Sr. Jeanne le Royer "Sister of the Nativity"

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Fatima, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    A French nun who received a series of apocalyptic visions in the late 18th century. Sr. le Royer's visions were recorded in the 1817 book Vie et Révélations de Sœur de la Nativité (The Life and Revelations of the Sister of the Nativity), by Charles Genet

    Sister of the Nativity's prophecies appear to be related to the first decades of the 21st century:

    …One day I found myself in a vast plain alone with God. Jesus appeared to me and from the top of a small hill showing me a beautiful sun in the horizon. He said dolefully: “the world is passing away and the time of my coming draws near. When the sun is about to set one knows that the day is nearly over and that night will soon fall. Centuries are like days for me. Look at this sun; see how much it still has to travel and estimate the time that is left in the world.“ I looked intently and it seemed to me that the sun would set in about 2 hours. Jesus said “Do not forget that those are not millenaries but only centuries and they are few in number” But I understood that Jesus reserved to Himself the knowledge of the exact number and I did not wish to ask him more. It sufficed me to know the peace of the church and the restoration of the discipline were to last a reasonably long time…

    Writing towards the end of the 18th century, Sr. le Royer was told that the "sun would set in about 2 hours", and that these hours represented centuries - placing the significance of her prophecies as relating to sometime around the turn of the millennium. Yet before this "setting of the sun", when the world will pass away, Sr. le Royer was shown that the Church would be restored during an age of peace which would last "a reasonably long time". Given that her prophecies are centred around the turn of the millennium, it seems that the age of peace given to the world before the coming of the Antichrist is related to this exact time period.
    The above prophecies of Sr. Jeanne le Royer are fairly well known, having been cited in the books Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupont and The Prophets and Our Times, by Rev. Gerard Fulton. But there is another lesser known prophecy of the Sister of the Nativity which dates the significance of her prophesied events even more specifically to the second decade of the 21st century:

    "Woe ! Woe ! Woe to the last century !
    Here is what God wanted to show me in his Light. I began looking in the light of God, the century which must begin in 1800; I saw by this light that judgement wasn't there, and that it wouldn't be the last century. I considered, thanks to the same light, the century of 1900, until the end, to see positively if it would be the last. Our Lord made me know, and at the same time made me doubt, if it would be at the end of the century of 1900, or in that of 2000. But what I saw, it is that if the judgment arrived in the century of 1900, it would come only towards the end, and that if the world exceeds this century, the first two decades of the century of 2000 will not pass without the judgment intervening, as I saw it in the light of God."
    (Vie et Révélations de Sœur de la Nativité, Charles Genet, book IV, pp. 125-126)
    Seagrace, Carol55, sunburst and 6 others like this.
  2. le royer.htm

