2018 Forum Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

Discussion in 'Consecration to Mary' started by Mario, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Greetings everyone! I feel like I've been through the wringer during the last 6 months. Besides my diaconate responsibilities, I've been spending 25 hours a week at University Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y., training as a chaplain in a hospital setting, plus an additional 5 hrs. of homework/wk. It is intense and being assigned in the Intensive Care Unit seemed to make it even more so. Fortunately, I graduated last Thursday with three other classmates (2 Catholics, 1 Lutheran) and so am now certified to be a chaplain in most hospitals in New York State.

    I'm looking forward to these next 5 weeks with you and Our Lady. When PotatoSack stepped back from facilitating the Consecration well over a year ago, I picked up the slack for one time, and will do so this time, too! It will begin tomorrow and continue until the day of Consecration on May 21. That Marian feast day is a new one:


    This time I'm unsure if anyone besides Dolours and myself are joining in. I will post daily meditations for both Louis de Montfort and Fr. Gaitley. Whichever best suits any of you is fine. And remember- the 33 days are preparation. If you miss a few times or are late out of the starting gate do not beat yourself up. Our goal is to be more intimately united to Jesus through Mary. As Mary told Juan Diego some 500 years ago, "Am I not your Mother?" Be faithful, but avoid scrupulosity. The evil one will readily play his discouragement card to tempt you to give up. Don't let him enjoy such a sickening, perverse pleasure!

    Thanks once more to PotatoSack who organized this a couple of years ago! I'm just the copyist! :LOL:
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
    JAK, Dolours and Sam like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    St. Louis de Montfort 33 day preparation for consecration from True Devotion to Mary.

    Initial 12 Day Preparation - Emptying yourself of the spirit of the world

    Examine your conscience, pray, practice renouncement of your own will; mortification, purity of heart. This purity is the indispensable condition for contemplating God in heaven, to see Him on earth and to know Him by the light of faith. The first part of the preparation should be employed in casting off the spirit of the world which is contrary to that of Jesus Christ. The spirit of the world consists essentially in the denial of the supreme dominion of God; a denial which is manifested in practice by sin and disobedience; thus it is principally opposed to the spirit of Christ, which is also that of Mary.

    It manifests itself by the concupiscence of the flesh, by the concupiscence of the eyes and by the pride of life. By disobedience to God's laws and the abuse of created things. Its works are: sin in all forms, then all else by which the devil leads to sin; works which bring error and darkness to the mind, and seduction and corruption to the will. Its pomps are the splendor and the charms employed by the devil to render sin alluring in persons, places and things.

    Day 1 (Monday, 4/18)
    Today's Reading - Matthew 5:1-19

    And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. And opening his mouth, he taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

    Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men. You are the light of the world. A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all that are in the house.

    So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this thread:

    Dolours likes this.
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I and my family will join you in the 33 day consecration......... It's been a few years since we did this and no better time to do it again! Thanks for the invite.
    Dolours likes this.
  4. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Fr. Michael Gaitely's 33 day preparation for consecration from 33 Days to Morning Glory

    Week 1 — St. Louis de Montfort
    Week 2 — St. Maximillian Kolbe
    Week 3 — Blessed Mother Teresa
    Week 4 — St. Pope John Paul II

    Note - the full introduction for this book can be found on this thread:

    DAY 1: The Passionate Saint of Brittany (4/18)

    This week, we'll focus on the example and words of the first great prophet of Marian consecration. We'll begin by learning about his life, and then we'll ponder the essential aspects of his Marian teaching. [Please note: We do not have space here to cover every essential element of de Montfort's teaching. Omitted elements will be covered in later weeks.]

    DAY 1
    The Passionate Saint of Brittany

    Take a look at a map of France. Now notice something about its shape. See how one part sticks way out almost as if it were running away from the rest of the landmass, ready to dive off into the Celtic Sea? That jutting arm in the northwest of the country is called "Brittany," and that's where St. Louis de Montfort grew up.

