This feast day has always been a joyful one for me. Our Lady who conformed perfectly to the Will of the Father and had a unique love of His and Her Son that God did not even allow decay to touch her body after her earthly life ended. As in all things, she leads and points to the place where we all hope to be one day. Ave Maria! O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
It is a most grace filled feast day. I am giving our Lady a new title Mother most Generous. Marian feast days are my favourite they fill me with so much love for our Lady.
I get a bit loss with the Assumption. I keep imagining Mary going up to heaven in a kinda glass lift, which is not very helpful, I suppose. The Feast reminds me though of the importance of the body as well as the soul, something we Catholics forget I think. I remember in the years following my conversion how light and healthy my body felt. Sin drags the body down. I took a notion and asked my guardian angel to take me up to heaven and show me it last night. He declined. Imagine the shouts of Joy and Victory when Mary entered heaven. Heaven is timeless, we will be able to see it and join in as if there. Imagine the sounds of the Shofars.
Yes. Me too. I have always believed they are filled with significance. I have been begging the Blessed Mother over the years to bring my sons and their families back to the Sacred Heart and to the true Church. A long hard journey of prayer with very little result it would seem except that my first granddaughter was born on the Feast of the Assumption. My first grandson was born on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I consider these huge encouragements from Our Lady to keep praying those Rosaries. That she us " on the case".
That's interesting about dates AED. My birthday is on the Feast of Saint James and I have a devotion to medjugorje whose patron saint is saint James.