rooted in most countries in western Europe and had infected our culture like a cancer. We also saw a type of Communist control during the lockdowns.
    sparrow, Jo M, Carol55 and 3 others like this.
  10. LusoKnight

    LusoKnight Principalities

    Apr 27, 2022
    Wait, where was it said that the return of communism would be through Russia? I don't think it was ever revealed in what way communism was going to return.

    In fact, we can argue that the European Union is and has been promoting more communism throughout its territory (in disguise) than Russia in its own country.

    @Glenn Can you shed any light on this?
    sparrow and Carol55 like this.
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Garabandal Expert

    Aug 18, 2017

    An excerpt from the German book(The Finger of God by Albrect Weber ) further informs us:
    Mrs. [Christine] Bocabeille then asked Mari Loli: "If you are not allowed to tell me the exact year [of the Warning],
    perhaps you could tell me approximately when it will happen."
    "Yes, it will be at that time when the world will most need it."
    "When is that?"
    "When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be
    celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God."

    Sister Lucia of Fatima
    On February 23, 1943, Sister Lucy, the sole surviving seer of the Fatima apparitions who spent 21 years in Spain at Tuy and Pontevedra, sent a statement to Bishop Antonio Garcia of Tuy-Vigo which read: "If the bishops of Spain listen to the desires already manifested by Our Lord, and begin a true reform of the people and clergy, then it I will go well. But if not, she (Russia) will again be the enemy by which God will punish her once more."
    On July 20,1963 Conchita left the Church saying that she had had an intimate conversation with Our Lord.

    A Priest asked her to relate the circumstances in writing.

    Then the girl took a piece of paper and a pencil, and wrote these lines spontaneously with great ease.

    I was making my thanksgiving and praying for things. He answered me…

    And I said to Him:

    “Why is the miracle coming? To convert many people? “

    He answered:

    “To convert the whole world.”

    “Will Russia be converted? “{

    ” It also will be converted, and so everyone will love Our Hearts. “

    Locution on July 20,1963 “Conchita;s Diary-7

    Jo M, Carol55, HeavenlyHosts and 4 others like this.
  12. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

    The words of Our Lady of Fatima
  13. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    Curiously, in Fatima and Garanbadal there is always mention of Russia and never of the Soviet Union; this seems to indicate that Russia would be the instrument of punishment for the world after the breakup of the Soviet empire.
  14. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    I started following Dr. Moynihan 15 or 20 years ago, as he seemed to have an intuition about Marian prophecy in general that was seemingly lacking elsewhere.

    To see him making these connections between Garabandal and the pope’s express wishes to visit Moscow, is to me extremely important, as it highlights something we’ve all felt.

    (To finally get to meet him, in purely coincidental circumstances, and now to join his editorial staff at his Inside the Vatican magazine, is one of the highlights of my life.)
    jackzokay, Mario, Dusica and 8 others like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    No coincidences Brian. The Lord put you there.
    jackzokay, Sam, Jo M and 4 others like this.
  16. LusoKnight

    LusoKnight Principalities

    Apr 27, 2022
    Yes, but the thing is that Russia already spread its errors throughout the world, and they are now outside of Russia. Virtually most western countries are infected with the ideologies that came from Russia. This happened for decades.

    That doesn't exclude Russia from being the instrument of God's punishment.
    Carol55 likes this.
  17. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Belarus and Ukraine may become part of Russia and fulfill part of this prophecy, the Canadian pPepper spoke of this development recently.
  18. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    He strikes me as a good, faithful Catholic.:)
    Carol55 and BrianK like this.
  19. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Belarus is currently an indisputable ally of Russia. It seems Russia has secured control over the eastern part of Ukraine bordering their nation. The question is: will they fight to usurp Zalensky?:unsure::coffee:

    Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us!
    Mary's child and Carol55 like this.
  20. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    Feb 8, 2019
    Russia's inexorably going to wind up controlling a decent portion of (what is currently) Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

    Thus preventing Ukraine from ever being used by the West as military landscape to be used against Russia..

    Even when/if Zelenskyy's is forced to flee when/if he's replaced by a non-Nato, non-Russophobic leader of Ukraine, Z might still be used as a propaganda mouthpiece for the West..
    Mario likes this.

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