One of the most enduring characterisitcs of Marian Apparitions in modern times is the constant request from the Mother of God that the Faithful, her children might form prayer groups. Why is this? Might it not be enough that people pray as individuals and in Church. Why does Mary so constantly and urgently reuire that these groups be formed?? When we look at the Third Joyful Mystery the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the Apostles Assembled in Prayer, we see the Birth place of the Church. For this is the Church, the Priests and People in Prayer, The Mystical Body of Christ. In time when the Church emerged from massive persecution it was able to organise itself in administrative units such as Parishes and Diocese. So when we think of the Church we naturally think of our Parish and our Diocese. However Mary's messages and calls have a very strong Eschatological character Eschatoligical in that they point to the End Times into which we have entered. By End Times I do mean that the End of the World is Coming, but the character of the Times into which we have entered. This was mentioned by such Saints as Saint Louis Grignion De Montford when he forecast how we would move towards the times of the Great Epic Struggle between Our Lady and the Old Dragon Satan. One theologian , writing of this said that in future times more and more people would have to become mystics in order to become Catholics. Or to put it another way the Faithful will have to shine as stars in the greater darkness. More and more the Church as we know it will be unable to continue. Mary is forming Her own Army against Satan and her principle means of doing so is through Marian prayer groups. The Church will grow more and more persecuted, this is prophesied in the Book of Revelation when the woman flies from the Dragon with her child to desolate places. The means of this flight are the Marian Prayer groups. The activities of these groups will expand as time goes on so that they become the effective means not only of the Church continuing but of the actual physical survival of Catholics and especially Catholic priests. Or to put it another way the Church as we know it will appear to die, reborn in another way in the form of these Marian Prayer Groups. It will be as though we have gone back to the Catacombs. It is Mary's answer to the Great Persecution. On additon physical societies and countries will no longer survive in many, probably most or all areas and the old diocese and parish just will not be flexible to flourish or even exist. The prayer groups are Mary's answer. As time goes on we will see them more and more taking the weight as their importance increases. Already we see the Signs of this as they bear great fruits of Grace and sanctity amongst the faithful. Bearing many of the dynamic charisms of the Early Church. For the little Prayer Groups of the present will be the visible Church of the future. Mary's plan to fight the Dragon through her little ones is going ahead apace. Our Lady's locutions to Father Gobbi are a very good example of all this: Dec. 31, 1992 (Rubbio, Vicenza) 'I have announced to you many times that the end of the times and the coming of Jesus in glory is very near. Now, I want to help you understand the signs described in the Holy Scriptures, which indicate that his glorious return is now close. ... The first sign is the spread of errors, which lead to the loss of faith and to apostasy. ... 'The day of the Lord will not come unless the great apostasy comes first.' (2 Thes 2,3) ... The second sign is the outbreak of wars and fratricidal struggles, which lead to the prevalence of violence and hatred and ... natural catastrophes ... The third sign is the bloody persecution of those who remain faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel and who stand fast in the true faith. ... The fourth sign is the horrible sacrilege, perpetrated by him who sets himself against Christ, that is, the Antichrist. He will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne, and have himself adored as God. 'This one will oppose and exalt himself against everything that men adore and call God. ...' (2 Thes 2,4.9) ... 'One day, you will see in the holy place he who commits the horrible sacrilege. The prophet Daniel spoke of this. Let the reader seek to understand.' (Mt 24,15) ... 'Now, from the moment that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. ...' (Dn 12,9-12) The Holy Mass is the daily sacrifice, the pure oblation which is offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down. The sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. By accepting the protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at His Last Supper. And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the daily sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about 3½ years, namely, 1,290 days. The fifth sign consists in extraordinary phenomena, ... sun ... moon ... stars ... [are darkened]'
