Maria Esperanza Prophecy

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Fatima, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Father Malachi Martin after reading the 3rd secret of Fatima made comment on 'a new form of energy' that will be revealed, that if used for good would provide very effecient and very inepensive form of new energy. He said, if used for good it will be a wonderful discovery, but if used for bad it would have devastating world consequenes. I can't help but wonder if the message from mystic Blessed Maria Esperanza was revealing the same thing in the message below?

    In Startling Language, Mystic Claimed A Message About 'Future' Of Technology
    By Michael H. Brown
    For your discernment:
    In an unusual 1981 message that she has only now authorized for release, Venezuelan mystic and stigmatic Maria Esperanza, associated with the Church-approved site of Betania near Caracas, presented a vision of the future that saw great improvements for mankind -- including stunning new inventions -- but only after science and religion join forces, eliminating the separation that has turned science into a religion (often a Godless one) unto itself.
    The release of the message, which Esperanza requested before the end of this month (March), coincides with the surprise and worrisome announcement that scientists are on the verge of creating artificial life forms in their laboratories -- in effect, of re-creating Creation. We present it only for your personal discernment.
    For years, Esperanza and other Christian prophets have warned that such misuse of technology -- Godless technology, especially human cloning -- would be disastrous. So too is it wrong to pollute the environment and waste limited resources, Esperanza has implied. Instead, she sees great breakthroughs as coming in concert with Christ-centered scientific endeavors. In a world where science is in tune with spirituality, Esperanza claimed -- in a message she said came from the Lord -- there will be "great events" and a "conquest" of what she called the "spatial era."
    "You must know that if you obey, the fullness of a wonderful light shall reflect upon you," she quoted Jesus as saying. "Great luminaries will work lively splendors that you may see next to you, guiding your footsteps because of your love for Me. Great events are near and the next one will shake the world of science."
    Esperanza, now 75 and on an extended stay in the U.S., maintains that a "wonderful reality" will come if science embraces humility, respects God, and opens itself to the Holy Spirit, Whom she claims will unleash hitherto unimagined inventions, including technology that will eventually neutralize radioactivity. In language strikingly uncharacteristic for Esperanza -- whose messages are usually simpler ones of devotional Catholic inspiration -- Maria used technical terms such as "nuclear electronic science, thermonuclear science, and transistonuclear science." The message, now 23 years old, also seems to have foreseen the internet. "Electronic computers will [cause] the utmost revolution people could imagine," she quotes a message from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on March 18, 1981, as saying. "This is why the society of the future is called to establish great reforms, so the unbridled whirlpool of mankind may not become unbalanced in trust, so everything will be in order."
    Did Esperanza really see into the far future? Could such marvels actually be on the way?
    As always, we offer this with the admonishment that we must constantly test the spirits and discern messages and sometimes even lines within messages individually, so as to guard against deception; there is often a thin line between what is futuristic and what strays into the New Age.
    But we also remain open-minded to a mystic who has drawn the support of her local bishops and whose gifts -- including stigmata on Good Fridays -- are as potent as any known seer, if not more so, and whose visions of the future are strikingly similar to those who have had near-death experiences.
    "It will be the key to nuclear energy, which will be shocked," she said, quoting the alleged message about a device that she says will eliminate harmful radiation. "Its reactions will grind to a halt, and then the time will come in which it will be used for pacific purposes, for man's well-being and for the probable happiness of better days. This will come about with the sun and with the drive of magnetic forces of earthly energies: volcanic forces, wind, water, certain kinds of seaweed because phosphorus will be better assimilated. In short, no element will be wasted, everything will be used."
    It is a vision that seems to intermingle with Heaven itself and recalls the arcane visions of Ezekiel -- referring to heavenly music that will supposedly edify mankind spiritually and even physically. Such developments will come only at the end of the current era, which she has warned will undergo a purification this century, especially during the next twenty years, due to our sinfulness, especially our lack of humility, charity, and love and a lack of devotion to the Eucharist. "Men cannot think, cannot imagine for a moment, the great struggle among nations that will take place, brother against brother," she quotes Jesus as saying.
    After that cleansing, however -- if mankind reverts back to the Lord, and lives in a simpler, more harmonious way, as He did, in concert with nature -- will come what she describes as devices far more revolutionary than even computers. Esperanza has foreseen a day when a new type of music will be devised that brings health instead of the disintegrative effects of current music. There will be "amazing devices," she claims, with far more capacity to diagnose and heal human sickness -- if science and religion join forces in God's plan.
    One example: a new technology that will allow a powerful new means of illumination, turning dark into day. She foresaw that as tapping into a "stellar curvature." She also saw forces of light and music combined together in ways that currently are unimaginable. In equally surprising language, she foresaw "the registration of equations to their final expression" and computer devices that will replace many of the functions of a doctor. She describes such inventions as coming from "secret forces" hidden in rhythms of nature and what she calls the "sacred canticles."
    What to make of it? Is the futuristic tone not startling?
    "I was immediately observant of the fact that what was contained in the message came from Heaven," says one priest, Father John LoSasso, O.F.M. of the Bronx, who is a close friend of hers. "There were many expressions, words, and phrases that are simply beyond Maria Esperanza. I am more and more convinced that the world is drunk with its technological capabilities. We now think that the creative role of God can be eliminated and replaced by our technology as we bring about life in a laboratory. When we reflect on what we have done with our technology, we ask how long will God be so patient with his creatures. There is a clear warning in the message not to misuse our technological capability. Every technological development must be in accord with the will and plan of God. "
    In the message 23 years ago, Esperanza had foreseen the opportunity through that for "universal brotherhood."
    "Be courageous," she claims Christ told her. "Jesus, your instructor, He Who reveals a better tomorrow: my daughter, I love you!"
    March 2004
    Rose, AED, Sanctus and 3 others like this.
  2. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels

