Extraordinary message of December 4, 2021 given in Medjugorje to the visionary Ivan Dragicevic “Dear children, In this time of great graces, but at the same time of great trials for all those who wish to follow the path of peace, I also invite you today: pray, pray dear children, not only with words, but with the heart. Live my messages and be converted! Pray for the conversion of all my children who are far from my Son Jesus. Dear children, be aware of the gift that God has allowed me to be with you. I bring you peace, and you carry it in your hearts and give it to others. Your Mother prays for all of you and I intercede with her Son for each of you. Thank you, dear children, because even today you have responded to my call. “
It seems to me that the greatest trial we suffer at the present time is the huge power granted to the Devil and the Demons to attack and tempt us. I see at a recent apparition of our Lady to one Visionary she spoke of the need of weekly confession, it any wonder?
I would guess that the greatest trial at the moment is the huge power granted to the devil and the demons. I was up at the Grotto the other night praying when it was if all the Lights of Faith were flicked of when I heard a voice say to me, 'God does not exist, it is all a nonsense'. The Light of Faith seemed to go out completely that it totally seemed true..that there was no God. Of course in the Dark Night of the Soul to some extent this is true for many, many years and it is on this account that some people call St Therese of Liseaux the Patron Saint of Atheists. But this was different it was so total and only lasted a minute or two. But as it came it seemed to rock the Faith between my feet. This seemed Diabolical in origin. It just made me think what terrible, terrible power the devil has at the moment.
It probably was diabolical in origin but the Lord allowed it, maybe because it's important for you to understand what that feels like.
Yes. That is diabolical. It came out of nowhere externally. Invaded your mind so to speak. The devil does have terrible power unlike perhaps any other time. But we know that even now it is waning. There is a great mystery here--a taste of things to come?? A kind of final test we will all have to pass? " when the Son of Man appears will He find faith on the earth?" When I received the grace to return to the Church many years ago and my faith was restored i remember sitting in the pew in the beautiful stone church that has since been torn down and praying spontaneously " don't let go of me! Don't let go of me! You know how I am!" Back then I knew how feckless and faithless I could be. I pray it even more these days. I think of St Philip Neri saying "Lord hold on to Philip this day or Philip will betray you." If someone of your muscular faith could experience this may Our Lady grab hold of us all!!!!!
I ask our Lady always to protect me from the enemy and hide me within her heart. I think her Immaculate Heart is like an ivory castle where we can take refuge. It is an impenetrable fortress. The enemy cannot even come near it because the light of love that it emits is just too much for him.
Poor old nick. His neck must be sore from all the times she has trod in his proud neck over the centuries. Our Lady has snatched many souls from his foul grasp.
I agree. She is truly Noah's Ark for these days of rising floods of disbelief and every other dark thing.
Yes! That is why Consecration to her is so important. Even if --God forbid-- one loses faith that Consecration is the golden hook and the silver line. She will reel in that soul
Yes, although I heard a nice thing from the Devil the other night, I heard his say, 'I'm fed up with you, you really annoy me!' . This cheered me up , for if there is one person it's good to annoy it's him.
We Catholics are forever quoting and remembering the words of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima, 'At the End my Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!' . I feel so sorry for our Protestant and Orthodox Sisters that they don't have this promise to recognise, it is a such a huge lighthouse in this present Age. The Devil and Mary are in a final terrible Battle at the moment. We are bound as Children of Mary are bound to get caught up in the Tail Winds. We have our own , our very own Terrible Little Battles with the Demons to Fight too. Maybe it the dark Winter time of the year making me think like this, but when I see people in the streets I think interiorly to myself, 'Where are you bound? For heaven or for hell?' Very sobering. Let's be honest most folks are simply not praying.
So long as we are humble, we will never Fall. God in His goodness sends us little Falls to keep us there. So the very things we look on as little disasters are those that raise us up. These times would make you very, very humble in themselves. They make all mankind humble. We have lived like Kings and Queens, the richest people who ever lived and the proudest; all brought low by an itsy bitsy germ.
The problem is not you know that we have trials, the real problem is if we did not have trials. That would be something to be very,very concerned about. Our only way to heaven is to follow the Cross. No Cross; no heaven. The Cross is the Doorway to Heaven. Unless we Die with Him we shall not live with Him...
Truth! Nothing shows us more quickly or intensely our true condition than a deadly germ. (Or cancer or any other diagnosis that leaves us helpless)
Padraig, your comment, “I would guess that the greatest trial at the moment is the huge power granted to the devil and the demons.”, is so true. The evil in our world today is beyond words….we need the graces that are beyond these diabolical days. Dear God, in your great mercy, please protect the faith of your people in these dark, dark days.
..and as Jesus said we have no promises regarding our Material Future. Jesus gave all kinds of Promises who follow the Good Path. But there are promises of Spiritual Wealth, not Material. Mary said to St Bernadette, 'I cannot promise you happiness in this World, but in the World to come..'
It reminds me of being deserted, like a tiny little child in a big dark city. The very people and things on which we relied the most having left us alone. Our Holy Father the Pope, our Bishops, often our fellow Catholics, Governments. All gone in one big dark whirl. Alone; betrayed by those we thought we could most count on to stand by us.