She's everywhere! Padraig, It is amazing to witness Mary gathering her Army for the crucial times in which we live. I am aware of at least one friend who was actively involved in a Cenacle modeled after Our Lady's requests to Stefano Gobbi. One other area in which Mary plays a prominent role is in the ecclessial movements. My family is involved in the Regnum Christi Movement in which we cultivate five loves: (1) for Christ, (2) for souls, (3) for Mary, (4) for the Pope, and (5) for the Church. One of the spiritual disciplines expected in this Movement is the regular praying of the Rosary. Like I said, Mary is everywhere and busy, too! Thank God she doesn't tire like I do! Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
More on Marian Prayer Groups from Locutions To The World ( (376 ) 356. Preparing For the Coming Tragedies Jul 1st, 2012 Mary I lead you by a small and gentle path. Do not think of the enormous problems which will soon crash upon the world. Does not a mother look ahead to provide for her children in times of adversity? So, I can provide for all my children, wherever they are on the face of the earth. The coming tragedies will touch all of them differently and the means I will provide will also be different. However, some parts will be common to all These I must explain. First, you cannot survive by yourself. You need others. All must be gathered in my Immaculate Heart and all must share in a true devotion to me. Salvation will come as the group accepts me as their Mother, calls upon me for help, and listens to my words. Leaders For The Group In each group, I will raise up leaders for my people. These leaders must have hearts united with my heart. Otherwise, they will lead the group in the wrong direction. Also, individualism and personal goals must be set aside. Many will be in need and I will provide by the service and generosity among the members. There will be no other way. This is a simple plan but all must begin now. These groups and these relationships in faith do not spring up overnight. They are formed daily in my heart. Family Prayer Where can you begin? Start with family prayer. How can I unite many families in prayer if the individual family is not united in prayer? Gather the family every night. Teach them the rosary. That is your first step. Do not omit this. Take this first step and I will show you your next step. Don’t forget. The goal is for many to group together in faith relationships.
I think this is, again, a powerful message on the need of Marian Prayer Groups, also from Locutions To The World. This is part of the post, you can go to the complete post in this link: ____________ 29. Preparing for the Chastisement May 6, 2011 MaryA Chastisement of Mercy A time of great trial will come upon the world, a great distress of the nations. Many will die. Others will not know what to do. However, those who know me and know my words will have enough light to get through this period of darkness. The world will be purged by this extraordinary divine intervention. This is the purpose of the trial because the Father would not do this if he had any other choice. He cannot allow the world to go on as it is. If he did not intervene, as drastic as this is, life on earth would be even worse. Man would inflict on man unheard of sufferings as the weapons of mass destruction are released by those who are under the control of the evil one. So, what looks like divine chastisements are really acts of his mercy. God will purge the world before man destroys it. God’s Care for the Living and the Dead Those who live in light and believe my words will know this is true. Even in the worst moments, they will see God’s purposes and know what to do. Some will die but they will accept their deaths in a spirit of faith, knowing that they have used their lives to love and serve God. They will have no regrets and the Spirit will console their inner being. Others will be preserved from death by the Spirit so they can form the new Church that will arise, the light of the new mankind that will be fashioned by the Father. This will include people from all over the world. They will be people of faith, even if they did not believe before. They will have come to faith in the middle of the trials because of the signs in the heavens and the wonders upon earth. They will know that God has saved them and they will tell the story to their children and their children’s children. A New Creation It will be like a new creation. Man will once more realize that he owes his existence to God’s choice. He will no longer say, “The earth is mine to do what I want”. Instead, he will say, “The earth belongs to God and I am the caretaker of his creation”. Man will once more stand in God’s presence and will rejoice in the title “Children of God”. Faith will be everywhere. Man will see clearly that all life comes from God. A new world will begin, “as it was in the beginning”. Man will still be free, still able to choose good and evil, but man will be so filled with light that good will be easily chosen and evil will be easily rejected. All of this can only take place after the world is purged. New Lights for People of Faith I say all this to prepare you for these events. Prepare, you must. Whoever is not prepared will perish from hopelessness and despair, devoid of all light and understanding. Satan will put out all the lights of the world, all that men hoped would