so MUCH has come true from a year ago! what a blessing this is! Pope Francis MAR14--2013 1. The Real Issues Pope Francis Jesus The votes have been cast. The pope has been chosen. “What will be the new direction?” everyone asks. That is not the question, nor do the answers to that question have great significance. It is not the direction that the Church takes, but the impact the Church makes upon the world that truly matters. Too much is made of internal policies and decisions. The real question is whether the Church is a light to the world? Can the Church’s light dispel the darkness and can the Church’s voice again be heard in the market place? So much needs to change and the task is so daunting. Mary Time and again I come back to this point of the consecration of Russia. I wait for it and I will continue to wait. When it is done, I will pour out my gifts. Before it is done, the gifts cannot be released. What is withheld cannot be delayed for long. The Holy Father must more ahead. When it is accomplished, the blessings of heaven that are still in my heart will pour out, first in the hearts of the Russian people and then all over the world. MAR15 2. A Missionary Pope Pope Francis Jesus His first steps will be hesitating and slow but as my light grows in his heart he will see more clearly why I have raised him up. He will see vistas that are hidden from other eyes. He will see with my eyes and more important, he will love with my heart. As he understands the special graces of his new office, he will act more boldly, correcting what needs to be changed and elevating those who have great gifts to offer the Church. All of this, he will do in the normal course of his office, the tasks that he is expected to fulfill. However, I will lead his eyes elsewhere, to far away shores, for he has come from a distant land. His heart will be missionary and his mind will be on many parts of the world that are not developed. He knows the value of planting missionary seeds, even when the harvest will not be in his lifetime. Oh, so very much for him to do. Let him choose carefully those who will surround him as his helpers. Mary He is close to my heart, a child of my love and I will be with him throughout his papacy. He will move ahead and advance my cause. He will speak about me and proclaim my name and my titles. I will lead him further and further into the mystery. Much he does not yet see, but his heart is open to me and I will teach him much. As he gives his heart fully to me, I will exalt him. Only in this way, will all my blessings pour out. MAR16 3. Completing the Bridge of Pope Benedict A Bridge Between Popes, Pope Francis Jesus Quickly, all the problems of the world will fall upon him as a burden that he will carry for the rest of his life. He will come to me now as my Vicar, the one chosen to lead my Church. I will not forsake him nor allow his footsteps to falter. I will strengthen him and give to him those who will support him. How important are the choices that he will make of those who will surround him and share in his ministry. This is enough. I have spoken clearly. He will be a strong rock, part of the constant foundation of my Church down through the centuries. When his papacy is completed, the great bridge will also be completed and the foundation will have remained firm during so many years of turmoil in the world and the Church. Mary I bring these teachings to an end. The Church has gone through a needed transition, ready for the final years of preparation. Like a house made ready for a coming storm, so have I made my Church. The great storms are already on the horizon. All will see this period, begun by the resignation of Pope Benedict, as a time of God’s divine providence. Benedict had guided the Church with a steady hand. Francis’ hands and heart are so similar to Benedict’s. The rock of Peter will now enter into great storms. These are not internal storms within the Church but the external storms that will come upon the modern world. I want my Church to be ready.
