Events preceding The Warning

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Prince of Peace, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. There are some rumors about The Warning and people giving dates. It is important we post here the events prior to the Warning so that we can have more security about it.

    I was looking at locutions to Sulema and I will post here what Our Lady and Jesus said what's to come before the Warning.

    "In fact, my son, I tell you a foretaste of what's to come, what are at the doors:

    A mega-earthquake, a sudden cold, a fiery wind will sweep everything which is on its way; and after that will come a scorching heat.

    The Warning will be preceded by all kinds of disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hail, cold, storms, a wind that will sweep everything, a storm, very, very strong, and a deadly heat because of the approaching of the comet.

    When this happens, know that the illumination of conscience will be very close to make way for the terrible persecution that the Church will suffer, which will led to the triumphal entry of the Antichrist in the Church."
    Jeanne and Carol55 like this.
  2. - The War

    - The Pope visits Russia
    Carol55 likes this.
  3. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    That message is very strange, because actually the comet has to be associated to the Chastisement, and not to the Warning. Thus, the Warning will have be caused by something else. I think a planet, or an asteroid.
  4. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    PofP, I think that all of those weather problems are still tough indicators, even the war but the pope's visit to Moscow seems like the best way to be certain.
    I do wonder though if the "war" event which Sister Lucia describes will occur prior also..

    Pijon, It could be the first pass where it may approach with no contact. ???
    Julia likes this.
  5. The Warning will be like a crash of two stars or comets in the sky. It is said at Garabandal too. Is seems that a comet will go toward the earth and when everyone thinks that will shock the land it will be intercepted by another comet. The crash will produce the Warning.

    There a message to Sulema in the Forum that says:

    Jesus, your Sacred Heart
    June 23, 2013
    Lesson given in Limay (France)
    68− Courage, my children, the battle is not lost. I am the Victor

    "However, the warning, it will be a horror, for those who have denied, for those who put me outside of their lives; it will be a horror, for they will see where sin has led them; they will see hell and purgatory. There are children who will sayno to Love, who will mock the Cross, for all My children will see My Cross in the Sky (Ciel). I will be there and they will mock Me.

    I ask you to pray, because scientists will say that everything is normal, that it is the shock between two comets. They will say that it is fear that made you believe in God because, I repeat: the illumination of consciences or the warning will be preceded by very, very great suffering. Do not be afraid, you must prepare. At the time when the Sky becomes obscure, when you will hear screams, kneel, cover yourself in My Precious Blood and pray, praise and adore in your heart."

    Here you can read in Italian

    "Che lo crediate o no, figli miei, essa si avvicina a grandi passi; il mio divino Figlio Gesù l’ha detto. Sarà preceduta da ogni sorta di catastrofi: terremoti, tsunami, inondazioni, grandinate, un freddo glaciale, un vento che spazzerà tutto, temporali fortissimi, una calura mortale all’avvicinarsi della cometa"

    "Elle sera précédée de toutes sortes de catastrophes: tremblement de terre, tsunamis, inondations, grêle, un froid glacial, un vent qui va tout balayer, un orage très, très fort, une chaleur mortelle à l’approche de la comète."
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2016
    Jeanne, Serena and Carol55 like this.
  6. According to Juan Antonio Gil - the Chastisement (or three days of darkness) will occur with a giant meteor:

    "In a month of november will take place three days of darkness, caused by the passage of a giant meteor, roughly the size of Earth. These will be the three days of darkness.

    Scientists have detected this huge mass that is directed against the earth, they are convinced that will shock her, and that only 1% chance of it does not. They know the probable impact, and has not publicly unveiled for not releasing the panic in humanity. NASA and other agencies of the United States are aware of these future events as well as the United Nations and Russia.

    The Virgin Mary said that in time will be the scientists the will reveal the date of these three days of darkness. For scientists will only be natural events that will occur, but we Christians know it will not be like this, where there will also be the intervention of God and demons."
  7. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    I don't think it would be possible for a simple fact. Let suppose that the Warning will be caused by a comet with its first approach to Earth. Then the Antichrist (not the "final" one) would manifest himself, and it will reign for 3.5 years. What we know for sure, is that the comet will put the reign of the Antichrist to an end, so it wouldn't be possible for the comet to cause the Warning, and then to approach Earth again 3.5+ years later.
    The comet will be the main cause of the Chastisement, with the fire falling from the sky. It will be directly connected to the three days of darkness. In no way it could be associated to the Warning. If needed I'll post some messages.
  8. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    It is not exactly as you said, Prince. Here is what Conchita said in February, 1977:

    Q. Would you repeat for us what you know about the Warning?
    A. It is a phenomenon which will be seen and felt in all the world and everywhere; I have always given as an example that of two stars that collide. This phenomenon will not cause physical damage, but it will horrify us because at that very moment we will see our souls and the harm we have done.

