I´m sharing some info on the Marian apparition under the title of Our Lady of Tears, which occured in Brazil between 1928 and 1933, in case someone may be interested on. The messages have ecclesiastic approval and have been sent by local Bishop to Pope Pius XI. The nun is under beatification process which started this year. The seer - Amalia Aguirre (1901-1977) a mystic Spanish Nun Amalia belonged to the first group of eight young nuns, co-founders of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus Crucified, who, on 11 May 1928, received the religious habit, Amalia taking the name Sister Amalia of Flagellated Jesus while in her mission in Brazil. She received mystical gifts from childhood, and spoke constantly with Jesus. Her first mystical manifestation was at the age of 10, when she made her first communion. Jesus appeared to her again at the age of 15, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon (the hour of Mercy), asking for her consecration and to come to suffer for souls. From that moment on, she began to suffer from internal stigmata (without visible manifestation). Sometimes she would faint from pain, without her parents' understanding. Throughout her life, she received gifts that were characteristic of great saints. Among them the visible stigmata, present in the lives of St Francis of Assisi, St Gemma Galgani, St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Sister Amalia's visible stigmata were publicly manifested on 21 August 1928. The stigmata closed soon after the presentation of the Crown of Tears and reappeared in 1934 when Mary warned her of the danger of Communism, when she bled daily until 1935. They remained internal, however, for her entire life. She mystically betrothed herself to Jesus Christ, in the same way as happened with St Veronica Giuliani. From September 1929, she began to receive messages from Jesus and Mary, and transcribed them,as requested by director. She was compared by the Bishop of Campinas to St Gema Galgani, in a letter to Pope Pius XI, in which he reported on her diary, which was destroyed by the devil, in the same way as happened to the Italian saint. Before the presentation of the Crown of Tears by Our Lady, she received the transverberation of the Heart on March 1930, like St Teresa of Avila, St Veronica Giuliani and St Padre Pio.
In the same month, Sister Amalia of Flagellated Jesus was praying in the convent chapel when she unexpectedly felt herself being lifted up. Then Our Lady appeared to her in a violet tunic, a blue mantle and a white veil covering her chest and shoulders. With a smile, she approached Sister Amalia, holding in her hands a rosary which she herself called the "Crown of her tears". Its beads shone like the sun and were white as snow. In the apparition of 8 April 1930, the Blessed Virgin asked Sister Amalia to have a medal of Our Lady of Tears and of Jesus Manacled minted, and said that this same medal should be widely disseminated so that Satan's power in the world might be overcome. Our Lady also added that all the faithful who brought it with love and devotion would obtain innumerable graces. In 1931, in Poland, St Faustina Kowalska received messages from Jesus about Divine Mercy. These messages were written in a diary. At the same time, in Brazil, on a Wednesday, 4 March 1931, Jesus appeared to Sister Amalia of Flagellated Jesus, while she was standing before the Blessed Sacrament, and taught her that it was necessary to "...cooperate with Divine Mercy for our sanctification." Sister Amalia received Jesus and Mary in colloquies until the end of her pilgrimage in this exile in 1977. Many miracles of healing the sick, solving problems of all kinds and graces were attributed to her while she was still alive, when she was already sought after by the faithful.
How to Pray the Crown of Tears using the Traditional Marian Rosary - With Partial indulgence each time it´s prayed. Opening Prayer Behold us here at your feet, O most sweet Jesus Crucified, to offer you the Tears of her who so lovingly accompanied you on the sorrowful road to Calvary. Grant, O good Master, that we may know how to profit by the lessons they give us, so that, in doing Your most holy will on earth, we may one day in heaven praise you for all eternity. Amen. In the Major Beads of the Our Father "See, O Jesus, that those are the Tears of She who loved You most on Earth and who loves You most in Heaven.” On the smaller beads of the Hail Marys "My Jesus, hear our prayers by the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother." Repeat the sequence of the Major Bead and the 7 Minor Beads 7 times honoring the 7 Sorrows of Mary. At the End of the Crown "See, O Jesus, that those are the Tears of She who loved You most on Earth and who loves You most in Heaven.” (3 times). Final Prayer Most Holy Virgin and Mother of Sorrows, we ask you to unite your supplications to ours, so that Jesus, your divine Son, to whom we address ourselves in the name of your motherly Tears, may hear our prayers and grant us, with the graces we desire, the eternal crown. Amen. Jaculatory Prayers - "O Most Sorrowful Virgin, Your Tears have overthrown the infernal empire!" - "By Your divine meekness, O Jesus, save the world from the error that threatens it!” (Pray the jaculatories contemplating and kissing the medal, when available.) Print it - with partial indulgence (50 days) each time you repeat the prayers and jaculatories mentioned above. Imprimatur † Msgr. Francisco de Campos Barreto - Bishop of Campinas (SP - Brazil), March 8, 1931 Other ecclesiastical approvals: † Bishop Michael James Gallagher, Diocese of Detroit, MI (United States), March 22, 1935; † Archbishop John Robert Roach, D.D., Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, MN (United States); Nihil obstat No. 924/1935: Ansgarus Borsiczky, Diocesan Censor in Sopron - (Hungary), May 25, 1935; † Bishop Stephanus Breyer, Diocese of Győr (Hungary), July 13, 1935; † Vicar General Ferdinand Buchwieser, Archdiocese of Munich and Frisinga (Germany), March 22, 1935. I do not know if it´s allowed to post external links. If it´s not, I would ask the moderator to remove it. I collected some material on this Marian Apparition, which i disposed at a Google Drive Space, in case someone´s interested: https://bit.ly/OurLadyofTears
Thank you so much for this! I'm studying it all now. What a beautiful apparition of Mary....blue and purple and white... My daughter will love this depiction of her in purple. We are devoted to her sorrows.
