I have requested a Holy Mass intention for Padraig and all members of Mother of God Forum for each day for a year at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine in Aylesford Kent, UK. Once your are signed up, you are under the protective mantle of Our Blessed Mother until 16th July 2016 with Gods' help.
Thank you Julia and may God bless you abundantly! Such a wonderful forum in which we lift each other up in prayers. I include everyone here and their intentions from my morning offering on through out the day!
May you be blessed specially by our Lady of Mount Carmel for your generosity and thoughtfulness. What you have done is very comforting. Thank you Julia.
Thank you....I finished my consecration to The blessed Mother on this feast day! Wear your scapular.....consecrate yourself to Our Lady.
Thank you Julia! I will add your name to my daily intentions. I firmly believe that some of the spiritual growth and inspiration that I have had has come directly from the daily prayers of forum members here. Which is why I always pray for all the intentions of the members here (sometimes by name when y'all are suffering for a particular intention). It will be such a consolation to meet you all on the last day, God willing. God Bless!
Many, many thanks, Julia! What a tremendous gift to us all! May Our Lady of Mount Carmel shower abundant blessings on you for being so thoughtful and generous...