He's feeling it also and I'm interested to hear what his powerful experience was that he has last month. I have a feeling that it is going to be similar to the epiphany I had in October. Things are ramping up and we all need to give our fiat and get on board with Our Lady and stand strong for Truth and be ready for whatever the plan is heaven has in mind to fix this broken mess we've built for ourselves
I'll repost what I posted last month: Definition of epiphany 3a(1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b : a revealing scene or moment So last month on the evening of October 11th as I finished the day's work on the land in the mountains that God led us to a few years ago, and that we've been like caretakers working on and learning how to grow food, work the land mostly with our hands, etc., I had an epiphany. This has happened only a couple times in my life, the last time was when I saw this piece of land 4 1/2 years ago and knew we were to buy it. That evening, in a matter of a second or two, I suddenly knew what the purpose of the land was, and what would cause people to come to it. I have had ideas in my head for the past few years and have been praying for enlightenment ("can you fill me in, Lord?"), but I didn't "know". But I knew at that moment also, somehow, that these icons that you posted, Padraig, were true and show what is going to unfold in our country (I'm American). I don't know if that's tomorrow, a month from now, or years from now. But, as Sister Agnes reported, I felt the time is near. The most interesting thing about the epiphany was a complete sense of calm and purpose that came over me. And how complete the knowledge was, I knew these things as sure as I know my name. Not sure how that works, mabye infused knowledge? Who knows, but I was not nervous or worried at all. Rather I felt, and still feel, very calm, determined, and have a complete sense of purpose. So, there you go...prophet indeed you are, Padraig
Here's a couple follow ups that I'll repost below--and I'm no prophet, don't hear any voices, no one talks to or visits me. It just kind of happened, my wife says it's called infused knowledge, and don't much care if anyone believes it, but at that moment I knew what our purpose was and that Padraig's icons show what is coming: Yes, there is a persecution coming (actually expanding to the West, it's already ongoing in the Middle East and Africa, spreading now in South and Central America, Canada, on the verge in the US). It was part of the epiphany I experienced last month, sure of it as I know my name. Not sure how they wrest control here in the US but it has something to do with our government falling or being taken over. We've been told many times this would come, even by our hierarchy: "I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history." then I also said in reply to something Padraig recently posted: padraig said: ↑ I was shown something in prayer a few days ago. An apple on a silver platter, beautiful in its perfection. Then as I watched the apple, right before my eyes became rotten and full of worms. So much so that within seconds it became a putrid evil smelling soup, right before my eyes. Then I heard a Word of warning that things are about to change very, very swiftly in the Church and in the World. That events are to accelerate. That the evil are to become devils incarnate, the bad to become swiftly totally evil. To gird myself for the Gates of Hell itself to open and a tidal wave of Satanic Power to fall upon us. and I replied to Padraig: I cannot "like" this post you made, but I can say that the epiphany I had in October dove tails with this and the tidal wave you were shown manifests itself upon us as our persecution. And that it's going to come hard and fast. What you were shown here is going to happen and much sooner than many think. It's why the exorcists called for the fasting/prayer/reparations today. It's why I think we're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic by spending time discussing whether this prophet or that one is right or wrong, or fretting about what new diabolical acts come to light from Rome. It's upon us, could be today, next week, next year, but it's here. But fear not, God has a plan and if He didn't allow us to suffer from what is coming, how would he reclaim those who are so lost? They'd only continue circling the drain if things were allowed to go unchecked. But until He intervenes, we do have some wood to chop
Here's they are summarized in one post: http://motheofgod.com/threads/the-nine-icons.1832/#post-10364 Here's the whole thread where he originally posted them for the full context, and seeing the impeachment of President Trump coming to fruition in the last few days and weeks, the icons are coming into clearer focus: http://motheofgod.com/threads/the-future-of-the-united-states-of-america.1587/
Padraig mentioned Our Lady of America in his post - if only people would believe in Our Lady's messages and "pray, pray, pray" as She asked, we might not be in the situation we are presently in. Our Lady said in Sept. 1957, "...what I am about to tell you concerns in a particular way my children in America. Unless they do penance by mortification and self-denial and thus reform heir lives, God will visit hem with punishments hitherto unknow to them." "Will you do as I wish at last, my children?" Have we done as Our Mother has asked? Please pray the prayer of Our Lady of America! I believe we still time, but a very short.
Thank you!!! I don’t know how I missed that! I have had inspirations like that, too, when you just suddenly know for certain something is from God.
