Our Lady of Fatima travels to Rome at the request of two Popes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bona fide, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. bona fide

    bona fide Angels

    Aug 12, 2012
    The Portuguese newspapers just announced this:
    http://expresso.sapo.pt/imagem-de-fatima-viaja-ate-roma-a-pedido-dos-papas=f825719 ixzz2bnHapwVE

    Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... or something else, like the specific mention of a certain country?
    Just asking ;)
    Peter B, mothersuperior7 and kathy k like this.
  2. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
  3. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... or something else, like the specific mention of a certain country?
    And that will be the big question on everyones minds,...
    If Russia is mentioned,..could this be the start of something big???
    Miriam likes this.
  4. bona fide

    bona fide Angels

    Aug 12, 2012

    Definitely exciting times are ahead of us.:)
    My feeling is that the pope Francis may surprise the world with a reference to Russia, in this consecration...:unsure:

    The announcement in the official page of the Fatima shrine:

    sunburst likes this.
  5. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Jan 2, 2013
    USA - Wisconsin
    Sounds like a good thought, but would that really meet the spirit of consecration "in communion with the bishops of the world" if they aren't aware of it until the moment it is mentioned?

    I supposed it could....
  6. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    The fact that these two Popes came together to consecrate the Vatican to St. Michael,and now this...
    Are they trying to tell us something? Like maybe the final confrontation,..soon to be saint JPII spoke about?
    I think you may be right,...
    My feeling is that the pope Francis may surprise the world with a reference to Russia, in this consecration...:unsure:
    And we will soon find out,..:D
  7. bona fide

    bona fide Angels

    Aug 12, 2012
    Of course you're right. However some details in the official announcement of the Shrine show that the Pope wants a very significant event:

    I can hardly wait. Time will seem long until that day ...;)
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    It has always puzzled me why such a specific Consecration would annoy the Russians.

    It seems such a great blessing.
    Border collie likes this.
  9. bona fide

    bona fide Angels

    Aug 12, 2012

    A vibrant statement of Fr. Jay Finelli about thato_O

    Heidi and sunburst like this.
  10. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    I was present in the Cathedral (in the UK) of my then diocese for the 1984 consecration. Russia was not specifically mentioned in the consecration except by implication special mention being made of "that country that Our Lady wished to be consecrated". I only became aware of the event (in pre-internet days) on the actual day of the consecration when reading an article in The Times by their then Religious Correspondent (a diehard liberal called Clifford Longley) who reported that several of the English bishops had privately told him that they were appalled at the Pope's instruction that they join him in the consecration. There was no publicity about it in the parishes (presumably at the bishop's instruction) and there appeared to be no parish priests present when it occurred (presumably again at the bishop's instruction). It was sparsely attended (not surprisingly).
    Our Lady's request was that the Pope WITH ALL THE BISHOPS OF THE WORLD make the consecration of Russia. It is thought very unlikely that all the bishops complied in 1984, I am certain that many more would fail to obey today. If this had been done in 1960, it is probable that all the bishops would have complied even if some would have been less than enthusiastic but now - there appears to be no chance at least not without some divine intervention or Vatican threats of excommunication.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Russia needs to be named , specifically and on her own..and all the Bishops of the world need to join in, preferably I think physically present in Rome. Ideally if this was done in the context of a Church Council it would be ideal.


    I am not holding my breath. Why is something so very,very small so very,very difficult?? We should be like very,very little children and just go and do what Our Mother tells us.

    It reminds me of the incident in Lourdes when Our Lady asked St Bernadette was asked by Our Lady to eat the herbs (weeds) from the ground as an act of humiilty. Bernadette did not hesitate for an instant but did as she was told. But little Bernadette was very humble.

    Its good that Pope Francis is doing this, but it is not actually what Mary asked for.....
    Mario and Mac like this.
  12. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Maybe many of them dont hear her gentle voice? Maybe some do not recognise her? But incredibly some shepherds do not understand her. She is the Lady of contradiction - gentle but tough. She is the mystery of God and a wonder of nature.