The Growing Threat of Nuclear War « Older Entries MAY28 1. The Warnings The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary The heavenly Father has given to me the key of knowledge and of divine revelation so these can be poured forth upon the earth. I speak so all can know ahead of time. My words are warnings for all the earth. These words will be given slowly and cautiously, couched in the clearest words. They will carry great graces. Everyone must listen. They are my gift to my children who listen to me. They are the gift of a mother who sees what is ahead and warns her children so they are safe. Let us begin. Sin and sinful practices have weakened the foundations of human life. Formerly, some parts of the world were strong and could help others. Just a few decades ago, the resources could extend to all. Now, the hopes are stilled. Wars rage and money is spent on arms. Terror grows and fear paralyzes many nations. These are the beginning birth pangs. More will certainly follow. MAY29 2. The Course of War The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary The nations have placed their security in weapons and that is the road that they have freely chosen. Weapons that are produced are weapons which someday will be used. What is stored up will come out of storage. How I weep over these weapons. I know how they will be used. I know those who will be killed and those whose lives will be shattered. I know the hatred that will grow when these wounds are inflicted. This is the course freely chosen by the nations. Even those nations that cannot afford weapons still purchase them in self-defense. A mobilization takes place. Men and women are trained to kill others. When will this come to a halt? When will the pope consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the waves of peace begin to wash away these weapons? I wait to be invoked. MAY30 3. Weapons of Mass Destruction The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary So great is the buildup of weapons that a new reality has been created, never before seen in the world. A small group can inflict great damage, if they are willing to lay down their lives for their beliefs. This is the new menace. There are weapons of mass destruction and people willing to give their lives. They answer to no nation and are not limited to one country. They move where they wish and are willing to accept these great sacrifices for the cause that they believe in. They cannot be attacked in the usual way because they work secretly. Their union is a matter of the heart, their common belief in the rise of Islam. Such is the nature of the great threat that encompasses Israel and my beloved Jerusalem, where my Son’s blood was shed. MAY31 4. Demonic Goals The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary The world has chosen the road of weapons and no human force can turn back the human race from this fatal and disastrous path. The weapons stockpile and grow in sophistication. Enormous sums purchase new and better weapons. All must run this race which ends only in oblivion, the destruction of humanity and of earthly life. These are the demonic goals and how many helpers he has, those whom he has raised to power and whom he safeguards in their positions. I will disrupt his plans and undo many of his strategies but this is not enough. It will just mean a delay, a putting off and a pushing back. There must be my full and complete intervention. I must be invited onto the world stage by the pope. He and all the bishops must ask me to come by consecrating Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Only then will the world see my loving care to save humanity. JUN01 5. Nuclear Proliferation The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary I now come to the horror of nuclear war. I cannot hold back my words any more than I can hold back my tears. Many nations are now walking this road, storing up nuclear arms. For years, these arms have been in the hands of established countries which have much to lose if they ever unleashed them. This has been the protection for the world. However, as these arms proliferate and fall into the hands of those who have no such motive, those whose only goal is to inflict terror and suffering, then mankind will enter a new and more dangerous stage. The protection is peeled away and the temptation to use these arms is multiplied. I have spoken clearly of the path on which mankind has walked. I do not say “has chosen” because it is demonic forces that have plotted out this path and enticed mankind. No human power can change this. I wait and wait and wait to be invoked. Only your heavenly mother can save the world from the prospect of nuclear destruction. Petition the Holy Father to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Note that this message was given on a First Saturday. Reader, please fulfill Mary’s request of the Five First Saturdays: 1. Receive Holy Communion (on Saturday or Sunday) 2. Go to confession (8 days before or after) 3. Say the rosary 4. Pray for 15 minutes on some mystery of the Rosary 5. Offer these prayers as reparation to her Immaculate Heart JUN04 7. The Annihilation of Nations The Growing Threat of Nuclear War Mary No one knows the road that lies ahead. There are too many variables – the free decisions of human beings, the plans of the Evil Ones and the power he has over those dedicated to his cause. All is volatile. The weapons grow each day. The constant fires of war and terror wear away hope. The situation always grows worse. No relief in in sight and no plans exist to correct the situation. I watch. I see. I weep. I have given my great gift of Fatima. This is the greatest and most powerful gift, containing all that is needed to unlock other gifts. My Fatima gift remains unopened. This gift was in Lucy’s heart and how heavy was that heart as she saw that her gift would be rejected. The gift still remains, waiting to be opened. If not opened, then the forces of destruction have no enemy. They own the field of battle and their goal is the annihilation of the nations. Who will be safe?
'This gift was in Lucy’s heart and how heavy was that heart as she saw that her gift would be rejected'. More nonsense. The gift /message has been in the hands of the last 7 Popes.How about a real message telling the truth!
