Messages from Heaven to today’s world -with the bishop's imprimatur

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Woman Clothed WithThe Sun, Jan 20, 2023.

  1. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I'm posting here the transcript of a Spanish video introducing a French seer who has full support from his Bishop. He receives long messages commenting scripture and current events in light of scripture. Every individual message is published with the approval of the bishop's approved priest theologian.

    Those who only look for just details of future events may find the content boring ...

    Those who try seriously to discern spiritual and practical advice may want to take the bother of slowly reading the messages one at a time, --with the help of a google translation of the original French if they can't read French.
    This is the seer website:

    This is the introduction video -in Spanish- followed by its transcript in English (a slightly corrected google English translation.)
    (Foros de la Virgen Maria who produced this video is the same site that produced the video about the Mexican little prophet girl)

    "Christians are Falling into an Abominable Deception":
    revelations of Jesus to a French Seer

    " There are few [people] who still have authentic discernment."

    There is a seer on a French overseas island, who has been receiving messages from Jesus, Mary and various saints for decades.

    The messages have the imprimatur of his Bishop, that is, they are free of theological and doctrinal errors.

    They are considered private revelations, that is, they do not constitute part of the deposit of faith, but eventually they could help to live the faith more fully and be a guide on the way.

    Most of the messages are catechesis on passages from the Bible, but they also contain notes on what is happening in the world at the time and requests from heaven to Christians.

    Here we will present the seer and give a summarized vision of the messages he received during the year 2022, which touch on current issues and recommendations from Heaven, so that each one can discern them.

    There is a seer named Jean Philippe Marie who has been receiving messages since 1981.

    He publishes the messages he receives on the “Un Souffle qui passe …” "A Passing Breath: Messages from Heaven to today’s world" site, .

    He has been compiling and publishing them in volumes with the imprimatur of the first volumes, by Monsignor Gilbert Aubry, Bishop of Saint-Denis de la Réunion.

    La Réunion is an island located in the western Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, in the southern hemisphere.

    It is within the overseas department of France, forming part of the French Republic.

    The seer is completely unknown outside of France.

    He is a Catholic layman who receives the messages in the form of interior locutions.

    He receives messages from the Virgin Mary, from Jesus himself, from famous saints such as Saint Paul, Saint Teresa of Ávila or Saint John Mary Vianney, and also from other "Brothers from Heaven".

    Each message is theologically reviewed by a renowned theologian priest before being published.

    In 1995, he met in a private audience with John Paul II, with whom he had a strong emotional bond since he had the vision, during the Sunday mass that preceded the attack on Wednesday, May 13, 1981, of the same images which were later broadcasted on television channels after the incident.

    Until now, heaven has asked Jean Philippe Marie to remain discreet, and he has faithfully obeyed the discipline of the Church and its Teaching.

    He receives messages once a month and sometimes twice.

    They are usually long messages, which analyze passages from the scriptures, but they also contain comments on the reality of the moment and recommendations from Jesus, Mary and the other saints.

    On January 1, 2022,

    he was told that the True Faith is disappearing from the face of the Earth.

    And even at the very top of the Church, the forces of evil are at work, creating confusion, bewilderment and spiritual emptiness.

    That many Christians are brainwashed by the voices of the wicked by the corrupt media, which broadcast vile lies to justify panic.

    And that even the luminaries fall into the trap of this abominable deception.

    But it asks not to lose hope in the power of the Holy Spirit, because prayers, fasting, sacrifices and alms can soften the heart of God.

    The message of February 6, 2022, calls not to be destabilized by the lies of Lucifer, who seeks to scare us and harm us.

    It refers to the world health situation, and how the powers of darkness are attacking.

    It also refers to the despotic mandates of rulers, whom clergymen of the Church itself sometimes recklessly encourage, even coercing the flock.

    The message of March 25, 2022, calls to expose the false spirit behind the seduction of the falsely protective words of many leaders …

    …who are oriented to liquidate traditional society, the Church and Christian values, under the influence of the evil forces.

    It calls not to be deceived and manipulated, and to defend freedoms with discernment.

    It asks [for people] to have the curiosity to search for serious and reliable information on the Internet, instead of making decisions on an emotional impulse and without the slightest discernment.

    And then it talks about a lot of things going on in the world that we can't talk about in this video.
    [we all know what this means: words and topics that are banned by the media police]

  2. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    ... cont

    The message of April 17, 2022, says that many ecclesiastics, blinded by the false spirit, and attached to politicians, no longer live at all according to the Will of God…

    … same as some journalists who claim to be Christians.

    But it says that fortunately, there are faithful and courageous bishops and priests who dare to defy taboos and remind their flock, in clear and unambiguous language, of the Lord's teaching…

    …and that they do not get carried away by the "political correctness" that most of the media advocate.

    The message of May 1, 2022, tells us that as Christians we should not think like pagans, but rather trust in Divine Providence and in the Heavenly Father…

    …and that the best weapon we have is personal holiness through charity, prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures, meditating on the Psalms, the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, the Sacrament of Forgiveness and Communion.

    The message of June 5, 2022 refers to catastrophic "messages", delivered by supposedly inspired people, announcing the imminence of the "return of Christ"…

    …It also asks [people] to get their heads out of the sand; and to pray for the rise up of ardent defenders of the Faith, truth and justice, in order to combat the totalitarianism which wants to invade the world, and limit freedoms and rights, even in matters of faith. .

    The message of June 15, 2022 says that the "bad guys" are in the privileged place because we invite them there ourselves.

    In the message of August 4, 2022 Saint John Mary Vianney tells priests that they are sometimes busy doing nothing, in seminars, meetings, balances, instead of catechizing the flock.

    And he tells them, “too many of you do not have enough faith, too many of you are bored or even discouraged and you compromise with the world, so that our Good Jesus is forced to go to the crossroads to look for prophets and messengers to alleviate poor preaching and convert those whom he has already prepared to be his children.

    The message of September 18, 2022 says that the difficulties to come that are announced to us as imminent catastrophes are actually the consequences of the powerful's own actions.

    And that all the projects of the "bad guys" are recorded on the Internet or in books published several years ago, which proves prior planning.

    In the message of October 2, 2022, Jesus requests all those who embark on evangelization to possess an excellent knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the Catechism of the Church and to always remain faithful to this teaching in all its aspects.

    He also says that we need to feed our faith with priests and laity whose orthodoxy cannot be questioned.

    In the message of October 15, 2022, he talks about the "bad guys" who are pushing for a general relaxation in the field of education, morality, and even of common sense.

    And that when the "bad guys" predict disasters for you, and prepare people to face them, there is really nothing prophetic, because they themselves have been fabricating them [the disasters] for decades.

    He adds that legions of demons are seen from Heaven spreading over the Earth watering the "bad guys" with their bile.

    But they have a vulnerability, they know very well that with the slightest mistake, the tide could turn against them.

    Therefore, the recommendation is not to be fooled by appearances and tirelessly seek the Truth, and proceed with caution because the "bad guys" accuse the good guys of being the bad guys.

    It also refers to the fact that many people who call themselves "Catholics" today only partially embrace the faith of the Church and deliberately oppose the fundamentals of its teaching.

    The message of November 18, 2022, refers to the lack of thorough investigation into the abuses of priests, that there are some priests justly accused and others unfairly accused by public opinion.

    And in the 2022 Christmas message, Jesus says that the best gift that can be offered [to Him] is that of a pure soul that receives communion ardently, understanding that it is His Body and Blood.

    He complains that Christmas has become a pagan holiday, under the influence of those who want to destroy His name and memory.

    And that it doesn't even have His name but they tell you “Happy Holidays!” and children wait for Santa Claus, without even knowing that this date is His birth and that all the years, centuries and millennia are counted from there.

    He adds that the Catholic faith is not syncretistic but a direct gift from the Holy Trinity to humanity, which officially began with his birth, but which goes back to the origins of the history of the Hebrew people and their relationship with the one God.

    And that those who distort or disguise the Holy Scriptures by associating them with other forms of spirituality are in serious error.
    djmoforegon, Clare A, Jo M and 8 others like this.
  3. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
  4. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    It seems that the language barrier has buried this approved seer in the depth of oblivion.

    Hoping that the regular nay-sayers will stay away -since there is full approval from the bishop and theologians, I'm taking the bother to translate some messages as time permits, and post them, starting from the year 2021, which was the second year of full-blown blackout, and roll out of mandatory experimental shots.

    Since our pastors have chosen silence or otherwise in the face of the war we are suffering, it is understandable that Heaven is taking matters in Its hands and here we have lots of sound, wise, and inspiring guidance.

    Dear brothers,

    All your loved ones in Heaven join us in wishing you a sweet and holy New Year 2021.

    In these difficult times, we say to you again: put all your trust in the Lord and do not be afraid! For this same Lord, as the Liturgy of the Hours of today tells you, was able to reduce to impotence the one who possessed the power of death – that is to say the Devil – and he set free all those who, for fear of death, spent their whole lives in a situation of slaves (cf. Heb 2, 14-15) .

    This is why you must tirelessly pray to Almighty God without becoming discouraged, even to the point of importuning Him (1), and assiduously frequent the sacraments that our holy Mother Church places at your disposal, so that love, peace, and light may triumph in this fight taking place on this Earth between the forces of good and the forces of evil – those who want to make slaves of you. You must pray for the Eternal Father to give you leaders who love God, pray, and work for the common good and the prosperity of their countries under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    The strength of prayer, dear brothers, begins with your conviction that you will obtain from God the realization of what you ask of Him in faith, and no one should shy away from the effort, even the sick and the elderly! We told you in a previous message: these are the safety wheels of the world in distress (2) . Through their fervent prayers, they can obtain many graces from the Heavenly Father.

    However, today, because of warnings bludgeoned twenty-four hours a day by most of your media, and because of the draconian health constraints imposed by your governments, many people, often elderly, are hiding, frightened, in their homes, and no longer go to Sunday Mass – neither a fortiori to daily Mass as they used to do thanks to the freedom associated with their status as retirees. By these lines, we want to strongly exhort them to trust while reminding them of their duties as Christians.

    In the early days of Christianity, many were those who, defying fear, went so far as to give their lives to witness to their faith in Christ Jesus and for the life of the Church. As a reward for their sacrifice, they were triumphantly welcomed into the glory of Heaven. Today, many Christians prefer to attend televised masses from home, without proven medical reason, rather than going to their churches to receive the Bread from Heaven (3). They nevertheless agree to go out, muzzled by a mask, to use public transport to go shopping, etc., but refuse, so afraid are they, to go to church to feed on the Flesh of Our Lord, who died for them on the Cross. Where has the zeal of the first Christians gone to them – who nevertheless lived in a much more dangerous situation?