    Ave Maria
    Mario, sunburst and FoundSoul like this.
  13. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels

    Oct 24, 2012

    I agree with you. Contradiction is exactly what our Blessed Lady is. Often I find myself asking Saint Joseph to please restrain his Wife! She always seems to ask me to do impossible things - that I am not able to do. She must know I am going to fail no matter how hard I try. I seem to go all the time to Sait Joseph, looking for him to help me cope with her.
    Mario likes this.
  14. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Padraig said...Its good that Pope Francis is doing this, but it is not actually what Mary asked for....

    So true Padraig.
  15. tgo

    tgo New Member

    Jun 8, 2013
    Curitiba, Brazil
    The same was already done!
    Sister Lucia explained many times: Our Lady of Fatima did NOT ask for the consecration of the world, but the Consecration of RUSSIA!
    A few testimonies of Sister Lucia in which she explicitly repeats that (in Portuguese):
    Mac likes this.
  16. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    If Pope Francis comes out and ASKS ALL THE BISHOPS OF THE WORLD TO JOIN HIM IN THIS PRAYER, then YES, he will NAME RUSSIA. He has done things off the cuff for a reason. Its to throw those who would seek to stop him off. Cardinal Bertone' resigned in June. THAT WAS A HUGE BLESSING! Now he is left with the other wolves who would twist this into some political suicide mission and make a HUGE deal about it in the headlines etc....NOPE---he will ask all the faithful to pray, THE ENTIRE CHURCH---and the Bishops and priests and have his say. HE WANTS to make this a BIG DEAL so people will pay attention, but not a HUGE POLITICAL DEAL---so RUSSIA will threaten, undermine etc. (that includes China killing priests and Cuba threatning to do stuff too.)

    PERSONALLY, I'd like to start taking bets. lol;) Our Lady says at locutions.org that HE KNOWS WHAT HE HAS TO DO AND HE KNOWS IT NEEDS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY.....
    Heidi, sunburst, Miriam and 1 other person like this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    If he does as he was asked..and I hope you are right ..we will see astonishing things..astonishing.:)

    its like the time God asked Father Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham wouldn't have taken since 1917 to do it.
    Heidi and picadillo like this.
  18. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    PERSONALLY, I'd like to start taking bets. lol;) Our Lady says at locutions.org that HE KNOWS WHAT HE HAS TO DO AND HE KNOWS IT NEEDS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY

    Praying for Our Holy Father, unleash our Mother with combat boots.
    sunburst likes this.
  19. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Questions to Pope John Paul Germany 1980
    1. Do you agree with the receiving of the Holy Eucharist in the hand?
    2. What happened to the third secret of Fatima?
    3. What is the future of the Catholic Church?

    His answers were:
    1. "No I do not agree. However my predecessors gave the hand receiving of the Holy Eucharist to some countries. I am not going to revoke the privilege."
    2. "I and the Popes before me did not reveal the third secret of Fatima because we did not want to make the people give up and say "then what is the use to continue living". Furthermore, we did not want to create a sensationalism in the news media. Regarding the third secret of Fatima every Christian should know the following: Continents will disappear beneath the oceans. Whole Nations will be destroyed from moment to moment." After some weeks of speculation in the newspapers that this could be the result of a nuclear war, Pope John Paul II said to the press to stop saying that the secret of Fatima predicts a nuclear war. "No, All that I have said in Germany is the result of natural causes."
    3. The future of the Catholic Church is the following:
      "The Church shall be greatly persecuted. Where the martyrs of the past are nothing compared with those of the future. This is the weapon (the Rosary) that the Christian must use against the terrible future. Not to stop what shall happen but, but, but perhaps to soften what is predicted to happen." From another source he was quoted as saying:
      "... the chastisements cannot be averted, it is too late... the die was cast. The chastisements can be mitigated by praying the Rosary."
      He also reiterated that he, as his predecessors, preferred to postpone the publication so as not to encourage the world power of communism to make certain moves.
      "When you read that oceans will inundate entire continents, and that millions of men will suddenly have life snatched from them in a second if you know this, there is no need to publish the secret." (quote sourced from The Times (London), Reuters

      I can't understand why the Popes have not trusted Our Lady to know that what She was asking would not result in the communists making 'certain moves'.
    picadillo likes this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    There have been so very, very many false alarms.
    But I admit I am starting to get a little excited about all this. Much to pray about.

    The terrible news from Egypt, hundreds dead makes me think this may all just be in the nick of time.

    The poor Christians in Egypt; we should pray for them.

    Miriam and picadillo like this.

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