    No one in Garabandal told that the Warning will actually consist in two stars/planets/asteroids colliding... they only provided an example. Moreover, Conchita told us that the Warning itself won't cause any physical damage... But this won't be the case of the comet: fire will fall from the sky, and everything will be destroyed, to be renewed only few days later.

    Again, in my previous reply I showed how the same celestial object couldn't possibly be used for both the Chastisement and the Warning. There wouldn't be time for the 3.5 years of reign of the "Antichrist".

    Thank you for the link anyway, I'll read it.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    Booklady and Byron like this.
  9. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    The asteroid couldn't possibly be associated to the Chastisement as Juan Antonio suggested, because... there is no fire in an asteroid. And I say this, because the chastisement (of Garabandal, Akita, Medjugorje, Anguera), will actually consist in fire falling from the sky and coming from the inside of Earth (pulled outside due to gravitational effects of the huge celestial object).
    For a comet, it is a different matter. There are some seers of the past which prophesied that one day a comet burning with an unknown fire, will cause much damage to the Earth (fire falling from the sky).
    Thus, I think that Juan Antonio gave us his personal interpretation about the asteroid. Even Pedro Regis gives some interpretations, sometimes, during his spiritual meetings.

    There are many messages from Pedro Regis which confirms my words, let see if I have some time left to post them now.
    Byron likes this.
  10. the translation that I read it seems that will be a collision. It is something: "it will be like two stars collision". But it also has the meaning you said. Thanks.
    Pijon likes this.
  11. Here we have a problem. He said also after that: "The Virgin Mary said that in time will be the scientists that will reveal the date of these three days of darkness." He is just repeating Our Lady. He also said: "During the three days of darkness, hunger, thirst and normal needs will not exist. These three days will be days when those who are devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be called to pray without ceasing in their homes by the renewal of the world and the glorious triumph of the Sacred Hearts."

    If it is an unknown fire so is possible that an asteroid has this fire. It is a special asteroid. He said the meteor will be the size of the Earth.
  12. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    Not much time left, but I'll post these messages for now:

    15 August, 2009. Message 3201 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, pray much before the cross for the conversion of people. Seek strength in the Eucharist, for this is the only way you will be capable of giving testimony to the marvels of The Lord. Don´t let the devil rob your peace. You belong to The Lord and should serve only Him. I am your sorrowful Mother. I want to tell you that you will yet have great sufferings. You are heading towards a future of great trials. Humanity will be purified in suffering. The day will come when people will shout for help and want to die. A swift and destructive fire will hit the world. It is coming from far away and people will not be able to prevent its destructive action. I suffer because of what is coming to you. Continents will no longer exist and the world will not be the same. All will be different. What you see today will no longer exist. After all this, God will make a new world for His chosen ones. Forward with courage. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    This message gives us some essential info:
    - A swift and destructive fire will hit the world.
    - It will come from far away.
    - People won't be able to prevent its destructive action.
    - Continents (!) will no longer exist.

    When we think of a comet, it clearly seems to be an object in the sky with fire around it, forming the tail:


    A comet is fast, much faster than an asteroid. In our universe, there could be huge comets. Finally, it is specified that no one will be able to stop it, this is why this object has to be associated to the chastisement (entire nations/continents will disappear). It will be made of fire, an unknown fire, thus... here is what will cause fire to fall from the sky!
    One could wonder if this object could really be a comet or something else. Let's go ahead:

    5 September, 2009. Message 3210 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, I invite you to assume your true role as Christians. Don´t cross your arms. Humanity needs your sincere and courageous testimony. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to holiness. Pray. Don´t get away from prayer. Your strength is in The Lord. Don´t go away from His Grace. Days of suffering are coming for humanity. God will permit and scientists will announce the arrival of that which will be the motive of despair for many. In many regions of the earth fire will spread all over. I suffer because of what awaits you. Listen to Me. I don´t want to force you, but what I am saying must be taken seriously. Be faithful to My appeals. I repeat, no evil will touch My devotees. Courage. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    One day, scientists will announce the arrival of something which will cause fire to be spread all over in many regions of the Earth. It seems to be the same celestial object described above.