    Why be reluctant to meet the Master of Life in your churches when he is the only one who can save you? What do you do with the salvation of your soul? You who beg for the protection of a “vaccine” of which you don't know much and trust politicians who don't know any more than you; you who will perhaps rush towards your own end believing to be saved, why will you not rather receive the Bread of Life in your churches? This Bread of which our Lord Jesus himself said: “Truly, truly, I say to you […] it is my Father who gives you the Bread which comes from heaven, the true one; for the Bread of God is that which comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world […]. I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry; whoever believes in me will never be thirsty […]. I am the Living Bread, descended from Heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world. ( Jn 6, 32-33. 35. 51)

    Do you not want to live eternally with God after your earthly death? Don't you long to find your loved ones – if they themselves are saved – in Eternal Life? So, dear brothers, start this new year by making good resolutions, by making the right decisions. Do not be lukewarm whom the Lord vomits up (cf. Ap 3, 14-16), but faithful servants who trust in his Word. Do not suffocate your soul to want to save your body even though, paradoxically, you agree to literally suffocate behind masks! We conjure you, beloved brothers, young and old, think about nourishing your soul, think about saving your soul, and, strong with the Eucharistic nourishment, pray tirelessly for the triumph of Good!

    On this blessed day when you celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, under the title of Mother of God, do not hesitate to associate your requests with this gentle Mother, so attentive to the well-being of all her children. For, if she is Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer, she is also Mother of the Church and your Mother – the very one whom our Lord Jesus designated as Mother of his apostle John before dying on the Cross, and -the very place where he also entrusted to John to serve her (cf. Jn 19, 25-27) .

    So welcome, dear brothers, Mary Most Holy as your Mother and enter, through prayer, into the intimacy of Her heart so that she may shape yours as she shaped the human heart of her Son Jesus. Also ask yourself how, following the example of John, you can serve the Blessed Virgin. The answer to this question is simple: by doing the will of this same Jesus and keeping His Commandments.

    May Our Lord and His Most Holy Mother bless you and keep you, dear brothers, throughout this new year.

    + Your brothers in the Truth

    (1) Pray without ceasing and not be discouraged (cf. Lk 18, 1-8).

    (2) V. Message of August 8, 1985 from Your brothers in the Faith, A Passing Breath…, Volume 1

    (3) V. Message of July 28, 2020 from our Lord Jesus Christ, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3 .

    Nihil obstat: Abbot Marc-Antoine Fontelle
    Imprimatur: + Bishop Gilbert Aubry
  5. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012

    Dear brothers,

    What you call "truth" is not just a matter of opinion. Let's take an example: when you taste a wine, it may please your palate or displease it, but that is just your personal judgement. Only a qualified sommelier – that is to say a real professional whose job is to taste wines – is able to determine, according to certain objective criteria, whether or not it is a grand cru and of a good year – therefore, of a “good” wine. However, your palate may decide otherwise if it does not find this wine to its liking, and this will undoubtedly lead you to say that it is not good. In fact, if it has been recognized and classified in the category of grands crus, it is no longer a question of opinion. That is why you must not say that this wine is not good but that you, you don't find it good – which is different. We could just as well have taken the example of the gastronomic cuisine specific to each region or each country.

    This is to make you understand that when these messages express truths, these should not be considered as mere matters of opinion. When, for example, we tell you that the injection that are seeking at all costs to administer to you to "protect" you from the famous "virus" presents certain dangers - that your rulers, faithful to their unilateral policy, will persist in concealing by censoring, over time, all information that could harm their so-called "vaccine" - this is not an opinion but a truth. A truth that we, messengers from Heaven mandated by God, come here to deliver to you. This is a warning you need to take seriously, because God does not speak out of the blue! The future, moreover, will not be long in proving it to you if you have the curiosity to consult on the Internet the sites documented by the most eminent specialists before the censorship unfortunately exercises its despotic power there to cut you off from the truth. But it is up to you, dear brethren, to believe these messages or to ignore them since, as some will rightly say, private revelations are not an article of faith.

    If, victims of your own naivety, you prefer to close your eyes to the dangerousness of this injection and the lies of your rulers - whether they are uttered directly or by omission of part of the truth - and accuse our messenger of "conspiracy ", well! we will simply tell you that the latter is not in charge of “making you believe so” but simply “telling you so” (1) . Some of you will understand, others will argue, argue or prefer to trust the mainstream media: that is, of course, their strictest right.

    However, we are sad to see how the events of the past few months have exponentially increased your anxiety, disturbed your psychological balance, disintegrated your common sense and weakened your hope. But isn't it the fear of illness and death that instinctively pushes you towards this "vaccine", erroneously presented as the only easy and effective solution to defeat the famous "virus"?

    However, there are already, in the traditional pharmacopoeia - and this for decades - other solutions to protect you, as well as natural therapies presenting no danger and whose effectiveness is no longer to be proven. The fact that these solutions are, most of the time, eclipsed by your government for the exclusive benefit of an injection whose harmlessness no one can guarantee, proves that the goal sought is not simply preventive or curative.

    You are, dear brothers, not only manipulated but also used as test subjects by this same government, which also arrogates to itself the right, to achieve its ends, to censor any speech that goes against its own. Such has been and still remains the fate reserved for several warnings issued by world authorities in the field of virology, genetics or biology, trying to make their voices heard on the Internet. Although they are prestigious academics, these scholars were immediately muzzled for having had the courage to denounce loud and clear the sinister trickery of which a large part of the world is today the victim. We can only praise their courage and their honesty because, like so many others, they have no conflict of interest with pharmaceutical companies...

    As for the truth, there is also this confusion, just as cleverly fueled, between the “tested positives” – whose numbers continue to increase in a plethoric way – and the “cases” of people who are actually contagious. Obviously, this confusion only persists to maintain fear and make people want the "vaccine", always presented as the only possible panacea.

    All this, dear brethren, is part of the Machiavellian plan of international scope of which these messages have already informed you (2). In this country, which wants to be a bastion of freedom, how can you accept being so enslaved, deceived, manipulated, euthanized?

    Some, even within the Catholic Church, also take the liberty of proclaiming loud and clear – and note that this can only be in their personal name – that you, as Christians, must demonstrate responsibility solidarity and get you "vaccinated". Attention, dear brothers, attention! because it is not a question here of a confirmed medical truth but of a simple opinion on a risky practice. No man of God is ordained to speak and judge other areas than that of faith and the morals that flow from it.

    Would it not, however, have been wiser on the part of those who encourage you to make this choice, if they first showed caution and discernment by simply taking note of the warnings formulated by a number of scientists against this injection with more than questionable – even dangerous – components? Wouldn't it have been wiser for them to first do their own investigation of the pedigree - riddled with conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies - of most of those who promote this "vaccine", and on the probity from these same laboratories?

    When our Lord Jesus Christ came to the Temple in Jerusalem, and found there the sellers of oxen, sheep, and doves, and the moneychangers seated, he made himself a whip of cords, scattered the coins of the moneychangers, and overturned their tables. . “Do not make my Father's house a house of commerce! he told them (cf. Jn 2:13-16) .

    For you, dear brothers, do not let the beings who trade in this "vaccine" achieve their ends by letting your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 6, 19), become the object of their sinister manipulations. And let the Temple salesmen stay out of the Church!

    “Beware of the wicked, for he plots evil,
    Lest he inflict eternal blight on you.
    Bring in the stranger, he will disturb you
    and alienate your household.
    (Si 11, 33-34 )

    Don't listen to the TV and radio channels that brainwash you and intoxicate you all day long with their doctored numbers and predictions of doom to instill fear in you and push you to get "vaccinated". On the contrary, do not fear and be in hope! Strengthen your immune defenses to prepare your body to resist various viral attacks. Take the right vitamins, get out of your house and go, whenever you can, to breathe fresh air with full lungs in places where you are not forced to wear a mask!

    Addressing ourselves to those who are involved in the manufacture of the so-called "vaccine", to the people so venal who distribute it, and to the rulers so reckless who promote it, we will say this: stop terrorizing and muzzling men, women and children, young and old, young and old with masks, lockdowns and curfews to better enslave them, and don't take their bodies hostage! Don't make them the objects of your lucrative business by forcing them to get “vaccinated”! You are slaughtering humanity, dismantling society and destroying everything that makes man a relational being.

    cont .... next post ....

    (1) Words given to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in the face of adversity concerning the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes.

    (2) Message of September 18, 2019 from Saint Paul, Apostle of Jesus-Chris, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3 : “wolves disguised as lambs and enslaved to sin have made an alliance with the Prince of this world to enter the 'inside nations...' - Message of August 8, 2020 from Saint Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ, A Passing Breath..., Volume 3 -: "Do not be deceived by the lies of venal politicians who favor their own interests before the health and well-being of their country and its inhabitants…”Message of August 23, 2020 from Saint Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3 : “a new world order threatens the Earth today”Message of September 8, 2020 from Saint Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3 : “to compel supposedly good measures when in the long term, they will prove to be deeply harmful, is a satanic tactic…” – Message of November 3, 2020 from Saint Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ, Un Souffle qui passe…, Tome 3 : “a monstrous machination of international scope skillfully orchestrated for a long time …” .
  6. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    ... cont ... Message of January 18, 2021

    And you, dear brothers, don't behave like all those sheep who throw themselves into the water following the one that the so-called "Panurge[1]" has just thrown into it. Wake up and search! Search the Internet intelligently, search day after day for anything that can convince you of the risks that this injection entails, risks of which the "sorcerer's apprentices" who developed it are perfectly aware. This will inevitably translate into an increase in the lethality rate – the real causes of which they will try to conceal from you, once again – and dramatic long-term consequences, the ins and outs of which no human being on this Earth yet knows.

    Now, if you still want to try the experiment, it's up to you. And if, despite your resistance, one day you see yourself forced to give in to "vaccination" pressure, it will be because, unfortunately, you will end up capitulating by accepting that it is your rulers - even men of the Church - who decide unilaterally health issues without following the advice of your most competent scientists and by forcing your free will.

    Keep praying, dear brethren, for light to prevail over darkness, for truth to prevail over error and personal judgment. If you no longer know how to tell the difference, in view of their curriculum vitae, between a real scientist and a layman, between a real professional and an amateur, or, more broadly, between reasonable beings, defenders of wisdom and science, and manipulative and greedy beings with a corrupt spirit, it is that your discernment will have been somewhat altered.

    Do not put on the same level the opinions of any practitioner working in the field of health or even of a politician or an ecclesiastic, and the serious scientific knowledge to which eminent virologists, geneticists or biologists have been able to come to fruition in the light of their sound research. Do not listen to those who claim to know better than everyone else what the future will bring, because the most competent and reliable people on this Earth are commonly also the most humble.

    If there is one certainty that we can bring you from Heaven, beloved brothers, it is that if you pray enough, if you offer fasts and penances to the Heavenly Father, many of the catastrophes that the pride, recklessness, greed and malevolence of some can provoke, may be avoided. And for that, each one must say to himself that, by his sincere prayer as a child of God, he can bring his stone to the building and contribute to the salvation of the world.

    For the Lord “watches over the steps of his faithful ones,
    and the wicked shall perish in darkness.
    Strength does not make man victorious:
    the adversaries of the Lord will be crushed.
    (1 Samuel 2, 9-10 )

    It is often when all seems lost that Our Lord intervenes with an unexpected event, with the unexpected occurrence of some dramatic change that generates good. The Bible gives you many examples throughout the history of the Hebrew people (3) and throughout the history of the Church.

    So, keep confidence, dear brothers, keep away from sin and sources of temptation, entrust your efforts and your struggles to the good Virgin Mary, your Mother, and to the Archangel Saint Michael, and be in peace: the peace of God, the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. May this peace always be with you!

