I would like to wish everyone on our Blessed Mother's forum, a very merry and blessed Christmas. May you all be filled with much peace and joy on this Christmas Day and throughout the New Year too!
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and lets all keep each other in prayer as we tread into this new year..
Wishing everyone many blessings in this time of the Christmas Octave and in the coming year. May the Holy Family watch over everyone on the forum and their loved ones.
I too love this hymn. Thought this was an interesting article about it…… and at Church today, Father reminded and urged us to keep decorations up and sing the Christmas hymns all the way up to Jan 12Th/ Feast of baptism of the Lord. https://aleteia.org/2021/12/26/the-...email&utm_source=sendinblue&utm_term=20211226
This year was the most joyless Mass I have ever attended. Yes it is a new church, I am thinking about finding a different church. We can't have a choir because of covid. When I walked in they were playing something on the organ that sounded like a funeral dirge. Then the homily the Priest was Yelling at the parish, I couldn't even follow what he was saying. Didn't mention Christmas or Jesus once, he mentioned St.Boneventure. They discontinued the Offertory, no bringing up gifts, no collection. Just drop your envelope in the basket when you come in. There was no joy, like a bunch of robots. I am not prepared for that.
Hi Katfalls, How about try this link to find a better Catholic church nearby you? reverentcatholicmass.com
That's sad. I didn't go to Mass in our parish but the no singing request has been the situation for a while. I heard that they had a professional singer at Christmas Mass. The Mass I went to was beautiful. Printouts of the hymns were available in the porch. A Novus Ordo Mass celebrated as it should be with the Creed and other prayers sung in Latin. The leaflets had the Latin with English translations. Masses in our parish church are usually quite reverent but the covid obsession has been OTT.
Thanks for the link. I did find a church about 40 min. From me, it says it us an FSSP. I don't know anything about them, it does mention Latin Mass that I would like. What is the concensus on that? Thanks so much! Kathy
FSSP is having a drive right now to help pay for more seminarians. I wish I lived near an FSSP parish!
This is late for Christmas but I think that your young children and/or grandchildren will enjoy it plus it is still in time for the Feast of the Epiphany. I pray that you all had a Blessed Christmas!