save them. However, I will shine my light, new lights, extraordinary lights, seen only by people of faith, words heard only by those whom I have trained to listen. Let me explain. The heavenly Father wants to communicate with his children by the powers of the Holy Spirit. This Age of the Spirit has already begun but too few are aware, even in the Church. I have appeared to some and have made certain places sources of divine messages. These are a sign to all, but my plan goes much further. The Father will pour out the Spirit on all mankind and I am his messenger. True Light – Extraordinary Yet Essential Two things must happen. All must be open to this new inner light and all must be aware of false lights. There will be extraordinary true lights and extraordinary false lights. I will raise up leaders in my Church who will know the true light by their own deep personal experiences and by their solid theology. They will point out the true light and will reject the false light. Follow them. Plunge into this true light for it will be the only light that you have in the darkness. Get used to the light and learn how it guides you. All of this is extraordinary but the darkness will be extraordinary. The deep personal light of the Holy Spirit guiding individuals and families will become essential Gathering in the Light You cannot be like the foolish virgins who believed that they could get oil for their lamps at the last minute. You cannot gain this new light when the darkness comes upon you. You must become a child of the light now. I say “now” because the Spirit’s light is available and he will train you in the light. You will learn to act in his light. You will also gather others, because many must walk in this light. You must gather. Gather in praise, exalting my Son, Jesus. This is the Spirit’s method to give light. Gather daily. Lift your hands in praise and the Spirit will descend upon you. Otherwise you will never learn his gifts or receive the light that I intend. Do not ask me to tell you when these trials will begin or to give you signs. Doing that is useless. Even with the clearest signs, people will not listen. My words are enough and they are clear. Why talk about some future sign when I have already told you to begin now. If you do not believe and if you do not start now, will you start in the future? Will some sign jolt you into belief? You will be jolted but not by my signs. My words are signs and I tell you clearly that this is the Age of the Holy Spirit. If you invoke him, he will give you personal signs, especially a unity with others. The Scattered Children Must Gather I sorrow over my children because they are scattered. Their little light cannot overcome the darkness and they cannot survive even now, before the great darkness comes. What will they be like when Satan puts out all the lights? When people invoke the Holy Spirit, he joins them together. They find a common voice of praise. They lift their hands to the Father. While they pour out their praise, the Spirit joins their hearts. They are no longer alone. They have others at their side. I will be with all of these little groups. They will be called Marian Gatherings of the Holy Spirit. Even if just three or four gather, this will be enough. I will teach them and they will learn together. This advice is very easy but this is how you will prepare for the darkness. Gather with others in a Marian Gathering of the Holy Spirit. Do not put this off. If you go and search, I promise that you will find others. Then you will discover my plan for you. You will rejoice and say, “Mary has provided me with others. Together we will prepare for the darkness. May I find you together when I come”. A Clear Plan of Action What will you do when you gather? You will read my words. They will teach you. More important, you will give me your hearts as slaves of the Immaculate Heart as taught by St. Louis de Montfort. This is only the beginning. Let each one use their gift of the Spirit. Let each heart, touched by the Spirit, bring forth a word, a hymn, a revelation. Serve one another with the spiritual gifts. Do not wander into other concerns. The Spirit must do his work in you and you must learn his ways. Enough for now. I have given you a clear plan. Begin to act. Family Preparations Different structures must be built. Tiny structures which can multiply and be present everywhere. These structures will survive. They can be built right now. Whose authority do you need to gather in your home? Whose blessing must you seek for family prayer? I give you my authority and my blessing. Begin now, before it is too late. Gather your children into the Marian Gatherings of the Holy Spirit. Since this is where everything must begin, I will speak to the parents. ....... ______________________ Most marks in the text are mine (bold, underline, italics), to highlight Mary stressing the urgency and importance of gathering with others to pray. There is advise to live this in the family. Let us begin today by listening to these words of wisdom from our hearts and see what we can do. Could we / would we be willing to create a Marian Gathering of the Spirit in our Mother Of God Forum? Any takes???