    There's something special about Brittany that seems to have had an influence on St. Louis: its Celtic roots. Brittany is considered one of the six Celtic nations, meaning that the Celtic language and culture still survive. (So, scratch that part about Brittany being ready to dive into the Celtic Sea. It's already in and swimming.) And one part of Celtic culture seems to have seeped deeply into the heart of St. Louis: the high-spiritedness of its warriors.

    From ancient times, Celtic warriors have struck terror in the hearts of their enemies. If you've ever seen the movie Braveheart, you know what I mean. Think of the fearless figure of Sir William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson) and his crazy crew of Scottish Highlanders who take on an English enemy many times their size. This shows something of the Celtic fighting spirit, but the real life version is even more intense.

    Often wearing nothing but blue battle paint, real Celtic warriors would work themselves into a blood-thirsty frenzy, rush into combat screaming their heads off, and wildly slash, bash, and slice away at their enemies with huge, two-handed swords. These fierce fighting men, despite their lack of discipline, armor, and order, were extremely effective in battle because of their unmatched passion and ferocity. Throughout history, nobody has wanted to mess with the crazy Celtic warriors.

    St. Louis's dad, Jean Grignion, must have been descended from these wild-men warriors, for nobody wanted to mess with him either. In fact, he was known for having the most fiery temper in all of Brittany. As one author puts it, "He was a volcano frequently erupting." St. Louis, on the other hand, was as gentle as a lamb, right? Wrong. He confessed that his temper was just as bad as his father's. But Louis channeled his fiery passion not to threats and violence but to laboring for the greater Glory of God — well, except for the time he knocked out a couple of drunks who wouldn't stop heckling him while he preached. We can get a better sense of Louis's remarkable zeal if we reflect on his short but incredibly productive priestly life.

    When he died in 1716, St. Louis was just 43 years old, having been a priest for only 16 years. Tireless labors to bring souls to Jesus through Mary, especially by his preaching an endless succession of parish missions, brought about his early death. As if these life-sapping labors weren't suffering enough, Louis had to bear vicious persecution from the clergy and Jansenist heretics,10 even to the point of being physically attacked and poisoned by them. Despite all this, our indomitable warrior kept advancing on the battlefield, continuously preaching his trademark path to Jesus through Mary. In fact, when leaders in the Church in France thought they had put an end to his work, Louis walked the thousand-mile journey to Rome and asked the Pope for his wisdom and counsel. The Pope not only told him to go back to France and continue preaching but awarded him the title "Apostolic Missionary." Obediently and joyfully, our saint returned to France where he continued to preach, write, and patiently bear his many sufferings out of love for Jesus, Mary, and souls.

    St. Louis's passion and zeal lit a fire in a young Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope John Paul II. A few years before his death, the Pope was able to realize a lifelong dream and visit de Montfort's tomb. He said on that occasion, "I am happy to begin my pilgrimage in France under the sign of this great figure. You know that I owe much to this saint, and to his True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin." Now what about us? Do we have a fire in our hearts as we begin this retreat? We should. Or at least we should strive for it. Desire and generosity are key ingredients to making a successful retreat. May Mary intercede for us, and may the Holy Spirit fill us with a passion to conscientiously make these days of retreat, despite any fatigue, distractions, or obstacles.

    And let's remember that what we may have to endure in terms of the discipline of prayer is nothing compared to what St. Louis went through, and he'll be interceding for us. Relying on his intercession and that of the Mother of God, let's resolve right now to dedicate ourselves to this retreat with the intensity and zeal of a Celtic warrior — though without all the face-paint and screaming.

    Today's Prayer:
    Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
    Help me to make this retreat with generosity and zeal.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    It's always great spending time with you, Fatima! Send my greetings to the rest of your brood!

