The Mother of God and the Protestant Minister.

Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by padraig, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    “She became the Mother of God, in which work so many and such great good things are bestowed on her as pass man’s understanding. For on this there follows all honor, all blessedness, and her unique place in the whole of mankind, among which she has no equal, namely, that she had a child by the Father in heaven, and such a Child….

    “Hence men have crowded all her glory into a single word, calling her the Mother of God…. None can say of her nor announce to her greater things, even though he had as many tongues as the earth possesses flowers and blades of grass: the sky, stars; and the sea, grains of sand. It needs to be pondered in the heart what it means to be the Mother of God.

    Fr Martin Luther


    Wild Wyoming and RosaryWielder like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  3. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    Aug 22, 2012
    Over the years as I find myself becoming more convinced of the authority given by Jesus to the Doctrines of the Catholic Church (not just in actions but in my heart also) I have a harder time with Protestants. I have many people in my life that are protestant, and without an authority to guide them and with NO desire to be obedient to any authority, their reasoning and thinking is just SO different from us Catholics and also from each other. I know my faith and Bible well, so debating with them is no problem for me, but because they are not obedient, the devil knows that they are open to his whisperings, and of course he mixes truth with some very, very dangerous lies........ They completely ignore scripture that clearly points to Catholic Doctrine, so claiming their authority is scripture is obviously not really true. A dangerous bunch for Catholics who don't know their faith, but also for themselves. Without obedience to an authority that they can trust (like we have guaranteed by Jesus in the Church) they will be easily led astray by the coming antichrist.
    PNF, Sam, Clare A and 5 others like this.
  4. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    I am the same - the more I have recited the Rosary the more I understand how much error there actually is in protestantism.

    Also, they are very selective of their Scripture and give weird interpretations of verses that don't fit their narrative, especially the Eucharistic doctrine in John 6

    Bible believing protestants actually ignoring Christ's words - astounding really as they claim to be the people of the Bible

    In John 6:60 we read: “Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, ‘This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?’
    After this, many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him” (John 6:66).

    Protestants are like the ones who are so scandalised by Christ's real words they ignore what He actually says and walk away from the truth!!
    PNF, Carmel333, Sam and 5 others like this.
  5. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    The Eucharist and John 6: A Former Protestant’s Perspective

    Yet, Christ persisted in His teaching saying: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink (Jn 6:53-55).” As we consider the language used here, a literal interpretation—however disturbing or offensive—becomes more obvious. In John 6:50-53, we encounter several different forms of the Greek verb phago, which means “eating.” However, after the Jews began to express incredulity at the idea of eating the flesh of Christ, Jesus intensified his language. In verse 54, John begins to use trogo instead of phago. Trogo is a decidedly more vivid term, meaning “to chew on” or “to gnaw on”—as when an animal is ripping apart its prey. Christ is teaching his followers that they must literally eat his flesh and blood, which is true food and true drink.
    Wild Wyoming, PNF, Carmel333 and 4 others like this.
  6. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    The one I find hardest to believe that they just don't see is Mary's perpetual virginity. It is so obvious that she was a virgin and a perpetual virgin. Her womb, her new ark, had to be pure for God to be in there and let's just be honest, after carrying and delivering God in and from your womb, would you ever want to ever change that disposition? Also it is not like there were not plenty of consecrated to vows of purity in those days. Another clear point is what the angel said to her and how she responded. She said, how can this be for I do not know men. She was betrothed to Joseph. Let's say she for example that she never made a permanent vow of chastity. She would not have been troubled by Gabriel's greeting and message saying she would bare the Son of God. That would not have startled her as a betrothed woman because she would have naturally thought ok, cool, Joseph and I will have a child. But no, she was troubled and confused because she did not and never would know a man, so how could she be with child. Even some of the harshest critics and earliest protestants never doubted her perpetual virginity. They clearly wrote about and I am paraphrasing here, but said that from the earliest traditions of the church we recognize that Mary was pure and remained pure. So why fight this obvious thing? It can only be the devil because rationale, biblical and traditional teachings all point and say this about the Blessed Mother. The protestants constantly go back to one bible verse about Jesus's brothers were there. That means nothing because in the greek text, in middle eastern culture then and today, brothers meant family, friends, community members, etc. They could have been kin as in cousins, could have been kids from Joseph previous marriage, could have been brothers in his cause, etc. I try best to no longer argue with them. I used to all the time, but it seems pointless anymore. All it does is bring me discomfort in my own spirit or possible arrogance and neither of those things I want. I just pray for them and find peace in knowing that at least hopefully we both love Jesus with all our hearts, both are miserable sinners, and both feel great thanks and sorrow in our hearts for our Lord who had to come here, suffer horribly and die for us and because of us.
    PNF, Carmel333, Sam and 2 others like this.
  7. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Isn't it interesting that the Protestant revolt removed the three vital things for remaining in grace--the sacrament of confession, the Holy Eucharist and the devotion to Our Lady.
    PNF, Sam, Clare A and 5 others like this.
  8. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Protestants love to condemn and argue with Catholics. It is the most clear example of the devil's favorite sin, pride. I too began to get angry or prideful in these debates with protestants, so I left that for men and women more knowledgeable than I and ones that can curb the temptation to be full of pride as well.
    Sam likes this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    G.K Chesterton famously said that people condemn Catholicism for what they imagine it taught, rather than what it actually is.