    Oct 24, 2012
    Once I read something where a man asked his Guardian Agel what would happen to the world and after pleading for a long time the Angel said something about in the next 100 years the greatest invention of mankind would become obsolete and it would happen so fast that the only place you would see that invetion was in museums. He finally told the man that the greatest invention he was talking about was the wheel.
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Does the Mystic Esperanza fortell the "Warning" and death of Pope Francis "the innocent person whom He loves allot" in the highlighted sentences below? Is the "Awakening" the same as Garabandal's "Warning'? We are now in the 10 to 20 years period that she foretold

    From Spirit Daily 12/20/07
    From Esperanza To St. Bernard, Questions Raised On Christ's 'Intermediate' Coming

    The late Catholic mystic Maria Esperanza, who foresaw attacks and destruction of "two towers in New York" long before the events of 2001, had also warned, just three days after September 11, that the terrorist attacks were designed to ensnare the U.S. in a war, and that if such happened, it would lead, as she repeatedly said later on, to a "tragedy." Along with the Pope, she had urged the U.S. not to engage in an outright conflict that would alienate allies and others who bore sympathy for the U.S. in the wake of the World Trade Center.
    More than a year after her death -- and nearly three years since the onset of the Iraq hostilities (along with the battles in Afghanistan) -- it remains unclear what Esperanza, who died in August of 2004, and who is considered by many as the greatest mystic since St. Padre Pio, meant by the word "tragedy." Did she mean military deaths? Did she mean civilians? (According to President Bush, more than 30,000 Iraqi people, many children, have been killed in the crossfire.) Or did she mean something else -- something more esoteric? Was the Venezuelan seer referring to misfortunes that have occurred since? Or was she referring to a future event?
    It was one of several key prophecies of hers, and at a time when support for the war may be rebounding (after a huge drop), the word "tragedy" continues to give pause because of Esperanza's startling accuracy in predicting September 11 to start with. As shown below in a headline on a early version of Spirit Daily, back in December of 2000, the Venezuelan was deeply troubled by what she saw as a "provocation" and repeated the warning right up until three weeks before 9/11.
    That's one question; she saw many events in the world, especially by way of natural disasters; the other and more profound puzzle was her prophecy that Christ is ready for some kind of a manifestation.
    It was Esperanza's view that Jesus would soon come in a different way than He did 2,000 years ago, that He would appear to many people, in a way that would be more private. She held this view up until her death. "It is very different than what people think," she had told us in December of 2003. "He is going to come in silence... People will realize He is among us little by little. His first presentation will be like this, because in those days an innocent person whom He loves a lot will die, an innocent person. This will shock the world, will move the world."
    She speculated that the manifestation -- which sounds different than the actual Second Coming, and would precede what she called an "awakening" -- would occur from "from ten to twenty years" and that He would come "in the same way as He resurrected, as an apparition." "That's why I have been saying to be ready, because things are starting to happen," asserted the mystic, who was attached to the Church-approved apparition site of Betania and who saw 2004 as the start of it, a year that was to witness the onslaught of hurricanes as well as the great Asian tsunami and her own death. There are those who have wondered if the "innocent person" to whom she referred may have been Terri Schiavo.
    Whatever the case, we take Esperanza's predictions seriously -- not as Gospel, but seriously -- due to striking previous hits and due to the holiness she exhibited right unto her own death.
    Moreover, her words seem to connect with those of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) -- who once allegedly preached that in addition to the Second Coming, there would be some kind of intermediate appearance.