    12 February, 2005, Message 2482

    Dear Sons and Daughters, in the past many innocents lost their lives because of the greediness of many. Many innocent children were sold as simple objects, and their dear ones feeling deeply the loss. The wrath of God will come. His name takes its origin from a plant from a long way off. God is merciful, but also just. Repent of your sins. Return quickly. God awaits you with open arms. His response will come. Spilled blood was not forgotten. Pray. Without prayer you will not be able to bear the trials that must come. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to bring you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    The wrath of God... which has to be associated to the Chastisement. Its name will come from a plant which comes from a long way off... particularly from Europe, I would add, which is very far away from Anguera, Bahia, Brazil:


    "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter." (Rev 8:10–11)

    Apsinthos in the Greek text, translated as "wormwood" in English language versions of the Bible, is thought to be Artemisia herba-alba.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
  13. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    Having solved the mystery of the plant, we should consider another important passage of the message: "God is merciful, but also just". This mean that God, through his perfect mercy, will concede us the gift of the Warning, but God also means Justice. So, if humanity won't repent, a chastisement will be necessary.

    But are we talking about a comet?

    January 15, 2009. Message 3109 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity is heading for a bloody future. The creature has placed itself in the place of the Creator and My poor children go as blind guiding the blind. I am your Mom and I want to help you. Listen to Me. Belong to The Lord and seek Him always, for He loves you and awaits you with the immense love of a father. The great comet will come and cause much destruction. Return quickly. I want to lead you to My Son Jesus. Know that these are very sad times for you. Pay attention. Do what you have to, don´t leave it for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    It seems to be so. Thus, we can now confirm that will be the great comet which will bring the final Chastisement, indeed.

    There is only one thing left which could be said: will the comet really be the final event which will put an end to the reign of the Antichrist (the Beast of Revelation)? Well, the end of that reign will coincide with the final battle between the Woman clothed in the Sun and the Dragon:

    11 August, 2009. Message 3199 from Our Lady of Peace, Vicente Pires/DF

    Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to a sincere conversion. Don´t cross your arms. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion and the moment has come for your return to The Lord. Know that Jesus expects much from you. Bend your knees in prayer and all will turn out well for you. Humanity is heading towards a great abyss and My poor children will carry a heavy cross. Difficult days are coming for humanity. Return quickly. The Lord loves you and wants you. Don´t think that you are alone. In your most sorrowful moments, The Lord will protect you, and you will experience His victory. An extraordinary phenomenon will happen in Europe. People will not be able to explain it. When people see the appearance of a great light, know that the great final battle is near. People will call the light a second sun. What I have forecast in the past will happen. Courage. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    The message describes a sign which will help us know that the final battle between the Woman and the Dragon, is near. This could happen only with the defeat of the "Antichrist" and the end of his reign. The sign will consist of a light in the sky, which will be called "second sun" by those living during that time. But could this second sun be associated to the comet?

    5 April, 2007. Message 2820

    Dear Sons and Daughters, pray for the Church of My Jesus, because the time of great sufferings is drawing near. Pray for the successor of Peter. The time of great suffering for him is coming. Many of his own will abandon him. Pray. Pray. Pray. Seek strength in the Eucharist. Pray the holy rosary. Humanity lives in great tensions and is going on the way to great destruction. The hour of the great battle is coming. A swift fire will fall upon men. The faucet will open. I am your Mom and I suffer because of what is coming to My poor children. Don´t forget; your hope is in Jesus. Return to Him Who sees what is secret and knows you by name. Forward with courage. This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.

    The great battle is associated to the swift fire which will fall upon men. The same kind fire which we previously discussed. But could the "second sun" be associated to the comet?

    April 16, 2005, Message 2510

    Dear Sons and Daughters, God will speak to mankind by extraordinary signs. A great sign will be given to humanity, but if men and women don´t repent, the wrath of God will fall upon humanity. People will see something like the sun visible in the sky for many hours. All eyes will see it. Know that God is in a hurry. Pray. Intensify your prayers in order to be able to bear the weight of trials that must come. A thistle that will wound the faithful will come out of France. Courage. I am at your side. This is the message I give you in the name of the most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    I think that after this message, there can be no more doubts. The wrath of God has already been described previously, when talking about the comet and of the fire falling from the sky. This message tell us that after seeing the second sun in the sky, if men won't repent, the wrath of God will hit them. Considering that the comet will be made of fire, we can conclude that the second sun will indeed be the comet.