    + Your brothers in the Truth

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.

    (3) In the Bible, each time there was a turnaround among the Hebrews disobeying the Law of God, it was linked to a realization of their sin and a collective conversion. Witness all the steps that led the children of Israel to abandon their idols to become sons of the living God. Among other facts, they had to wander in the desert for forty years while they learned to live according to the Torah. See also, for example, Ps 38 (Vulg. 37), Ps 51 (Vulg. 50), Ps 106 (Vulg. 105), Ps 130 (Vulg. 129), Ps 137 (Vulg. 136), Ps 141 ( Vulg. 140), etc.

    [1][ From a character, called Panurge, in the book by François Rabelais. In the story, Panurge buys a sheep from a vendor and in revenge throws it into the sea. The other sheep in the flock, and the vendor himself who has jumped on the back of the final sheep, instinctively follow suit and drown in the sea too. -Note from the Translator.]
    HeavenlyHosts and maryrose like this.
  7. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012

    My dear son,

    It is I, your Lord, who speaks to you once again.

    First of all, I would like you to thank my Bishop Gilbert for the imprimatur that he granted to the first three volumes of these messages from Heaven, assisted in doing so by Father Jean-François then by Abbé Marc-Antoine, who, thanks to their skills in theology and their solid discernment, have been able to deliver to them, during all these years, their “nihil obstat”.

    But it is not because the bishop who guaranteed the orthodoxy of these messages will soon retire that Heaven will be silent. So, my son, I ask you to remain attentive to what will be communicated to you and to trust me, because, I have always told you, these messages are the voice of the Holy Spirit and I remain the conductor. The prophecies they contain have always come true and the explanations they give have always been correct.

    However, some of my children maintain doubts about their authenticity, opposing the very principle of a "Heaven" that can continue to "speak" after the death of the last Apostle. This is their right. Others read these messages by interpreting them falsely or judging them negatively, or else adopt an attitude of incredulity on the prophetic statements they contain – and which the future will not contradict.

    Humanity, my child, is entering an impasse, and I recommend to my sons and my daughters, in these times, the greatest discernment and the greatest prudence. What you are going through today – not only on a societal level but also on a religious level – must be taken very seriously, because your free will as well as your civic and religious freedoms are about to be flouted and trampled on. by a group of crooked and venal men and women who want to change the face of the world. Censorship of the truth, threats, lies, draconian health or social measures, dubious genetic experiments undermining the integrity of men and women, general confusion all over the Earth: this is what is happening.

    In the midst of all this chaos and all these contradictions, listen - as these messages have always recommended to you - to the most honest and knowledgeable people in their fields of expertise, those who remain equal to themselves and do not blow either the hot or the cold depending on the circumstances and without any solid reflection beforehand. This is where, in your minds, the difference must be made.

    Indeed, would it be serious, at a university for example, to entrust a high-level history course to a professor of mathematics or chemistry, however qualified he may be in his field? Similarly, is it serious to let heads of state – whoever they are – deliberately or naively decide on a health policy or on a vaccination obligation without following the advice of the most honest, most financially disinterested specialists, and the most competent? But you have probably understood - or will soon finally understand - that everything that happens today on this Earth is wanted, wanted by this group of men and women who are deceitful and criminal before God and before men, who aspire, by means of a one-sided strategy, to rule the world by manipulating it and to become gods themselves whatever the cost.

    This is why all my children must open their eyes. Wolves in sheep's clothing have infiltrated the administration of too many States to take control – and what is happening today is nothing but a widespread coup.

    You know, my son, the Devil, despite his power, is an uninventive strategist who always seduces men in the same way: he places them in a position of authority, shows them in an instant the extent of all that they might possess on Earth, then he said to them, "I will give you all this power and the glory of these realms, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. You, then, if you prostrate yourself before me, she will be entirely yours! (Lk 4, 5-7 ) . This is exactly what happens with the wicked who allow themselves to be tempted and perverted by Satan. And this one, after having promised them power and wealth, incites them to touch the Tree of Life (cf. Gn 3, 22) to access immortality, and urges them to enslave and control humanity according to his designs.

    In truth, only the strength of prayer is what can stop today their disastrous projects and preserve all peoples from their actions.

    May my Church take care not to allow itself to be charmed by the false promises of the wicked, and may it also, while there is still time, be advised by people who are reliable, honest and wise in their fields of competence.

    May its leaders not be naïve – or even misguided – to the point of trusting the dominant currents and dragging many of my children after them. Let them surround themselves with people who do not belong to the number of deceivers and hypocrites, and let them not make imprudent or premature decisions, otherwise those of my children whose faith remains pure risk seeing themselves confused and feeling betrayed. This is why I ask all my sons and all my daughters in whom there is still an ounce of discernment that they place themselves under the mantle of my blessed Mother, and persevere in an ardent and sincere prayer (1).

    When the weather forecast is catastrophic and the weather can present a real danger for planes full of passengers, their pilots are instructed to stay on the ground until the airport meteorologists - who are honest people and real specialists on the weather – say that the danger is over. Then, the people in charge of air regulation give the pilots free rein. This is basic common sense. No pilot would agree to take off at the simple request of any other member of the airport, even the director himself: that would be criminal! However, what is happening today in this country and throughout the world?

    I thank you, my dear son, for having once again served as my pen, and I bless you, your spiritual brother, your spiritual director, your families, your friends, and the pastors (2) and priests who support this work.


    (1) V. Prayer to Our Lady of Unity, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3, Prayers .

    (2) These are the bishops of the Catholic Church.

    Approval of Abbot Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law, civil law.
  8. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I want to highlight the insistence, in this message -February 28, 2021- of the urgency and power of our prayer to unmask and defeat the evil that is being plotted against humanity. This is a great message of hope and of encouragement in our individual dedication to the spiritual life. And it is also a message that implies our responsibility in allowing things to continue in the direction they are now, if we do not engage in serious prayer for Heaven's help :


    Dear brothers,

    You who have doubts about the communion of saints and about what we say to you, and you who think that after your death, your soul will have to wait for the general Resurrection of the end of time to see itself awakened from the dead, reread this Sunday's Gospel passage ( Mk 9, 2-10 ) .

    Our Lord Jesus Christ climbed a high mountain with Peter, James and John, where he was transformed before them and where a voice, issuing from a cloud recalling that which accompanied the Hebrew people in the Old Testament, was heard: "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him! (Mk 9:7). Peter had had the intuition of this revelation on the identity of Jesus, when Our Lord had asked his disciples about Himself during one of their pilgrimages: “Who am I, according to people? (Mk 8, 27). And the Apostles reply: “John the Baptist; for others, Elijah; for others, one of the prophets" (Mk 8, 28). But Peter had made his Master happy by saying to Him: “You are the Christ! (Mk 8, 29 ).

    This event known as the "Transfiguration" will remain for these three Apostles an indisputable sign of the divinity of Jesus. For, on this mountain, there is a most spectacular manifestation of the love of God the Father for his Son, not to mention, of course, his Resurrection from the dead. Following this event, Our Lord imperatively asks the Apostles not to speak of it to anyone yet (Mk 9, 9) – instructions that He had already given them when Peter had proclaimed him “Christ” (cf. Mk 8, 30) .

    Already, on the day of the Baptism of Our Lord, the heavens had been rent, and, like a dove, the Spirit of God had descended upon Him. Then, the same voice from heaven had proclaimed: "You are my beloved Son, you have all my favor" (Mk 1, 11).

    But what happened, dear brethren, on the Mount of Transfiguration?

    Two famous figures from the Old Testament – Elijah, the prophet, who had been transported to Heaven in a chariot of fire (cf. 2 Kgs 2:11), and Moses, the miracle-worker, whose face had radiated light during his conversations with God on the mountain (cf. Ex 34, 2-30, 35) – appeared to the Apostles in the presence of Jesus when they had already been dead for a very long time. What does that mean? Well, friends, that the prophet Elijah and the miracle-worker Moses, who had served God throughout their earthly life, continued to serve Him actively, and did not come up from some dark Sheol where they would have been condemned to sleep until the Last Trumpet.

    In the parable of the rich and the poor Lazarus (Lk 16, 19-31) - which has nothing to do, let us specify, with the Lazarus of Bethany, whom Jesus had brought back to life when he had been four days in the tomb (Jn 11, 1-44) -, Our Lord describes the former as having been carried, at his death, by the angels into the bosom of Abraham. When the rich man in turn dies, he sees Lazarus alongside Abraham in the realm of the dead, and can even mysteriously communicate with this patriarch even though a great abyss separates them. This means, dear brothers, that in the Other World souls are provided with a corporeal appearance which allows them to be recognizable (1), and that they can communicate with other souls who share the same plane of existence as them (2), divine permission must be granted for any other case.

    Indeed, it is only by a grace of God that exchanges can take place in the Other World between the different planes of existence of souls. And it is by a grace of Christ Himself that these souls can communicate – or more exactly commune – with the living of this Earth, that is to say, you.

    As we have already mentioned, we possess a wisdom, coming from the Holy Spirit, which gives us a projective vision of the future of the world, but there are things which we cannot reveal. However, we can invite you and even encourage you to pray that the Father's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (3). Only love, coming from God, can change the course of things. A world without love and without faith is doomed to its own destruction, like the frail boat in the middle of the storm, but if our Lord Jesus is there, if love and faith are there, the boat and its occupants are necessarily saved. (cf. Lk 8, 22-25).

    Beloved brothers, let us speak now of concrete and current things. Never before have we been so insistent on the fact that you alone can contribute to the salvation of this planet and of all humanity through prayer, first of all asking for the help of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. As this Holy Mother reminded you at La Salette (4), the arm of his Son becomes heavier and heavier – a metaphor which means that Jesus, without your prayers, will not be able to prevent terrible misfortunes from befalling the Earth, nor the Earth, the cradle of a humanity always more and more perverted and more and more polluting, to express its suffering by a multiplication of tremors, of vomiting of fire and ashes, of storms and floods, tidal waves, and by the proliferation of unknown viruses and new diseases.

    Never before, dear brothers, has the whole world been so unilaterally on the road to chaos because of the perversity of some who want to modify the human race as it currently exists to become its uncontested masters, even gods! What we are telling you here may seem like sheer madness, but it is nevertheless the truth. If you do not stop these monsters subservient to Evil, they will continue little by little to enslave you by terrorizing you to make you obey, and you will lose your freedoms and your rights as is already the case in certain countries of the world where human beings live in slavery.

    You are so naïve, dear brothers, that you have no idea of the degree of depravity and corruption of many public figures, of their schemes, of their embezzlement, of their wickedness, of their vices, and even, for some, of their covenant with Satan. “And why would they want to hurt us? », you say to yourself…

    You have no idea of the horrific experiments involving even babies and young children to which certain human beings indulge in secret for personal gain, as well as men and women of science in the fields of psychology and genetics. You have no idea of the political and economic programs that certain leaders have already prepared for the future of the world: utopian programs with attractive exteriors but which, in reality, serve the Anti-Christ and lie about their true objective which is, in fact, destruction on a large scale.