    Safe Under Mary's Mantle!
  6. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Ditto to you and yours. I am convinced prayer, and this type of prayer, is most essential going into battle with the evil around us. God Bless and thanks for the reminder. Will keep you and your family in prayer as well as all others who join in this walk with Mary.
  7. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Excellent, Mario. Thank you. I've started already. Please God, there will be no setbacks this time.
    Carol55 likes this.
  8. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    True Devotion to Mary

    Second Day (Tuesday, 4/19)
    St. Matthew: Chapter 5: 48, 6: 1-15

    Be ye therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. Take heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have the reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when thou dost an alms-deed sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be honoured by men. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. And when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who sees in secret will repay thee. And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites that love to stand and pray in the synagogues and corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men; Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But thou, when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to the Father in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee. And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speak. in, they may be heard. Be not you therefore like to them; for your Father knoweth what is needful for you, before you ask him. Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our supersubstantial bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen. For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenlv Father will forgive you also your offences. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences.

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this sticky:
  9. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    33 Days to Morning Glory (4/19)

    DAY 2: St. Louis's Influence on the Church

    There's a story from St. Louis de Montfort's life that particularly expresses his passion, which we pondered just yesterday. In the town of Pontchâteau, St. Louis inspired the peasants to build a huge monument to the Passion of Christ on a neighboring hill. For 15 months, hundreds of peasants volunteered their skills and labor to build it. When completed, it stood as a massive structure, a real labor of love, and on the day before it was supposed to be dedicated by the bishop, word got back to Louis that his enemies had convinced the government to destroy it. (They had lied to the authorities, saying that the structure was actually meant to be a fortress against the government.) When Louis received this disappointing news, he told the thousands of people who had gathered for the blessing ceremony, "We had hoped to build a Calvary here. Let us build it in our hearts. Blessed be God."

    One thing about doing the Lord's work: It doesn't always turn out according to our plans. For example, St. Louis surely had planned that his monument to Christ would last more than a day. Yet the saint obediently accepted the destruction of his plans and blessed God. Because of this kind of detachment from his own will and attachment to God's, Louis became an instrument used by God to accomplish even mightier works. So, although his physical monument was destroyed, Louis's teaching eventually became a huge edifice in the Church that exercised great influence on many Popes and on Catholic spirituality. Indeed, de Montfort's passionate labors paid off in the end, even if he didn't see the fruit himself.

    As we are just beginning our preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary, let's ponder some of the support various Popes have given to St. Louis's teaching. May the testimony of their support strengthen our resolve to journey on to Consecration Day, and may it help us to trust that our consecration truly will bear great fruit in our lives, even if we don't yet fully understand how.

    • Blessed Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) stated that St. Louis's devotion to Mary is the best and most acceptable form.

    • Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) not only beatified de Montfort in 1888 but granted a Church indulgence to Catholics who consecrate themselves to Mary using de Montfort's formula. Moreover, this Pope was reportedly so influenced by St. Louis's efforts to spread the Rosary that he wrote 11 encyclicals on this preeminent Marian devotion.

    • Saint Pope Pius X (1903-1914), like Leo XIII, also recommended de Montfort's teaching on Mary to the faithful. In fact, he granted a plenary indulgence in perpetuum (in perpetuity) to anyone who would pray de Montfort's formula for Marian consecration, and he offered his own apostolic blessing to anyone who would simply read True Devotion. This Pope so strongly encouraged the faithful to follow de Montfort's path of Marian devotion because he himself had experienced its power. In fact, in his Marian encyclical Ad Diem Illum, the saintly Pope expressed his own dependence on de Montfort in writing it, which becomes obvious when one compares it with True Devotion. The Pope's encyclical continually reflects the tone and spirit of de Montfort's classic work as evidenced by sentences like this: "There is no surer or easier way than Mary in uniting all men with Christ."

    • Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) simply stated, "I have practiced this devotion ever since my youth."

    • Venerable Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) canonized St. Louis in 1947 and, in his homily for the Mass of canonization, referred to de Montfort's Marian teaching as "solid and right." Then, when the Pope addressed the pilgrims who had come for the canonization, he said that de Montfort leads us to Mary and from Mary, to Jesus, thus summarizing the meaning of Marian consecration.