I find myself saying Our Lady of All Nations prayer every day and several times a day. "That they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war". Well this part of the prayer is already well in motion, since few have prayed it. Degeneration has been well in motion for many years. The Disasters and War are soon pending the fulfillment of our Lady of All Nations prayer she asked of us to pray.
'Yes, those who have been attacking the Pope—both those inside and outside the Church—are humbled and their vessels of pride utterly shipwrecked' ????? I'm afraid I'm reading from quite a different script. ( I also note how this very casual remark was not explicated upon. Just buried on it's own amongst a lot of other stuff... by explicated I mean naming names. Who's , 'attacking ', the Pope, EWTN, Life Site, Cardinal Burke..who?) It's very, very easy to make a vague, generalised remark like this. It's not so easy to substantiate and stand over it with hard evidence.
I am not going to get into this too much . But in the first place the use of the word, 'Attacked'. to , 'Attack', the Pope. This is a violent word. We speak of people, 'Attacking', when they use weapons to wound or harm. But it is asking legitimate questions , 'attacking'. Questions such as why prominet abortionists are invited to the Vatican to speak? Such as why the Eucharist is to be given to the divorced and adulterers? Why have we not heard , despite repeated assurances what went on with Mr McCarrick? Why were the Chinese Catholics sold out to the Communists? Why is an idol was worshipped in the presense of a Roman Pontiff? All fair questions and ones that need to be asked. St Paul says in Acts that he, 'Defied Peter to his face, accusing him of cowardice and hypocrisy, was this an attack or a legtimate series of questions? Galatians 2:11 Paul Confronts Cephas 10They only asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do. 11When Cephas came to Antioch, however, I opposed him to his face, because he stood to be condemned. 12For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself, for fear of those in the circumcision group.… Also to argue that those who ask questions are questioning whether or not things are right is not the same as saying he is not Pope. This is a Straw Man argument and is very misleading. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition (i.e., "stand up a straw man") and the subsequent refutation of that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the opponent's proposition.[2][3] Straw man arguments have been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly regarding highly charged emotional subjects. Straw man tactics in the United Kingdom may also be known as an Aunt Sally, after a pub game of the same name, where patrons threw sticks or battens at a post to knock off a skittle balanced on top.[4][5] As to the final prepostion that Pope Francis kept his head down and looked unhappy in the presense of idol worship. Well it's just simply laughable. He's Pope and he kept his head down and looked unhappy in the presence of Idolatory; what about stopping it? What about not letting them be exhibited in a Roman Church? What about not apologising for them being thrown in the Tiber? Like I say such an argument is simply laughable and unworthy of any serious consideration. The idea that we should unthinkinglyback a Pope, right or wrong is just as misguided as to say we should support our country right or wrong. I don't know where people get such misguided ideas from. But they are simply not Catholic. God gave us brains and Sound Doctrine for good reason. We are required to amputate part of our brains to convince ourselves that Wrong is Right in order to show what good Catholics we are.
Writing about people, 'attacking the Pope', is not , 'Holding my own counsel'. Far from it. It is taking a specific position, explicitly proclaimed.
I hold my own counsel in that I know people who have no idea what's going on so I avoid topics about PF. I don't want to disturb their peace and their faith. Besides I don't feel qualified. I pray for PF and I thank God for Cardinals Burke and Muller and company.
Yes, Mary, but Mark occupies a public Prophetic position which differs radically from your own. He is a Watchman. As to confusing people and causing them to turn away from them. Jesus was constantly disturbing people and they were constantly turning away from Him. Which is why He said: Matthew 10:34 The Sword of the Gospel 33But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. 34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.… The idea that a good Catholic is one who puts up and shuts up, keeps quiet and does not upset people or thing is simply not Scriptural, nor is it in the tradition of the Church. Jesus came to comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable. He is a Sign of Contradiction. Luke 2:34 The Prophecy of Simeon …33The Child’s father and mother were amazed at what was spoken about Him. 34Then Simeon blessed them and said to His mother Mary: “Behold, this Child is appointed to cause the rise and fall of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed—and a sword will pierce your soul as well.”… Jesus came to bring not Peace, but the Sword. Those with ears to hear; let them hear. Those who are silent in the face of Great Evil become partakers of that evil. There is no Middle Road, no hiding place. There is Peace and then again there is False Peace. There is Mercy, but yet again there is a False Mercy. For many Christians there comes a Time and Place to make a Stand. This is such a Time. At the End of the Day at the time of Justice we will be called to account just as much for what we have said as what we have not.