hi are there any of you going to the charismatic conference in Dublin this weekend? I hope to attend on the sat and perhaps sunday too. I promise it won't be as tough as lough derg !!
This Prophecy was read out at the conference, it is available on the Maranatha newsletter, June 2015. The speaker Dennis Wrigley said it was given to England but also included Ireland. REVELATION NOW This year I will reveal the magnitude of the deep darkness which now engulfs your land. This year your eyes will be opened to the terrible consequences of people ignoring Me, denying Me, dishonouring Me, rejecting Me and disobeying Me. This year you will weep for what you have done to the children and coming generations for you have sacrificed them on the alter of your greed. This year I will reveal painful truths. Your tears will overflow for the furious unbelief which has captured the hearts and minds of the people. Your tears will overflow for churches engulfed in the night of confusion, doubt and fear. You will be brought to your knees in sorrow and repentance. In the measure that you listen to Me, cry out to Me, submit yourselves to Me, I will reveal to you the magnitude of my Power and My Glory and your nation will have a great revelation of truth. Rivers of life and healing will flow across barren deserts. My people watch and pray earnestly. I, Almighty God, will reveal Myself and when My Spirit is upon you you will receive power and a mighty rushing wind will sweep the land. The Light of my Hope will shine forth and penetrate the gloom and I will give you a new confidence and a voice for the nations again. There is no limit to what I can do. To me nothing is impossible. (May 2015)
I take this to be very,very positive. It cheers me up. His chastisement will be a huge blessing. We need to remember this. A father redirecting His children.
I was thinking and praying about this prophesy some more. I think the prophest comes in two parts. The first part promises a chastisement. I at once jumped to the conclusion that this chastisement would come to Ireland directly. But after thinking about it I now beleive it is in fact the , 'Coming Great Strom' to come in September /October and which will in fact very seriously effect the whole world. Which naturally draws on to the question of what event could effect the entire world so serioulsy as to include a small little country like Ireland in its ripplie like effect? The conclusion is that this event will be huge and destablise the whole world. I think at once of course of an economic or political event of unprecedented proportions. The 'Shemitah Prophecies', of Rabbi Cahn make me think of America , or more precisely New York/Wall Street. If I had to guess it is either an economic melt down..or a melt down that is coupled with another attack like 9/11 only incomparbaly huger, something so big it will change the entire face of the planet. But it's just a guess. 9/11 itself of course happened in September. In either case if something happened eslewhere in the world to impact Ireland so very,very deeply it would be truly historically catastrophic. World shaking. The second part of the prophecy I am afraid is not as postive as I first thought. It promises to restore Ireland to the Faith , yes, but there is a great big, 'If'. If they respond as they should and in the measure they should they will be restored. I try to be positive, always postive. But the Irish of this generation are a..ascriptural descritpion , a stiff necked people , very stiffnecked, very far gone. I am not holding my breath. Sigh. Acts 7:51 50'WAS IT NOT MY HAND WHICH MADE ALL THESE THINGS?' 51"You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. 52"Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become;…
I must say I am surprised at how little this important thread has been viewed judging by the very few comments/likes etc, since I first posted the prophecy over a week ago. Perhaps the title "Charismatic Conference" is too boring... so here's a little experiment, I'll change the title to something more sensational....
Just read this thread ad now. Very interesting but what makes you think its about Ireland. Was the prophecy given in Dublin?
The prophecy was read out in Dublin by Dennis Wrigley, one of the guest speakers and a very spirit filled man in my humble opinion. He said it included Ireland.
I read this thread and prophesy when you first posted it and was giving some thought to Padraig's interpretations, but then the thread quickly disappeared off the sidebar. If true then I think we are certainly in for a great shaking this year. This seems to me almost to be about the Illumination of Conscience/Warning...
Though if it is I am surprised that people on the forum have not had dreams or visions concerning it, September and October are only weeks away....
I think in some way we are all becoming a bit numb to prophecy. I also think this refers to the illumination. I'd have to say...we all here have been thoroughly warned about the warning I think!
I think I'm in denial. I know the prophecy but T they seem far away. I live life as normal.I don't know what else to do. I have been puzzled why there is no strong prophetic voice in Ireland for some time. There are so many elsewhere.
To be honest I was going to put it in a separated thread originally, but through a niggling prompt I put it here. In prayer about the prompt I felt a lot of us on here (myself included) only look for the sensational threads. This reveals a lack of growth in our spirituality and a lack of trust in God. There is a time for looking for sensational stuff but there is also a time to move on from it and to live lives of deeper prayer and trust. This prompt is borne out in the results; only a couple of people looked at it under an innocent thread and it, as you say, quickly disappeared off the sidebar, but since I changed the name it has remained at the top of the list. I feel the Lord is speaking to me /us here. Are we listening?
Frances Hogan is speaking about all this, at the moment a group of women including myself are listening to a series she has done on CD. She is all about the Divine Will, the Shemita etc. In all my years of listening to her I've never heard her speak like this before. I recommend we all take notice of what she is saying.
Arise, Shine out, Your Light has Come is the name of the CD, and her book is A Path to Healing A Nation.
I noticed that Deacon John, down Texas way, was back with a post @ "After the Warning": http://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/john-martinez/2015/07/07-08-what-is-next.aspx When I first "infested" MOG, he was in the process of being "run-off" from here. I'm guessing his catastrophic visions of the near future was more than some folks wanted to hear? I don't want to hear about catastrophic visions either ... but ... Catastrophe is already here ... has been for 50 years! God dismissed from schools and public square! Countless millions of children slaughtered in the womb. USA and EU Society devolving into moral and fiscal and spiritual bankruptcy. Endless war in the Middle East with nothing to show but the rise of ISIS and Nuclear Iran .... and China ... and North Korea ... and rule of godless socialists and Drug Cartels in Latin America. Africa is a shining light of Traditional Christian Belief in certain places but satan is busy trying to snuff them out as he is doing in the USA/EU with his pro-Abort/Gay/BigBroGov Agenda Types. I truly hope Deacon John's Visions are wrong but considering the above ......? GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!