    "We know that there are three comings of the Lord," St. Bernard is widely quoted as saying. "The third lies between the other two. It is invisible, while the other two are visible. In the first coming, He was seen on earth, dwelling among men; He himself testifies that they saw Him and hated Him. In the final coming, 'all flesh will see the salvation of our God, and they will look upon Him Whom they pierced.' The intermediate coming is a hidden one; in it only the elect see the Lord within their own selves, and they are saved. In His first coming Our Lord came in our flesh and in our weakness; in this middle coming, He is our rest and consolation."
    That insight ties strikingly to what otherwise was a confusing part of what we have quoted and called the "1990 prophecy" (an anonymous and alleged locution from December of 1990 that has proven accurate in many regards).
    Said that prophecy -- which also seemed to indicate more a manifestation than a final coming -- "I will come not as a man of flesh, but like My mother, who already nurses Me and holds Me in her arms, as a light and power. I will manifest Myself in a series of supernatural events similar to the apparitions but much more powerful. In other words, My second coming will be different than My first, and like My first, it will be spectacular to many but also unknown initially to many, or disbelieved. Yet truly I tell you, the arrogance of the world will have been broken, and so many more than normal will believe.

    "I will come in towering light."
    The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches only a Second Coming that will come after the full inclusion of Jews in the Messiah's salvation and a final trial that will shake the Church, along with arrival of the anti-christ. "On Judgment Day at the end of the world, Christ will come in glory to achieve the definitive triumph of good over evil," states the Church, without mentioning or dispelling an intermediate manifestation.
    [We say allegedly because though not specifically the one quoted above, some letters and treatises falsely attributed to St. Bernard are found among his works, such as the "l'Echelle du Cloître," which is the work of Guigues, Prior of La Grande Chartreuse. The quote on an intermediate coming is from St. Bernard's Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3: Opera Omnia, Edit. Cisterc. 4 , 188-190]
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2013
    Sam, Rose, Byron and 1 other person like this.
  4. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I wrote about this last night on another thread. I had read about the technology and almost posted it. I think we should all put $5 in some stock in those technologies and when its all over...we go for a glass of wine whether we are poorer $5 or would be a hoot! Ah well....I must be bored today....:coffee:
    Sam and Sunnyveil like this.
  5. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    'As an apparition'? Definitely unsure about this part of the message, which makes me wonder about the rest. Jesus said 'Don't touch me' to Mary Magdalen, which confirms that he was touchable. He also ate fish and bread and invited Thomas to place his hands in his wounds. Jesus arose in a glorified body (an objective reality) with which He also ascended to the Father. He did not arise as an apparition (subjective) which is what some modernist theologians would have us believe.
    Sam and Clare A like this.
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Our Lady comes to the world today and we call these apparitions.

    Jesus also appeared to a boy called Emmanuel in the Rwandan apparitions. He appeared to Sister Margaret Mary as the Sacred Heart and to St. Faustina as divine Mercy

    He appeared in Garabandal as a child in the arms of Mary and blessed the world withe the sign of the cross an act which I believe was of supreme importance our generation and saved us from destruction.
  7. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    But Jesus was DEFINITELY not resurrected as an 'apparition'. His real and glorified body was resurrected. To believe otherwise is to deny scripture as well as tradition.
    Clare A, Rose and Agnes rose like this.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Modern Catholic Dictionary by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
    APPARITION. Supernatural vision. It is a psychical experience in which a person or object not accessible to normal human powers is seen and ordinarily also heard. When apparitions are claimed, the Church’s policy is to require proof of the fact, since illusions and hallucinations are so common, and the influence of the evil spirit is also to be taken into account. Yet from the Scriptures on there have been numerous, well-attested apparitions that were certainly of divine origin.