    Finally, I'll post an interesting fact. For in a 1944 "enlightenment" seer Lucia dos Santos told colleagues an infusion came to her as she prayed about the third secret that was given to her nearly three decades before. Besides indicating an angel with a flaming sword, set to cause the world on "fire," it also appeared, in her words, as if "the tip of the spear as a flame unlatches and touches the axis of the earth."

    This, it went on -- the enlightenment, apparently from the Blessed Mother -- would cause the planet to "shudder" and "mountains, cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants" to be "buried." The seas would "overflow." So would rivers. There would be a "whirlwind" of houses and people" beyond count.

    It really seems that she was speaking about a fiery comet and its tail, isn't it?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    Fatima likes this.
  14. Hi Pijon, thanks very much for the messages. I agree that is a comet in that messages. But I can't see this comet as the final chastisement.

    Something is missing to complete the puzzle. I can not link this fast comet and this specific fire from heaven with the 3 days of darkness.

    It seems that this comet come before the three days of darkness. We know that the Absinto is the third trumpet.

    Revelation 8 : 10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell from heaven a great star, burning as a torch, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters; 11and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

    I was trying to understand all of this stuff and I had a glimpse that the punishment will be far worse than our schemes seem to understand. It seems this part of the messages is in the middle of the tribulation that will last much more years than we think. We have the secrets with the seers. There is more that I can not understand.

    Take a look at La Salette:

    “The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence. They have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish. God will allow the old serpent to cause divisions among those who reign in every society and in every family. Physical and moral agonies will be suffered. God will abandon mankind to itself and will send punishments which will follow one after the other for more than thirty-five years." (Here we can shorter this time with prayers - that long years Our Lady always talk to Pedro Regis)

    Little by little we understand.
  15. I always had a sense that the chastisement will be kind of short, 7 years, or things happening faster. Now I can see in a different way. EXTREMELY BAD things will last much more longer than we think. We really do not have all the pieces to understand. It is even possible a minor chastisement and a minor persecution of the church before the 3 days of darkness. And between that the Hosana Day of the church like said by Maria Valtorta. That will be a very short time when people will see the church as the true church (probably because the Warning) but short after that they will persecute her again three times more severely.

    Jesus says to Maria Valtorta: "My Church, before the hour of the world comes to an end, will have its glittering triumph. Nothing differs in the Mystical Body's life from that which was in Christ's life. There will be the hosanna on the eve of Passion, the hosanna when the nations, seized by the fascination of the Divinity, bend the knee before the Lord. Then the Passion of My Church militant will come, and finally the glory of eternal Resurrection in Heaven."

    There is still the small possibility of the real conversion of the world and change the whole scheme.
  16. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    I think that your doubts simply come from trying to interpret all of Revelation literally, including the secret of La Salette, which is a mistake. Regarding that secret, particularly, it would probably necessary more than one book to correctly explain its meaning. For example, will the 25 years of peace, really be 25 years? I don't think so. Moreover, in Revelation we read about Gog and Magog, allegedly after the "1000" years of peace, but you see how some scholars like Antonio Yague think that an event like that could unfold in our days (invasion by Russia & C.).
    This is why Our Lady is currently appearing to us, helping us to decode Revelation through her messages. Pedro Regis is currently the best example which comes to mind. His messages are hard to decode, some almost impossible, but once you spend a good amount of time and efforts studying them, then many things become clear as day. Some examples about Revelation decoded:

    8 February, 2005, Message 2481

    Dear Sons and Daughters, angels fulfilled the orders of The Lord and a cup was poured out on the world. Science will seek an answer but will not find it. True wisdom is that which comes from God. Bend your knees in prayer. Seek The Lord and you will be great in His eyes. Courage. I am your Mom and I am with you. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to bring you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    14 August, 2007. Message from Our Lady 2876

    Dear Sons and Daughters, an Angel of The Lord will blow his trumpet and the whole world will be shaken. This will be the beginning of a new time; the time awaited by the just. Humanity will experience a long time of peace. The just will see the fulfillment of promises of The Lord. The victory of The Lord will be your victory. Be faithful. Open your hearts and serve The Lord with joy. Don´t stray from the path of Grace. The Lord hopes for much from you. Courage. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    You can see how in those messages, some elements from Revelation (trumpets, cups) are described.

    Regarding the connection between the comet and the three days of darkness, I think the answer is simple: it will be the comet which will cause the three days of darkness. Some of the reasons are explained in my previous post. There are other sources confirming that the chastisement will be provoked by a comet. An example, are the prophecies of “Siener” Van Rensburg.