Well, despite the imprimatur (in Brazil and other countries), the devotion fell into oblivion for almost a century, only to emerge again with the publication of Sister Amalia's biography by two authors in 2019 and 2021. So it is also apparently unknown in the US and other English-speaking countries today. The messages (which have ecclesiastical approval) were transcribed into five books, published between 1933 and 1936, of which we were able to rescue four (one is apparently lost). Of these, we were able to translate two into English. This mystic nun's diary, which was burnt by the devil, forced her to rewrite it entirety, has also been retrieved but has not yet been transcribed, even in Portuguese. We have also heard that the Crown of Tears is still prayed in Germany, although its origin is unknown to many. There are some promises from Jesus and Mary about this devotion, especially those who spread it, which will become, in Jesus' words, Apostles of Mary's Tears. As Jesus revealed to Sister Amalia in 1928 that He would inaugurate the time of a century of Mercy (also as revealed to Saint Faustina Kowalska), this period apparently ends in 2028...
This is very fascinating, and I have been reading the attached documents you shared. They are wonderful and moving, deepening my understanding of Mary's sorrows. Please tell us anything more you know! How can we find Sr. Amalia's biography?
Sister Amália's biographies are available to buy on Amazon, although only in Portuguese, although the first biography, from 2019, is apparently already being translated into English. Among Jesus' and Mary's promises about the devotion, I think it's worth highlighting some impressive statements, such as the one professing that the devotion would be put into oblivion. So many have seen it as a sign of the trust we should have in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in times of crisis in the Church and consequently in society as we see today. In view of the revelation, Mary stated that those who pray the Crown of Tears every day and spread it or teach others to do so, she herself has assured that will come for these apostles at the hour of their death (This one is also one of the promisses made to Saint Bridget of Sweden for the devotees to the 7 Sorrows of Mary). The Blessed Mother also promises that the recitation of the Chaplet will lead to the conversion of a "...sect infiltrated the Church", although she does not mention which one. "My daughter, today I am going to tell you about the Tears of My Mother. For twenty centuries they have been kept in my Divine Heart, and now I am giving them to you... With this entrustment, I constitute you an apostle of Our Lady of Tears and I know that you are ready to give your life for the spread of such a holy devotion." "To be a missionary of My Mother's Tears is to give Me immense consolation! I have given infinite value to these Tears and, with them, those who set out to spread them will have the happiness of robbing sinners of the evil one, whose hatred will put many obstacles in their way so that they are not made known." In 1930, exactly a century after Mary asked Saint Catherine Labouré for the Miraculous Medal in France, Sister Amalia was asked to mint the Medal of Tears, with promises of protection, specially against persecution. The medal itself is part of the Crown of Tears and is a sacramental. Also in the 1930s, the bishop of Campinas authorized the minting of a million medals, which were spread around the world, especially in Europe. Therefore, the fact that devotion didn't spread may have been due in some way to spiritual interference. So I can guess that this devotion in particular was somehow meant to be widely known just now, when challenges come upon the Church and the Catholic Faith.
PurpleFlower, I love this Catholic supplier. They have both the rosary and the medal but are a bit pricey. https://www.catholiccompany.com/sterling-silver-our-lady-tears-pendant-w-chain-i24894/ https://www.catholiccompany.com/our-lady-tears-pink-october-rosary-6mm-i92284/