I feel under attack spiritually and that something is dragging me down. My thoughts are very negative. I don't know to do. Asking jesus and Mary for help. Feeling very cynical at the moment. I don't want to go to hell.
jesus will help me. Padraig gave me very encouraging words from Our lady recently. I am trusting in them that this spiritual battle is for sanctification.
Sanctus, You need to forgive yourself. You are your own jailer. Say these words as often as you can: I forgive myself
Pray very much the prayers of the Holy Rosary (our Lady to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa in 1971). You are in my prayers. God bless!!!
Saint Sanctus, We all go through the mud before the wash. Persist through it. It could be days, months or years. Just the fact you see what going on demonstrates you are pushing through the swamp. Keep your eye on ball. Many of us are on same boat. The Christian journey is based on struggle and sacrifice. I wish i could make it easier but the journey is sometimes lonely. keep the faith! br. al
It is my great pleasure. I am so happy I can help a little bit. My wife and I have received so much help in the last few years from friends and fellow parishioners, from Holy Priests and Sisters and most importantly from our families overseas.
The hardest thing is feeling I've lost my faith and that jesus is unhappy with me because I've failed Him somehow.
Sanctus, I hope this gives you hope. When I first found this wonderful place in 2013, I was a spiritual babe searching for the truth and thankfully stumbled upon our Mother's living room. For 3 years my faith and the fire in my heart grew and grew and grew. Then one day in 2016 after going through some very hard personal trials, that fire was all gone. For years I tried to regain it but I felt so lost. Many wonderful people here prayed for me, consoled me and it would help, but my prayers felt like dust in my mouth and my love kept dwindling down. In 2017 and into 2018, I truly hit rock bottom. My marriage of 18 years ended and the trials to come from that heartache destroyed any desire to be a prayerful, devout Catholic like I was. I would cry out often for help to our Lord and felt nothing, but never ever ever ever stopped believing in His help and knew deep down some day that prayer would be answered. I also knew in my heart He loved me so so much and He was so close to me in this awful time despite the fact that I could not feel Him nor have any desires to feel close to Him as I once was. I would try to get back to that place in my heart, try to go to church, pray, pop in here and there would be small periods of time where it would begin to come back but the fire would fizzle out again. I somehow knew and believed it was never extinguished completely and even a small spark could ignite that fire again. It was my only prayer for years, Lord please help me to set my heart ablaze for you as it once was. This past year, everything changed, and the prayer was answered. I am in no way near where I was in those 3 wonderful years, but my love for Him is so great again and I trust and believe he is helping me every single day as I also trust and believe the many prayers from my family here are too. Don't ever lose hope in your current trials and know that He loves you, is as close to you as He has ever been, and all your family here are praying for you for this tough trial you are facing.
Thanks Andy for sharing this. It gives me hope that God and Jesus are still with me even though it may not feel like it. I always loved God and still want to love Him.