A good holy priest I know told me today, he thinks we are approaching our ladies era of peace. But I think the world is ending ? That there isn't going to be any era of peace I'm so confused. I thought the era was going to be if the consecration happened back in the 1920/1930s
Your priest friend is correct. After we get through the rest of this tribulation (it's going to get a lot worse) then we are through the "end times" (not end of the world, end of this era) and we will enter the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart which is the era of peace. I pray I get to see it, but I'm good if we can at least get the kids through what's coming and they get to live in the new world
Great summary on the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary here: https://padreperegrino.org/2018/05/tihm/
And, if you are going to talk about the Triumph, then you also need to know about and understand the dream of St. John Bosco!
Fr. Nix (padre peregrino) recently did another talk involving the Triumph and connected it to Venerable Holzhauser's 7 ages of the Church. He believes we are in the 5th age: decline of the Church and heresy, but we're on the cusp of the 6th age of Consolation. I'm hoping my children get to raise their children during that age. https://padreperegrino.org/2021/12/tce37/