The Guadalupe Apparitions/Miracles happened over a three-day period in 1531. They occurred from December 9-12 on the old Julian Calendar. But the events happened right around the Winter Solstice, which is always around December 21, on the Gregorian Calendar. This year there will be a very "coincidental" and rare astronomical event. On December 20 at around 5am, those in Mexico City will see the waning crescent moon under the feet of the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin). The astronomical simulation can be found on this page: When the simulation loads, you will need to do four things: 1. Select object: moon. 2. Change the date at the bottom to 12/20/2022. 3. Change time to 4:30 am. 4. Zoom completely out on the simulator by clicking (9 times) the minus (-) sign to the right. Compare with the Tilma image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Virgin Mary is shown with that precise crescent moon shape under her feet on the Tilma. Also notice the constellation called "serpens caput" (serpent's head), which is also under the feet of Virgo, and know that some people translate the Nahuatl/Aztec word for "Guadalupe" to mean "she crushes the head of the serpent." I think a similar astronomical event occurred in 1531 at the time of the apparitions. It is my opinion that this event marks the beginning of the 42 month period described in the Apocalypse 13:5. This period is a recapitulation same 3.5 year period described in slightly different ways in the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Bowls. The main events, as I understand them, will manifest the rise of the Antichrist (the Antipope) and his (synodal) persecution of the faithful Catholic remnant. These events relate primarily to things that will happen within the Roman Catholic Church or, more precisely the Counterfeit Catholic Church (the "Harlot" church), called "Babylon" in the Apocalypse. Now would be a good time for those who call themselves Catholic to figure out if they are currently aligned with the teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (the entity keeping the Traditional teachings and practices intact) or "the Harlot church" (the entity that has prostituted itself to "the ways of the modern world.") If you think you might be following the teachings and practices of "the Harlot church," now would be a good time to receive the Sacrament of Penance and pray for discernment, so that you will not be deceived any longer by the person who will soon reveal himself as the Antichrist (who just might be an Antipope with the letters "GOG" in his last name).
Wow, what a sign! I meant to post this yesterday in this thread about the Virgin of Guadelupe but I will do it here since you mention the harlot in the book of Revelation. In this episode, Frances Hogan talks about the letters of St John to the seven Churches that address the enemy within the Church. She says that the prophets in the OT told the Israelites that if they forgot God, they would fall into immorality and idolatry, so instead of being a bride they would become a harlot (Jeremiah 2:13, Hosea 2:15, Judges 8:34). One of the Churches was in a powerful city with several temples including one devoted to a serpent god that had a medical school attached to that temple and the medical school did many false miracles! At some point, she also compares the Church of Laodicia to the Catholic Church.
PNF, I hope that you don’t mind stating where you found this analysis on the crescent moon on 12/20/22 at 4:30am over Mexico City? I wondered how this differs from any crescent moon appearing in December so I tried last year’s which was on 12/1/2021 at 4:30 am and it appears the same at the feet of Virgo and the constellation Serpens Caput is at Virgo’s feet also. I left the location of Mexico City as you have it. I am just not sure that there is something significant about this year that we haven’t seen other times, maybe you can explain this to me and clear things up in my mind. Thank you. Edited to add: 12/11/2020at 4:30 am looked very similar also.
Hi Carol. The analysis is mine. I did not find it anywhere. The "coincidence" requires three things: 1. the Winter Solstice (happens once a year) 2. the waning crescent moon (happens a few days every month) 3. under the feet of the constellation of Virgo (the moon passes virgo often on its normal elliptical orbit) What I am saying is that, while each of the events, by themselves, are fairly common, the coincidence of all events is not common. I'm not saying that is never happens. But it is not common. The Year 2000 was the most recent past year that I could find those three events coinciding. Why the Winter Solstice? Like I said, the original Guadalupe apparitions happened over a three-day period around the Winter Solstice in 1531. Why do I think this event is important even though it happened as recently as the year 2000? Because I think we are in the near vicinity (within a few years) of all of the end time events playing out. Why do I think this, because I think I recognize "the signs of the times" that Jesus and the prophets warned about. I think those events are happening in the very near future, not 20+ years away. Others will disagree, I'm sure. The "serpens caput" is always in the same position relative to Virgo. I wasn't saying that that was rare. I was simply stating that both the serpent and the virgin are present in the same in the heavens and that those two entities are referenced in the Guadalupe name as well as in Apocalypse 12.
Thank you for your reply PNF. I reread your first post and I see that you began with the explanation of why the winter solstice. I apologize that I didn’t fully grasp everything at first. I suppose that we’ll see. I don’t believe that PopeFrancis is Gog (or the anti christ) you appear to be hinting in your post but I do think that it is possible that he is an antipope but again we’ll see. edited to add: what happened to the first 42 months? I mean when do you think they began and will end. Since Pope Francis will be pope for 10 years in March, I don’t see where the first 42 months come into the picture that you paint. one last thing: I have heard this date mentioned by a few and their thought is that Russia may launch a large offensive on this date. Their feeling is that they have been waiting for the ground in Ukraine to freeze. Maybe that is the connection, idk.