    I had a really lovely Baptist Pastor call to the door a few years back and in conversation I found out he was a Catholic from Cork originally before becoming Baptist. Curious I asked him what teachings of the Church made him leave?

    He gave me a list and when I told him that the Church actually taught none of those things (including the Worship of Mary) he looked a little dumbfounded. I suggested to him that since he had been so poorly taught the Truths of the Faith he may never really have been a Catholic in the first place.

    He left, looking a little bewildered.
    PNF, Jo M, AED and 6 others like this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Sadly when people convert they know they will loose things and must pay a price. That is a great hurdle. Especially I think for Jews and Islam.
    PNF, Jo M, AED and 3 others like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    That little Baptist Church just around the corner, I remember it from childhood.

    One of my fondest memories of it is from Christmas tide. The light streaming out into the dark from stained glass windows like many coloured jewels. The sound of Christmas hymns rejoicing. The sight of a Baptist Congregation streaming out in all their finery, the ladies with their flowery hats, the gentlemen in their very best suits looking rather stern and rather bleak looking.

    But now when I past by what do I see? A large sign calling all comers to Islamic Worship with a Red Crescent Moon. They have Yoga Meditation and wide range of other activities in the Church itself.

    From time to time still I catch actual Baptists coming out from Worship. But such a change. Perhaps ten or twelves of them, wearing jeans and jumpers, t shirt. Pews all gone they gather round in a circle of chairs in a large empty Church, singing tunes and hymns I no longer recognise.

    I no longer have any idea at all what those poor, poor, people believe nowadays, neither I suppose do they. I suspect if their parents and grandparents knew it would turn their hair white.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2022
    PNF, Heidi and AED like this.
  12. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    Aug 22, 2012
    Hi Andy, In my scripture studies I was easily able to debunk the notion that The Blessed Virgin Mary was mother to the supposed brothers expecially the two James. Go to Matthew Chapter 27 verses 55 through 57. Many women were at the cross who followed Jesus and ministered to Him including Mary Madalene, and Mary the Mother of James and Joseph (one of the James) and also the mother of the sons of Zebedee. Then Matthew 4:21 includes the OTHER James with John the sons of Zebedee. So as you can clearly point out, there is Mary the mother of JAMES and Joseph, and also the unnamed mother of another JAMES with his brother John who are the sons of Zebedee. Tradition says that they are relatives of Jesus but clearly they have different mothers than Jesus. Hope that helps!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2022
    Andy3, Sam, Heidi and 1 other person like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    There is one thing about Worship in Protestant Sects I have noticed and that is the direct appeal very often to emotions and personal opinions. So it can be centered on feel good, nice Liturgy (such as there may be) stirring hymns, stirring sermons a real appeal to the emotions. So that a , 'Good' ,service means a service that makes folks feel good.

    But on the contrary when we see Jesus in Scripture ,His very highest Teaching points , such a proclaiming Himself Messiah or on Divorce or on the Eucharist caused people to walk away or even physically attack Him. The very reverse of feel good.

    One of the very first things Catholic Teachers on Mysticism warn of is the danger of being led by emotions or personal opinions. The fact that I feel good about something does not mean it actually is good. As to my own personal opinions they must always be tested against the teachings of the Church.

    In this there is a great restlessness. They remind me of boats with no firm anchor. Of being blown around in the sea of life by every passing wind.

    The enduring characteristic of the Eucharist it seems to me is if emotional fires being banked right down. Of something far greater than mere emotion.

    Also , for the Catholic , the Cross, always, always the Cross at the very centre of all Spirituality. Again I don;t on the whole find this A Protestant , 'Thing'.

    You know they say that the hymn , 'Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring' by Bach saved the Protestant , 'Reformation', (which was dying off at the time in Europe). It introduced pure beauty and a profound mystical quality which is so very Catholic in time and content.

    If anything were to tempt me to become Protestant it is this.

    Talk about drop dead gorgeous. The lyrics are superb too.

    Carmel333 and Heidi like this.
  14. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    I know by experience protestants do not like the crucifix. A plain wooden cross is okay but don't remind them of the suffering Christ. Bishop Sheen addressed this beautifully in one of his talks.
    Sam likes this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Some do , some don't. ( I think with Catholicism the difference is it is there, the Cross is can't escape it)

    Did you ever hear the story of the hymn,

    'It is Well with my Soul' ?

    Very much about the Cross.

    AED likes this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Two very great difference between Protestantism and Catholicism and it is a very great loss to Protestant Spirituality is this.

    In Protestantism especially Evangelical Protestantism there is a sense that having made the choice for Jesus we have pretty well, 'Got it made'. We've done all that needs to be done, having been , 'Saved'.

    The second dire effect of this is a sense of the path for holiness....the Catholic spiritual path of striving onwards and onwards towards holiness. So there is no awareness of all of saints in our midst...of a the supernatural .. of the mystical....

    this is such a killer......

    That we can do so much better, that we can become closer and closer to Jesus day by day. This is such a wonderful , wonderful thing.

    Also with the death of the mystical in Protestantism it seems to me a lot of the deep wonder, the magic of the Christian path is lost. The things that appeal to the child in all of us... guardian angels..

    sparrow, Andy3 and Heidi like this.

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