    “One day I heard a voice which said ‘The new Constitution will appear to many other than what it really is. They will bless it as a gift from heaven; whereas it is in fact sent from hell and permitted by God in His just wrath. It will only be by its effects that people will be led to recognize the Dragon who wanted to destroy all and devour all….”1
    “…One night I saw a number of ecclesiastics. Their haughtiness and air of severity seemed to demand the respect of all. They forced the faithful to follow them. But God commanded me to oppose them. ‘”They no longer have the right to speak in My name’ Jesus told me ‘It is against My wish that they carry out a mandate for which they are no longer worthy…”2
    “…I saw a great power rise up in the Church. It plundered, devastated and threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it trampled under foot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by all nations. Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the priesthood, it had the effrontery to confiscate the Church’s property and to arrogate for itself the powers of the Holy Father, whose person and laws it held in contempt” 3
    “I had a vision: Before the father and the son both seated a virgin of incomparable beauty, representing the church was kneeling. The Holy Ghost spread His wings over the virgin and two other persons. The wounds of Our Lord seemed alive. Leaning on the cross with one hand, he offered to His father with the other hand the chalice which the virgin had given to him. She supported the Chalice which the master held in the middle. The father placed one hand on the cup and raised the other to bless the virgin. I noticed that the chalice was only half filled with blood, and I heard these words spoken by the saviour at the moment of presentation?: “I shall not be fully satisfied until I am able to fill it right up to the brim” I understood then that the contents of the chalice was only half-filled with blood of the early martyrs and that this vision had reference to the last persecution of the Christians who’s blood would fill the chalice; thereby completing the number of martyrs predestined. For at the end of time, there will be as many martyrs as in the early church and even more, for the persecutions will be far more violent. Then the last Judgement will no longer be delayed….” 4
    “…I see in God that a long time before the rise of Antichrist the world will be afflicted with many bloody wars. Peoples will rise up against peoples and nations will rise against nations sometimes allied, sometimes enemies in their fight against the same party. Armies will come into frightful collisions and will fill the earth with murder and carnage….”5
    “…These infernal and foreign wars will cause enormous sacrifices, profanations, scandals and infinite evils, because of the incursions that will have been made into the Church…” 6
    “…As well as that I can see that the earth will be shaken in different places by frightful earthquakes. I see whole mountains cracking and splitting with a terrible din. Only too happy will one be if one can escape with no more than a fight but no I see come out of these gaping mountains whirlwinds of smoke, fire, sulphur and tar which reduce to sinders entire towns. All this and a thousand other disasters must come before the man of Sin (antichrist)…”7
    “I saw in the light of the lord that the faith and our Holy religion would become weaker in almost every Christian kingdom. God has permitted that they should be chastized by the wicked in order to awaken them from their apathy. And after the justice of God has been satisfied he will spread the faith and restore the discipline of the church in those countries where it had become tepid and lax…” 8
    “I saw in God that our mother Holy Church will spread in many countries and will produce her fruits in abundance to compensate for the outrages she has suffered from impiety and persecutions of her enemies…”9
    “I saw that the poor people weary of the arduous labors and trials that God sent to them shall be thrilled with a joy that God will infuse in their good hearts. The church will become by her faith and by her love more fervent and flourishing that ever. Our good mother the church will witness many amazing things even on the part of her former persecutors for they will come forwards and throw themselves at her feet, acknowledge her and implore pardon from God and from her for all the crimes and outrages that they had perpetrated against her. She will no longer regard them as her enemies but she will instead welcome them as her own children….” 10
    “…Now all the true penitents will flow from all sides to the Church, which will receive them into her bosom. The entire community of the faithful will pour out their hearts in hymns of penance and thanksgiving to the glory of the Lord…” 11
    “…I saw in Gods essence a numerous assembly of ministers of the church who like an army in battle and like a firm and unflinching column shall sustain the rights of the church and of her head and shall restore its ancient discipline.” 12
    “…I see in God a great power lead by the Holy Ghost which will restore order through a second upheaval. I see in God a large assembly of pastors who will uphold the rights of the church and of her head. They will restore the former disciplines. I see in particular, two servants of the lord who will distinguish themselves in this glorious struggle and who by the grace of the Holy Ghost, will fill with ardent zeal the hearts of the illustrious assembly….” 13
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  3. Part II le royer.htm
    “…All the false cults will be abolished; all the abuses of the Revolution will be destroyed and the altars of the true God restored. The former practices will be put into force again and our religion –at least in some respects -will flourish more than ever….” 14
    “…I see in God that the church will enjoy a profound peace over a period which seems to me to be of a fairly long duration This respite will be the longest of all that will occur between the revolutions from now until the General judgement. The closer we draw to the General Judgement the shorter will be the revolutions against the church. The kind of peace that will follow each revolution will be shorter also. This is so because we are approaching the End of Time and little time will be left for either the elect to do good or for the wicked to do evil….” 15
    “…One day the Lord said to me ‘A few years before the coming of my enemy, Satan will rise up false prophets who will announce the Antichrist as the true Messiah, and they will try to destroy all our Christian beliefs. And I shall make the children and the old people prophesy. The closer we get to the reign of Antichrist, the more will the darkness of Satan spread over the earth and the more will his satellites increase their efforts to trap the faithful in their nets…” 16
    “…One day I found myself in a vast plain alone with God. Jesus appeared to me and from the top of a small hill showing me a beautiful sun in the horizon. He said dolefully: “the world is passing away and the time of my coming draws near. When the sun is about to set one knows that the day is nearly over and that night will soon fall. Centuries are like days for me. Look at this sun; see how much it still has to travel and estimate the time that is left in the world.“ I looked intently and it seemed to me that the sun would set in about 2 hours. Jesus said “Do not forget that those are not millenaries but only centuries and they are few in number” But I understood that Jesus reserved to Himself the knowledge of the exact number and I did not wish to ask him more. It sufficed me to know the peace of the church and the restoration of the discipline were to last a reasonably long time…”17
    “The Holy Father is most unhappy; because of him the whole Church is in desolation..” 18
    “Many precursors, false prophets, and members of infernal secret societies, worshippers of Satan, shall impugn the most sacred dogmas and doctrines of our holy religion, shall persecute the faithful, shall commit abominable actions; but the real and extreme abomination and desolation shall more fully be accomplished during the reign of Antichrist, which shall last about three years and a half. Woe, woe, woe to the last century which is descending! What tribulations precede its commencements. Out of this mighty voice I recognized that these woeful tribulations will make their appearance in the age before the judgment. And as I pondered over and weighed, in God, the century, I saw, that which begins with 1800 will not yet be the last. I see that when the Second Coming of Christ approaches, a bad priest will do much harm to the Church...” 19“When the time of the reign of Antichrist is near, a false religion will appear which will be opposed to the unity of God and His Church. This will cause the greatest schism the world has ever known. Errors will cause ravages as never before. The nearer the time of the end, the more the darkness of Satan will spread on earth, the greater will be the number of the children of corruption, and the number of the just will correspondingly diminish...” 21
    “…Antichrist will kill the Pope, probably by crucifixion. As a child of ten he will know more than anyone else in the world and when he is thirty he will begin his real work. Fifteen days after the ascension of Enoch and Eli as into Heaven, terrible catastrophes will come upon the earth: most severe earthquakes, tidal waves inundating much of the earth's surface, culminating in a thick darkness over the entire earth. “ 22
    “My Father, God has manifested to me the malice of Satan, and the perverse and diabolical intentions of his emissaries against the Holy Church of Jesus Christ. At the command of their master these wicked men have traversed the earth like furies, with the intention of preparing the way and the place for Anti-Christ whose reign is approaching. Through the corrupted breath of this proud spirit they have poisoned the minds of men. Like persons infected with pestilence, they have reciprocally communicated the evil to each other, and the contagion has become general. What convulsions! what scandals! The thick vapours which I have seen rising from the earth, and obscuring the light of the sun, are the false maxims of irreligion and of license, which in part originated in France, and in part came to us from abroad. These have succeeded in confounding all sound principles, and in spreading everywhere such darkness as to obscure the light both of faith and of reason.The storm began in France and France shall be the first theatre of its ravages after having been its forge…” 23
    “…But the church in council assembled shall one day strike with anathemas pull down and destroy the evil principles of that criminal constitution. I saw in God’s essence a numerous assembly of ministers of the Church, who like an army in battle array, and like a firm and unflinching column shall sustain the rights of the church and of their Head, and shall reestablish its ancient discipline… What a consolation! What consolation, what joy for all the truly faithful!…I saw in the Divinity a great power guided by the Holy Spirit which shall destroy all the abuses of Revolution: religions shall be abolished (Protestantism): the altars shall be reestablished and religion shall more than ever flourish…” 24
    “When the persecution against the Church has spread like a wild raging fire even to place where it was thought there was no danger then the Lord who knows how to draw glory out of everything will suddenly command the mighty fore stream and Satan to halt. Then will universal peace be proclaimed.” 25
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2022
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  4. Carol55 and Julia like this.
  5. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I don't know where and can't remember the specifics but I clearly remember reading months back that Pope Benedict had "tested the waters" with the Russian Orthodox Church as to their agreement or not about the Consecration of Russia -as requested in Fatima.
    This is very vague but it stuck with me because it is very important and very telling.
    Carol55, Julia and (deleted member) like this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    bump...worth reading again
    Mac likes this.
  7. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    And again...