    Seems to me to fit the description: ......and that He would come "in the same way as He resurrected, as an apparition."
    I do not see a theological problem with this statement at all.
    John Mceleny, Byron and Seagrace like this.
  9. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Clare A likes this.
  10. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    SteveD , apparitions do not mean that it is in the spiritual not physical form. Where did you get that from?
  11. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Seems we have two very compelling messages from heaven that make this moment in history the time of prophecy of old to be fulfilled. One from the 3rd Secret of Fatima and the other from mystic Blessed Maria Esperanza, both making their time frames before 2017 as follows:

    Father Malachi Martin, who read the 3rd secret of Fatima in 1960, in 1997 on the Art Bell show said of the series of Chastisements described in the Third Secret of Fatima, and "repeated in condensed form" in Garabandal Warning-Miracle-Chastisement prophecies:
    • it is not 200 years away (2197)
    • it is not 50 years away (2047)
    • it is not 20 years away (2017)
    Maria Esperanza said in in December 2003: "the manifestation -- which sounds different than the actual Second Coming, and would precede what she called an "awakening" -- would occur from "from ten to twenty years"
    Rose likes this.
  12. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    If you read Fr. Hardon's definition above you will understand why a physical resurrection is NOT an apparition, it was really Jesus in his own physical body not a 'supernatural vision'. He said 'I am not a ghost', He ate, He invited Thomas to touch His wounds. Contrary to what the 'visionary' says Jesus did not come after His resurrection as a apparition and nothing will persuade me that this can be construed as true barring poor translation.
  13. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    The word "Apparition" has many definitions and certainly is not limited to the spiritual 'ghost form' while exempting the physical form. Our Blessed Mother has appeard many times to saints and mystics, not in spirit, but in bodily form. I recall one saint even sat on her lap (tough to do in the spiritual form only). So it would be rash to dismiss What Blessed Maria Esperanza stated above based on your own undrestanding of what the word 'apparition' means.

    Word Enlish Dictionary
    1. an apperance, esp of a ghost like figure
    2. the figure so appearing; phantom; specture
    3. the act of apprearing or being visible

    [C15: from Late Latin appāritiō, from Latin: attendance, from appārēre to appear ]
  14. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    It seems to me the problem is with this quote by Maria Esparanza..He would come "in the same way as He resurrected, as an apparition. It may not have been the best choice of words by the visionary. What she may have meant was that Jesus, when He resurrected, was in His glorified body,..which would be different from the natural born human existence.
    That would account for Him to have the ability to walk through closed doors and to make Himself seen or unseen. So He could appear as an apparition as He did to St. Margaret Mary or manifest Himself in different ways as He does in the host, although He cannot be seen, He is still there, whole and entire.
    Agnes rose and Marygar like this.
  15. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    We are talking about two different things. Of course Christ resurrected in a physical manner with a glorified resurrected body.

    But he has appeared to many people through the centuries in a spiritual manner. He appeared to Sister Margaret Mary as the Sacred Heart. So that was an apparition.
    Agnes rose likes this.
  16. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Read again what the 'visionary' said. "...he would come in the same was as He resurrected, as an apparition". My point (once again) is that He was NOT resurrected as an apparition, he was physically resurrected. I am aware that He has appeared in other forms since His ascension (to St. Paul, St. Margaret Mary and to St. Faustina).
  17. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    A little off topic, but do we know how he appeared to John on Patmos? Was it Jesus that appeared or an angel?
  18. Today in honor of Maria Esperanza's birthday (also feast of St. Cecilia, patroness of music...Maria's family formed a beautiful choir) Michael Brown, Spirit Daily, had this link (2nd below) to her story.....he was a very good friend of Maria's as was the family who ran a local Catholic radio station in this area that also spread nationally. The husband of this radio program couple would visit Maria in Venezuela (who had said before she died that "it" - something that the whole world would eventually experience - would begin in Venezuela....perhaps as we see there today) and he was invited into her home to be present for one of the times (15) when a rose would visibly grow out of her chest with much suffering on her part.