Hi Carol55. I admit I may be misunderstanding your question. If I have misunderstood, please forgive me. But I will assume that you are contrasting two things: 1. The 42 month period of the Antichrist 2. The fact that BerGOGlio [see Ezechiel chapter 38 and Apocalypse chapter 20] has been pretending to be Pope for almost 10 years. I think you might be thinking that the Antichrist could not possibly be a person who has been deceiving people for almost 10 years, all the while maneuvering himself and his horde into place for the final strike. In other words, you might be assuming that the Antichrist is going to come out of nowhere and that this unknown person will be able suddenly "to deceive even the elect (Matthew 24:24)." But it seems impossible to me to think that Catholics ("the elect") will follow the lead of anyone other than a person that those Catholics assume to be the Pope. So, the Antichrist, in my mind, must be someone automatically trusted by Catholics to lead them. Not Putin or Xi or Macron or Musk or etc. So, the Antichrist must be an antipope, meaning a non-canonically-elected pretender to the papacy. This pretender will not have the protection of the Holy Spirit promised to the successor of Peter because the previous successor of Peter is still alive and still retains the supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit guaranteed by the dogma of papal infallibility. There cannot be two "Peters" with this gift who are living at the same time. Now, to get back to how BerGOGlio after 10 years can then somehow morph into the Antichrist. Here is how I see it. I sure almost all will disagree with me. I use Judas as the model of the Antichrist. Judas was one of "the Twelve" but, in the end, betrayed Jesus. Similarly, I think the Antichrist will be one of those with legitimate "Apostolic succession" as a consecrated Bishop. But this Bishop will publicly apostatize from the authentic teachings of Jesus. He will claim his own authority to be above the authority of Jesus in an important matter. When this occurs, this Bishop will become "the Antichrist" in God's eyes and in the eyes of those "who have eyes to see." He will be the final Judas, but this time the betrayer will lead not only himself into perdition, but millions of others because of his "trusted position" as the presumed Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, because only a Bishop who is an antipope can lead astray the entire Catholic world. The Synod on Synodality is the instrument by which this final apostasy will be effected. This Synod is being led by whom? A presumed "Pope" who most Catholics trust to lead them. But this man is actually a "False Prophet," a wolf in sheep's clothing, which is precisely what Jesus warned us to look out for in the end times.
Yeah, PNF you didn’t really understand my post. The Antichrist is said to have a 7 year reign broken up into 2 3.5 year periods (42 months each) . For the first 3.5 years he’ll look like a good guy and then for the next 3.5 years he’ll be a very, very bad guy. I was wondering how you fit the first 3.5 years into the almost 10 year papacy of Pope Francis so far? I apologize that I don’t have time right now to address all that you have stated. This is a pretty complicated subject so I usually rely on senses fidelium for answers on it.
Hi Carol55. I think we have seen something like what you describe. BerGOGlio entertained Pachamama in the Vatican gardens in October 2019. He signed the document with the Muslims claiming that "God wills the diversity...of religions" in February 2020. He shut down all Churches from March 2020 for a cold virus. He celebrated the Brotherhood of humanity in Fratelli Tutti in October 2000. He told people that they are morally obligated to take a poisonous, unnecessary vaccine in January 2021. He attacked the Traditional Latin Mass communities with Traditionis Custodes in July 2021. He initiated the Synod on Synodality and put the worst people imaginable in charge of the event in October 2021. But through all of this, when asked in a poll, Catholics still think he is a "good guy," as you can see in this poll: Among Catholic respondents to the national poll, the pope’s popularity has increased from fall polling with 78.9 percent saying they have a favorable opinion of Pope Francis, while in October 2021, it was 73.2 percent of Catholic respondents. In February 2021, he earned high praise from 79.3 percent of Catholics and 79.9 percent in October 2020. That stuff started almost 3.5 years ago, but Catholics don't seem to care or notice. Soon he will be even more popular because he will negotiate a peace deal and end the theatrical war between Russia and Ukraine. Then he will finally strike by claiming that the traditional Catholic teaching on homosexuality is wrong and allow same-sex marriages in Catholic churches. That is the essence of Antichrist. In doing that and other things, he will initiate the "abomination that causes desolation," meaning that the Eucharist will no longer be present in those churches blessing those abominable actions.
Now you have the idea PNF. It is something to think about. I still believe that he is not the AC but he may play a major roll in the end times.
Hi Carol55. Just want to clarify. I agree with you. At this moment, he is not (present tense) the Antichrist. I believe, he will be (future tense) the Antichrist, AFTER he publicly apostatizes by declaring that his teaching officially supersedes the teaching of Jesus.
How sad if this were true. I never thought that the Antichrist and false prophet could be the same person. Very interesting.
Definitely agree now that the elect are the Catholics. I once believed the elect were the Jews, because Jesus was Jewish. But it’s clearly about the Church.
I don’t think pope Francis will negotiate a peace deal with Russia and end the “theatrical war.” The war will escalate.
I think it will escalate a little further. Hard to say just how much. But before the peace deal it will SEEM like things are very, very dire. It will seems that a deal is impossible. That a horrible war is inevitable. Then, like magic, a deal will be made. And BerGOGlio will be finally win his Nobel Peace Prize. And "the world" will bow down at his feet. He will have singlehandedly stopped WWIII, that all the prayers and consecrations to Our Lady could not do. He will say he had to take it into his own hands. "God helps those who helps themselves" will be his motto. This farce will just be a setup to give him the popularity needed to fundamentally change the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. His changes will be welcomed by almost all Catholics because, in their minds, he will have saved the world from nuclear holocaust. He will be the new savior, the man of peace. And his next step will be to bring a ecclesiastical peace by inviting ALL people into his new counterfeit Catholic Church, no strings attached. Forget all that traditional morality and sins of the flesh. The only sinners will be those who continue to uphold the teachings of Jesus. Wokism will replace Apostolic Catholicism.
We just don’t really know. But it makes more sense for the AC to be Catholic, if he’s sitting in the seat of Peter. Personally, I believe the end of this era is about the Church, and not about a supposed third temple in Israel.