Once many years ago I listened to a monk/ theologian trying to explain the human nature of Jesus. He quoted Saint Paul, who described Jesus as: 'A man like us in all things but sin' he went on to say that will this describes Christs state perfectly it tells us nothing. For how can we , who are sinners ever understand He nad her who were sinless, the new Adam and Eve. I think in trying to consider the Immaculate Conception like a little moth flying round a great sun, dazzled and amazed. I like to recall what Dante said describing Mary, 'Our poor tainted natures solitary boast' One thing occured to me this morning. The Saints and visionaries when describing the last stage of prayer , Mystical Marriage often point out that the soul gets married to the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, Father , Son and Holy Spirt. With Mary, 'the Immaculate Conception' I imagine them all being in competition with her as to which was to cover her with the greater glory. When you get down to it, there is no greater glory they could give her. However thrologians tell us that on a great Feast like today the accidental glory of the saints can increase. So on a day like today I beg the Good God to somehow bless and reward Mary a little more, goodness knows how for her goodness to me. I can only say that for a long time today, after Mass my heart was full of the greatest joy, I felt I had shared a little in the great rejoicing in heaven. As to understanding the Immaculate Conception, well I'll leave that to heaven. a billion years from now I'll still be amazed at it. Wonderful...and thank God for it, such a gift to all her children.