Woman Clothed Withthe Sun, Back on 1/1/12 I posted this in the Msgr. John Essef Thread: On December 7, I sent a PM to Lee saying I was most impressed by the reported 5/6/11 locution of Mary speaking of preparation for the chastisement. She urged us to begin now to gather with family and friends in prayer and to consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart. It reminded me of Fr. Gobbi and the cenacles of prayer that Mother Mary requested through him. Now, Mary emphasizes that the Holy Spirit will actively guide these prayer gatherings and provide needed grace, power, and wisdom. Well, the very next day was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and my family went to the noon Mass. Amazingly, I was approached by a Linda Muroski who asked Geralyn and myself to pray about juining a new prayer group which will start up after the New Year. The Muroskis love Our Lady and the timing of the request floored me! 8) Let's see how this plays out in the next week or so. Well, this little Marian prayer group did start up and still faithfully gathers today, though its form and mission doesn't exactly fit the above model. Praise God for the maternal care of Our Lady! Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful providence of God! Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
How good to hear this, Mario! God is GOOD! And Our Blessed Mother is working so powerfully at this time. May She bless you little group and guide it deep into Her Immaculate Heart. Peace!
Matthew 6:24 New International Version (NIV) 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Perhaps this relates back to what Cardinal George said? ....about heading back to the Catacombs? 'The present political campaign has brought to the surface of our public life the anti-religious sentiment, much of it explicitly anti-Catholic, that has been growing in this country for several decades. The secularizing of our culture is a much larger issue than political causes or the outcome of the current electoral campaign, important though that is. Speaking a few years ago to a group of priests, entirely outside of the current political debate, I was trying to express in overly dramatic fashion what the complete secularization of our society could bring. I was responding to a question and I never wrote down what I said, but the words were captured on somebody’s smart phone and have now gone viral on Wikipedia and elsewhere in the electronic communications world. I am (correctly) quoted as saying that I expected to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. What is omitted from the reports is a final phrase I added about the bishop who follows a possibly martyred bishop: “His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.” What I said is not “prophetic” but a way to force people to think outside of the usual categories that limit and sometimes poison both private and public discourse.'
We must remember that very many if not all political leaders in the western world are 'unbelievers' as are their advisors. They are really pushing a secular, atheistic agenda and political correctness is nonsense straight from the bowels of hell. John Paul II warned us of a growing 'culture of death' which has come upon us in just one generation. Pope Benedict is warning us of a coming dictatorship which will also come to pass in one generation. Cardinal George is so spot on to warn us of the path we are all on. It is not for the faint hearted. But we will be given strength to endure for Christ's power is made manifest in us his followers in our weakness and humility. This forum is also a sign of how our Lady works to bring her children together to support and encourage one another. Marian prayer groups are required to keep the faith alive and the great priests of our age are Marian Priests. God Bless Fr Gobbi for he set a wonderful example to his brother priests of faithful devotion to our Lady.
The Locutions come from a directee of Monsignor Esseff. This priest was the spiritual director to Blessed Mother Teresa, and himself a directee of St. Padre Pio. This is the web page for the Locutions: This is Msgr. Esseffs personal web page:
we have actually talked about these locutions at length here: I believe the general consensus was they were highly questionable, especially where Our Lady talks about her giving the US bullets to use in Syria. This locution is still on the back burner for me, as they could be true if what is prophesized pans out. 2012 would be the key year for that. Especially with the election...only a few weeks away. A lot of the messages of this locution are political in nature, so they it will prove itself true or false in short order.
Thank you Potato Sack. It is rather concerning, I was going by the priest. And especially because he was the spiritual director of Mother Theresa.
Thank you Potato Sack once again, I was happily sifting through the messages and the discussions and thought ok this is quite good, nothing contrary to the faith here... That is until I got to the part about America not helping Syria. That is NOT our Lady QUEEN OF PEACE. Thank you... we wittle through them and spot them in the end. Satan always makes a mistake somewhere.