    And isn't it distressing to see this dictatorship of the unique thought, which is the prerogative of the powerful, make people believe all over the Earth that it only wants their good, while ruthlessly ostracizing its opponents, censoring their statements and using all its power of seduction to sneakily infiltrate to the highest peaks of the States – and even of the Church! – in order to sow trouble and confusion? Behind all this is hidden, we tell you, the desire to eradicate from the face of the Earth true faith in Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord, and true love, which is the first of the Commandments.

    So if you don't urge God to intervene, dear brethren, you can imagine what is likely to happen to mankind in the near future. However, if your prayer is fervent and pleases the Heavenly Father, He will cause scandals to burst and the wicked to fall. Corruption will come to light and there is nothing hidden that will not be known: vices and embezzlements will be denounced, lethal experiments for humanity revealed, the destroyers of the faith and of the Church will be confounded, the Catholic religion revived, and human life will resume its normal course under the sun.

    (1) Even if this parable, strictly speaking, does not intend to give us a topography of the Other World, our brothers in the Truth nevertheless rely on these words of Jesus to enlighten us on the reality of a bodily appearance of our deceased.

    (2) Heaven, Purgatory and Hell.

    (3) See the prayer of the Our Father (cf. Mt 6, 10).

    (4) This is the apparition of Our Lady at La Salette-Fallavaux in the mountains of Isère, on September 19, 1846, to two young shepherds – Mélanie Calvat, 14, and Maximin Giraud, 11 – officially recognized as authentic by the Bishop of Grenoble in 1851. In a dechristianized environment where religious apathy and contempt for worship and prayer reign, the Virgin Mary, while recalling that she continually intercedes with her son Jesus reproaches the people for their impiety and announces bad harvests and famines: “If the people do not want to submit, I am forced, she says, to let go of the arm of my Son. It is so strong and so heavy that I can no longer maintain it…”

    cont. below .....
  9. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    ... cont. from above -February 28, 2021-

    But you are so manipulated, dear brothers, and so reluctant to know the truth about the famous “pandemic”, which we have already told you about extensively in our previous messages! That's why we've advised you to scour the internet for serious information – before it inevitably gets censored – to back up our claims. But most of you did nothing about it, fearing, for some, to be accused of “conspiracy”!

    In fact, you behave like cowards who prefer to listen to people who lie brazenly rather than those who tell the truth. You are like those ostriches who bury their heads in the sand to avoid seeing the danger that threatens them. So, we say it again, friends: search the Internet intelligently and you will find it! Then, make known around you the fruit of your research, and do not be afraid.

    How can you still trust heads of State and rulers who contradict each other all the time, tamper with statistics, muzzle you, confine you, prevent you from leaving your home and having a social life and hobbies, and forbid your doctors, if you are sick, from taking care of you and treat you as they have been doing until now?

    How can you still trust these beings who maintain, with the complicity of most of the media, a climate of terror whose consequences are and will be much more deleterious than that of this epidemic itself? Have you not yet understood that the purpose of all this is none other than to push you to get "vaccinated" at all costs with products whose harmful effects will not take long - for your greatest misfortune - to demonstrate?

    It is however, dear brothers, the purest of truths, and you will not be able to say that we have not sufficiently warned you against the duplicity of your leaders, the greed of the pharmaceutical laboratories concerned and their acolytes, the character criminal health policies imposed on your children, your elders, your nations, and the dramatic consequences that are about to generate the various vaccination campaigns.

    This is why you must pray, pray tirelessly so that light may be shed on all this and that the truth will come out, so that the wicked may be arrested (cf. 2 Th 3, 2) and may finally triumph again those freedoms which are so dear to you and which God wants for you!

    Reread our previous messages since 2018, dear brothers, and, so that all this deception is promptly exposed and that life resumes, in each country, its normal course, seek the help of the Lord Jesus, of His Holy Mother and of the Archangel Michael, terror of demons. Ask for help to good Joseph, husband of Mary, in this year which is consecrated to him, and to all your friends in Heaven in the communion of saints, and have faith in them (5)!

    Solicit the help of your bishops and your priests, your monks and your nuns, so that they multiply masses and prayers of intercession.

    Finally, fast and do penance. Make sacrifices that cost you, and multiply charitable acts and alms (6). If you follow this advice, our Lord Jesus Christ will not be able to remain insensitive to your efforts, and He will respond to them with dazzling turnarounds. But if you don't follow them, you will only reap the fruit of your naivety and carelessness.

    May our Lord Jesus Christ and his holy Mother, in union with Paul, the Apostle of the nations, bless you and keep you.

    + Your brothers in the Truth

    (5) For this, it is important that everyone also takes the time to enter a church, to pray calmly, rosary in hand, before the Blessed Sacrament, and to listen to Our Lord speak in the depths of his heart.

    (6) The Tradition of the Church distinguishes seven works of corporal alms (feeding the hungry, quenching the thirsty, clothing the naked, welcoming strangers, visiting the sick, redeeming captives and burying the dead) and seven works of spiritual almsgiving (instructing the ignorant, advising the hesitant, consoling the afflicted, correcting the sinners, forgiving the offender, patiently bearing difficult and troublesome people, and praying for all). Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2447 .

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    HeavenlyHosts, maryrose and AED like this.
  10. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Thank you very much for taking the time to translate and post these messages, WCWTS.
  11. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    MESSAGE OF APRIL 4, 2021


    Dear brothers,

    The Lord is risen, hallelujah! Rejoice, for if He is resurrected, it is so that all men of good will may in turn be resurrected to Eternal Life!

    However, the hour of your death and of the great encounter with the One who now reigns in Heaven at the right hand of the Father still seems so distant to you. It is true that, unless they are suffering from a serious illness, few are those who spontaneously think of the moment of their death and their eternity. Easter is, without a doubt, an opportunity to think about it seriously without fear or taboo.

    However, know, friends, that even if death allows every man access to Eternal Life, it does not automatically give him the privilege of being welcomed by the Son into the Heavenly Abodes and of staying there until the General Resurrection and for Eternity.

    In fact, Our Lord, descended into Hell after dying on the Cross, opened the gates of Heaven not only to all the saints of the past – beginning with Adam, who was the first of the redeemed – but also to all those who, today, recognize His divinity, take up their cross and follow Him in the way of holiness. And just as our Lord Jesus led a holy life in which He displayed all the virtues, suffered His Passion, died to save sinful mankind, was buried and rose again from the dead on the third day, likewise, to become authentic children of God, must you, in an inverted chronology, unite yourselves with His death by Baptism, be buried with Him in the tomb and arise therefrom for a new life,

    Then, having the old man been fixed beside Jesus to the wood of the Cross with his sins and his imperfections, he is a new man who, having put on Christ (cf. Gal 3, 27), will walk following Him. And the more his life will have resembled that of our Lord Jesus, the more he will be able to be drawn by Him in His Resurrection to His Kingdom of Glory for an Eternity of delights (cf. Ps 16 [Vulg. 15], 11) .

    Unfortunately, too many men of this time distance themselves from God, from his Catholic Church and from his sacraments, and apostasy is not far from reigning now over a good part of the Earth. Shortage of priests, poverty of preaching, horizontality of catechesis, weakening of faith, hope and charity, loss of moral bearings, desertification of churches, profanation of holy things and holy places, triumphant hedonism: such is indeed the assessment that we who are in Heaven can make today of Christianity in most of the countries which claim to be the most civilized. Even fervent believers there sometimes have doubts about the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, about what happens to souls after death, and about the sacraments dispensed by the Holy Church.

    Brothers, instead of constantly listening to television messages that trouble you, terrorize you and intoxicate you, listen instead to the messages of your friends in Heaven, who only want your good. In this regard, we would like to remind you of the example of Paul in his relationship to Christ Jesus – Paul who said, after allowing himself to be indwelt by Our Lord: “I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. My present life in the flesh, I live it in faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Ga 2, 19-20)

    So what are you waiting for, friends, to repent of all your sins, confess them to a priest of the Catholic Church, and nourish yourselves with the Sacred Body of Christ Jesus to grow in holiness as the child grows in his mother's breast? What are you waiting for to drink from the Cup and let its Precious Blood flow through your veins so that it instills even more charity in you? What are you waiting for to invite Our Risen Lord to come and dwell in you to give you His peace? Thus, you will be able to unite, as by osmosis, your love to His love, your joys to His joys, your sorrows to His sorrows, your sufferings to His sufferings, and your aspiration to life after death to His Resurrection.

    For if you invite Christ Jesus to come and dwell in your heart, everything that populates your inner world will be restored to its true value in the light of the Truth. Thus, united to the love of Christ, the ferment of charity which vegetated in you will be seen to be vivified; united with the joy of Christ, the semblance of joy which slumbered in you will be kindled; united with the pains and sufferings of Christ, your own pains and sufferings will be lessened and will become bearable; united to the Resurrection of Christ, your aspiration for life after death will metamorphose, in faith, into an authentic hope in Eternal Life, nourished by the Word and the Eucharist.

    If you invite Christ Jesus to come and dwell in your heart, you will never be afraid again since you will have accepted within you the love of the Truth, which will be worth your saving (cf. 2 Th 2, 10).

    But this welcome, dear brothers, is not insignificant because this same Jesus, not wanting you to remain lukewarm, will strive to transform you spiritually to make you new men whom He will bring with Him in His Resurrection. Thus, He will never cease, with your guardian angels and your brothers in Heaven, to guide your elastic consciences towards a disposition to Good and an aversion to Evil. He will invite you to rid yourself of all forms of sins, not only by making you regret having committed them, but also by inviting you to confess them to a priest and to take the firm resolution not to fall back into the same faults again. By thus lightening your soul, be assured, friends, that you fill the Heart of our Lord Jesus with joy,

    Now imagine a big hot air balloon filled with all the sinful acts of your life, weighing it down and keeping it grounded. If you do not relieve it of this weight, the aerostat will not be able to take off or rise towards the sky. If, therefore, you do not have the humility to entrust your sins and your imperfections to a priest – who is the ear of God – in order to receive from him the forgiveness of the Lord, your soul will be weighed down by the weight of your faults and hindered in his spiritual ascent.

    Beloved brothers, we urge you, turn to God while there is still time! Regret your past mistakes, cut yourself off from the sinful situations in which you got stuck, strive to keep the Commandments and remain in the love of the Father. Such is the will of Our Lord who, while respecting these Commandments Himself, remained in this love (cf. Jn 15:10) and says to you today: "You are my friends if you do what I command" and " What I command you is to love one another. (Jn 15, 14. 17)

    The Word of God Himself became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ out of love for humanity to redeem the Original Fault. The Son Himself kept His Father's Commandments and remained in His love (cf. Jn 15:10). The Holy Spirit Himself, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, has kindled with His love the three Persons of the Holy Trinity from all eternity, and manifests this immeasurable love on Earth in the hearts of men of good will.

    Beloved brothers, Christ Jesus suffered His Passion, He died on the Cross out of love for you and He rose again on the third day, alleluia!
    To train you in the wake of His Resurrection, hallelujah!
    To leave you His Gospel as a road map on this Earth, hallelujah!
    To offer you His Body and Blood as an inheritance for Eternal Life, hallelujah!
    To entrust you to the tenderness of His Blessed Mother, the gentle Virgin Mary, hallelujah!
    To unite you, once death is conquered, to the love of all your brothers in Heaven in a marvelous communion, alleluia!