    I saw her once. Very unusual kind of experience since she seemed to always be present to another dimension and she would suddenly begin to walk in circles as if she was receiving something to express to those present. She would bring her whole family when visiting friends in the States. She died on the Jersey shore surrounded by her family. Once in NY she asked to be driven around and around a particular area to pray for it. She also predicted to this radio family that their son, Drew Mariani, producer of many Marian apparition videos, some of which were narrated by Ricardo Montalban, would go out further to a larger radio audience which he did, to Relevant Radio in Wisconsin.

    Maria's vision of heaven

    Esperanza as a young woman

    Although reluctant to speak of special graces, which she fears can lead to a lack of humility, Venezuelan mystic Maria Esperanza granted us a glimpse of heaven as she saw it. It occurred as we sat down with her for a few hours last weekend in New Jersey, where she and her lovely family are on personal business.

    "I remember one time I will share," she said when we persisted in our quest about heaven. "Everything is so beautiful. It's like a rebirth, with beautiful light. Everything is filled with lights. There is a lot of green in nature, and little lights, many lights all over, lights present in every aspect of heaven. It is like the sun rising. There are like buildings but everything with light."

    Maria believes that some of this light will soon be directed to earth. It will awaken us. It will begin a series of graces. It will come as natural events purify us. The "bridge" to heaven, says Maria, is humility -- and most of all love of God.

    "Russia may act in a surprise way, when you least expect it… [God's] justice will begin in Venezuela. - The Bridge to Heaven: Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania"
    Rose and djmoforegon like this.
  19. Ezdras

    Ezdras Guest

    So....seems everything starts in Venezuela, speaking politically.
    I hope also the manifestation of Jesus Christ and the rest of predictions will follow soon.
    Byron likes this.
  20. Waiting by the window

    Waiting by the window Powers

    Jan 11, 2018
    Hopefully the warning will take place before they are able to complete these quantum computers they are working on. from the article
    For now, China is lagging behind the U.S. tech industry in perhaps the most important race in the field: building a quantum computer.

    A fully functioning quantum computer has the potential to be transformative. The exponentially greater calculation power could help identify new chemical compounds to treat intractable diseases, and eliminate traffic snarls by predicting and managing the flow of vehicles.

    However, the possibility that the machines could eventually crack all existing forms of encryption is a major worry for militaries, governments and businesses that handle sensitive data.

    To get a fully functioning computer - a goal still a decade or more away, most scientists agree - researchers must coax a large number of qubits into working together efficiently. That's difficult because qubits are finicky and have the propensity to stop functioning at the slightest disturbance, such as a minor change in temperature.

    Google and IBM are at the forefront, using superconducting circuits to manipulate qubits. Google last year unveiled a quantum processor with 72 qubits, surpassing IBM's previously announced 50-qubit computer.

    More important than the number of qubits is how effectively they work together, said Chris Monroe, a University of Maryland physicist and co-founder of the start-up IonQ. The company recently reported that its prototype computer, using 11 qubits made of ionized atoms, performed more complex calculations with greater accuracy than any rival machine. (IonQ's investors include AWS, a subsidiary of Amazon, whose founder, Jeff Bezos, owns The Washington Post).

    Chinese researchers so far have reported a 12-qubit processor, using superconducting technology similar to Google's and IBM's.

    The leader of that work, USTC professor Zhu Xiaobo, presented his team's results at the Shanghai conference, flashing a picture of their prototype on the screen - a shiny tangle of coaxial cables resembling an intricate golden chandelier. (IBM's and Google's machines have a similar look.)

    "We are now working on 24 qubits," Zhu said. "We hope next year we will go to 50, and maybe sometime we will go to quantum supremacy," he added, referring to the point at which a quantum computer is able to perform a calculation that existing computers can't. The benchmark, though widely anticipated, will mark only the beginning of progress in the field, scientists say.

    Lu Chaoyang, a young physicist who earned his PhD at Cambridge University, also stepped to the lectern to deliver an update on his team's approach to quantum computing. It relies on photons, which he dubbed "fast-flying qubits."
    Byron likes this.

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