Mothersuperior, I know a Dutch priest who also believes strongly in the messages of "". I read that Our Lady says: "Petition the Holy Father to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart". So perhaps each of us should ask our bishops (who believe in this consecration) to get in touch with our Pope and insist on this consecration. WE ALSO SHOULD NOT WAIT AND SEND AGAIN A PETITION. What is your opinion about this ? Whether these messages are real or not, we have to bother the Pope again with that petition ! The entire world safety is at stake ! Or perhaps I should send a dove to the Pope, carrying that message, to be sure he will get it. I am really getting frustrated... sorry. In the meanwhile I am going to send an email to this link ....
Elisa, Didn't we do this a few months ago? I know I signed the petition you put the link to. All graces are not wasted. I know that PJPII consecrating the world to our Lady was not lost in the graces we all received. He also consecrated the world to the DIVINE MERCY. Which was so fantastic! Personally I don't think asking the Bishops is going to help. We MUST pray to our Lady and do the first Saturdays requested by her. Let her handle it. I trust in her. When the Pope is FINALLY KILLED (not wounded) like our Lady said he would be, the whole world will understand what is going on...
Yes, but why is then Our Lady in "" asking us for "Petition the Holy Father to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart" ? To Don Gobbi Our Lady said that Russia is apparently going to invade Europe, a friend told me, but I have to check this. I have health problems since one year which also explain my shorts comments (like we all have problems... I suppose).
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World" via Msgr Esseff, spiritual director for the Locutionist: The 2015 Events (cont'd): Jan. 9: 9. Gifts for October 13, 2017 Jan. 10: 10. The Fatima Messenger Jan. 11: 11. Walls That Are Not Firm
Latest message....Jan. 12, 2015: Fatima's 100th Anniversary: 6. Stretched Resources Until the Breakthrough
Once again a reminder....Paul Regan is now on speaking to the various messages coming through today about this year....esp. now the latest from "Locutions":
Latest from LTTW: Our Lady's Warnings Jan. 13: 1. New York and Washington Jan. 14: 2. The Faithful Messenger
The three last messages from LTTW....more mentions of the special priest son with the Fatima Gift: couple examples: Jan. 23: 6. .......Before that date of October 13, 2017, I will have lifted up my beloved priest son. Through him, I will offer the people of the 21st century a second opportunity to accept the Fatima gift. Jan. 24: 7. .....So it will be when I raise up my priest son to whom I have given the Fatima gift. No power in heaven or earth will stop the blessings. No one will be able to cover them over. Just as everyone sees the snow falling, so all will see the heavenly blessings of Fatima.
I find the above fascinating especially reading this right after I was doing some further digging into the 3 days of darkness. The above would totally fit with what many Blesseds and Saints spoke about the 3 days of darkness as well as tying this into the Warning and even timelines of The Great Pope and Monarch. It seems a timeline could potentially fit like this: First the proximity signs for the beginnings of this time period are the following from I think Blessed Anna Maria Taigi 1. Flouting of church laws, irreverence and immodesty in church, fall in attendance at church. (obviously has occurred) 2. Lack of charity towards others, heartlessness, indifference, divisions, contentions, godlessness, pride in human knowledge. (I would say this has happened too) 3. Breakdown of family life: immorality, adultery, perversion of youth via the media (e.g. homosexuals giving lectures in schools), immodest fashions, people concerned only with eating, drinking, dancing and other pleasures. (This has happened) 4. Civil commotions, contempt for authority, downfall of governments, confusion in high places, corruption, coups d'etat, civil war, revolution. (all has occurred though we have not seen widespread civil wars and revolutions yet, especially in the Western world but I feel this could occur rather quickly if the economies fall). 5. Floods and droughts, crop failures, unusual weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines, epidemics, unknown diseases. (no question these have occurred and grown exponentially the past 10 years especially. 