The underlined part is, simply, NOT TRUE. Below is the Locution about Syria, that you have in the "back burner" -please correct me if you are talking about something else, and give us the exact quote: 252. The Cry of Syria Feb 12, 2012 MaryDo not forget the little ones, those who are helpless and cannot defend themselves. This is where the American Military should be used. People call out to America. Their plight is truly disastrous. Are their cries heard? Do those in high places hear these lowly voices? Right now the cries of Syria reach the ears of America. They call on you and on your President to come to their aid. They are being massacred by overwhelming power. What is your response? How do you act? The judgment against you will be severe. The purpose for military strength is not to impose your will or further your interests. Military power is meant to keep the peace. I give you bullets and bombs so that bullets are not fired and bombs are not dropped. Weapons are meant to deter those who would take advantage of weakness. When a subjugated and suffering people are experiencing overwhelming military power and they cry out to you, then go to their help. Shield them, force the persecutors to withdraw. This is what American intervention should mean to the world, the end of conflicts, not their beginning. The establishing of a just order, not the imposition of force. These cries of the poor will not go away. They must be listened to and action taken. I wonder what do you see in this message that could not come from God. It is serious business that we judge so lightly what can very well be God's prophetic message to us -in this case through our Blessed Mother. If you remember, at the time of this Locution -FEBRUARY 2012- there was no real war in Syria but the government was massacring their own citizens without a word being said or a finger moved by the international community. The cry in this Locution really stood out for me as a calling forth of the serious responsibility of military power. The Locution states very clearly: I give you bullets and bombs so that bullets are not fired and bombs are not dropped. This is very different from PotatoSack's words: This Locution uses very strong language demanding an account of the use of military power. We don't have to understand here that God provides for bullets and bombs as a merchant, in human terms. But if you are familiar with the Locutions there is a language in them, and it is repeated that the wealth of America was a gift from God and Our Blessed Mother. That wealth developed also into huge military power -expressed here as bullets and bombs- just to affirm immediately that they are NOT to be fired or dropped, but they are meant to DETER THOSE WHO WOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WEAKNESS. [In other words Harmless as doves and wise as serpents, Mt 10:16] This is not politically correct -especially in an election year when politicians are more concern with votes than with justice or God's priorities. But God is NOT codependent with our political correctedness. God abhors the massacre of the innocents -be it Syrian people or children in the womb. If we take even a little look at the prophetic texts of Scripture and the Old Testament, they are filled with names of nations, references of wars, and specific instructions of political and military action. Of course the Israelites -most of the time- didn't care to listen and believe, and the results were tragic once and again. We don't seem to be much better then they were. It is easy to term as unacceptable what we may feel uncomfortable about in potential prophetic messages because true prophecy is always meant to challenge us. On the other hand discernment is always called forth. But let's be serious about our points and judgments.
Mary's Child, would you please post the quote where you thing it must be Satan and not Our Lady Queen Of Peace talking? Thank you!
Hi woman clothed with the sun, Yes, I was paraphrasing and going from memory about posts in a thread from February of 2012. The thread is part of my earlier post, and that is where this forum had a serious discussion on these locutions. Several people had concerns with the Syria message, and that part begins on post #41 of that thread. So if you read through the thread you will see messages / general themes that forum members had concerns with. In post #56 Mario outlines some signposts to go back to to validate or not validate these locutions. I don't think anyone was judging these locutions lightly and without seriousness, but that is just my opinion. You can read the thread and decide for yourself. So for me, these locutions are on a back burner until we reach some of the signposts. In a perfect world, I would not have a back burner and would have time to follow all apparitions/locutions. But with life, my duties, etc....I don't have time for it all. I was finding that reading messages from multiple visionaries...trying to see if they were true, etc., was taking time away from my conversion (prayer time). This is why I listen to the opinions of the people on this forum and sometimes put visionaries/locutions on the back burner. You may think this means I am not taking it seriously, but that's just the approach I take with where I am in my life right now. I believe the most serious business of all right now for all of us is our conversion and and being spiritually ready for what is ahead. The further along we are with our conversions, the more ready we will be for what is to come, and the more we will be able to help people.