    May the Risen One and His Most Holy Mother bless you and keep you, dear brothers, throughout your earthly pilgrimage, on the way to holiness.

    + Your brothers in the joy of Easter

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  12. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    In this message, the Apostle St Paul exposes the plans and intentions of the new world order people

    MESSAGE OF MAY 13, 2021

    2021 ASCENSION MESSAGE – from +Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ

    Beloved Brethren,

    Remember that on this day of Ascension, the Lord Jesus ascended into Heaven to take his place at the right hand of the Father in the communion of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

    Know that His only will is to welcome you all, at the end of your earthly life, into His Heaven of Glory, as He did for us, the saints, in order to make you participate in the same way in the wedding feast of the 'Lamb (cf. Ap 19, 9). For this, He invites you to convert and to believe more firmly in the Gospel (cf. Mk 1:15), which He calls you to make known to those around you, not only by your words but also by your example, through your actions and your charity.

    Now, although love and charity are the key to all things and although they alone open to the children of God the doors of Eternal Life, your world is drifting away, rushed by violent currents towards risky shores: those of atheism, of materialism and above all of a totalitarianism where love, overwhelmed by the surrounding iniquity, finds itself condemned to grow cold (cf. Mt 24, 11-12) .

    To assess the seriousness of what is happening to you today, my brothers, first reread Psalm 104 (Vulg., 103), which highlights the splendors of Creation and the order of things as willed by God, the only Lord (cf. Mk 12, 29) , Creator and Master-of-all (cf. Ap 1, 8):

    “…You cause grass to grow for cattle
    and plants for the use of men,
    that they may bring forth bread from the earth
    and wine that gladdens the heart of man. […]
    When the sun rises, […]
    the man goes out for his work,
    to do his work until evening. (Ps 104 [ Vulg
    . 103], 14-15 and 22-23)

    Also re-read Psalm 148: “Hallelujah! Praise Yahweh from heaven. […] Praise Yahweh from the earth, etc. », and the Song of the three young men in the furnace: « All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord! etc (Dn 3, 51-90), which are songs of praise addressed to the Eternal Father to thank Him for all His marvels.

    Then compare the wonders of Creation, which God said were very good (cf. Gen 1:31), with this societal imbalance, this great destabilization that the world is experiencing today: destabilization of the order of things and of human life in many areas, destabilization of people on the psychological and psycho-emotional level because of disproportionate health requirements and the climate of fear and lies that your governments maintain and that are propagated by the servile media – which has the effect of terrorizing entire societies. Destabilization, too, for many, because of the "vaccine" (or rather the injection) you hear about at all hours of the day, designated as the only panacea to a "virus" which, in fact, does not present a real danger except for very old people or victims of comorbidities. This injection is, in fact, the very instrument of a veritable gang rape capable of transmitting the disease to those who receive it and also of spreading it among other people. Destabilization finally, in the near future, because of a possible progressive abolition of your freedoms by an obligatory "vaccination" extended to the whole of the population, -including even your children, for whom you, parents, are the only and unique responsible ones in the eyes of God and of the State– which shows an abuse of authority and the purest unconsciousness!, as well as through increased surveillance of each individual and systematic digital checks.

    Many of you are wondering why this destabilization would be intentional: it is the promoters of the famous "new world order", of which there is more and more talk through your media, who are best qualified to answer this legitimate question. Generally linked to the Devil through occult practices, enemies of the Catholic faith and driven by the spirit of the Anti-Christ, these people puffed up with pride intend to take the place of God to "trans-form" the human being according to their criteria into a "new man" in the image of Lucifer revolting against God, a being over whom they can have permanent control in order to manage, in the long term, all peoples on a planetary scale.

    No doubt, beloved brethren, you will scoff: “But that is science fiction! ". Well, no!, it's the purest of truths! For some time now, the process of both genetic and social transformation has been well underway, and all these measures that you are witnessing today - muzzling, confinement, curfew, social distancing, progressive confiscation of your freedoms and, why not one day soon, of a greater part of your property, police forces in the streets, increased surveillance of your slightest actions and gestures; but also family breakdown, formation of enemy clans, aggressiveness, denunciation, violence, etc. – are only the beginnings! Know, in any case, that your rulers - at least those who are the accomplices of this abomination - know very well what they are doing,

    However, the most amazing thing amidst all this confusion is that the instigators of these innovations aimed at changing humanity do not hide it. If you search the Internet intelligently, you can indeed find their projects and theories explicitly exposed. But they are generally presented in such a favorable and seductive light that some among the elect[1]* themselves – pastors and faithful up to the highest summits of the Church – find themselves and will find themselves still abused by them (cf. Mt 24, 24).

    This is why I, Paul, the Apostle to the nations, have been sent by God to clearly announce the truth to you: despite all that may be told to you, beloved brothers, these new masters of the world", I repeat to you, are inhabited by the spirit of the Anti-Christ. They really want to make man and woman disappear as the Father-Creator conceived them (cf. Gn 1, 27), and touch the Tree of Life (cf. Gn 2, 9; Gn 3, 24) to transform them into perfect creatures according to their criteria, manipulable at will and destructible at will by the simple means of digital or bacteriological weapons.

    They also want to erase love and charity from the face of the Earth by physically distancing human beings from each other, by making them suspicious of each other even in their own families, and also informers with rewards. They want to destroy the Catholic faith and religious practice so that the name of Jesus is banished and disappears amidst a magma of false prophets and imposters, promoters of heresies and smoky theories worse than in the early days of Christianity.

    Beloved, if you are lukewarm (cf. Rev 3:15-16) who have neither the heart nor the intelligence to quickly counter these perverse beings with prayer, almsgiving, fasting and sacrifice, I tell you: God will have no pity on you! He who molded you will not be gracious to you (cf. Is 26:11), and you will only reap the fruit of your impiety, your carelessness and your naivety – not to say your stupidity.

    [1]* Those who have received God's call and seek to respond to it from the depths of their conscience.

    cont. below ....
  13. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    ... cont. of message from above May 13, 2021 ...

    Because this transformation of humanity on the world level has, alas, nothing in common with the solid spiritual transformation to which I call you in my Epistle to the Ephesians (cf. Ephesians 4, 1) , which consists, for each of you, to abandon your lusts, your lies and your sin to lead a new life, a free life, based ever more on the imitation of the virtues of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to reach a state of holiness .

    Indeed, I repeat to you, none of you lives and dies for himself: if you live and if you die, you do it for the Lord, and in your life as in your death, you belong to the Lord (cf. Rom 14:7-8). That is why you must not be deceived into becoming selfish little robots subject to the destructive power of criminal, heartless and faithless tyrants.

    The transformation offered to you by the holy Church of Christ Jesus from its origins - for which it is quite appropriate to engage the assistance of the Virgin Mary and of all the saints -, a large part of humanity has never wanted [this transformation] and still doesn't want it. Men and women have preferred, over the centuries, to selfishly team up with Evil until they become strangers to the Divine Life. So the Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners, but although He was the True Light, the world did not recognize Him (cf. Jn 1:9-10); although He was Love incarnate, the world did not want Him. If the world had wanted Him, humanity today would not be under the influence of Evil, that of the Devil.

    For months these messages have been warning you against the dishonesty and the dangers of this planetary scale machination which deliberately seeks to change the world by force, what have you done and what are you doing to stand out from it? What have you done and what are you doing to keep it away from you and your children? Dominated by fear or victims of your recklessness, you deliberately continue to listen to the mainstream media ranting about the dangers of the famous "virus", and you continue to allow yourself to be muzzled, "curfewed", and to rush headlong towards injections about which you know nothing and which, in the more or less long term, depending on your age, your sex, your immune potential or your heredity, risk to harm deeply your health and even your life!

    Despite the warnings we have given you over the past few months, many of you persist in your blindness to follow, like sheep, the useless and dangerous “vaccination” directives recommended – even imposed – by your rulers without ever questioning anything. Today, as these messages have announced, vaccines are beginning to show their deleterious effects, and this is, believe me, only the beginning! Beyond the lies and false interpretations, I urge you, beloved brothers, to go on the Internet to seek with intelligence the truth about the figures and the scientific proofs of the dangers which threaten you, and you will find them there.

    From Heaven, we who are witnesses to all this pray tirelessly for you, but because of your impiety, your carelessness and your naivety - not to say your stupidity - we are witnessing, powerless, the first fruits of this monstrous plot intended to modify throughout the world, the human being such as God created it.

    Today, only a real awareness of the truth of this terrible deception, knowingly elaborated for several decades, can allow you to recover your freedom. If your desire to live an authentic spirituality and to get closer to God equaled that of getting vaccinated, and if you obeyed the Commandments with as much submission as you follow pernicious sanitary constraints, you would fully contribute to the establishment of the Kingdom of God. on this earth. Unfortunately, beloved brethren, as things stand, it is not really so!

    And you, the unbelievers, who accuse the Catholic Church of having, through the centuries, imposed the Christian faith on the nations by massacring those whom she deemed infidels, by making men feel guilty because of their sins and by arousing in them the fear of eternal punishments, how can you today allow yourselves to be muzzled, "curfewed", terrorized, killed, euthanized and enslaved in this way by your own rulers? Do you no longer remember the dark moments of your history? How can you want so much a so-called "vaccine" of which you know neither the side effects nor the effects at all? How can you trust venal pharmaceutical laboratories which, from the outset, covered themselves by declining all liability in relation to the harmfulness of their products, and of which it is known, moreover, that they are already on trial for having placed harmful substances on the market? How can you trust governments who have constantly contradicted themselves and who have been brazenly lying to you and bullying you for months? How can you trust doctors who are full of conflicts of interest and denigrate those who have none and have the courage to tell the truth? The hour is serious, my brothers, because, while your countries recklessly open their borders to enemies of the Catholic faith whose aim is to destroy it, it is today your bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit, which see themselves assailed and forced to open their doors to poisonous substances whose effects may be fatal to them!

    “The man in his luxury does not understand,
    he looks like dumb cattle.
    So they go, sure of themselves,
    and they end up happy with their lot.
    Herd that is parked in Sheol,
    Death leads them to graze. (Ps 49 [ Vulg
    ., 48], 13-15)

    Although on the Internet you can find the most explicit warnings from the world's leading virologists, epidemiologists and geneticists, why don't you seek to know? why don't you seek to understand? They have turned you into chloroformed laboratory mice, those beings who take themselves for gods but whose thoughts are darkened, whose hearts are hardened and whose moral sense is flawed (cf. Eph 4, 18-19)!

    Beloved brothers, it is not to bore you that I tell you all this but to warn you and to encourage you to strengthen your faith, to pray ardently, to give alms, to fast and to make sacrifices for the future of the world instead of abandoning yourself to fear in a deadly context without any hindsight, any reflection or any search for the truth.

    Transform your hearts, follow the Commandments and live a holy life. Become “new men” and become one in faith, hope, charity, and the knowledge of the Son of God (cf. Eph 4, 12-13) . Then you will become temples of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 6:19), capable of acting on the Heart of the Lord Jesus, who said: "Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and he will make even greater ones, because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask in My name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (Jn 14:12-13) . To Him the power and the glory for ever and ever! Amen.