    • Saint Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) promoted de Montfort's teaching more than any other Pope. We'll learn more about this during the fourth week of the retreat. It's enough here to recall two amazing facts: First, that John Paul's papal motto was Totus Tuus ("totally yours"), which he took directly from de Montfort's shorter prayer of consecration; second, that John Paul described his reading of True Devotion to Mary as a "decisive turning point" in his life.

    Today's Prayer:
    Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
    Prepare me to give myself fully to living out this true and solid devotion.

    For all citations and endnotes, please see the book 33 Days to Morning Glory.
  10. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    I'm personally able this year to enter into this preparation with both enthusiasm and trembling. For my diaconate ordination is on 5/19 and the renewal of my Consecration on 5/21. So in this way the Holy Spirit, the Spouse of Our Lady, will imprint the indelible character of Holy Orders (1st degree) on my soul when I'm ordained and then two days later I will entrust myself and my ministry of servanthood (not priesthood) to Our Lady. This actually blows my mind!:eek: And since my middle name is Stephen, I can ask that marvelous first martyr of the Church to watch over me! In addition, deceased chaplain Vincent Capodanno is my model for part of my diaconate ministry- that of chaplain. What a powerful trio to entrust my life to in May: Mary, Stephen, and Vincent! Amazing! I tremble in anticipation!

    Isa 66:5 5 Hear the word of the LORD, you who tremble at his word...

    Jeremiah 5:22 Do you not fear me? says the LORD; Do you not tremble before me? I placed the sand as the bound for the sea, a perpetual barrier which it cannot pass; though the waves toss, they cannot prevail, though they roar, they cannot pass over it. 23 But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart; they have turned aside and gone away.

    O Lord, give me the grace of humility that I may always tremble at your holiness and rejoice in your mercy! Dear Lady, here is my stubborn and rebellious heart; give it to Jesus and unite me to yours, that the Holy Spirit may find no resistance in me!

    Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
    Dolours likes this.
  11. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    True Devotion to Mary

    Third Day (4/20)
    St. Matthew: Chapter 7: 1-14

    Judge not, that you may not be judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye? Or how sayest thou to thy brother: let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam of thy own eye and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Give not that which is holy to dogs. Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet: and turning upon you, they tear you. Ask, and it shall be given you: seek and you shall find: Knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

    Or what man of whom if his son shall ask bread will be reach him a stone? Or, if be shall ask him a fish: will he reach him a serpent? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, bow much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him? All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. Enter ye into the narrow gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leadeth to life, and few are there that find it!

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this sticky:

    St. Louis de Montfort - Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary - Preliminary Twelve Days
  12. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    33 Days to Morning Glory (4/20)

    DAY 3: De Montfort's Consecration (Part One)
    Okay, so on the first day of this week, we asked for a greater passion and zeal in making our preparation for consecration. Then, yesterday, we pondered the incredible influence that de Montfort's brief life has had on the Church. The powerful testimony of authorities no less than Popes should have further fired our zeal and gotten us reflecting, "What is this amazingly influential teaching of a priest who only lived to be 43?" Of course, it's his teaching on Marian consecration, but what exactly does this mean?

    Recall the summary of Marian consecration in the introduction to this retreat. There I presented consecration as our giving a "yes" to Mary, allowing her to fulfill in us her God-given task of forming us into other Christs. And that's all true. But there's more. Saint Louis gives two key emphases in his teaching on Marian consecration that expand what we've already read about it. These two emphases are (1) a renewal of our baptismal vows and (2) a particularly intimate gift of ourselves to Mary. Let's look at each of these in turn (one today and one tomorrow).

    The day of our Baptism is the most significant in each of our lives. It's when we poor, sinful creatures are not only cleansed of sin but also given the amazing dignity and honor of being transformed into sons and daughters of the almighty God. On that joyous occasion, before we received this amazing grace, we solemnly promised (or if we were infants, others promised in our name) to reject Satan, and then we (or others in our name) professed our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. Then, every Easter, we solemnly renew this promise and commitment. But do we keep it? Are we true to our word? No. We all sin. Sadly, we all give in to Satan's "pomps and works" and reject Christ, at least in little ways.

