The Crystal Rosary Beads

Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by padraig, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am just reading the most wonderful story about a set of crystal rosary beads I am just reading about in a little book about Padre Pio.

    A lady called Marie Toone from Kerry in Ireland was visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham {England's National Shrine} when Father Joe Pius Martin came in and asked her to join him for mass. Now Father Joe was the priest who gathered the Friars together after Padre Pio dies in San Giovanni.Marie had bought a beautiful set of crstal rosary beads in Ireland and Father Joe tucked them into a set of Padre Pio's mittens and blessed them for her.

    Later Marie was in Aylesford another Marian English shrine this one run by the Carmelites. There she met Father Slavco then the Spiritual Director of the Medugorje visionaries who introduced her to Ivan Dragivic one of the visionaries.I van told her that her rosary beads had been kissed by Our Lady!!

    Anyway, later Marie travelled to Rome for the beatification of Padre Pio and in Saint Petes met a group of American ladies one of whom greatly admired Marie's beads. When at confession Marie felt a inner voice telling her to give the beads to the lady and she did so, explaining to the American lady who was called Colleen. She explained that a young man had had an accident in Ireland on a building sire, he suffered severe head injuries and after the beads had been placed under his pillow he had been miraculously cured. When Colleen heard the story of the beads she started to sob and thanked Marie profusely and took the beads away back to the States with her.

    The years rolled by and although the two ladies had exchanged telephone numbers all was silence. One day the phone went and when Marie answered it was Colleen. She had lost Marie's telephone number but on praying to Padre Pio the number fell out of an old book. Colleen had an inoperable brain tumour, was in a wheelchair and had only a short time to live. The Doctors at the Mayo Clinic has told her her it was hopeless. She said the little crystal beads had been to prisons, hospitals, schools and been venerated by thousands. Colleen asked Marie for a favour. She was travelling for a visit to Medugorje and she asked Marie to fly out to Medugorje and meet her there. Marie of course agreed.

    I'll finish this after mass!!
  2. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    I actually met Coleen last year at the medugorje conference in Dublin. She gave the most amazing testimony of her experience in Medujorge. She is a very special lady.

  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Wow small world Mary. What part of America was she from ?? Can you say much about her? I am finishing reading the story now...and greatly looking forward to it!!
  4. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    I cant remember what part of the States but she told her story about her miracelous healing when Visca prayed with her in Medujorge. Coleen McCullough was her name I think. Herself and her husband told the story of her illness and the battle she had to fight to be allowed to go the medujorge as she was so ill the thought she would die going there or in medujorge. She was certainly chosen by Our Lady to assist in spreading the message as she now testifies all over the world. I loved the bit where after her miracelous healing in Medujorge she was so overjoyed getting up in the morning and putting on her own clothes. It must have caused quite a sensation in Medujorge as there were a lot of pilgrims in her group with her. It was only later I heard that a lady in Ireland had a connection through a rosary beads. Just shows there are no co-incidents just God-incidents.

  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Yes, Mary that must be the one!! When Marie flew out to Medugorje she found Colleen healed of her brain tumour and out of her wheelchair!! Viska was giving a talk and had a big crowd around her She prayed, 'Holy Mother , if only Viska could come down and put her hands on my head, I would know you were really listening to me and that it was you yourself had touched my head'. Poor Coleen was in agony, the poor woman. Then it was as if the Red Sea parted as the crowd drew away and Viska came straoght over and led her hands on Coleen's head. She felt a burning sensation that went right through her body. Later at mass Coleen got out of the wheelchair and walked!!

    Well Coleen gave Marie back the crystal beads in Medugorje and Marie says that there are lines of folks looking to use them to pray and when they do they often cry.

    As MAry indicated Coleen was completely cured to the astonishment of the doctors. :D

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