    I bless you,

    + Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  14. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    MESSAGE OF MAY 30, 2021

    From St Philip Nery, Priest

    My son,

    Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday (1). Let your heart listen to me but without creating a barrier because of your doubts, which are, of course, a proof of humility – and this is very commendable – but which sometimes take on too much importance. They can hinder our exchange in the communion of saints, which rests above all on your faith in the article of the Creed which mentions it (2).

    Today, when the Church celebrates the Holy Trinity, I am going to talk to you about love - not about the kind that is so overused by the younger generations, but about the true, authentic love that comes from the heart, that comes of God. I will focus particularly on self-love, which is often so misunderstood and so misinterpreted.

    As you know, man is a “social” being in his relationship to himself as well as in his relationship to God and to others. On the model of the Holy Trinity, within which unfolds the love of perfection - or, one could also say, perfection in love -, the human being aspiring to this virtue is called to love God, his Creator and Father, to love the Son and the Holy Spirit, to love himself and his neighbor as himself (cf. Lv 19,18; Mk 12, 30-31) in all sincerity, all freedom and all purity.

    To love God, his Creator and Father, to love the Son and the Holy Spirit, what does that mean?

    The relationship that man is called to have with God is a relationship of reverence before his majesty. Since time immemorial, human beings have perceived their very smallness as well as their finitude. By opening his eyes to the harmonious spectacle that Nature offers him each day and to the immensity of the universe, and by becoming aware of his insignificance and the brevity of his life, man can only, if he is humble, feel infinitely weak and infinitely limited, although, in truth, he occupies, in his earthly environment, the most privileged position (cf. Ps 8, 6-9).

    However, unlike animals, over which God wanted humans to dominate (cf. Gn 1:28) – this must be forcefully recalled in these times of gender confusion – it has been given to every man, from its conception, the ability to access the idea of a higher intelligence, of an Omnipotence, a bit like a Genius Clockmaker, who created the entire universe and whose dimension exceeds him: the idea of God, of the one God. And while man, victim of the consequences of the original Fall, went around in circles in matter like a fish in its bowl and adored idols, this God Himself wanted to reveal Himself to him. It is to the Hebrews especially that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (cf. Ex 3, 15) made himself known concretely through the mediation of Moses welcoming the first theophany (3) in the episode of the Burning Bush (cf. Ex 3, 1-6). But while these people preferred to abstain respectfully from pronouncing the name of God, God sent to Earth his only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, second Person of the Holy Trinity, to make known to all men the name of "Abba" (cf. Mk 14, 36; Jn 17, 26; Rm 8, 15; Gal 4, 1-7) - that is to say "Father" - and reveal to them not only His goodness and His mercy but also His face (cf. Jn 14:9).

    Beyond this reverence, every man is also called to say to God, his Father, his love and his confidence by invoking Him by the collective prayer of the Our Father…, where each one addresses God in the name of all. This prayer is of capital importance in the Christian life because it is the only petition that the Son of God himself taught, during His earthly life, to suffering humanity, and which synthesizes all the prayers that man can turn to God.

    Besides that, you know, my son, that each time a human being marvels, as you so often do, with a heart filled with love and gratitude towards God, in view of the functioning of Nature - from the infinitely small to the infinitely large -, in front of a landscape, a tree, a flower, a blade of grass, an animal, the song of a bird, or each time he raves about the mechanics of the human body and its marvelous possibilities by letting spring from the depths of his soul a "Thank you, my God, for all these marvels! to the Heavenly Father, or a "Lord, I thank you for your kindness!" », « Lord, I love you! “, “Magnificent is the Lord! God finds himself touched by this spontaneous way of calling out to Him and praising him. When I was on this Earth, I really liked to address Him in this way (4). That's why I encourage everyone to start this habit at any time of the day.

    There is God the Creator and Father, and there is also God the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom every man should love infinitely because He came to this Earth to offer him salvation and lead him to Eternal Life with Him. Conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and brought up by Her and by His adopted father, Joseph, He gave, from childhood, the example of a pious and holy life in every way (cf. Lk 2, 40. 46-50). Consubstantial with the Father (5), with whom He is One (cf. Jn 10:30), He showed unfailing charity towards men, whom He taught to love God and to love their neighbor, and He went so far as to immolate His humanity on the Cross to redeem the human race, victim of the consequences of original Sin. By the gift of His Body and His Blood, He became Bread of Life and food of Eternity (cf. Jn 6, 35. 54) for all people of good will. Risen from the dead and ascended to the Father (cf. Lk 24, 50-51), He sent to men, as He had promised (cf. Jn 15, 26), the Holy Spirit, called "Paraclete", third Person of the Holy Trinity, who spoke through the prophets and continues to guide men into all truth (cf. Acts 2:1-4).

    The Holy Spirit is, within the Trinity, the Person who both proceeds from the Father and the Son and unites Them in the most perfect wisdom, the most perfect intelligence and the most perfect love. It is pure expression of God, and therefore God himself. This is why He must be present at every moment in the life of every man living on Earth as He is present in the life of every inhabitant of Heaven.

    He must be present through the Holy Scriptures to enlighten the reader with His science and His light, and make him discover, in all intelligence and wisdom, the Revelation of God communicated to the Hebrews in the fabric of their history, through the Law, Prophets and Commandments.

    He must also be present, chronologically, through the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, who came to this Earth to make known the one and triune God to all men (cf. Jn 17:26) and call, thanks to His Gospel, to take up their cross and follow Him (cf. Mt 16, 24; Mk 8, 34; Lk 9, 23) with love and confidence, and respecting the Commandments to please the Father in Heaven ( cf. 1 Jn 5, 3).

    He must be present in the communion of the Holy Church through the writings of His Fathers and of the saints duly canonized by her, Mystical Body of Christ, born of the holy and perfect sacrifice of our Lord Jesus on the Cross, of His pierced Heart, and nourished by the blood of its martyrs and the charity of its faithful. This is how it is appropriate to understand, my son, the holiness of the Church, without dwelling on the excesses and imperfections of some of her ministers nor on the battering that the Devil and his minions still inflict on her.

    Likewise, He must be present each time a man whose life resonates with that of Christ Jesus performs an act of true love with one of his brothers (cf. Mt 25:40), rejoices with those who are rejoicing, or suffers and weeps with those who are in pain (cf. Rom 12:15). All of this, my son, pleases our Lord Jesus infinitely, who wants His Spirit to be upon each of you to make you bear fruit (cf. Jn 15:8.16) and to guide you into the whole truth (cf. Jn 16, 13).

    Finally, He must be present to transform the soul, the heart and the body of every man, to strengthen them and to endow each one with piety, discernment and strength so that he will learn to know what is a right life, to stay away from temptations – or to reject them since they are sources of sin – and to love his brothers chastely, deeply and charitably, as our Lord Jesus Himself loved His own when He was on this Earth; as He loved the Father, to whom He taught you to pray (cf. Mt 6:9-13), and the Holy Spirit, whom He sent to you at Pentecost. As He loved His Apostles, and especially the Apostle John, His beloved disciple, and the Apostle Peter, to whom He entrusted the direction of His Church and the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (cf. Mt 16, 18-19). As He loved all men who sought His help by providing them with the healing and nourishment their souls needed, as evidenced by the account of the works of Christ reported to John the Forerunner in his prison (cf. Mt 11, 5).

    I therefore invite you, my dear son, as well as all your brothers, to praise the Holy Trinity at all times in thanksgiving for Creation and for its inexhaustible munificence (6), and to pray [to the Trinity] so that They never cease to fill man with Their gifts. You will also meditate on the greatness and power of a God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who knows everything, who can do everything and who has existed for all eternity. Indeed, unlike idols, which are only ephemeral human creations, the Triune God was, is and will be for the rest of the ages. Unlike the false gods, as Elijah showed in the First Book of Kings, it is Yahweh who is God (cf. 1 Kings 18:20-40), there is no other, and no one is like him (cf. Is 46, 9). Finally, unlike fables and the commandments of men, the Commandments of God lead man to the entire Truth (cf. Tt 1:14) and to Eternal Life with Him.

    cont. below ....
  15. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    ... cont. from above Message of MAY 30, 2021

    Love yourself, what does that mean?

    Well! it is a question first of all, for each human being, of welcoming into himself the life given by God whatever the circumstances, and of bringing to fruition all the talents entrusted to him by God, by living every moment of this life as if it were the last, that is to say in an authentic communion with the Heavenly Father – which requires a solid faith, an unfailing trust in the goodness and intentions of this same God and Father of all, and, from there, a real abandonment which does not exclude a share of discernment; for the more a soul strives to approach God, the more the Devil tries to distance it from Him and to divert it from the teaching of His Church and from the obedience due to Him.

    You will note, my son, that this privileged bond with the Father can only be acquired, in the communion of the Holy Spirit, through the Son, who said: "No one comes to the Father except through me" (Jn 14, 6), or again: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn 14, 9). And you will also note that to draw closer to the Son, the straightest but also the safest path – the one I recommend taking – is that of devotion to the good Virgin Mary. For when Jesus, from the height of His Cross, said to Mary, His Mother, pointing to the disciple John: “Woman, behold your Son” (Jn 19, 26), and to this same disciple: “Behold your Mother” (Jn 19, 27), mission was given by the Son of God to the Spouse of the Holy Spirit to watch over each one of us. Indeed, as children of God through our Baptism, we also became her children, and, as She watched over Jesus from the first day, She is also the Good Mother who watches over us. At the same time, instructions were also given by Jesus to each one of us, children of the same Father, to choose Her for Mother, which means to cherish Her, to honor Her, to obey Her in everything and to let Her educate us as She educated the Child God.

    Loving yourself, you have understood, therefore does not consist in remaining locked in a circle of selfishness, self-satisfaction or withdrawal into oneself. It is to live in the perfection of a love of oneself which, from the beginning, fully welcomes the life given by God whatever the circumstances; who strives to live this life with the respect it deserves - that is, in a state of grace, free from sin and corruption -, and who savors every moment of it in the present with a heart filled with gratitude to the Heavenly Father, and full of bliss and love. To love oneself is to love oneself as each Person of the Holy Trinity loves oneself, that is to say in a fullness which can only be so qualified because it does not remain enclosed in the closeness of a relationship centered on itself.

    To love oneself is to love oneself beyond anything that may seem out of harmony, first in one's outward appearance, both in relation to the judgment of others and in relation to one's own judgment. Because the radiance of charity and the beauty of a soul go far beyond a mere bodily appearance. Look, my son, at Christ Jesus at the end of his Crucifixion: He, the most beautiful of the children of men (cf. Ps 45 [Vulg. 44],3) suffered such tortures that His appearance was no longer that of a man (cf. Is 52, 14). However, after His death, did not the centurion and the men who accompanied him see in Him the Son of God (cf. Mt 27, 54)? And did not the disciples of Emmaus see this same Jesus disappear before their eyes at the moment of the breaking of the bread (cf. Lk 24, 30-31)? It is therefore not reasonable to stop at mere bodily appearances nor to judge someone from them.