    Why does this happen? The simple answer is original sin: We have a fallen nature and we're prone to sin. That's true, but St. Louis invites us to go deeper and examine our consciences. If we do, we'll discover that a principal reason why we fall into sin is because of forgetfulness, forgetfulness of our promise and commitment to Christ at Baptism. De Montfort suggests that if we were to personally and sincerely renew our baptismal vows and place them in the hands of Mary, then this act alone would go a long way in helping us overcome sin in our lives. Therefore, he makes such a renewal of vows an essential element of his prayer of consecration. In fact, in the very first paragraph of this prayer, he has us address Mary and pray to her as follows:

    I, (name), a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.

    So, St. Louis has us attack sin right at its root — Satan and his pomps and works — has us recommit our lives to Christ, and has us do all of this with and through Mary. Why through Mary? Because God has put enmity between her and Satan (see Gen 3:15), and Satan can't stand her. In fact, according to St. Louis, Satan fears her not only more than the angels and saints but, in a sense, even more than God himself! Why? Because, as he puts it, "Satan, being proud, suffers infinitely more from being beaten and punished by a little and humble handmaid of God, and her humility humbles him more than the divine power." So, de Montfort gives us a practical and effective way to overcome sin in our lives: formally renounce Satan and recommit ourselves to Christ, through Mary. We'll hear more about Mary's power over evil on the last day of this week. Tomorrow, we'll reflect on the second element of St. Louis's consecration, the particularly intimate gift of ourselves to Mary. Today, let's reflect on the promise we made at our Baptism to reject Satan and to love and follow Christ.

    Today's Prayer:
    Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
    Give me the grace to reject Satan and follow Christ more closely.

  13. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    True Devotion to Mary

    Fourth Day (4/21)

    Imitation of Christ (Thomas a'Kempis): Book 3, Chapters 7, 40

    That man has no good of himself, and that he cannot glory in anything Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him; or the son of man, that Thou visit him? What has man deserved that Thou should give him grace? Lord, what cause have I to complain, if Thou forsakest me, or what can I justly allege, if what I petition Thou shalt not grant? This most assuredly, I may truly think and say: Lord I am nothing, I can do nothing of myself, that is good, but I am in all things defective and ever tend to nothing. And unless I am assisted and interiorly instructed by Thee, I become wholly tepid and relaxed, but Thou, 0 Lord, art always the same, and endurest unto eternity, ever good, just and holy, doing all things well, justly and holily and disposing them in wisdom.

    But I who am more inclined to go back, than to go forward, continue not always in one state, for I am changed, seven different times. But it quickly becomes better when it pleases Thee, and Thou stretchest out Thy helping hand: for Thou alone, without man's aid can assist me and so strengthen me, that my countenance shall be more diversely changed: but my heart be converted and find its rest in Thee alone.

    He who would be too secure in time of peace will often be found too much dejected in time of war. If you could always continue to be humble and little in your own eyes, and keep your spirit in due order and subjection, you would not fall so easily into danger and offense. It is good counsel that, when you have conceived the spirit of fervor, you should meditate how it will be when that light shall be withdrawn.

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this sticky:

    St. Louis de Montfort - Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary - Preliminary Twelve Days
  14. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    33 Days to Morning Glory (4/21)

    DAY 4: De Montfort's Consecration (Part Two)

    Yesterday, I said that St. Louis gives two special emphases in his teaching on Marian consecration: (1) a renewal of our baptismal vows and (2) a particularly intimate gift of ourselves to Mary. We covered the first emphasis yesterday. Now let's look at the second, beginning by asking the question, "Why should we give ourselves to Mary?"