    P.S.: I gave a quick read at the document you suggested me:

    What does this seer says about Pope Francis, and did the Church express itself about these messages? I ask this because I had some bad feelings when reading parts like this:

    107 - Seguite Benedetto XVI, la vostra guida in questi ultimi tempi. I lupi vogliono farlo sparire per preparare la venuta dell’Anticristo.

    Vi lasciate influenzare da ogni tipo di false dottrine che vi portano a rinnegare la fede, la vostra appartenenza alla Chiesa Cattolica diretta dal Vicario che il mio dolce Figlio Gesù ha scelto per guidarvi in questo tempo così difficile: papa Benedetto XVI.

    These parts reminds me very dangerously of the messages spread by MDM (Mary Divine Mercy), telling everyone to only follow Benedict XVI, and also speaking about a little remnant.

    So, I ask you to provide more details, if possible.
  17. Extraits -Messages reçus par Sulema …volume:3..*Le Saint Père François*

    – Extrait du message donné par Notre Seigneur Jésus le 14 mars 2013, page 45 :

    "Do not judge to not be judged, do not judge [...]. Pray for each other, pray for My favorite son, for all My devoted to your new Pope Francis. Remember my Pope, pray for him, it is your duty and above all, pray to stay up until the end, because I am already on my way back. "

    – Extrait du message donné par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie le 31 mai 2013, page 82 :

    "If you hear rumors of war, pray, pray for the Holy Father Francis, for My favorite son, for religious men and women who will be faithful to me, and remain faithful until the end."

    – Extrait du message donné par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie le 24 juin 2013, page 111 :

    "Oh, my children! Pray, pray, pray for your Pope Francis, for Benedict XVI, your Emeritus Pope, My favorite son, for all your dedicated; they must be supported by your prayers. Pray for the grace of final perseverance, to go all the way and do not get discouraged. Close the door to fear, because fear is the weapon of My opponent is currently using; he knows that, by fear, the door to all the graces is closed. Yes, My children, it is the fear that paralyzes you, makes you blind and deaf. "

    – Extrait du message donné par Notre Seigneur Jésus le 28 juin 2013, page 135 :

    "When Benedict XVI has resigned, you entered the fulfillment of prophecy. Pray for him, he is your Emeritus Pope, pray for the Pope Francis, pray for My priests, I entrust them to you, pray for all My devoted. "

    – Extrait du message donné par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie le 24 juillet 2013, page 154 :

    "[...] Pray also for the Holy Father Francis and Pope Benedict XVI, your Emeritus Pope is very important and for all My consecrated. One day, not far away, you will understand why, in these times which are the last, the two popes are together, why God has willed it so. Pray for them, pray also for all your brothers and sisters around the world without exception. "

    – Extrait du message donné par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie le 11 septembre 2013, page 176 :

    "I come with the cry of my Immaculate Heart, ask you to pray for your Mother the Church to pray for the Vicar of my Son, Pope Francis. Pray for priests, consecrated, so that they can remain faithful [to Pope Francis] and obedient, that they remain faithful to the Commandments to sound doctrine. It is your duty to pray for them, must be supported; do not judge, do not condemn them, they are other Christs ".
    Pijon likes this.
  18. I think in the Ukrainian language Wormwood translates into Chernobyl.
    In my mind, many of the events that are encoded in the Book of Revelation have already happened, and are happening now, and will happen. I do believe that we are in the Tribulation and I believe that it might be a literal 7 1/ 2 years as in the Book of Daniel. Of course, I am keeping an open mind and waiting on the Lord, and listening to Our Lady. I also realize that the timeline belongs to God Almighty and that much can be conditional/delayed according to response from mankind. I am in no way capable of putting anything in a timeline.
    But Wormwood=Chernobyl.
  19. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    Oct 22, 2014
    Thank you Prince, I really appreciated your post. Given that those messages speak well of Francis, I think this would be a great sign about their authenticity. I notice many similarities with the messages given to Pedro Regis, another good sign. I'll read the rest of the messages when time will permit. You linked me Vol. 1 in italian, do you know if Vol. 2 or more also exist in Italian or English?
  20. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    I don't know why but I keep coming back to this. It does nothing to detract from my total faith in Garabandal but I remember reading about the tail of a comet hitting Mercury/Wormwood which would then shower earth with debris and cause massive destruction. It was posted by Casey Brenner whose predictions proved to be unreliable at the time but may yet hold some relevance to the future. His site was ICE540 and I see it is still up. He also had some interesting but failed stellar predictions based on the Tilma.

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