    .“One day I heard a voice which said ‘The new Constitution will appear to many other than what it really is. They will bless it as a gift from heaven; whereas it is in fact sent from hell and permitted by God in His just wrath. It will only be by its effects that people will be led to recognize the Dragon who wanted to destroy all and devour all….”1
    “…One night I saw a number of ecclesiastics. Their haughtiness and air of severity seemed to demand the respect of all. They forced the faithful to follow them. But God commanded me to oppose them. ‘”They no longer have the right to speak in My name’ Jesus told me ‘It is against My wish that they carry out a mandate for which they are no longer worthy…”2
    “…I saw a great power rise up in the Church. It plundered, devastated and threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it trampled under foot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by all nations. Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the priesthood, it had the effrontery to confiscate the Church’s property and to arrogate for itself the powers of the Holy Father, whose person and laws it held in contempt”
    Carol55 and (deleted member) like this.
  8. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Prophecy being fulfilled as we speak.
    AED, Carol55 and Mac like this.
  9. Daniel75

    Daniel75 New Member

    Feb 12, 2021
    Looks as if God's intervention occurred in 2020 via Covid 19. Right on time.

    the first two decades of the century of 2000 will not pass without the judgment intervening, as I saw it in the light of God."
    Sam, Mary's child, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Sam, Lois, AED and 2 others like this.
  11. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Aug 21, 2017
    Interesting, if the judgment were in 2000 it would coincide with the Great Jubilee.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  13. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Padraig, I was just going to look up these prophecies. Thank you for bumping this thread.
    AED and padraig like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    They are very accurate and pertinate to our times.
    Seagrace, Sam, AED and 1 other person like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Wow. Reading this in late 2022 it is prescient.
    Sam and Carol55 like this.

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