    We should give ourselves to Mary in imitation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After all, didn't Jesus give himself to Mary from the moment of the Incarnation? Yes, he did. And aren't we called to imitate Christ? Yes, we are. But isn't Mary a creature? Yes she is, but she's unique. Not only is Mary free from sin and totally conformed to God's will, but by God's will and good pleasure — as we learned from the introduction — Mary has a special role in our sanctification. Therefore, we should give ourselves to the Mother of God, so she can help form us into saints, into other Christs. We should give her our yes. But St. Louis takes all of this a step further. His yes to Mary is particularly deep, a profoundly intimate gift of himself to Mary:

    This devotion consists, then, in giving ourselves entirely to Our Lady, in order to belong entirely to Jesus through her. We must give her (1) our body, with all its senses and its members; (2) our soul, with all its powers; (3) our exterior goods of fortune, whether present or to come; (4) our interior and spiritual goods, which are our merits and our virtues, and our good works, past, present, and future.

    This fourth point is most interesting. By this aspect of our consecration to Mary — according to St. Louis — our gift of self to her goes even beyond what is required when people offer themselves to God through religious vows. For instance, by virtue of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, a religious sister does not give God the right to dispose of the grace of all her good works nor does she give up her merits. Allow me to bring into better focus just how radical a gift of oneself this Marian consecration really is.

    First, in regard to others, if we give Mary the right to dispose of the graces of our good works, then this means we cannot unconditionally apply such graces to whomever we choose. So, for instance, if I make such an offering to Mary, I cannot insist that the graces from a sickness I am offering up go to the person I want them applied to. Second, in regard to ourselves, if we consecrate ourselves to Mary, then when we die, we won't get to appear before God clothed with the merits of our prayers and good works. In fact, we'll have to appear before God with empty hands, because we will have given all our merits to Mary.

    If the radical nature of this offering has got you worried, don't be worried. Tomorrow, we'll see why this offering is not to be feared, and in fact, why it's incredibly beautiful and completely worth it. Until then, we can reflect on the second part of de Montfort's formula for Marian consecration, which speaks of this intimate gift of ourselves to Mary:

    In the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose you this day for my Mother and Queen. I deliver and consecrate to you, as your slave, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present, and future; leaving to you the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to your good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and eternity.

    Today's Prayer:
    Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
    Help me to give myself entirely to Jesus through Mary.

  15. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    One reason to enter into a renewal of our consecration, is to celebrate what Jesus and Mary have done in the past for us. In other words, reconsecration is a way of saying thank you! Here's a post I shared last year:

    For me, Sanctus, the Consecration has deepened my trust in Mary as Mother. Our Lady lives the will of God without fail. She knows best the Heart of her Son. To entrust my concerns to her care is wise, not only because Jesus gave her to me as my Mother, but also because the intentions of her Heart are pure with no stain of selfishness. I can't claim that for myself. Our Lady always prays what is best for me and for my loved ones! In addition, she draws me closer to Jesus. There is a prayer I learned through Fr. Gaitley's version of the Consecration that has stayed with me. Remember, Mary is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit through whom Jesus was conceived. Here's the prayer:

    Come, Holy Spirit; may You and your beloved Spouse bring me face-to-face with Jesus Crucified.

    One other truth I have learned with the help of that prayer. As Mary suffered with Jesus at the foot of His Cross, the love of Mary for me compels her to suffer with and for me as I struggle to embrace my own crosses. I pray that as the Holy Spirit has formed Our Lady to be servant of all, Mary will help me to love others better, too.

    One may argue that they already know these things that I mention. But knowing them is not as heartfelt as re-entrusting oneself to the Queen, who in union with the Holy Spirit, will direct me to live the Will of God. And it is through the Consecration that I entrust myself to her.

    It is not about an insurance policy or a magic pill, it is about a deeper relationship with the mother of Jesus. I thank Jesus that He gave her to me.:)