2015: I think personally the economy will fall and civil wars and possibly global war breaks out 2016: I think is when we may get the Warning in November 2017: Some time in either January or February we could have the 3 days of darkness and cleanse. Then on April 13, 2017 we get the Miracle and a new Pope by October 13th, 2017 followed by the Triumph of the Immaculate heart and era of peace lasting 25-30 years. "After the three days of darkness, St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles, and his name shall be praised over the whole earth. Whole nations will come back to the Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England, and China will come into the Church." (Prophecy of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837 A.D.) who was Beatified by Pope Bendedict XV in 1920.) "... the sky was covered with clouds so dense and dismal that it was impossible to look at them without dismay... the avenging arm of God will strike the wicked, and in his mighty power he will punish their pride and presumption. God will employ the powers of hell for the extermination of these impious and heretical persons who desire to overthrow the Church and destroy it's foundation. .... Innumerable legions of demons shall overrun the earth and shall execute the orders of Divine Justice... Nothing on the earth shall be spared. After this frightful punishment I saw the heavens opening, and St. Peter coming down again upon earth; he was vested in his pontifical robes, and surrounded by a great number of angels, who were chanting hymns in his honor, and they proclaimed him as sovereign of the earth. I saw also St. Paul descending upon the earth. By God's command, he traversed the earth and chained the demons, whom he brought before St. Peter, who commanded them to return into hell, whence they had come. "Then a great light appeared upon the earth which was the sign of the reconciliation of God with man. The angels conducted before the throne of the prince of the Apostles the small flock that had remained faithful to Jesus Christ. These good and zealous Christians testified to him the most profound respect, praising God and thanking the Apostles for having delivered them from the common destruction, and for having protected the Church of Jesus Christ by not permitting her to be infected with the false maxims of the world. St. Peter then chose the new pope. The Church was again organized..." (Prophecy of Ven. Elizabeth Canori-Mora (d. 1825) The above could also be very easily tied into the vision of St. John Bosco as well as the third secret of Fatima regarding a falling Pope and new elected Pope comes forward. This is all so fascinating to me and once can kind of begin to see the image taking shape of this massive jigsaw puzzle.
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World" with Msgr Esseff's commentary. A World-Wide Awakening May 22: 1. The World and the Fire May 23: 2. Events Like Lightening May 24: 3. A Voice Going Forth to All the World May 25: 4. The Fullness of Evil and Good May 26: 5. The Helplessness of Mankind May 27: 6. Mankind Has Wandered
This very important locution (below) is one I keep thinking of when I doubt the supernatural element of them. These words are so sure and strong in their wording that now it's clear Francis is clearly putting the consecration on the back burner. (if he even thinks about it at all, which personally I don't think it's even on his radar) So Mary is wrong or is Francis disobedient or are these locutions possibly false? Please enlighten me those that believe. Mary I will speak clearly. The words must be like a knife, cutting to the heart. Do not give me a pope who will not consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Let him not be vague on this issue. It is already late, very late. This must be his primary goal. Consecrating Russia must have been in his heart years ago. I will reject every candidate for whom the consecration of Russia is not first in their hearts. If their names are put forth, I will personally defeat them. I will act through those who are my closest friends. I have foreseen this conclave. I have inspired Pope Benedict concerning those whom he selected as cardinals. I have many cardinals who cherish the consecration of Russia. Some do this more openly than others. This issue is not to be set aside. If those who lead the conclave want to put it under the table, then I will raise up those who will put it back on the table. Consecrating Russia must be the pope’s first dream, not his afterthought or something that he might get to.
For your discernment: Regarding the consecration of Russia as posted in the website, if interested, please read this letter from Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi:
The messages have shifted. She now supposedly has a special "priest-son" who will be elected the next pope and do the consecration.