    To love oneself is also to love oneself despite a state of imperfection which can generate shame or self-loathing. For, says the psalmist, even if "a sinner my mother conceived me" (Ps 51 [Vulg. 50], 7) and even if "my fault is always before me" (Ps 51 [Vulg. 50],5) , what pleases God is not animal sacrifices but "a broken spirit" , "a broken, crushed heart" (Ps 51 [Vulg. 50],19), that is to say an authentic humility which leads to a sincere repentance of one's faults, to confession to a priest of the Catholic Church, and from there, to peace of soul and the happiness of reunion with the Father, as in the delightful parable of the Prodigal Son, told by our Lord Jesus (cf. Lk 15, 11-32). That, my dear son, is to love oneself. And I pray to God from Heaven that all the baptized feel the desire to embark on this path of perfection of self-love as His children, with a heart that vibrates in tune with that of His Son, our Lord. Jesus; a heart that loves life and respects it in all its aspects, as the Holy Family has always done.

    To love one's neighbour, what does that mean?

    Loving your neighbor stems from loving yourself. It is to desire for others, whoever they may be, and even your own enemies (cf. Mt 5:44), the same benefits that you can desire for yourselves. The term "enemy" used here means anyone who dislikes you or wants to harm you. For Christians should harbor no ill feelings against anyone, and wish only good to those who do not love them, do not appreciate them or do not arouse their sympathy.

    To love your neighbor is to strive to always see in him the qualities rather than the faults, and it is to know how to forgive him each time he has offended you so that your heart does not condemn you. Thus, when your heart does not condemn you, it is because you have full confidence before God because you are doing what is pleasing to Him: He will remain in you and you in Him (cf. 1 Jn 3, 21-24).

    As your patron saint, I thank you again, in the name of all the saints you love and of our Lord Jesus himself, Conductor of all this work (7), for your collaboration in it, even if you don't consider yourself worthy. Thanks to its diffusion on the Internet, it is beginning to bear many fruits of conversion, and I encourage all those who read the latest messages first because of their timeliness and the importance of the warnings they contain, to read also those of previous months and years. If they are eager for spirituality, they will certainly find there what they are looking for, without forgetting, of course, to refer each time to the quoted passages of the Holy Scriptures. I also encourage them to refer their friends and acquaintances to the site of these messages.

    The light of Christians must shine before men so that they may see their good works, be converted, and glorify the Father who is in Heaven (cf. Mt 5:16). In these times when fear, uncertainty, division, paganism reign, and when, in the churches, preaching too often lacks conviction and delights in stagnating in a hopeless horizontality, may these messages be like lampposts that shine for all who need to be brought back to the fold of our holy Mother, the Catholic Church.

    I bless you.

    + Filippo Neri, priest

    (1) Saint Philippe Néri (1515-1595) is celebrated on May 26.

    (2) See . Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 946-962 .

    (3) Theophany: a word found in the Greek Fathers to designate the manifestations of God, beginning with the divine apparitions mentioned in the Old Testament.

    (4) These are ejaculatory prayers, short greetings or prayers addressed to God in the midst of daily activities like a cry from the heart rushing towards Him.

    (5) Consubstantiality: unity and identity of substance of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.

    (6) Munificence: greatness in generosity, liberality. Term classically applied to God for his magnificence and largesse.

    (7) See Message of September 13, 2018 from Saint Philippe Néri, A Passing Breath…, Volume 3.

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    Lois likes this.
  16. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    MESSAGE OF JUNE 20, 2021

    Dear brothers,

    You who accuse the Catholic Church of harming your freedom when she warns you against anything that can poison your soul, offend God, your Creator and Father, and influence your eternity, why don't you criticize your rulers (1) who, through insane and despotic health policies muzzle you, confine you and harm not only your physical health but also your mental health?

    You who accuse the Catholic Church of having, over the centuries, deliberately intimidated its flock by brandishing under their noses the threat of Hell when its only objective has always been to bring them back to the right path and to make them think before they make mistakes, why don't you accuse your rulers (2) of terrorizing you for months to push you to get "vaccinated" when no one yet knows the extent of the damage that all these deliberately programmed injection campaigns will trigger in the near future?

    From Heaven, brethren, we affirm to you that if many clergymen have warned in the past and continue today to warn their faithful against sin and against Hell, they have only done and do only their duty by taking up the words of the Holy Scriptures which evoke this subject, and those of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who, without mincing His words, spoke of the punishment of Gehenna (cf. Mt 23, 33), eternal fire prepared for the Devil and for his angels (cf. Mt 25:41) and reserved for unrepentant sinners: “Wide is the gate,” He said, “broad is the way that leads to perdition, and there are many who enter through it! » (Mt 7, 13)

    In fact, by holding this preventive discourse, the Church has been able to save millions of souls from the punishment of Hell (cf. Mt 25:46) and open to them the door of Eternity with God. "Man is like a breath, " says the psalmist. His days are like a passing shadow” (Ps 144 [Vulg. 143],4). However, it is indeed on this ephemeral earthly life that all that comes next depends, and if you believe us (3), it is better to obtain a passport for an Eternity of delights (cf. Ps 15 [Vulg. 14],7) leading a holy life than landing in the fire that never goes out (cf. Mk 9, 48).

    The difference, dear brothers, between the Church and your governments is that the latter do not put you on your guard to save you and free you from Evil. On the contrary, under the influence of higher authorities who want to control the world and serve for this purpose the Prince of Darkness, Master of enslavement, possession and division, they do everything possible to make you their puppets, their dummies, their obedient and well-trained doggies, whose freedom and common sense they intend to take away little by little. And this not only through immoral and perverse societal upheavals but also, today, through a generalized "vaccination" which is still only in its experimental and risky phase, by its very composition,

    Paradoxically, while you allow yourself to question the demanding teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, who only wants your good and the salvation of your soul, you accept with your eyes closed the dangerous despotism of your rulers who push you at all costs to get "vaccinated". Whether you are a child, teenager, adult or old man, you fear so much for your health and your freedom that you would do anything to protect yourself from illness and death. The evidence is in recent figures that show the eagerness of populations for these "vaccines". And individuals even boast of having received their first or second dose! Except that, you poor ignorant, are not yet at the end of your troubles with the doses, and the future will soon show it to you.

    Ask yourselves instead, friends, what are the real reasons that can push your rulers to lie to you brazenly all the time and follow such a policy when the famous "virus" is perfectly curable in most human beings, especially if it is detected early.

    In addition, now that part of the population happens to be "vaccinated", be attentive to the sequence of events and the media censorship that will occur: when the so-called epidemic "resumes", ask yourself what will be the real vectors of transmission of the virus and whether the hospitalizations and deaths that will occur will occur in the unvaccinated or in the others. And, if it is not yet too late, explain to your children that it is better for them to avoid at all costs a "vaccine" -which is not such and which is only at its experimental stage- rather than suffer the unfortunate consequences of a criminal health policy all their lives.

    Live, friends, a holy life, and call to your aid the Holy Spirit through the prayer of the Veni Sancte Spiritus (4), so that He will enlighten you on the dangers of the current situation, the significance of the lie, and that He will make you take the right decisions with conviction and firmness. Call on Him to reassure you and guide you to the truth by making you discover on the Internet the articles and videos of the most competent and wisest specialists, who, very soon, will still be censored because they have the honesty and the courage to warn people against this perfidious deception. Also pray Psalm 140 (Vulg. 139) (5) for the Lord God to deliver you from the power of the wicked and ungodly.

    Serve God faithfully, dear brothers, in justice and holiness (cf. Lk 1:75) and keep the Commandments. If you love our Lord Jesus, who is the Savior, he will deliver you from the grip of the false spirit, which day by day, by means of intimidation and fear, enslaves consciences. He will enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and will guide your steps on the way to peace (cf. Lk 1:79).

    We know that many of you who have understood the stakes of this crisis and refuse the injection find themselves saddened and even shocked to see themselves sometimes severely attacked by Christian brothers who accuse them of adopting an irresponsible or even criminal behavior. The latter base their accusations, among other things, on the words of Pope Francis, who resolutely promotes “vaccination”. As we have already explained to you, friends, the pope, bishops, priests and deacons have the right, like any human being, to express states of mind, wishes or dreams in terms of health policy, but that engages only them and not the Magisterium of the Church. However, this is where the problem lies because people believe that the pope speaks ex cathedra (6). For many faithful, indeed, and even for some unbelievers in favor of so-called “vaccines”, Pope Francis' exhortation on this subject is a model of charity that seems perfectly justified. In fact, it is only the expression of a personal opinion insofar as the Holy Father has no competence in matters of virology or genetics. To put it simply, these “vaccines” are not his domain nor that of the Church! Urging all men to behave in solidarity out of love for their brothers is, without question, a commendable initiative. However, is it prudent to encourage mass distribution of these "vaccines" when they have not been sufficiently tested and their side effects, especially in the long term, are likely to be dramatic? Is it reasonable to "vaccinate" with all your might when a simple prevention policy intended to strengthen the immune defenses of exposed people, and very effective treatments have already been and continue to be tested in several countries?

    If a man is caught in error, said Paul to the Galatians, you who are spiritual, rebuke him with a spirit of meekness (cf. Gal 6,1). But how sinful would it be to refuse an injection which offers no guarantee – neither of safety, nor of immunization, nor of non-contagiousness – and which risks bringing those who submit to it into a cycle of hellish “vaccinations”?» There is no doubt that the pharmaceutical laboratories and their crooked accomplices will continue to derive juicy profits if nothing is done to put a definitive brake on their machiavellian machination. The same is also true of the compulsory wearing of a mask, decreed by one or the other without any scientific justification – which represents a significant budget for families when it is a real danger to health in all age groups of people.

    cont. below .......
  17. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    .... cont. from above Message of JUNE 20, 2021

    But God, dear brothers, leaves men free: free to save themselves, and also, free to lose themselves! Free to give in to fear and ultimately follow deleterious instructions, and also free to exercise judgment and not follow them. Through His prophets, He warns mankind, which – as the history of the Hebrew people testifies throughout the Old Testament – does not deign to listen to His Word. This story is, in fact, only a series of betrayals and reconciliations, regressions and progressions, destructions and constructions, where confidence, fidelity and perseverance are nevertheless always rewarded.

    In the Old and New Testaments, the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, God reveals Himself to men as Father, a Father who so loved the world, His creation, that He sent there His Son, the Only - Begotten, to unveil His face and make His Word known. This is what differentiates Him from the god of other religions, whether monotheistic or polytheistic. Thus, His Word is the true Light (cf. Jn 1:9); however, most of His people did not welcome Him (cf. Jn 1:11). But to all who believe in His name, He offers to contemplate His glory, which He receives from the Father (cf. Jn 1:14), and grants His grace in the Holy Spirit.

    If many Christians had not betrayed the faith of their baptism and if apostasy did not reign today in many places on this Earth, the Holy Spirit would enlighten hearts, the Risen Jesus would comfort souls, men would have confidence in their Heavenly Father, the Heads of State would not allow themselves to be perverted by power, sex and money but would, on the contrary, be endowed with the greatest discernment, and the populations would not find themselves so disarmed before the lies, the illness, and the prospect of death.

    Given the state of your societies, whose morals have continued to deteriorate over the last decades, do not be surprised that misfortunes due to the perversity of men are befalling the Earth. God cannot be held responsible for this. However, if you pray to Him with confidence and offer sacrifices to Him, if you say the rosary with faith and regularly invoke the good Virgin Mary, your Mother, the Archangel Saint Michael, and all the saints you love, our Lord Jesus- Christ will send you His peace and protect you. May it be so for each of you.