    You may ask for a testimony. Here's a short one. I first consecrated myself to Mary in May, 1983. There was however, a difficulty I had in my marriage. Whenever I felt burdened by failure in trying to live out my spiritual or familial responsibilities, my disappointment would express itself by giving my loved ones the cold shoulder. For several days, I would be overly strict with the children and give Geralyn the silent treatment. We nicknamed these occurrences “tailspins” and developed responses to try and curtail them; however, they stubbornly persisted for 4 years. Then in December, 1987, at a First Friday Mass celebrated by Fr. Robert Chryst, a marvelous thing happened. He was preaching on the first reading from Ephesians concerning the surpassing greatness of God’s power in us who believe (Eph 1:19). I was convicted to claim that power as a remedy for my tailspins and the Lord responded immediately. I have never experienced another tailspin since! Now the timing of that was not lost on me. The beginning of my family's pilgrimage to Medjugorje was to begin just three days later. We planned that pilgrimage out of love for Our Lady and she interceded for my healing out of love for us.
    sterph and Fatima like this.
  16. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    True Devotion to Mary

    Fifth Day (4/22)

    Imitation of Christ: Continued: Book 3, Chapter 40

    Wherefore, but I did know well, how to cast from me all human comfort, either for the sake of devotion, or through the necessity by which I am compelled to seek Thee, because there is no man that can comfort me. Then might I deservedly hope in Thy favor, and rejoice in the gift of a new consolation. Thanks be to Thee from Whom all things proceed, as often as it happens to me, 1, indeed, am but vanity, and nothing in Thy sight , an inconstant and weak man. Where, therefore, can I glory, or for what do I desire to be thought of highly?

    Forsooth of my very nothingness; and this is most vain. Truly vainglory is an evil plague, because it draws away from true glory, and robs us of heavenly grace. For, while a man takes complacency in himself, he displeases Thee; while he wants for human applause, he is deprived of true virtues. But true, glory and holy exultation is to glory in Thee, and not in one's self; to rejoice in Thy Name, but not in one's own strength. To find pleasure in no creature, save only for Thy sake. Let Thy Name be praised, not mine; let Thy work be magnified, not mine; let Thy Holy Name be blessed, but let nothing be attributed to me of the praise of men. Thou art my glory; Thou art the exultation of my heart; in Thee, will I glory and rejoice all the day; but for myself, I will glory in nothing but in my infirmities.

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this sticky:

    St. Louis de Montfort - Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary - Preliminary Twelve Days
  17. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    33 Days to Morning Glory (4/22)

    DAY 5: Should We Really Give Mary Everything? (Part One)

    The second part of de Montfort's formula of consecration says that we should give Mary everything, including "our interior and spiritual goods, which are our merits and our virtues, and our good works, past, present, and future." Isn't this a bit too much? No. It's perfect. It's beautiful. Let's see why by learning how the offering affects others and ourselves.

    In regard to others, when we fully consecrate ourselves to Mary, we lose the unconditional right to distribute the value of our prayers and good actions to others. In other words, we give the rights to the grace (merit) of our prayers to Mary. We're telling her, "Mary, I give you the right to distribute the grace of my prayers as you see fit."

    Making such a gift to Mary has a big benefit. It ensures that the grace of our prayers will be used in the best way possible. It works like this: Because of her unique vantage point from heaven, and on account of her most intimate communion with her Divine Son, Mary can best determine which people are most in need of our prayers. For instance, seeing some forgotten person in China about to die in despair, Mary can take the grace of our prayers (and "offered up" sufferings) and use it to help that dying person to trust in God and accept his mercy.

    Now, perhaps this idea has got some of us thinking:

    Well, that's great. I'm happy to help the dying person in China, whom I don't know, but I'd be disappointed if I therefore couldn't use the grace of my prayers and good works to help the people I do know, like my family and friends. I'm worried that if I give Mary the right to distribute the grace of my prayers and good works, then I thereby lose the right to pray for those whom I especially love, even if they're less in need than other people in the world.

    This is a legitimate concern, but there's no need to worry. Why? For two reasons: First, Mary makes the good things we give her more perfect. In other words, she augments, increases, and purifies the spiritual gifts and merits we give her. When we give them to her, because she makes them more perfect, there's more grace and merit to go around. St. Louis uses an unforgettable analogy to explain this:

    It is as if a peasant, wishing to gain the friendship and benevolence of the king, went to the queen and presented her with a fruit which was his whole revenue, in order that she might present it to the king. The queen, having accepted the poor little offering from the peasant, would place the fruit on a large and beautiful dish of gold, and so, on the peasant's behalf, would present it to the king. Then the fruit, however unworthy in itself to be a king's present, would become worthy of his majesty because of the dish of gold on which it rested and the person who presented it.

