June 18, 2014 - Joey Lomangino has passed away.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Glenn, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    June 18,2014 - Joey Lomangino
    53 years ago today, St. Michael the Arch Angel appeared in Garabandal. Today unfortunately, this is not as happy an occasion. It is with a broken heart, and the immense sadness that I regretfully announce the passing away of Joey Lomangino. I have confirmed this story with family, friends and Conchita.
    As I am still in shock, I will have nothing more to say at this time, other than referring to a prophecy and the bible. On December 6, 1962,Conchi...ta had a 90 minute ecstasy around 5:30 in the afternoon after which, she provided two more pieces of information regarding the Miracle: 1) One day, before the Miracle, something will happen that will cause many people to stop believing in the apparitions of Garabandal. The doubts and desertions will not be due to an excessive delay of the Miracle.
    I cannot answer if Joey had the same experience of seeing the Miracle as Padre Pio did, just prior to his death, or with his new heavenly eyes, only God knows.
    I thank God for the priviledge of knowing Joey,and working side by side with him.I still believe in the prophecies of the Warning, Miracle,and Chastisement. I ask you all to pray for Joey.
    "For My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your ways My ways. For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are My ways exalted above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts." (Is. 55: 8-9)
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  2. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    I think I know how the Apostles felt when Jesus died,after all their labors. Unfortunately I think I am going to have to wait more than 3 days for my "Easter Miracle", but just like then, when you think all is lost, God provides that miracle. :)
    sunburst, Adoremus, Torrentum and 5 others like this.
  3. Claves.Sancti.Petri

    Claves.Sancti.Petri Archangels

    Jul 19, 2012
    My condolences
    Glenn likes this.
  4. Patty78

    Patty78 Angels

    Oct 10, 2012
    My sincere condolences Glenn

    I still beleive in garabandal and now I feel we are getting closer to the garabandal prophecies.
    Jeanne and Glenn like this.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Eternal rest grant to Joey, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace. May he know the maternal embrace of Mary and experience the greatest miracle of all: the unhidden presence of God!

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
    Glenn likes this.
  6. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I am deeply saddened. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
    Niklas and Glenn like this.
  7. Genuflect

    Genuflect New Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Washington, USA
    Mio Dio abbia pietà della sua anima. Joseph ora salva tra le braccia di dolce Madonna .. Amen

    Stay strong my Friend
    Glenn likes this.
  8. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    Jun 5, 2012
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Many his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace
    Please pray for u Joey
    Glenn likes this.
  9. Deo Omnis Gloria

    Deo Omnis Gloria New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Glenn, I will be in Garabandal a week from Sunday. I will include Joey, his family, Conchita and you in my prayers.
    Glenn likes this.
  10. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Glenn, thank you for sharing this very sad news. May our very special "friend" and brother in Christ, Joe, Rest In Peace.

    I think that there is no accident here in the dates. Garabandal started with the apparition of the Angel, and this is the same day, June 18. We could see in this the beginning/preparation for what has to happen -in whatever way this might be. And it demands of us a jump in the quality of our faith and our trust.

    We will need a total surrender to God's ways, and a very deep faith in Him alone. Garabandal has served us for many years to bring us to this moment. Maybe we are now called to a faith that doesn't have the "support" of certain "evidence" -as for instance the Garabandal apparitions themselves -or many others.

    Garabandal was the light that changed the direction of my life some 30 years ago. I have no doubt as to the tremendous Grace it has been to the Church and to humanity -and to me personally. But we trust God whose wisdom is scandal and foolishness to our human eyes. We need to brace ourselves in prayerful support of one another.

    At this point and given the situation of the world, it is obvious what 50 years ago was hard to believe: if we don't convert our ways we will know what it really is like to live without God. Now we have it all around us.

    All is going to crumble, including the Church, but only within God's Saving Plan in which we are safe in the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
    At the end, Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, and we with Her if we remain faithful.

    We are just about to begin the Novena of the Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Let us entrust them all the Garabandal believers around the world who will feel disapointed and tempted to give up on their faith. Let us believe for them, with our Blessed Mother's help.
    sunburst and Glenn like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    May he rest in peace. Some folks you pray fro. Some folks you pray too. I reckon Joey is now one of the pray too's. :)

    It is so strange , but you know this morning I find myself believing in Garabandal more than ever! (A present from Joey?)