In my eyes it is asking to bring about peace with a threat. That is not love. And yes, I will discern from my own heart, that is all I have. And I hope that I do not offend when again I say that it is fine for me to ignore some of these prophecies as long as I know that my heart is right with God and Our Blessed Mother and I am doing all I can to do my best to be faithful to them. After all, that is what the authentic messages are calling us to
Hi PotatoSack, and thanks for your kind response. I've gone to read the thread you refer to and I don't get the logic of some quick conclusions made. For instance: After this post: [I am having some real issues with the latest message of 2/12 purportedly from Mary:Do not forget the little ones, those who are helpless and cannot defend themselves. This is where the American Military should be used. People call out to America. Their plight is truly disastrous. Are their cries heard? Do those in high places hear these lowly voices? Right now the cries of Syria reach the ears of America. They call on you and on your President to come to their aid. They are being massacred by overwhelming power. What is your response? How do you act? The judgment against you will be severe.The purpose for military strength is not to impose your will or further your interests. Military power is meant to keep the peace. I give you bullets and bombs so that bullets are not fired and bombs are not dropped. Weapons are meant to deter those who would take advantage of weakness.When a subjugated and suffering people are experiencing overwhelming military power and they cry out to you, then go to their help. Shield them, force the persecutors to withdraw. This is what American intervention should mean to the world, the end of conflicts, not their beginning. The establishing of a just order, not the imposition of force. These cries of the poor will not go away. They must be listened to and action taken.Isn't the heavenly army moved by prayer and fasting more consistent with approved locutions?] The very next post concludes: Wow, that is indeed a very strange and out of character message from our Mother. In it she says "I give you bullets and bombs"...? Really? SHE gave them to us? That is a really big red flag for me... And two posts later we read: I am afraid these messages are false. A great pity. I had high hopes. The idea that the Prince of Peace should directly call for American Military intervention in Syria is as obscene as it as I say give them (purported 'visionaries') enough rope.... :shock: This is to take one snippet of the whole message isolated from the rest and twist it. What do we understand for "a call for American Military intervention in Syria? No, I don't think so. These Locutions To The World are always asking for prayer, for our request of help to Mary. The use of the military in these Locutions goes with this same frame of prayer and asking God -Mary- for help to use the military (Weapons are meant) to deter those who would take advantage of weakness. We think of a military intervention as a human doing -and we know how it looks like. No the Prince of Peace will never ask for that. But the Locutions are always speaking of Mary's intervention through human means -in this case the military, which would be, under Her influence, the end of conflicts, not their beginning. I could continue but it would take too long a post. The following posts in that thread kind of reinforce the same way of dealing with the Locution. So there is a trend of doubt and the successive posts just make it bigger and bigger. But are those posts really talking about the original message??? In my personal point of view, they are not. They are projecting into the Locution what is not in the Locution. It is interesting that quoting from memory (PotatoSack) you remembered that Mary had indeed suggested that bombs and bullets be used in Syria, when, actually the phrase is the exactly opposite to the original, and the complete Locution (read all together as posted it above) is clearly NOT saying that. I think it is about the defense of the helpless. This is the whole point of the Locution. This is a Biblical theme: the Anahuim, the little ones who had nobody to defend them. The Locution treats the people of Syria, mercilessly masacred by their leaders, as the Anahuim of the Old Testament -the orphan, the widow, and the foreigner, and strongly questions America's passivity. It is not easy to see how often, our personal blind spots, can disfigure the picture we create of reality. I value the balance in your opinions, PotatoSack, and your openness to dialogue even with someone that is questioning your posts. So this is probably less about you personally than it is about a tendency that we all have when we participate in a forum. I also agree that there are very specific predictions in the Locutions messages that I'm waiting to see if they become true or not. But I don't necessarily agree with all the interpretations as expressed on post #56. Coming back to this current thread entitled WHY MARIAN PRAYER GROUPS, I think that we are falling into a trap of the enemy when we condition Mary's call to form prayer groups as depending on the fulfillment of political or other kind of prophecies from the same locutionist according to our expectations and interpretations. Maybe this is a simplistic way of expressing it but ultimately the enemy of God -and ours- is getting his way: we are dismissing what Mosgr. Esseffs thinks to be true prophecy (and a number of us with him), meaning some very sound, traditional, Catholic, uplifting, gospel message that gives as much hope and even positive spiritual experience. This is why I dare suggest before that sometimes we are not very serious in the way we come to conclusions.
I agree 100% with this, PotatoSack. This is what is more important, or really the only important thing. Thank you.