    Here's the second reason we shouldn't worry: Mary is never outdone in generosity. So, if we're so generous as to give her the right to distribute the grace of our prayers and good works, she'll surely be especially generous to our loved ones. In fact, she'll take even better care of our loved ones than we ourselves can. For instance, let's say one of our family members or friends is in need of prayer, and we don't know it. Well, Mary knows it, and she'll make sure that that person doesn't go without. Giving Mary the right to distribute the grace of our prayers and good works doesn't mean we can't still pray for our loved ones. We can and should pray for them. It's just that we give Mary the final say in deciding to whom and for what purpose the grace of our prayers and good works should be applied.

    Remember, Mary is not outdone in generosity. She especially hears the prayers of those of us who have given her everything — including the value of all our good works — and she wants us to tell her of the people and intentions we hold in our hearts. If we've given her everything, is there any doubt that she'll be generous in giving whatever good we ask for to those who are dear to us?

    Today's Prayer:
    Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary.
    Help me be generous in giving all I am and have to Mary.

  18. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    The second part of de Montfort's formula of consecration says that we should give Mary everything, including "our interior and spiritual goods, which are our merits and our virtues, and our good works, past, present, and future." Isn't this a bit too much?

    This theme of placing everything in the hands of Our Lady used to cause a great interior struggle in me. Certainly my deepening understanding of her role as my Mother has helped in downgrading my defensiveness. Another help has been the very humility of God Who will allow this very insignificant son to reign with Christ.

    2Tim 2: 11 The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; 12 if we endure, we shall also reign with him;

    Rev 5: 9 ...and they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy art thou to take the scroll and to open its seals, for thou wast slain and by thy blood didst ransom men for God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth."

    If our Thrice-holy God can honor this little one so as to allow me to reign with Him, so too can God ordain Mary as Mediatrix and Mother on my behalf. :):cool:

    Safe Under Mary's Mantle!
    SgCatholic and padraig like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I have the most utter and complete trust in her.

    I handed over the steering wheel decades ago. I am her complete and utter slave. I have never regretted this for a single instant. She is the high speed elevator to holiness.
    SgCatholic and Mario like this.
  20. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    True Devotion to Mary

    Sixth Day (4/23)
    Imitation: Book 1, Chapter 18

    On the examples of the Holy Fathers.

    Look upon the lively examples of the holy Fathers in whom shone real perfection and the religious life, and you will see how little it is, and almost nothing that we do. Alas, what is our life when we compare it with theirs? Saints and friends of Christ, they served our Lord in hunger and in thirst, in cold, in nakedness, in labor and in weariness, in watching, in fasting, prayers and holy meditations, and in frequent persecutions and reproaches. Oh, how many grievous tribulations did the Apostles suffer and the Martyrs and Confessors and Virgins, and all the rest who resolved to follow the steps of Christ! For they hated their lives in this world, that they might keep them in life everlasting. Oh what a strict and self-renouncing life the holy Fathers of the desert led! What long and grievous temptations did they bear! How often were they harassed by the enemy, what frequent and fervent prayers did they offer up to God, what rigorous abstinence did they practice!

    What a valiant contest waged they to subdue their imperfections! What purity and straightforwardness of purpose kept they towards God! By day they labored, and much of the night they spent in prayer; though while they labored, they were far from leaving off mental prayer. They spent all their time profitably. Every hour seemed short to spend with God; and even their necessary bodily refreshment was forgotten in the great sweetness of contemplation. They renounced all riches, dignities, honors and kindred; they hardly took what was necessary for life. It grieved them to serve the body even in its necessity. Accordingly, they were poor in earthly things, but very rich in grace and virtues.

    Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat, Glory Be

    Prayers can be found in this sticky:

    St. Louis de Montfort - Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary - Preliminary Twelve Days

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