    + Your brothers in the Truth

    (1) Literary formula meaning: why don't you criticize...?
    (2) Literary formula meaning: why don't you accuse…?
    (3) Literary formula meaning: if you believe what we tell you.
    (4) The Veni Sancte Spiritus (attributed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton † 1228):
    Come, Holy Spirit, come!
    And from your celestial home
    Shed a ray of light divine!

    Come, Father of the poor!
    Come, source of all our store!
    Come, within our bosoms shine.

    You, of comforters the best;
    You, the soul’s most welcome guest;
    Sweet refreshment here below;

    In our labor, rest most sweet;
    Grateful coolness in the heat;
    Solace in the midst of woe.

    O most blessed Light divine,
    May that light within us shine
    And our inmost being fill!

    Where you are not, we have naught,
    Nothing good in deed or thought,
    Nothing free from taint and ill.

    Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
    On our dryness pour your dew;
    Wash the stains of guilt away:

    Bend the stubborn heart and will;
    Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
    Guide the steps that go astray.

    On the faithful, who adore
    And confess you, evermore
    In your sevenfold gift descend;

    Give them virtue’s sure reward;
    Give them your salvation, Lord;
    Give them joys that never end.
    Amen. Alleluia.
    (5) Psalm 140 (Vulg. 139):
    Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers;
    protect me from the violent,
    who devise evil plans in their hearts
    and stir up war every day.
    They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s;
    the poison of vipers is on their lips.

    Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
    protect me from the violent,
    who devise ways to trip my feet.
    The arrogant have hidden a snare for me;
    they have spread out the cords of their net
    and have set traps for me along my path.

    I say to the Lord, “You are my God.”
    Hear, Lord, my cry for mercy.
    Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer,
    you shield my head in the day of battle.
    Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord;
    do not let their plans succeed.

    Those who surround me proudly rear their heads;
    may the mischief of their lips engulf them.
    May burning coals fall on them;
    may they be thrown into the fire,
    into miry pits, never to rise.
    May slanderers not be established in the land;
    may disaster hunt down the violent.

    I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor
    and upholds the cause of the needy.
    Surely the righteous will praise your name,
    and the upright will live in your presence.

    (6) ex cathedra = from the top of the pulpit; with authority and solemnity.

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
  18. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    This is a very beautiful and challenging message from our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is sheer Gospel at its best.

    MESSAGE OF JULY 25, 2021

    My dear children,

    My peace be with you! Invoke my Holy Spirit and remain attentive to Him. In these troubled times, pray tirelessly for all those who turn out to be enemies to you and who insult you or physically attack you because you do not share their beliefs about “vaccines” or health policy. For you must know that every word and even every ill-advised thought that you may have against one of these imprudent brothers, even if it seems innocuous to you, draws out a negative force from you which will, as if drawn by a magnet, strengthen the power of the wicked, even at the other end of the Earth.

    Conversely, any thought of love, any form of solicitude, any benevolent word uttered towards one of your brothers – and, a fortiori, when he defines himself as your enemy – contributes to decreasing the potential for wickedness that he harbors within him and to open the doors of his heart to more charity. This is why I repeat to anyone willing to listen: love your enemies and pray for your persecutors in order to become authentic children of your Father who is in Heaven (cf. Mt 5, 44-45), children in that there is no wickedness, no resentment, no revanchist or vengeful attitude, but only goodness and charity.

    If you want to be my witnesses, my dear children, avoid causing splits and divisions among yourselves, because, I told you: any kingdom divided against itself is ruined (cf. Mt 12, 25). That is why within your homes and your families as well as outside, you must always show yourselves loving and fraternal.

    May those of you who have made the decision, full of common sense and wisdom, not to give in to the "vaccination" pressure, hold on, and may you pray tirelessly with faith for your politicians so that they come to their senses, because if for several months they have exceeded the limits of legitimate democratic power and prudence in terms of health, they will not hesitate to continue to lie to you, to muzzle you and to enslave you to prevent you from reacting and thus continue the realization of their Machiavellian plans.

    Those who see themselves attacked by strangers or even by brothers, friends - even in their own homes - because they refuse to be "vaccinated" do not hold it against them, because if they do, they play the Devil's game. And that those who attack them – especially if they claim to be Christians – realize that by doing so, they are also playing into the hands of the Devil. In fact, petrified as they are by the fear of contagion, and justifying their behavior by the words of a number of ecclesiastics - words which, I remind you, are binding only to themselves insofar as they do not concern in any way the deposit of Faith - they must know that I, their Lord, blame their narrow-mindedness and the inadequacy of their conduct, which harm the unity of all.

    “Divide et impera” – divide and conquer: such is the policy of many governments today on this Earth, which use fear to weaken consciences and neutralize intelligence and reflection. Pray, my dear children, pray, and place yourselves under the protection of my holy Mother, of the holy archangels Michael and Raphael, of your guardian angels and of all the saints whom you love and who only ask to be requested.

    I know, my son, the harm that contempt for another, rejection, and even betrayal can do, but I am with you and you must hold on.

    I bless you,


    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    Mary's child and Juanita like this.
  19. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    (Feast of the Holy Curé of Ars)

    My dear children,

    Be true disciples of our Lord Jesus in your heart, and do not stay self-centered like hypocritical and calculating people. To do this, start by making a good confession with a priest of the Catholic Church, a confession that you will have carefully prepared by placing yourself at the foot of the Cross and allowing yourself to be purified as one purifies a metal (cf. Ps 66 [Vulg.65],10). Let your heart turn away from its selfish and unhealthy attachments, its complicated reasonings, its rigidities, and, in a possible outpouring of tears, recognize your weaknesses before Him who suffered his Passion and was crucified for you, for the remission. of your sins, before Him who is the Good God who has come in person to this Earth.

    Believe, my little ones, that this Jesus, who is the Only-Begotten Son of God, can, by his Spirit of Truth and Justice, help you to recognize your littleness, your weaknesses, your pettiness, your shortcomings, and to transform in a lasting way your heart and your mind. Be loving and good, charitable and generous, patient, and do not allow yourself to be assailed by the Master of Lies who, through sweet words, will always try to hide from you the objectivity of your faults or the dishonesty of your state of mind. Because he is the Divider and, as such, he remains formidable.

    Therefore, as soon as you feel bad thoughts, petty thoughts, uncharitable thoughts towards your neighbor, or thoughts of pride, whenever you give way to vexation, anger, to revolt or even sometimes to what could be perceived as affliction - but which is really only repressed aggressiveness - you must ask your guardian angel, the gentle Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and to our good Jesus to keep them away from you so that you avoid the rumination and guilt that may ensue. Otherwise, it would be with you with your resentment like cows with food, which chew and rechew the same food brought up from their belly before swallowing it once and for all.. But if you follow my advice, which will arm you for spiritual warfare, you will return to good feelings and quickly find your inner peace.

    It is because of your ego, of your miserable little “me”, my dear children, that risk cracking and breaking human relationships, even the most solid friendships. Because even in old age, men still defend their own interests, their own ideas and their own points of view. In families, fathers exercise, sometimes until their death, an absolutely tyrannical authority over their children even when they become adults, and psychologically or physically fragile women find it difficult to fully assume their role as mothers and then as grandmothers. All of this can cause deep wounds in the victims of such behavior.

    “Parents, do not exasperate your children lest they become discouraged”, says Paul (Col 3,21), and I will add: and lest, victims of this discouragement, they reproduce, to the adulthood, the same deleterious patterns or the complete opposite – which is hardly better.

    Thus, I would like to invite all the parents who have been able or can still act in this way today, to become aware, under the effect of grace, that they have behaved badly towards their children. May they sincerely ask them for forgiveness and tell them their love in concrete terms, especially if, with age, they have persisted in treating their son or daughter, who have become adults, as immature and lacking judgment, always thinking that they alone hold the authority and the whole truth, or if they persisted in ignoring them – which is even more tragic. Because the Good Lord, however good he may be, will call them to account on the day of the Great Passage if they have not accomplished during their lifetime this act of humility essential to the balance and peace of all.

    Once the parents at fault have asked their children for forgiveness and have reconciled with them (cf. Mt 5:24), these same parents must confess to a priest to obtain, this time, God's forgiveness, who will gladly offer it to them if their contrition is sincere. If they die without having taken these steps, their fault will appear to them in the sharp light of the Truth at the moment of their last sigh and they will only suffer more.

    Do not forget, my dear children, that the Demon stirs up the weaknesses of men as one stirs up a fire, and that this fire can then wreak havoc. Thus, “exasperated” children may fall out with their parents or treat them harshly in their old age. The commandment to honor one's father and mother (cf. Ex 20,12; Dt 5,16; Eph 6,1-3) is however not reserved for infants, be aware of this! It also applies to adults. And if damage is done (cf. 1 Tim 5,1-8), it must be repaired as a priority: what has been neglected or demolished must be built or rebuilt; what has been twisted must be straightened; what has been defiled must be washed away; what has been hurt must be healed.

    “My son, help your father in his old age, said Ben Sirach the Wise; do not trouble him during his life. Even if his spirit weakens, be indulgent, do not disrespect him, you who are in full force. For a charity given to a father will not be forgotten, and for your sins it will be worth reparation to you. On the day of your trial, God will remember you; like ice in the sun, your sins will vanish. Whoever forsakes his facer is like a blaspheme; the one who exasperates his mother is cursed by the Lord,. (Si 3,12-16)

    Having understood, during my earthly life, the importance of the sacrament of Confession – which today you call the sacrament of Pardon or Reconciliation – I have never hesitated to encourage all the faithful to confess their sins to me, even if they were only venial, because I had a clear vision of the pain they caused on the Heart of the Good Lord. This is why I consider this sacrament one of the greatest wonders given to the Church on Earth. For what? Well because by itself, it puts all the sacraments in relation! Indeed, under the action of the Holy Spirit, present at Baptism and Confirmation, and by the powers of the Order with which the priest is invested, he cleanses the Christian of all his defilements thanks to the merits of our Lord Jesus, who died on the Cross to redeem the Sin of men and give them access – oh sublime privilege! – to the Wedding banquet of the Lamb: that of His Body and His Blood offered as food to gain access to the Life which will have no end.

    I thank, among my children, all those who addressed their prayers to me today, and I continue to intercede for them, with our good Mother, before her divine Son. I also join all your friends in Heaven in begging the Good Lord to bring out the truth about the lie which, for several months, has invaded your world and continues to wreak havoc there. It is the Devil who is the Master! This is why I call on all my children to sincerely change their hearts, to fast, to go to confession regularly, to take communion in a state of grace and to pray for their heads of state and their politicians with a trusting heart so that the truth may triumph. Because only the Good God is Creator and Master of the world, and, if you beg Him with unshakable faith, it will inflame the hearts of those who can save it and deliver you from the bondage into which many are drawn.

    That's all I wish for you!

    + Jean-Marie Vianney, priest

    Approval of Father Marc-Antoine Fontelle ob, doctor of theology, canon law and civil law.
    Jo M and "Quis ut Deus" like this.

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