    Praise God.
  12. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    Jan 23, 2013
    My condolences to family and friends...may God have mercy on his soul and grant him eternal peace.
    Glenn likes this.
  13. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    Conchita, diary p204, 1966: He [Jesus] replied..."I want to tell you, Conchita, that before the miracle occurs, you will suffer much, for few people will believe you. Your own family will believe that you have deceived them. I am the one who wants all this, as I have already told you, for your sanctification and so that the world may comply with the message. I wish to advise you that the remainder of your life will be a continual suffering. Do not be frightened. In your suffering you will find me and also Mary whom you love very much... I will be with whoever suffers for me."

    The Lord Himself said to me ( Conchita ) : “Don’t worry about whether they believe you or not, especially in Rome. I will do everything. “

    Interview—conversation directed by Monsignor Francisco Garmendia, Auxiliary Bishop of New York on the date of this interview, in New York on August 27, 1981.

    On December 6, 1962,Conchita had a 90 minute ecstasy around 5:30 in the afternoon after which, she provided two more pieces of information regarding the Miracle: 1) One day, before the Miracle, something will happen that will cause many people to stop believing in the apparitions of Garabandal. The doubts and desertions will not be due to an excessive delay of the Miracle.

    The children themselves predicted that the message of Garabandal would be approved with difficulty, but in sufficient time to spread it.

    "For My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your ways My ways. For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are My ways exalted above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts." (Is. 55: 8-9)
  14. Aviso

    Aviso Guest

    My dear Brother Glenn, Please take it as a good News, we will all Pray for Joey Lomangino who is with God now and our Lady of Mount Carmel, please remember the date of his death, I will talk soon as I was aware from my good friends in the village about this possibility, I kept it with me for 4 years now, trying to protect the main Seer but I am sure that Joey saw the Great Miracle the day of this death as said by our Lady, it's a good news and don't worry, surely many will take it as another failed prophecy, few will be at the Pines as we know but you and me we will, you have my word as I told you in my last message, please be in Peace, there is also more difficulties before the D Day and I will give more details but I need some authorizations and advices from the village, take care my brother and don't worry at all.

    Rose187, Genuflect, RoryRory and 2 others like this.
  15. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Thank you my brother for your kind words. I have known Joey since I was 13 years old,this is more than just losing the man who started the greatest apostolate of Garabandal in the world, I have lost a great friend and mentor. I hopefully will see Conchita this weekend at the funeral ,and ask her opinion too. As Padre Pio says " Pray ,Hope ,& Don't worry ".
    Rose187 likes this.
  17. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I'm up late tonight and just saw the announcement on the forum. I feel like Padraig. I believe in Garabandal even more! My sympathies in the loss of your dear friend Glenn. I know you will miss his smile and his laugh! You are a better person for having known him! Lucky you! Thank you for sharing your life with us and your experiences with these saints. We aim to be there one day too!
  18. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Feb 18, 2013
    West of Ireland
    Sorry for your loss Glenn. Joey has inspired me and so many others as I'm sure he still will. Now there is more chance than ever he will be present and see the miracle with new eyes.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
    Glenn likes this.
  19. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Joey has his new eyes now no doubt as he was a faithful servant for the Lord. He sees with a clarity we all long for.

    Saddened, gutted, shocked. I have no doubt this will have a negative impact on Garabandal as we were all expecting Joey to get new eyes on the day of the Miracle.

    I will pray for his family. And for you too Glenn as you have lost a true friend.
    Glenn likes this.
  20. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    My condolences for all who knew him. With all my respect in these sad days I would like to express my concerns. That is exactly what I asked some days ago. Joey was supposed to recover his eyes the day of the miracle and see it. Now we can interpret it as we wish but Joey has sadly passed away without receiving his eyes. If we interpret his death as the moment when he recover is sight (which is the interpretation of the ones going on believing in Garabandal) then we have to explain when is the day of the miracle, because it definitively did not happened.
    It is the second big prophecy of Garabandal not fulfilled. I think for the Church and many people this should be enough reason no to consider Garabandal as a true apparition. What do you think?
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