Yes, but I don't necessarily equate the messages, many of them, re: a special priest son, with that person also being the next Pope who will do the consecration of Russia. It could be but it just may be that this particular priest son also described as her Fatima messenger could prepare the world to accept and expect the consecration of Russia when it does then come from the Pope in order to make it all the more efficacious for all. Suppose we'll have to watch and see while praying for such. Another really good, revealing and more recent interview with Fr. Ronan Murphy whose own call to the priesthood has a lot in it relating to Fatima:
EarthToAngels, Just the opposite from LTTW, Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/01/2015 21:13 -0400 Just days after George Soros warned that World War 3 was imminent unless Washington backed down to China on IMF currency basket inclusion, the hacker collective CyberBerkut has exposed the billionaire as the real puppet-master behind the scenes in Ukraine. In 3 stunning documents, allegedly hacked from email correspondence between the hedge fund manager and Ukraine President Poroshenko, Soros lays out "A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine," expresses his confidence that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force," and finally explained Poroshenko's "first priority must be to regain control of financial markets," which he assures the President could be helped by The Fed adding "I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement." The hacking group CyberBerkut claims it has penetrated Ukraine’s presidential administration website and obtained correspondence between Soros and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko. It has subsequently posted all the intercepted pdfs on line at the following location. More details as RT earlier reported: The hacktivists have published three files online, which include a draft of “A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine” by Soros (dated March 12, 2015); an undated paper on military assistance to Kiev; and the billionaire’s letter to Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, dated December 23, 2014. According to the leaked documents, Soros supports Barack Obama’s stance on Ukraine, but believes that the US should do even more. He is confident that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force.” “In poker terms, the US will ‘meet, but not raise,” the 84-year-old businessman explained, supposedly signing one of the letters as “a self-appointed advocate of the new Ukraine.” The Western backers want Kiev to “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement,” Soros wrote. Among other things, the leaked documents claim that the Ukrainian authorities were also asked to “restore some semblance of currency stability and functioning banking system” and “maintain unity among the various branches of government” in order to receive assistance from foreign allies. Soros believes that it’s up to the EU to support Kiev with financial aid, stressing that “Europe must reach a new framework agreement that will allow the European Commission to allocate up to $1 billion annually to Ukraine.” As for the current state of economy, the billionaire wrote that former Chilean finance minister, Andres Velasco, after visiting Ukraine on his request, returned with “a dire view of financial situation." “The new Ukraine is literally on the verge of collapse” due to the national bank’s lack of hard currency reserves, Soros warned Poroshenko. The correspondence shows that the billionaire has been in constant touch with the authorities in Kiev and consulting them. Digging into the details of the documents, we find one intriguing snippet: As you know, I asked Andrés Velasco, a prominent economist who was Chile’s very successful minister of finance from 2006-2010 to visit Kyiv where he met the Prime Minister; the President was in Warsaw at the time. Velasco came back with a dire view of the financial situation. The National Bank of Ukraine has practically no hard currency reserves. That means that the hryvnia has no anchor. If a panic occurred and the currency collapsed as it did in Russia, the National Bank could not stabilize the exchange rate even if only temporarily as Russia did by injecting $90 billion. Your first priority must be to regain control over the financial markets—bank deposits and exchange rates. Unless you do, you will have no way to embark on deeper reforms. I believe the situation could be stabilized by getting the European Council to make a commitment in principle that they will pull together the new $15 billion package that the IMF requires in order to release the next tranche of its original package at the end of January 2015. Based on that commitment the Federal Reserve could be asked to extend a $15 billion three months swap arrangement with the National Bank of Ukraine. That would reassure the markets and avoid a panic. ... I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement. One wonders what other matters of national importance involve George Soros getting on the line with the US Treasury Secretary to arrange virtually unlimited funds courtesy of the US Federal Reserve just to promote one person's ulterior agenda? And just like that, conspiracy Theory becomes Conspiracy Fact once again. The full documents are below: Ironically, the first document laying out the "short and medium-term comprehensive strategy for new Ukraine" and signed by George Soros, "a self-appointed advocate of the New Ukraine", was ironically created by Tamiko Bolton, the 40 year old who became Soros' third wife several years ago. Soros Ukraine Strategy The next letter, one directly sent by Soros to Ukraine's president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatseniuk, comes courtesy of a pdf created by Douglas York, Soros' personal assistant. Priority To Fix Financial Markets Finally, a letter (authored by Yasin Yaqubie of the International Crisis Group based on its pdf metadata properties), which lobbies the US "to do more." Ukraine Letter to Potus - Lethal Aid To sum up: Soros is basically lobbying on behalf of Ukraine, pushing for cash and guns, to oppose Putin in every was possible. If genuine, and based on their meta data, they appear to be just that, these lettes show how Soros is trying to weasel around the Minsk agreements (for instance, how to train Ukrainian soldiers without having a visible NATO presence in Ukraine). The documents link up Nuland with Soros, and clears up who is truly pulling the strings of the US State Department. Finally, while the documents don't mention what Soros has in store for Ukraine, one can use their imagination. Average: